### Install the package Install cdplib via pipenv: `pipenv install -e git+https://readonly:readonly@intra.acdp.at/gogs/tanja/cdplib.git#egg=cdplib ` ### Adding new Features/Folders/Packages How to set up a new Package: * Copy folder to respository into cdplib folder * Add the Package/Folder name to cdplib/__init__.py * Open it and add all python packages which schould be included * Package name is Preprocessing the line to add would be: from .Preprocessing import * * Add a cdplib/package_name/__init__.py file inside the new package folder * Open it and add all python skript which schould be included * Script name is FeatureSelection.py the line to add would be: from .FeatureSelection import * ### Import into Script `from cdplib.db_migration import DataFrameToCollection` ### Update lib locally or in Docker * If changes are made run `pipenv update` in the wokring directory