@@ -24,50 +24,54 @@ char* buildNumber = "999-" __DATE__ "-001" ;
dst.data = (UA_Byte*) src; \
} while(0)
-void sam_attach(Namespace *ns,UA_Int32 ns0id,UA_Int32 type, void* p) {
+void sam_attach(Namespace *ns,UA_UInt32 ns0id,UA_Int32 type, void* p) {
Namespace_Entry_Lock* lock;
UA_NodeId nodeid;
nodeid.namespace = ns->namespaceId;
nodeid.identifier.numeric = ns0id;
nodeid.encodingByte = UA_NODEIDTYPE_FOURBYTE;
const UA_Node* result;
- Namespace_get(ns,&nodeid,&result,&lock);
- printf("asked for node with nodeId={i=%d}, got node with nodeId={i=%d},",ns0id, result->nodeId.identifier.numeric);
- UA_String_printf("BrowseName=",&(result->browseName.name));
- if (result->nodeClass == UA_NODECLASS_VARIABLE) {
- UA_VariableNode* variable = (UA_VariableNode*) result;
- if (variable->dataType.identifier.numeric == UA_[type].ns0Id) {
- variable->value.arrayLength = 1;
- if (variable->value.data == UA_NULL) {
- UA_alloc((void**)&(variable->value.data), sizeof(void*));
- variable->value.data[0] = UA_NULL;
- }
- if (UA_NodeId_isBuiltinType(&variable->dataType)) {
- variable->value.data[0] = p;
- } else {
- if (variable->value.vt->ns0Id != UA_EXTENSIONOBJECT_NS0) {
- printf("nodeId for id=%d, type=%d\n should be an extension object", ns0id, type);
- } else {
- if (variable->value.data[0] == UA_NULL) {
- UA_alloc((void**)&(variable->value.data[0]), sizeof(UA_ExtensionObject));
+ UA_Int32 retval;
+ if ((retval = Namespace_get(ns,&nodeid,&result,&lock)) == UA_SUCCESS) {
+ if (result->nodeId.identifier.numeric == ns0id) {
+ if (result->nodeClass == UA_NODECLASS_VARIABLE) {
+ UA_VariableNode* variable = (UA_VariableNode*) result;
+ if (variable->dataType.identifier.numeric == UA_[type].ns0Id) {
+ variable->value.arrayLength = 1;
+ if (variable->value.data == UA_NULL) {
+ UA_alloc((void**)&(variable->value.data), sizeof(void*));
+ variable->value.data[0] = UA_NULL;
+ }
+ if (UA_NodeId_isBuiltinType(&variable->dataType)) {
+ variable->value.data[0] = p;
+ } else {
+ if (variable->value.vt->ns0Id != UA_EXTENSIONOBJECT_NS0) {
+ printf("nodeId for id=%d, type=%d\n should be an extension object", ns0id, type);
+ } else {
+ if (variable->value.data[0] == UA_NULL) {
+ UA_alloc((void**)&(variable->value.data[0]), sizeof(UA_ExtensionObject));
+ }
+ UA_ExtensionObject* eo = (UA_ExtensionObject*) variable->value.data[0];
+ eo->typeId = variable->dataType;
+ eo->body.length = UA_[UA_ns0ToVTableIndex(variable->dataType.identifier.numeric)].memSize;
+ eo->body.data = p;
+ }
- UA_ExtensionObject* eo = (UA_ExtensionObject*) variable->value.data[0];
- eo->typeId = variable->dataType;
- eo->body.length = UA_[UA_ns0ToVTableIndex(variable->dataType.identifier.numeric)].memSize;
- eo->body.data = p;
+ } else {
+ printf("wrong datatype for id=%d, expected=%d, retrieved=%d\n", ns0id, UA_[type].ns0Id, variable->dataType.identifier.numeric);
+ } else {
+ perror("Namespace_getWritable returned wrong node class");
} else {
- printf("wrong datatype for id=%d, expected=%d, retrieved=%d\n", ns0id, UA_[type].ns0Id, variable->dataType.identifier.numeric);
+ printf("retrieving node={i=%d} returned node={i=%d}\n", ns0id, result->nodeId.identifier.numeric);
+ Namespace_Entry_Lock_release(lock);
} else {
- perror("Namespace_getWritable returned wrong node class");
+ printf("retrieving node={i=%d} returned error code %d\n",ns0id,retval);
- Namespace_Entry_Lock_release(lock);
void sam_init(Namespace* ns) {
@@ -185,7 +189,7 @@ int main() {
XML_Stack s;
XML_Stack_init(&s, "ROOT");
UA_NodeSet n;
- UA_NodeSet_init(&n, 99);
+ UA_NodeSet_init(&n, 0);
XML_Stack_addChildHandler(&s, "UANodeSet", strlen("UANodeSet"), (XML_decoder) UA_NodeSet_decodeXML, UA_INVALIDTYPE, &n);
XML_Parser parser = XML_ParserCreate(NULL);
@@ -224,10 +228,10 @@ int main() {
retval |= UAX_NodeId_encodeBinary(n.ns,&nodeid,&pos,&buffer);
UA_DateTime tEnd = UA_DateTime_now();
- UA_Double tDelta = ( tEnd - tStart ) / ( 10.0 * i);
+ UA_Double tDelta = ( tEnd - tStart ) / ( 10.0 * i );
- printf("encode server node %d times: time/enc=%f us, retval=%d\n",i, tDelta, retval);
+ printf("encode server node %d times, retval=%d: time/enc=%f us, enc/s=%f\n",i, retval, tDelta, 1.0E6 / tDelta);
DBG(UA_ByteString_printx(", result=", &buffer));