Ver código fonte

cosmetic and documentation improvements

Julius Pfrommer 8 anos atrás
4 arquivos alterados com 53 adições e 48 exclusões
  1. 1 1
  2. 2 0
  3. 48 44
  4. 2 3

+ 1 - 1

@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ extern "C" {
  * Read Attributes
  * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- *
  * The following functions can be used to retrieve a single node attribute. Use
  * the regular service to read several attributes at once. */
 /* Don't call this function, use the typed versions */
 UA_StatusCode UA_EXPORT
 __UA_Client_readAttribute(UA_Client *client, const UA_NodeId *nodeId,

+ 2 - 0

@@ -131,6 +131,8 @@ typedef struct {
 UA_UInt16 UA_EXPORT UA_Server_addNamespace(UA_Server *server, const char* name);
+ * .. _server-lifecycle:
+ *
  * Server Lifecycle
  * ---------------- */
 UA_Server UA_EXPORT * UA_Server_new(const UA_ServerConfig config);

+ 48 - 44

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-*  License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this 
-*  file, You can obtain one at*/
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at*/
 #ifndef UA_TYPES_H_
 #define UA_TYPES_H_
@@ -24,34 +24,16 @@ extern "C" {
  * generated from standard XML definitions. Their exact definitions can be
  * looked up at
- * Note that arrays can only be part of a scalar data type and never constitute
- * a data type on their own. Also, open62541 does not implement unions so far.
- * They are a recent addition to the protocol (since OPC UA v1.03). And so far,
- * no service definition makes of unions in the request / response message
- * definition. Instead, :ref:`Variants <variant>` are used when values of
- * different types are possible.
+ * For users that are new to open62541, take a look at the :ref:`tutorial for
+ * working with data types<types-tutorial>` before diving into the
+ * implementation details.
- * All data types ``T`` (builtin and generated) share the same basic API for
- * creation, copying and deletion:
- *
- * - ``void T_init(T *ptr)``: Initialize the data type. This is synonymous with
- *   zeroing out the memory, i.e. ``memset(ptr, 0, sizeof(T))``.
- * - ``T* T_new()``: Allocate and return the memory for the data type. The
- *   value is already initialized.
- * - ``UA_StatusCode T_copy(const T *src, T *dst)``: Copy the content of the
- *   data type. Returns ``UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD`` or
- * - ``void T_deleteMembers(T *ptr)``: Delete the dynamically allocated content
- *   of the data type and perform a ``T_init`` to reset the type.
- * - ``void T_delete(T *ptr)``: Delete the content of the data type and the
- *   memory for the data type itself. */
+ * Builtin Types
+ * ------------- */
- * Builtin Types
- * -------------
- *
  * Boolean
  * ^^^^^^^
  * A two-state logical value (true or false). */
@@ -196,6 +178,8 @@ UA_STRING(char *chars) {
 #define UA_STRING_ALLOC(CHARS) UA_String_fromChars(CHARS)
+ * .. _datetime:
+ *
  * DateTime
  * ^^^^^^^^
  * An instance in time. A DateTime value is encoded as a 64-bit signed integer
@@ -256,8 +240,10 @@ UA_EXPORT extern const UA_Guid UA_GUID_NULL;
 typedef UA_String UA_ByteString;
 static UA_INLINE UA_Boolean
-UA_ByteString_equal(const UA_ByteString *string1, const UA_ByteString *string2) {
-    return UA_String_equal((const UA_String*)string1, (const UA_String*)string2);
+UA_ByteString_equal(const UA_ByteString *string1,
+                    const UA_ByteString *string2) {
+    return UA_String_equal((const UA_String*)string1,
+                           (const UA_String*)string2);
 /* Allocates memory of size length for the bytestring.
@@ -504,11 +490,11 @@ typedef struct UA_NumericRange UA_NumericRange;
 #define UA_EMPTY_ARRAY_SENTINEL ((void*)0x01)
 typedef enum {
-        UA_VARIANT_DATA,          /* The data has the same lifecycle as the
-                                     variant */
-        UA_VARIANT_DATA_NODELETE, /* The data is "borrowed" by the variant and
-                                     shall not be deleted at the end of the
-                                     variant's lifecycle. */
+    UA_VARIANT_DATA,          /* The data has the same lifecycle as the
+                                 variant */
+    UA_VARIANT_DATA_NODELETE, /* The data is "borrowed" by the variant and
+                                 shall not be deleted at the end of the
+                                 variant's lifecycle. */
 } UA_VariantStorageType;
 typedef struct {
@@ -650,13 +636,13 @@ UA_Variant_setRangeCopy(UA_Variant *v, const void *array,
  * are described. If the received data type is unkown, the encoded string and
  * target NodeId is stored instead of the decoded value. */
 typedef enum {
-        UA_EXTENSIONOBJECT_DECODED            = 3,
-        UA_EXTENSIONOBJECT_DECODED_NODELETE   = 4 /* Don't delete the content
-                                                     together with the
-                                                     ExtensionObject */
+    UA_EXTENSIONOBJECT_DECODED_NODELETE   = 4 /* Don't delete the content
+                                                 together with the
+                                                 ExtensionObject */
 } UA_ExtensionObjectEncoding;
 typedef struct {
@@ -721,10 +707,28 @@ typedef struct UA_DiagnosticInfo {
  * Generic Type Handling
  * ---------------------
- * The builtin types can be combined to data structures. All information about a
- * (structured) data type is stored in a ``UA_DataType``. The array ``UA_TYPES``
- * contains the description of all standard-defined types and is used for
- * handling of generic types. */
+ *
+ * All information about a (builtin/structured) data type is stored in a
+ * ``UA_DataType``. The array ``UA_TYPES`` contains the description of all
+ * standard-defined types. This type description is used for the following
+ * generic operations that work on all types:
+ *
+ * - ``void T_init(T *ptr)``: Initialize the data type. This is synonymous with
+ *   zeroing out the memory, i.e. ``memset(ptr, 0, sizeof(T))``.
+ * - ``T* T_new()``: Allocate and return the memory for the data type. The
+ *   value is already initialized.
+ * - ``UA_StatusCode T_copy(const T *src, T *dst)``: Copy the content of the
+ *   data type. Returns ``UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD`` or
+ * - ``void T_deleteMembers(T *ptr)``: Delete the dynamically allocated content
+ *   of the data type and perform a ``T_init`` to reset the type.
+ * - ``void T_delete(T *ptr)``: Delete the content of the data type and the
+ *   memory for the data type itself.
+ *
+ * Specializations, such as ``UA_Int32_new()`` are derived from the generic
+ * type operations as static inline functions.
+ */
 typedef struct {
     const char *memberName;
@@ -869,7 +873,7 @@ typedef struct {
     UA_UInt32 min;
     UA_UInt32 max;
 } UA_NumericRangeDimension;
 struct UA_NumericRange {
     size_t dimensionsSize;
     UA_NumericRangeDimension *dimensions;

+ 2 - 3

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-*  License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-*  file, You can obtain one at*/
+ *  License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ *  file, You can obtain one at*/
 #include "ua_client.h"
 #include "ua_client_internal.h"
@@ -688,7 +688,6 @@ static void
 processServiceResponse(struct ResponseDescription *rd, UA_SecureChannel *channel,
                        UA_MessageType messageType, UA_UInt32 requestId,
                        UA_ByteString *message) {
     UA_StatusCode retval = UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD;
     const UA_NodeId expectedNodeId =
         UA_NODEID_NUMERIC(0, rd->responseType->binaryEncodingId);