@@ -261,6 +261,23 @@ print('#define OPCUA_H_', end='\n', file=fh)
print('#include "opcua_basictypes.h"', end='\n', file=fh)
print('#include "opcua_namespace_0.h"', end='\n', file=fh);
+#plugin handling
+import os
+files = [f for f in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isfile(f) and f[-3:] == ".py" and f[:7] == "plugin_"]
+plugin_types = []
+packageForType = OrderedDict()
+for f in files:
+ package = f[:-3]
+ exec "import " + package
+ exec "pluginSetup = " + package + ".setup()"
+ if pluginSetup["pluginType"] == "structuredObject":
+ plugin_types.append(pluginSetup["tagName"])
+ packageForType[pluginSetup["tagName"]] = package
+ print("Custom object creation for tag " + pluginSetup["tagName"] + " imported from package " + package)
+#end plugin handling
for element in types:
name = element.get("Name")
if skipType(name):
@@ -285,7 +302,13 @@ for element in types:
# print "package ListOf" + name + " is new Types.Arrays.UA_Builtin_Arrays(" + name + ");\n"
for name, element in deferred_types.iteritems():
- createStructured(element)
+ if name in plugin_types:
+ #execute plugin if registered
+ exec "ret = " + packageForType[name]+".createElement(element, fc, fh)"
+ if ret == "default":
+ createStructured(element)
+ else:
+ createStructured(element)
# if name in arraytypes:
# print "package ListOf" + name + " is new Types.Arrays.UA_Builtin_Arrays(" + name + ");\n"