@@ -324,7 +324,16 @@ addServerSocket(ServerNetworkLayerTCP *layer, struct addrinfo *ai) {
- layer->serverSockets[layer->serverSocketsSize] = newsock;
+ if (layer->port == 0) {
+ /* Port was automatically chosen. Read it from the OS */
+ struct sockaddr_in returned_addr;
+ memset(&returned_addr, 0, sizeof(returned_addr));
+ socklen_t len = sizeof(returned_addr);
+ UA_getsockname(newsock, (struct sockaddr *)&returned_addr, &len);
+ layer->port = ntohs(returned_addr.sin_port);
+ }
+ layer->serverSockets[layer->serverSocketsSize] = newsock;
@@ -334,27 +343,6 @@ ServerNetworkLayerTCP_start(UA_ServerNetworkLayer *nl, const UA_String *customHo
ServerNetworkLayerTCP *layer = (ServerNetworkLayerTCP *)nl->handle;
- /* Get the discovery url from the hostname */
- UA_String du = UA_STRING_NULL;
- char discoveryUrlBuffer[256];
- char hostnameBuffer[256];
- if (customHostname->length) {
- du.length = (size_t)UA_snprintf(discoveryUrlBuffer, 255, "opc.tcp://%.*s:%d/",
- (int)customHostname->length,
- customHostname->data,
- layer->port);
- du.data = (UA_Byte*)discoveryUrlBuffer;
- }else{
- if(UA_gethostname(hostnameBuffer, 255) == 0) {
- du.length = (size_t)UA_snprintf(discoveryUrlBuffer, 255, "opc.tcp://%s:%d/",
- hostnameBuffer, layer->port);
- du.data = (UA_Byte*)discoveryUrlBuffer;
- } else {
- UA_LOG_ERROR(layer->logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_NETWORK, "Could not get the hostname");
- }
- }
- UA_String_copy(&du, &nl->discoveryUrl);
/* Get addrinfo of the server and create server sockets */
char portno[6];
UA_snprintf(portno, 6, "%d", layer->port);
@@ -376,6 +364,27 @@ ServerNetworkLayerTCP_start(UA_ServerNetworkLayer *nl, const UA_String *customHo
addServerSocket(layer, ai);
+ /* Get the discovery url from the hostname */
+ UA_String du = UA_STRING_NULL;
+ char discoveryUrlBuffer[256];
+ char hostnameBuffer[256];
+ if (customHostname->length) {
+ du.length = (size_t)UA_snprintf(discoveryUrlBuffer, 255, "opc.tcp://%.*s:%d/",
+ (int)customHostname->length,
+ customHostname->data,
+ layer->port);
+ du.data = (UA_Byte*)discoveryUrlBuffer;
+ }else{
+ if(UA_gethostname(hostnameBuffer, 255) == 0) {
+ du.length = (size_t)UA_snprintf(discoveryUrlBuffer, 255, "opc.tcp://%s:%d/",
+ hostnameBuffer, layer->port);
+ du.data = (UA_Byte*)discoveryUrlBuffer;
+ } else {
+ UA_LOG_ERROR(layer->logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_NETWORK, "Could not get the hostname");
+ }
+ }
+ UA_String_copy(&du, &nl->discoveryUrl);
"TCP network layer listening on %.*s",
(int)nl->discoveryUrl.length, nl->discoveryUrl.data);