@@ -32,103 +32,102 @@ void UA_Connection_deleteMembers(UA_Connection *connection) {
UA_Connection_completeMessages(UA_Connection *connection, UA_ByteString * UA_RESTRICT message,
UA_Boolean * UA_RESTRICT realloced) {
- UA_ByteString *current = message;
- *realloced = false;
+ UA_StatusCode retval = UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD;
+ /* We have a stored an incomplete chunk. Concat the received message to the end.
+ * After this block, connection->incompleteMessage is always empty. */
if(connection->incompleteMessage.length > 0) {
- /* concat the existing incomplete message with the new message */
- UA_Byte *data = UA_realloc(connection->incompleteMessage.data,
- connection->incompleteMessage.length + message->length);
+ size_t length = connection->incompleteMessage.length + message->length;
+ UA_Byte *data = UA_realloc(connection->incompleteMessage.data, length);
if(!data) {
- /* not enough memory */
- UA_ByteString_deleteMembers(&connection->incompleteMessage);
- connection->releaseRecvBuffer(connection, message);
+ goto cleanup;
- memcpy(&data[connection->incompleteMessage.length], message->data, message->length);
- connection->incompleteMessage.data = data;
- connection->incompleteMessage.length += message->length;
+ memcpy(&data[connection->incompleteMessage.length], message->data, length);
connection->releaseRecvBuffer(connection, message);
- current = &connection->incompleteMessage;
+ message->data = data;
+ message->length += length;
*realloced = true;
+ connection->incompleteMessage = UA_BYTESTRING_NULL;
- /* the while loop sets offset to the first element after the last complete message. if a message
- contains garbage, the buffer length is set to contain only the "good" messages before. */
- size_t offset = 0;
- size_t delete_at = current->length-1; // garbled message after this point
- while(current->length - offset >= 16) {
- UA_UInt32 msgtype = (UA_UInt32)current->data[offset] +
- ((UA_UInt32)current->data[offset+1] << 8) +
- ((UA_UInt32)current->data[offset+2] << 16);
+ /* Loop over the chunks in the received buffer */
+ size_t complete_until = 0; /* the received complete chunks end at this point */
+ UA_Boolean garbage_end = false; /* garbage after the last complete message */
+ while(message->length - complete_until >= 8) {
+ /* Check the message type */
+ UA_UInt32 msgtype = (UA_UInt32)message->data[complete_until] +
+ ((UA_UInt32)message->data[complete_until+1] << 8) +
+ ((UA_UInt32)message->data[complete_until+2] << 16);
if(msgtype != ('M' + ('S' << 8) + ('G' << 16)) &&
msgtype != ('O' + ('P' << 8) + ('N' << 16)) &&
msgtype != ('H' + ('E' << 8) + ('L' << 16)) &&
msgtype != ('A' + ('C' << 8) + ('K' << 16)) &&
msgtype != ('C' + ('L' << 8) + ('O' << 16))) {
- /* the message type is not recognized */
- delete_at = offset; // throw the remaining message away
+ garbage_end = true; /* the message type is not recognized */
- UA_UInt32 length = 0;
- size_t length_pos = offset + 4;
- UA_StatusCode retval = UA_UInt32_decodeBinary(current, &length_pos, &length);
- if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD || length < 16 || length > connection->localConf.recvBufferSize) {
- /* the message size is not allowed. throw the remaining bytestring away */
- delete_at = offset;
+ /* Decode the length of the chunk */
+ UA_UInt32 chunk_length = 0;
+ size_t length_pos = complete_until + 4;
+ UA_StatusCode decode_retval = UA_UInt32_decodeBinary(message, &length_pos, &chunk_length);
+ /* The message size is not allowed. Throw the remaining bytestring away */
+ if(decode_retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD || chunk_length < 16 || chunk_length > connection->localConf.recvBufferSize) {
+ garbage_end = true;
- if(length + offset > current->length)
- break; /* the message is incomplete. keep the beginning */
- offset += length;
- }
- /* throw the message away */
- if(delete_at == 0) {
- if(!*realloced) {
- connection->releaseRecvBuffer(connection, message);
- *realloced = true;
- } else
- UA_ByteString_deleteMembers(current);
+ /* The chunk is okay but incomplete. Store the end. */
+ if(chunk_length + complete_until > message->length)
+ break;
+ complete_until += chunk_length; /* Go to the next chunk */
- /* no complete message at all */
- if(offset == 0) {
- if(!*realloced) {
- /* store the buffer in the connection */
- UA_ByteString_copy(current, &connection->incompleteMessage);
- connection->releaseRecvBuffer(connection, message);
- *realloced = true;
+ /* Separate incomplete chunks */
+ if(complete_until != message->length) {
+ /* Garbage after the last good chunk. No need to keep a buffer */
+ if(garbage_end) {
+ if(complete_until == 0)
+ goto cleanup; /* All garbage, only happens on messages from the network layer */
+ message->length = complete_until;
- }
- /* there remains an incomplete message at the end */
- if(current->length != offset) {
- UA_Byte *data = UA_malloc(current->length - offset);
- if(!data) {
- UA_ByteString_deleteMembers(&connection->incompleteMessage);
+ /* No good chunk, only an incomplete one */
+ if(complete_until == 0) {
if(!*realloced) {
+ retval = UA_ByteString_allocBuffer(&connection->incompleteMessage, message->length);
+ if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD)
+ goto cleanup;
+ memcpy(connection->incompleteMessage.data, message->data, message->length);
connection->releaseRecvBuffer(connection, message);
*realloced = true;
+ } else {
+ connection->incompleteMessage = *message;
+ *message = UA_BYTESTRING_NULL;
- size_t newlength = current->length - offset;
- memcpy(data, ¤t->data[offset], newlength);
- current->length = offset;
- if(*realloced)
- *message = *current;
- connection->incompleteMessage.data = data;
- connection->incompleteMessage.length = newlength;
- }
- if(current == &connection->incompleteMessage) {
- *message = *current;
- connection->incompleteMessage = UA_BYTESTRING_NULL;
+ /* At least one good chunk and an incomplete one */
+ size_t incomplete_length = message->length - complete_until;
+ retval = UA_ByteString_allocBuffer(&connection->incompleteMessage, incomplete_length);
+ if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD)
+ goto cleanup;
+ memcpy(&connection->incompleteMessage.data, &message->data[complete_until], incomplete_length);
+ message->length = complete_until;
+ cleanup:
+ if(!*realloced)
+ connection->releaseRecvBuffer(connection, message);
+ UA_ByteString_deleteMembers(&connection->incompleteMessage);
+ return retval;
#if (__GNUC__ >= 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6)