@@ -6,50 +6,133 @@
#include "opcua_secureChannelLayer.h"
#include <stdio.h>
+#include "opcua_time.h"
- * opens a secureChannel (server side)
- */
-Int32 SL_secureChannel_open(const UA_connection *connection,
- const AD_RawMessage *secureChannelPacket,
- const SL_SecureConversationMessageHeader *SCMHeader,
- const SL_AsymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader *AASHeader,
- const SL_SequenceHeader *SequenceHeader) {
- UA_AD_ResponseHeader responseHeader;
- AD_RawMessage rawMessage;
- Int32 position = 0;
- //SL_secureChannel_ResponseHeader_get(connection,&responseHeader);
- Int32 size = responseHeader_calcSize(&responseHeader);
- rawMessage.message = (char*) opcua_malloc(size);
+Int32 SL_send(UA_connection *connection, UA_ByteString responseMessage, Int32 type)
+ UInt32 sequenceNumber;
+ UInt32 requestId;
+ //TODO: fill with valid information
+ char securityPolicy[] = "http://opcfoundation.org/UA/SecurityPolicy#None";
- encodeResponseHeader(&responseHeader, &position, &rawMessage);
+ //sequence header
+ sequenceNumber = connection->secureLayer.sequenceNumber;
+ requestId = connection->secureLayer.requestId;
- rawMessage.length = position;
+ if(type == 449) //openSecureChannelResponse -> asymmetric algorithm
+ {
+ //TODO add Asymmetric Security Header
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //TODO add Symmetric Security
+ }
return UA_NO_ERROR;
+ * opens a secure channel
+ */
+Int32 SL_openSecureChannel(UA_connection *connection, IntegerId requestHandle, UA_StatusCode serviceResult, UA_AD_DiagnosticInfo *serviceDiagnostics)
-Int32 SL_openSecureChannel_responseMessage_get(UA_connection *connection,
- SL_Response *response, Int32* sizeInOut) {
- response->ServerNonce.Length = 0; // TODO set a valid value for the Server Nonce
- response->ServerProtocolVersion = 0; //
- response->SecurityToken.createdAt = opcua_getTime(); //
- response->SecurityToken.revisedLifetime = 300000; //TODO set Lifetime of Security Token
- response->SecurityToken.secureChannelId =
- connection->secureLayer.UInt32_secureChannelId; //TODO set a valid value for secureChannel id
- return UA_NO_ERROR;
-Int32 SL_openSecureChannel_responseMessage_calcSize(SL_Response *response,
- Int32* sizeInOut) {
- Int32 length = 0;
- length += sizeof(response->SecurityToken);
- length += UAString_calcSize(response->ServerNonce);
- length += sizeof(response->ServerProtocolVersion);
- return length;
+ UA_AD_ResponseHeader responseHeader;
+ SL_ChannelSecurityToken securityToken;
+ UA_ByteString serverNonce;
+ UA_NodeId responseType;
+ //sizes for memory allocation
+ Int32 sizeResponse;
+ Int32 sizeRespHeader;
+ Int32 sizeRespMessage;
+ Int32 sizeSecurityToken;
+ UA_ByteString response;
+ UInt32 serverProtocolVersion;
+ Int32 *pos;
+ /*--------------type ----------------------*/
+ //Four Bytes Encoding
+ responseType.EncodingByte = NIEVT_FOUR_BYTE;
+ //openSecureChannelResponse = 449
+ responseType.Identifier.Numeric = 449;
+ /*--------------responseHeader-------------*/
+ /* Res-1) ResponseHeader responseHeader
+ * timestamp UtcTime
+ * requestHandle IntegerId
+ * serviceResult StatusCode
+ * serviceDiagnostics DiagnosticInfo
+ * stringTable[] String
+ * addtionalHeader Extensible Parameter
+ */
+ //current time
+ responseHeader.timestamp = opcua_getTime();
+ //request Handle which client sent
+ responseHeader.requestHandle = requestHandle;
+ // StatusCode which informs client about quality of response
+ responseHeader.serviceResult = serviceResult;
+ //retrive diagnosticInfo if client demands
+ responseHeader.serviceDiagnostics = serviceDiagnostics;
+ //text of fields defined in the serviceDiagnostics
+ responseHeader.noOfStringTable = 0;
+ responseHeader.stringTable = NULL;
+ // no additional header
+ responseHeader.additionalHeader->Encoding = 0;
+ responseHeader.additionalHeader->TypeId.EncodingByte = 0;
+ responseHeader.additionalHeader->TypeId.Identifier.Numeric = 0;
+ //calculate the size
+ sizeRespHeader = responseHeader_calcSize(&responseHeader);
+ /*--------------responseMessage-------------*/
+ /* Res-2) UInt32 ServerProtocolVersion
+ * Res-3) SecurityToken channelSecurityToken
+ * Res-5) ByteString ServerNonce
+ */
+ // secureChannelId + TokenId + CreatedAt + RevisedLifetime
+ sizeSecurityToken = sizeof(UInt32) + sizeof(UInt32) + sizeof(UA_DateTime) + sizeof(Int32);
+ //ignore server nonce
+ serverNonce.Length = 0;
+ serverNonce.Data = NULL;
+ //fill toke structure with default server information
+ securityToken.secureChannelId = connection->secureLayer.securityToken.secureChannelId;
+ securityToken.tokenId = connection->secureLayer.securityToken.tokenId;
+ securityToken.createdAt = opcua_getTime();
+ securityToken.revisedLifetime = connection->secureLayer.securityToken.revisedLifetime;
+ serverProtocolVersion = connection->transportLayer.localConf.protocolVersion;
+ // ProtocolVersion + SecurityToken + Nonce
+ sizeRespMessage = sizeof(UInt32) + sizeSecurityToken + serverNonce.Length + sizeof(Int32) + sizeSecurityToken;
+ //get memory for response
+ response.Data = (char*)opcua_malloc(nodeId_calcSize(responseType) + sizeRespHeader + sizeRespMessage);
+ *pos = 0;
+ //encode responseType (NodeId)
+ encoder_encodeBuiltInDatatype(responseType,NODE_ID,pos,response.Data);
+ //encode header
+ encodeResponseHeader(&responseHeader,pos, &response);
+ //encode message
+ encoder_encodeBuiltInDatatype(serverProtocolVersion, UINT32, pos,response.Data);
+ encoder_encodeBuiltInDatatype(securityToken.secureChannelId, UINT32, pos,response.Data);
+ encoder_encodeBuiltInDatatype(securityToken.tokenId, INT32, pos,response.Data);
+ encoder_encodeBuiltInDatatype(securityToken.createdAt, DATE_TIME, pos,response.Data);
+ encoder_encodeBuiltInDatatype(securityToken.revisedLifetime, INT32, pos,response.Data);
+ encoder_encodeBuiltInDatatype(serverNonce, BYTE_STRING, pos,response.Data);
+ //449 = openSecureChannelResponse
+ SL_send(connection,response,449);
+ return UA_NO_ERROR;
* closes a secureChannel (server side)
@@ -268,7 +351,8 @@ void SL_receive(UA_connection *connection, UA_ByteString *serviceMessage) {
printf("SL_receive - SequenceHeader.SequenceNr=%d\n",
+ //save request id to return it to client
+ connection->secureLayer.requestId = SequenceHeader.RequestId;
//TODO check that the sequence number is smaller than MaxUInt32 - 1024
connection->secureLayer.sequenceNumber =
@@ -285,7 +369,7 @@ void SL_receive(UA_connection *connection, UA_ByteString *serviceMessage) {
== connectionState_ESTABLISHED) {
if (SCM_Header.SecureChannelId
- == connection->secureLayer.UInt32_secureChannelId) {
+ == connection->secureLayer.securityToken.secureChannelId) {
} else {
//TODO generate ERROR_Bad_SecureChannelUnkown
@@ -416,12 +500,7 @@ Int32 decodeSequenceHeader(UA_ByteString *rawMessage, Int32 *pos,
decodeUInt32(rawMessage->Data, pos, &(SequenceHeader->SequenceNumber));
return UA_NO_ERROR;
-Int32 encodeSequenceHeader(SL_SequenceHeader *sequenceHeader, Int32 *pos,
- AD_RawMessage *dstRawMessage) {
- encodeUInt32(sequenceHeader->SequenceNumber, pos,
- &dstRawMessage->message[*pos]);
- return UA_NO_ERROR;
* get the asymmetric algorithm security header