@@ -569,7 +569,15 @@ UA_CreateSubscriptionResponse UA_Client_createSubscription(UA_Client *client, UA
return response;
+UA_DeleteSubscriptionsResponse UA_Client_deleteSubscriptions(UA_Client *client, UA_DeleteSubscriptionsRequest *request) {
+ UA_DeleteSubscriptionsResponse response;
+ synchronousRequest(client, request, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_DELETESUBSCRIPTIONSREQUEST],
+ return response;
UA_Int32 UA_Client_newSubscription(UA_Client *client) {
+ UA_Int32 retval;
UA_CreateSubscriptionRequest aReq;
UA_CreateSubscriptionResponse aRes;
@@ -582,17 +590,73 @@ UA_Int32 UA_Client_newSubscription(UA_Client *client) {
aReq.requestedMaxKeepAliveCount = 10;
aReq.requestedPublishingInterval = 100;
- UA_Client_createSubscription(client, &aReq);
+ aRes = UA_Client_createSubscription(client, &aReq);
+ if (!aRes.responseHeader.serviceResult) {
+ UA_Client_Subscription *newSub = UA_malloc(sizeof(UA_Client_Subscription));
+ LIST_INIT(&newSub->MonitoredItems);
+ newSub->LifeTime = aRes.revisedLifetimeCount;
+ newSub->KeepAliveCount = aRes.revisedMaxKeepAliveCount;
+ newSub->PublishingInterval = aRes.revisedPublishingInterval;
+ newSub->SubscriptionID = aRes.subscriptionId;
+ newSub->NotificationsPerPublish = aReq.maxNotificationsPerPublish;
+ newSub->Priority = aReq.priority;
+ retval = newSub->SubscriptionID;
+ LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&(client->subscriptions), newSub, listEntry);
+ }
+ else {
+ retval = 0;
+ }
- printf("Subscription ID: %u\n", aRes.subscriptionId);
- return 0;
+ return retval;
void UA_Client_modifySubscription(UA_Client *client) {}
void UA_Client_addMonitoredItem(UA_Client *client) {}
void UA_Client_publish(UA_Client *client) {}
void UA_Client_removeMonitoredItem(UA_Client *client) {}
-void UA_Client_deleteSubscription(UA_Client *client) {}
+UA_StatusCode UA_Client_removeSubscription(UA_Client *client, UA_Int32 subscriptionId) {
+ UA_Client_Subscription *sub;
+ UA_StatusCode retval;
+ LIST_FOREACH(sub, &(client->subscriptions), listEntry) {
+ if (sub->SubscriptionID == subscriptionId)
+ break;
+ }
+ // Problem? We do not have this subscription registeres. Maybe the server should
+ // be consulted at this point?
+ if (sub == NULL)
+ UA_DeleteSubscriptionsRequest request;
+ UA_DeleteSubscriptionsResponse response;
+ UA_DeleteSubscriptionsRequest_init(&request);
+ UA_DeleteSubscriptionsResponse_init(&response);
+ request.subscriptionIdsSize=1;
+ request.subscriptionIds = (UA_UInt32 *) UA_malloc(sizeof(UA_UInt32));
+ *(request.subscriptionIds) = sub->SubscriptionID;
+ response = UA_Client_deleteSubscriptions(client, &request);
+ if (response.resultsSize > 0)
+ retval = response.results[0];
+ else
+ retval = response.responseHeader.serviceResult;
+ if (!retval) {
+ LIST_REMOVE(sub, listEntry);
+ // FIXME: On the serverside, monitoredItems are deleted along with the
+ // subscription... on the clientside not yet.
+ UA_free(sub);
+ }
+ UA_DeleteSubscriptionsRequest_deleteMembers(&request);
+ UA_DeleteSubscriptionsResponse_deleteMembers(&response);
+ return retval;