@@ -217,45 +217,50 @@ UA_Client_processPublishResponse(UA_Client *client, UA_PublishResponse *response
sub->SubscriptionID, response->notificationMessage.notificationDataSize);
/* Check if the server has acknowledged any of our ACKS */
- // TODO: The acks should be attached to the subscription
- UA_Client_NotificationsAckNumber *ack, *tmpAck;
- size_t i = 0;
- LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(ack, &client->pendingNotificationsAcks, listEntry, tmpAck) {
- if(response->results[i] == UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD ||
- LIST_REMOVE(ack, listEntry);
- UA_free(ack);
+ UA_Client_NotificationsAckNumber *ack=NULL, *tmpAck=NULL;
+ if(response->resultsSize>0){
+ // TODO: The acks should be attached to the subscription
+ size_t i = 0;
+ LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(ack, &client->pendingNotificationsAcks, listEntry, tmpAck) {
+ if(response->results[i] == UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD ||
+ LIST_REMOVE(ack, listEntry);
+ UA_free(ack);
+ }
+ i++;
- i++;
/* Process the notification messages */
UA_NotificationMessage *msg = &response->notificationMessage;
- for(size_t k = 0; k < msg->notificationDataSize; k++) {
- if(msg->notificationData[k].encoding != UA_EXTENSIONOBJECT_DECODED)
- continue;
- /* Currently only dataChangeNotifications are supported */
- if(msg->notificationData[k].content.decoded.type != &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_DATACHANGENOTIFICATION])
- continue;
- UA_DataChangeNotification *dataChangeNotification = msg->notificationData[k].content.decoded.data;
- for(size_t j = 0; j < dataChangeNotification->monitoredItemsSize; j++) {
- UA_MonitoredItemNotification *mitemNot = &dataChangeNotification->monitoredItems[j];
- UA_Client_MonitoredItem *mon;
- LIST_FOREACH(mon, &sub->MonitoredItems, listEntry) {
- if(mon->ClientHandle == mitemNot->clientHandle) {
- mon->handler(mon->MonitoredItemId, &mitemNot->value, mon->handlerContext);
- break;
+ if(response->notificationMessage.notificationDataSize>0){
+ for(size_t k = 0; k < msg->notificationDataSize; k++) {
+ if(msg->notificationData[k].encoding != UA_EXTENSIONOBJECT_DECODED)
+ continue;
+ /* Currently only dataChangeNotifications are supported */
+ if(msg->notificationData[k].content.decoded.type != &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_DATACHANGENOTIFICATION])
+ continue;
+ UA_DataChangeNotification *dataChangeNotification = msg->notificationData[k].content.decoded.data;
+ for(size_t j = 0; j < dataChangeNotification->monitoredItemsSize; j++) {
+ UA_MonitoredItemNotification *mitemNot = &dataChangeNotification->monitoredItems[j];
+ UA_Client_MonitoredItem *mon;
+ LIST_FOREACH(mon, &sub->MonitoredItems, listEntry) {
+ if(mon->ClientHandle == mitemNot->clientHandle) {
+ mon->handler(mon->MonitoredItemId, &mitemNot->value, mon->handlerContext);
+ break;
+ }
+ if(!mon)
+ UA_LOG_DEBUG(client->config.logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_CLIENT,
+ "Could not process a notification with clienthandle %u on subscription %u",
+ mitemNot->clientHandle, sub->SubscriptionID);
- if(!mon)
- UA_LOG_DEBUG(client->config.logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_CLIENT,
- "Could not process a notification with clienthandle %u on subscription %u",
- mitemNot->clientHandle, sub->SubscriptionID);
/* Add to the list of pending acks */
tmpAck = UA_malloc(sizeof(UA_Client_NotificationsAckNumber));
tmpAck->subAck.sequenceNumber = msg->sequenceNumber;