@@ -72,8 +72,13 @@ socket_write(UA_Connection *connection, UA_ByteString *buf) {
do {
ssize_t n = 0;
do {
+ /*
+ * If the OS throws EMSGSIZE, force a smaller packet size:
+ * size_t bytes_to_send = buf->length - nWritten > 1024 ? 1024 : buf->length - nWritten;
+ */
+ size_t bytes_to_send = buf->length - nWritten;
#ifdef _WIN32
- n = send((SOCKET)connection->sockfd, (const char*)buf->data, buf->length, 0);
+ n = send((SOCKET)connection->sockfd, (const char*)buf->data + nWritten, bytes_to_send, 0);
const int last_error = WSAGetLastError();
if(n < 0 && last_error != WSAEINTR && last_error != WSAEWOULDBLOCK) {
@@ -82,7 +87,7 @@ socket_write(UA_Connection *connection, UA_ByteString *buf) {
- n = send(connection->sockfd, (const char*)buf->data, buf->length, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
+ n = send(connection->sockfd, (const char*)buf->data + nWritten, bytes_to_send, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
if(n == -1L && errno != EINTR && errno != EAGAIN) {
@@ -111,9 +116,9 @@ socket_recv(UA_Connection *connection, UA_ByteString *response, UA_UInt32 timeou
UA_UInt32 timeout_usec = timeout * 1000;
#ifdef __APPLE__
struct timeval tmptv = {(long int)(timeout_usec / 1000000), timeout_usec % 1000000};
- #else
+ #else
struct timeval tmptv = {(long int)(timeout_usec / 1000000), (long int)(timeout_usec % 1000000)};
- #endif
+ #endif
int ret = setsockopt(connection->sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (const char *)&tmptv, sizeof(struct timeval));
DWORD timeout_dw = timeout;
@@ -135,9 +140,9 @@ socket_recv(UA_Connection *connection, UA_ByteString *response, UA_UInt32 timeou
UA_UInt32 timeout_usec = timeout * 1000;
#ifdef __APPLE__
struct timeval tmptv = {(long int)(timeout_usec / 1000000), timeout_usec % 1000000};
- #else
+ #else
struct timeval tmptv = {(long int)(timeout_usec / 1000000), (long int)(timeout_usec % 1000000)};
- #endif
+ #endif
UA_Int32 retval;
@@ -289,7 +294,7 @@ ServerNetworkLayerTCP_closeConnection(UA_Connection *connection) {
connection->state = UA_CONNECTION_CLOSED;
-#if UA_LOGLEVEL <= 300
+#if UA_LOGLEVEL <= 300
//cppcheck-suppress unreadVariable
ServerNetworkLayerTCP *layer = connection->handle;
UA_LOG_INFO(layer->logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_NETWORK, "Connection %i | Force closing the connection",