@@ -119,20 +119,10 @@ UA_StatusCode UA_NodeStore_insert(UA_NodeStore *ns, UA_Node *node) {
node->nodeId.identifierType = UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC;
if(node->nodeId.namespaceIndex == 0) // original request for ns=0 should yield ns=1
node->nodeId.namespaceIndex = 1;
- /* set namespaceIndex in browseName in case id is generated,
- --> unless these are method arguments, in which case never ever set anything other than 0!
- */
- if(node->nodeClass == UA_NODECLASS_VARIABLE) {
- UA_String inArgName = UA_STRING("InputArguments");
- UA_String outArgName = UA_STRING("OutputArguments");
- if (UA_String_equal(&inArgName, &node->browseName.name) != UA_TRUE &&
- UA_String_equal(&outArgName, &node->browseName.name) != UA_TRUE)
- ((UA_VariableNode*)node)->browseName.namespaceIndex = node->nodeId.namespaceIndex;
- }
unsigned long identifier;
long before, after;
- cds_lfht_count_nodes(ht, &before, &identifier, &after); // current amount of nodes stored
+ cds_lfht_count_nodes(ht, &before, &identifier, &after); // current number of nodes stored
node->nodeId.identifier.numeric = (UA_UInt32)identifier;