@@ -6,31 +6,45 @@
#include "ua_xml.h"
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
+#include <ctype.h> // tolower
-/** @brief some macros to lowercase the first character without copying around */
-#define F_cls "%c%.*s"
-#define LC_cls(str) tolower((str).data[0]), (str).length-1, &((str).data[1])
+/** @brief we need a variable global to the module to make it possible for the visitors to access the namespace */
+static Namespace* theNamespace;
-/** @brief check if node is root node by scanning it's references for hasProperty
- */
-_Bool UA_Node_isRootNode(const UA_Node* node) {
+/** @brief check if VariableNode is root by searching for parent and checking if this is not a VariableNode */
+_Bool UA_VariableNode_isRoot(const UA_VariableNode* node) {
UA_Int32 i;
for (i = 0; i < node->referencesSize; i++ ) {
UA_Int32 refId = UA_NodeId_getIdentifier(&(node->references[i]->referenceTypeId));
UA_Int32 isInverse = node->references[i]->isInverse;
- if (isInverse && (refId == 47 || refId == 46)) // HasComponent, HasProperty
- return UA_FALSE;
+ if (isInverse && (refId == 47 || refId == 46)) {
+ Namespace_Entry_Lock* lock;
+ const UA_Node* parent;
+ UA_Int32 retval;
+ retval = Namespace_get(theNamespace, &(node->references[i]->targetId.nodeId),&parent,&lock);
+ if (retval != UA_SUCCESS || parent == UA_NULL || parent->nodeClass == UA_NODECLASS_VARIABLE) {
+ if (node->nodeId.identifier.numeric == 2007) {
+ printf("strange 2007 not included retval=%d,parentId=%d,parent=%p\n, ",retval,node->references[i]->targetId.nodeId.identifier.numeric,(void*)parent);
+ }
+ Namespace_Entry_Lock_release(lock);
+ return UA_FALSE;
+ }
+ Namespace_Entry_Lock_release(lock);
+ }
return UA_TRUE;
+/** @brief some macros to lowercase the first character without copying around */
+#define F_cls "%c%.*s"
+#define LC_cls(str) tolower((str).data[0]), (str).length-1, &((str).data[1])
/** @brief declares all the top level objects in the server's application memory
* FIXME: shall add only top level objects, i.e. those that have no parents
void sam_declareAttribute(UA_Node const * node) {
- if ((node->nodeClass == UA_NODECLASS_VARIABLE || node->nodeClass == UA_NODECLASS_OBJECT) && UA_Node_isRootNode(node)) {
+ if (node->nodeClass == UA_NODECLASS_VARIABLE && UA_VariableNode_isRoot((UA_VariableNode*)node)) {
UA_VariableNode* vn = (UA_VariableNode*) node;
printf("\t%s " F_cls "; // i=%d\n", UA_[UA_ns0ToVTableIndex(vn->dataType.identifier.numeric)].name, LC_cls(node->browseName.name), node->nodeId.identifier.numeric);
@@ -85,26 +99,6 @@ void sam_attachToNamespace(UA_Node const * node) {
-typedef struct pattern {
- char* s;
- Namespace_nodeVisitor v;
-} pattern;
-pattern p[] = {
-{ "/** server application memory - generated but manually adapted */\n",UA_NULL },
-{ "#define SAM_ASSIGN_CSTRING(src,dst) do { dst.length = strlen(src)-1; dst.data = (UA_Byte*) src; } while(0)\n",UA_NULL },
-{ "struct sam {\n", UA_NULL },
-{ UA_NULL, sam_declareAttribute },
-{ "} sam;\n", UA_NULL },
-{ UA_NULL, sam_declareBuffer },
-{ "void sam_init(Namespace* ns) {", UA_NULL },
-{ UA_NULL, sam_assignBuffer },
-{ UA_NULL, sam_attachToNamespace },
-{ "}\n", UA_NULL },
UA_Int32 Namespace_getNumberOfComponents(Namespace const * ns, UA_NodeId const * id, UA_Int32* number) {
UA_Int32 retval = UA_SUCCESS;
UA_Node const * node;
@@ -177,42 +171,45 @@ UA_Int32 UAX_NodeId_encodeBinary(Namespace const * ns, UA_NodeId const * id, UA_
return retval;
+/** @ brief poor man's text template processor
+ * for p in patterns: print p.s, iterate over namespace with p.v */
+typedef struct pattern {
+ char* s;
+ Namespace_nodeVisitor v;
+} pattern;
+pattern p[] = {
+{ "/** server application memory - generated but manually adapted */\n",UA_NULL },
+{ "#define SAM_ASSIGN_CSTRING(src,dst) do { dst.length = strlen(src)-1; dst.data = (UA_Byte*) src; } while(0)\n",UA_NULL },
+{ "struct sam {\n", sam_declareAttribute },
+{ "} sam;\n", UA_NULL },
+{ UA_NULL, sam_declareBuffer },
+{ "void sam_init(Namespace* ns) {\n", sam_assignBuffer },
+{ UA_NULL, sam_attachToNamespace },
+{ "}\n", UA_NULL },
+{UA_NULL, UA_NULL} // terminal node : both elements UA_NULL
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
if (argc != 2) {
printf("usage: %s filename\n",argv[0]);
} else {
- int f = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY);
- if (f==-1) {
- perror("file not found");
- exit(-1);
- }
- char buf[1024];
- int len; /* len is the number of bytes in the current bufferful of data */
- XML_Stack s;
- XML_Stack_init(&s, "ROOT");
- UA_NodeSet n;
- UA_NodeSet_init(&n, 0);
- XML_Stack_addChildHandler(&s, "UANodeSet", strlen("UANodeSet"), (XML_decoder) UA_NodeSet_decodeXML, UA_INVALIDTYPE, &n);
- XML_Parser parser = XML_ParserCreate(NULL);
- XML_SetUserData(parser, &s);
- XML_SetElementHandler(parser, XML_Stack_startElement, XML_Stack_endElement);
- XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, XML_Stack_handleText);
- while ((len = read(f, buf, 1024)) > 0) {
- if (!XML_Parse(parser, buf, len, (len < 1024))) {
- return 1;
- }
- }
- XML_ParserFree(parser);
- close(f);
- for (pattern* pi = &p[0]; pi->s != UA_NULL || pi->v != UA_NULL; ++pi) {
- if (pi->v) {
- Namespace_iterate(n.ns, pi->v);
- } else {
- printf("%s\n",pi->s);
+ Namespace* ns;
+ if (Namespace_loadFromFile(&ns,0,"ROOT",argv[1]) != UA_SUCCESS) {
+ printf("error loading file {%s}\n", argv[1]);
+ } else {
+ theNamespace = ns;
+ for (pattern* pi = &p[0]; pi->s != UA_NULL || pi->v != UA_NULL; ++pi) {
+ if (pi->s) {
+ printf("%s",pi->s);
+ }
+ if (pi->v) {
+ Namespace_iterate(ns, pi->v);
+ }
+ // FIXME: crashes with a seg fault
+ // Namespace_delete(ns);
return 0;