@@ -143,6 +143,8 @@ void XML_Stack_init(XML_Stack* p, UA_UInt32 nsid, cstring name) {
p->parent[i].activeChild = -1;
p->parent[i].textAttrib = UA_NULL;
p->parent[i].textAttribIdx = -1;
+ p->parent[i].totalGatherLength = -1;
+ UA_list_init(&(p->parent[i].textGatherList));
for (j = 0; j < XML_STACK_MAX_CHILDREN; j++) {
p->parent[i].children[j].name = UA_NULL;
p->parent[i].children[j].length = -1;
@@ -947,11 +949,6 @@ UA_Int32 UA_NodeSetAlias_decodeXML(XML_Stack* s, XML_Attr* attr, UA_NodeSetAlias
DBG_ERR(XML_Stack_print(s));DBG_ERR(printf("%s - unknown attribute\n", attr[i]));
- } else {
- // sub element is ready
-// TODO: It is a design flaw that we need to do this here, isn't it?
-// DBG_VERBOSE(printf("UA_NodeSetAlias clears %p\n", (void* ) (s->parent[s->depth - 1].children[s->parent[s->depth - 1].activeChild].obj)));
-// s->parent[s->depth - 1].children[s->parent[s->depth - 1].activeChild].obj = UA_NULL;
return UA_SUCCESS;
@@ -1066,44 +1063,67 @@ UA_Int32 XML_isSpace(cstring s, int len) {
return UA_TRUE;
-/* simulates startElement, endElement behaviour */
+/* gather text */
void XML_Stack_handleText(void * data, const char *txt, int len) {
XML_Stack* s = (XML_Stack*) data;
if (len > 0 && !XML_isSpace(txt, len)) {
- XML_Parent* cp = &(s->parent[s->depth]);
- if (cp->textAttribIdx >= 0) {
- cp->activeChild = cp->textAttribIdx;
- char* buf; // need to copy txt to add 0 as string terminator
- UA_alloc((void** )&buf, len + 1);
- strncpy(buf, txt, len);
- buf[len] = 0;
- XML_Attr attr[3] = { cp->textAttrib, buf, UA_NULL };
- DBG(printf("handleText @ %s calls start elementHandler %s with dst=%p, buf={%s}\n", XML_Stack_path(s),cp->children[cp->activeChild].name, cp->children[cp->activeChild].obj, buf));
- cp->children[cp->activeChild].elementHandler(s, attr, cp->children[cp->activeChild].obj, TRUE);
- // FIXME: The indices of this call are simply wrong
- // DBG_VERBOSE(printf("handleText calls finish elementHandler %s with dst=%p, attr=(nil)\n", cp->children[cp->activeChild].name, cp->children[cp->activeChild].obj));
- // cp->children[cp->activeChild].elementHandler(s, UA_NULL, cp->children[cp->activeChild].obj, FALSE);
- if (s->parent[s->depth-1].activeChild > 0) {
- // FIXME: actually we'd like to have something like the following, won't we?
- // XML_Stack_endElement(data, cp->children[cp->activeChild].name);
- XML_child* c = &(s->parent[s->depth-1].children[s->parent[s->depth-1].activeChild]);
- c->elementHandler(s, UA_NULL, c->obj, FALSE);
- }
- UA_free(buf);
+ XML_Parent* cp = &(s->parent[s->depth]); // determine current element
+ UA_ByteString src = { len+1, (UA_Byte*) txt };
+ UA_ByteString *dst;
+ UA_ByteString_new(&dst); // alloc dst
+ UA_ByteString_copy(&src,dst); // alloc dst->data and copy txt
+ dst->data[len] = 0; // add terminating zero to handle single line efficiently
+ UA_list_addPayloadToBack(&(cp->textGatherList), (void*) dst);
+ if (cp->totalGatherLength == -1) {
+ cp->totalGatherLength = len;
} else {
- DBG_VERBOSE(XML_Stack_print(s));
- DBG_VERBOSE(printf("textData - ignore text data '%.*s'\n", len, txt));
+ cp->totalGatherLength += len;
+char* theGatherBuffer;
+void textGatherListTotalLength(void* payload) {
+ UA_ByteString* b = (UA_ByteString*) payload;
+ UA_ByteString_printf("\t",b);
+ UA_memcpy(theGatherBuffer,b->data,b->length-1); // remove trailing zero
+ theGatherBuffer += (b->length-1);
/** if we are an activeChild of a parent we call the child-handler */
void XML_Stack_endElement(void *data, const char *el) {
XML_Stack* s = (XML_Stack*) data;
-// the parent of the parent (pop) of the element knows the elementHandler, therefore depth-2!
+ XML_Parent* ce = &(s->parent[s->depth]);
+ if (ce->textAttribIdx >= 0 && ce->totalGatherLength > 0 ) {
+ ce->activeChild = ce->textAttribIdx;
+ char* buf;
+ if (UA_list_getFirst(&(ce->textGatherList)) == UA_list_getLast(&(ce->textGatherList)) ) {
+ buf = (char*) ((UA_ByteString*) UA_list_getFirst(&(ce->textGatherList))->payload)->data;
+ } else {
+ printf("XML_Stack_endElement - more than one text snippet with total length=%d:\n",ce->totalGatherLength);
+ UA_alloc((void**)&theGatherBuffer,ce->totalGatherLength+1);
+ buf = theGatherBuffer;
+ UA_list_iteratePayload(&(ce->textGatherList), textGatherListTotalLength);
+ buf[ce->totalGatherLength] = 0;
+ printf("XML_Stack_endElement - gatherBuffer %s:\n",buf);
+ }
+ XML_Attr attr[3] = { ce->textAttrib, buf, UA_NULL };
+ DBG(printf("handleText @ %s calls start elementHandler %s with dst=%p, buf={%s}\n", XML_Stack_path(s),ce->children[ce->activeChild].name, ce->children[ce->activeChild].obj, buf));
+ ce->children[ce->activeChild].elementHandler(s, attr, ce->children[ce->activeChild].obj, TRUE);
+ if (s->parent[s->depth-1].activeChild > 0) {
+ XML_child* c = &(s->parent[s->depth-1].children[s->parent[s->depth-1].activeChild]);
+ c->elementHandler(s, UA_NULL, c->obj, FALSE);
+ }
+ if (UA_list_getFirst(&(ce->textGatherList)) != UA_list_getLast(&(ce->textGatherList)) ) {
+ UA_free(buf);
+ }
+ UA_list_destroy(&(ce->textGatherList),(UA_list_PayloadVisitor) UA_ByteString_delete);
+ UA_list_init(&(ce->textGatherList)); // don't know if destroy leaves the list in usable state...
+ ce->totalGatherLength = -1;
+ }
+ // the parent of the parent (pop) of the element knows the elementHandler, therefore depth-2!
if (s->depth > 1) {
// inform parents elementHandler that everything is done
XML_Parent* cp = &(s->parent[s->depth - 1]);