@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ struct UA_Client {
UA_Int32 monitoredItemHandles;
+ LIST_HEAD(UA_ListOfUnacknowledgedNotificationNumbers, UA_Client_NotificationsAckNumber_s) pendingNotificationsAcks;
LIST_HEAD(UA_ListOfClientSubscriptionItems, UA_Client_Subscription_s) subscriptions;
@@ -52,6 +53,7 @@ UA_Client * UA_Client_new(UA_ClientConfig config, UA_Logger logger) {
client->monitoredItemHandles = 0;
+ LIST_INIT(&client->pendingNotificationsAcks);
return client;
@@ -578,6 +580,13 @@ UA_DeleteSubscriptionsResponse UA_Client_deleteSubscriptions(UA_Client *client,
return response;
+UA_ModifySubscriptionResponse UA_Client_modifySubscription(UA_Client *client, UA_ModifySubscriptionRequest *request) {
+ UA_ModifySubscriptionResponse response;
+ synchronousRequest(client, request, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_MODIFYSUBSCRIPTIONREQUEST],
+ return response;
UA_CreateMonitoredItemsResponse UA_Client_createMonitoredItems(UA_Client *client, UA_CreateMonitoredItemsRequest *request) {
UA_CreateMonitoredItemsResponse response;
synchronousRequest(client, request, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_CREATEMONITOREDITEMSREQUEST],
@@ -592,7 +601,14 @@ UA_DeleteMonitoredItemsResponse UA_Client_deleteMonitoredItems(UA_Client *client
return response;
-UA_Int32 UA_Client_newSubscription(UA_Client *client) {
+UA_PublishResponse UA_Client_publish(UA_Client *client, UA_PublishRequest *request) {
+ UA_PublishResponse response;
+ synchronousRequest(client, request, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_PUBLISHREQUEST],
+ return response;
+UA_Int32 UA_Client_newSubscription(UA_Client *client, UA_Int32 publishInterval) {
UA_Int32 retval;
UA_CreateSubscriptionRequest aReq;
UA_CreateSubscriptionResponse aRes;
@@ -604,7 +620,7 @@ UA_Int32 UA_Client_newSubscription(UA_Client *client) {
aReq.publishingEnabled = UA_TRUE;
aReq.requestedLifetimeCount = 100;
aReq.requestedMaxKeepAliveCount = 10;
- aReq.requestedPublishingInterval = 100;
+ aReq.requestedPublishingInterval = publishInterval;
aRes = UA_Client_createSubscription(client, &aReq);
@@ -632,7 +648,7 @@ UA_Int32 UA_Client_newSubscription(UA_Client *client) {
UA_StatusCode UA_Client_removeSubscription(UA_Client *client, UA_UInt32 subscriptionId) {
UA_Client_Subscription *sub;
- UA_StatusCode retval;
+ UA_StatusCode retval = UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD;
LIST_FOREACH(sub, &(client->subscriptions), listEntry) {
if (sub->SubscriptionID == subscriptionId)
@@ -653,6 +669,13 @@ UA_StatusCode UA_Client_removeSubscription(UA_Client *client, UA_UInt32 subscrip
request.subscriptionIds = (UA_UInt32 *) UA_malloc(sizeof(UA_UInt32));
*(request.subscriptionIds) = sub->SubscriptionID;
+ UA_Client_MonitoredItem *mon;
+ LIST_FOREACH(mon, &(sub->MonitoredItems), listEntry) {
+ retval |= UA_Client_unMonitorItemChanges(client, sub->SubscriptionID, mon->MonitoredItemId);
+ }
+ if (retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD)
+ return retval;
response = UA_Client_deleteSubscriptions(client, &request);
if (response.resultsSize > 0)
@@ -662,8 +685,6 @@ UA_StatusCode UA_Client_removeSubscription(UA_Client *client, UA_UInt32 subscrip
if (retval == UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD) {
LIST_REMOVE(sub, listEntry);
- // FIXME: On the serverside, monitoredItems are deleted along with the
- // subscription... on the clientside not yet.
@@ -782,16 +803,119 @@ UA_StatusCode UA_Client_unMonitorItemChanges(UA_Client *client, UA_UInt32 subscr
return retval;
-void UA_Client_modifySubscription(UA_Client *client) {}
+UA_Boolean UA_Client_processPublishRx(UA_Client *client, UA_PublishResponse response) {
+ UA_Client_Subscription *sub;
+ UA_Client_MonitoredItem *mon;
+ UA_StatusCode retval = UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD;
+ if(response.responseHeader.serviceResult != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD)
+ return UA_FALSE;
+ // Check if the server has acknowledged any of our ACKS
+ // Note that a list of serverside status codes may be send without valid publish data, i.e.
+ // during keepalives or no data availability
+ UA_Client_NotificationsAckNumber *tmpAck = client->pendingNotificationsAcks.lh_first;
+ UA_Client_NotificationsAckNumber *nxtAck = tmpAck;
+ for(int i=0; i<response.resultsSize && nxtAck != NULL; i++) {
+ tmpAck = nxtAck;
+ nxtAck = tmpAck->listEntry.le_next;
+ if (response.results[i] == UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD) {
+ LIST_REMOVE(tmpAck, listEntry);
+ UA_free(tmpAck);
+ }
+ }
+ if(response.subscriptionId == 0)
+ return UA_FALSE;
+ LIST_FOREACH(sub, &(client->subscriptions), listEntry) {
+ if (sub->SubscriptionID == response.subscriptionId)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (sub == NULL)
+ return UA_FALSE;
+ UA_NotificationMessage msg = response.notificationMessage;
+ UA_DataChangeNotification dataChangeNotification;
+ size_t decodingOffset = 0;
+ for (int k=0; k<msg.notificationDataSize; k++) {
+ if (msg.notificationData[k].encoding == UA_EXTENSIONOBJECT_ENCODINGMASK_BODYISBYTESTRING) {
+ if (msg.notificationData[k].typeId.namespaceIndex == 0 && msg.notificationData[k].typeId.identifier.numeric == 811 ) {
+ // This is a dataChangeNotification
+ retval |= UA_DataChangeNotification_decodeBinary(&(msg.notificationData[k].body), &decodingOffset, &dataChangeNotification);
+ UA_MonitoredItemNotification *mitemNot;
+ for(int i=0; i<dataChangeNotification.monitoredItemsSize; i++) {
+ mitemNot = &dataChangeNotification.monitoredItems[i];
+ // find this client handle
+ LIST_FOREACH(mon, &(sub->MonitoredItems), listEntry) {
+ if (mon->ClientHandle == mitemNot->clientHandle) {
+ mon->handler(mitemNot->clientHandle, &(mitemNot->value));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (msg.notificationData[k].typeId.namespaceIndex == 0 && msg.notificationData[k].typeId.identifier.numeric == 820 ) {
+ //FIXME: This is a statusChangeNotification (not supported yet)
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (msg.notificationData[k].typeId.namespaceIndex == 0 && msg.notificationData[k].typeId.identifier.numeric == 916 ) {
+ //FIXME: This is an EventNotification
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // We processed this message, add it to the list of pending acks (but make sure it's not in the list first)
+ LIST_FOREACH(tmpAck, &(client->pendingNotificationsAcks), listEntry) {
+ if (tmpAck->subAck.sequenceNumber == msg.sequenceNumber &&
+ tmpAck->subAck.subscriptionId == response.subscriptionId)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (tmpAck == NULL ){
+ tmpAck = (UA_Client_NotificationsAckNumber *) malloc(sizeof(UA_Client_NotificationsAckNumber));
+ tmpAck->subAck.sequenceNumber = msg.sequenceNumber;
+ tmpAck->subAck.subscriptionId = sub->SubscriptionID;
+ LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&(client->pendingNotificationsAcks), tmpAck, listEntry);
+ }
+ return response.moreNotifications;
-void UA_Client_publish(UA_Client *client) {
+void UA_Client_doPublish(UA_Client *client) {
UA_PublishRequest request;
UA_PublishResponse response;
- UA_PublishRequest_init(&request);
- UA_PublishResponse_init(&response);
+ UA_Client_NotificationsAckNumber *ack;
+ UA_Boolean moreNotifications = UA_TRUE;
+ int index = 0 ;
- UA_PublishRequest_deleteMembers(&request);
- UA_PublishResponse_deleteMembers(&response);
+ do {
+ UA_PublishRequest_init(&request);
+ UA_PublishResponse_init(&response);
+ request.subscriptionAcknowledgementsSize = 0;
+ LIST_FOREACH(ack, &(client->pendingNotificationsAcks), listEntry) {
+ request.subscriptionAcknowledgementsSize++;
+ }
+ request.subscriptionAcknowledgements = (UA_SubscriptionAcknowledgement *) UA_malloc(sizeof(UA_SubscriptionAcknowledgement)*request.subscriptionAcknowledgementsSize);
+ index = 0;
+ LIST_FOREACH(ack, &(client->pendingNotificationsAcks), listEntry) {
+ ack = client->pendingNotificationsAcks.lh_first;
+ request.subscriptionAcknowledgements[index].sequenceNumber = ack->subAck.sequenceNumber;
+ request.subscriptionAcknowledgements[index].subscriptionId = ack->subAck.subscriptionId;
+ index++;
+ }
+ response = UA_Client_publish(client, &request);
+ if (response.responseHeader.serviceResult == UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD)
+ moreNotifications = UA_Client_processPublishRx(client, response);
+ else
+ moreNotifications = UA_FALSE;
+ UA_PublishResponse_deleteMembers(&response);
+ UA_PublishRequest_deleteMembers(&request);
+ } while(moreNotifications == UA_TRUE);