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remove the old doxygen documentation

Julius Pfrommer 9 anos atrás

+ 5 - 16

@@ -461,25 +461,14 @@ if(BUILD_EXAMPLES)
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Diferenças do arquivo suprimidas por serem muito extensas
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@@ -29,11 +29,7 @@ import shlex
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+ 0 - 110

@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-\mainpage Open62541 Developer Documentation
-<a href="">OPC UA</a> (short for OPC Unified
-Architecture) is a protocol for industrial communication and has been standardized in the IEC62541.
-At its core, OPC UA defines a set of services to interact with a server-side object-oriented
-information model. Besides the service-calls initiated by the client, push-notification of remote
-events (such as data changes) can be negotiated with the server. The client/server interaction is
-mapped either to a binary encoding and TCP-based transmission or to SOAP-based webservices. As of
-late, OPC UA is marketed as the one standard for non-realtime industrial communication.
-We believe that it is best to understand OPC UA <em>from the inside out</em>, building upon conceptually
-simple first principles. After establishing a first understanding, we go on explaining how these
-principles are realized in detail. Examples are given based on the <em>open62541</em> implementation of the
-<h2>OPC UA, a collection of services</h2>
-In OPC UA, all communication is based on service calls, each consisting of a request and a response
-message. Be careful to note the difference between services and methods. Services are pre-defined in
-the standard and cannot be changed. But you can use the <em>Call</em> service to invoke user-defined
-methods on the server.
-For completeness, the following tables contain all services defined in the standard. Do not bother
-with their details yet. We will introduce the different services later in the text. In open62541,
-each service is implemented in a single function. See the \ref services section for details.
-<b>Establishing communication</b>
-<tr> <th>Discovery Service Set </th><th>SecureChannel Service Set </th><th>Session Service Set </th></tr>
-<tr> <td>FindServers </td><td>OpenSecureChannel </td><td>CreateSession </td></tr>
-<tr> <td>GetEndpoints </td><td>CloseSecureChannel </td><td>ActivateSession </td></tr>
-<tr> <td>RegisterServer </td><td></td><td>CloseSession </td></tr>
-<tr> <td></td><td></td><td>Cancel </td></tr>
-<b>Interaction with the information model</b>
-<tr> <th>NodeManagement Service Set </th><th>View Service Set </th><th>Query Service Set </th><th>Attribute Service Set </th><th>Method Service Set  </th></tr>
-<tr> <td>AddNodes </td><td>Browse </td><td>QueryFirst </td><td>Read </td><td>Call </td></tr>
-<tr> <td>AddReferences </td><td>BrowseNext </td><td>QueryNext </td><td>HistoryRead </td><td></td></tr>
-<tr> <td>DeleteNodes </td><td>TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds </td><td></td><td>Write </td><td></td></tr>
-<tr> <td>DeleteReferences </td><td>RegisterNodes </td><td></td><td>HistoryUpdate </td><td></td></tr>
-<tr> <td></td><td>UnregisterNodes </td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>
-<tr> <th>MonitoredItem Service Set </th><th>Subscription Service Set  </th></tr>
-<tr> <td>CreateMonitoredItems </td><td>CreateSubscription </td></tr>
-<tr> <td>ModifyMonitoredItems </td><td>ModifySubscription </td></tr>
-<tr> <td>SetMonitoringMode </td><td>SetPublishingMode </td></tr>
-<tr> <td>SetTriggering </td><td>Publish </td></tr>
-<tr> <td>DeleteMonitoredItems </td><td>Republish </td></tr>
-<tr> <td></td><td>TransferSubscription </td></tr>
-<tr> <td></td><td>DeleteSubscription </td></tr>
-<h2>OPC UA, a web of nodes</h2>
-The information model in each OPC UA server is a web of interconnected nodes. There are eight
-different types of nodes. Depending on its type, every node contains different attributes. Some
-attributes, such as the <em>NodeId</em> (unique identifier) and the <em>BrowseName</em>, are
-contained in all node types.
-<tr> <td>ReferenceTypeNode</td> <td>MethodNode</td> </tr>
-<tr> <td>DataTypeNode</td> <td>ObjectTypeNode</td> </tr>
-<tr> <td>VariableTypeNode</td> <td>ObjectNode</td> </tr>
-<tr> <td>VariableNode</td> <td>ViewNode</td> </tr>
-Nodes are interconnected by directed reference-triples of the form <dfn>(nodeid, referencetype,
-target-nodeid)</dfn>. Therefore an OPC UA information model is easiest imagined as a <em>web of nodes</em>.
-Reference types can be
-- standard- or user-defined and
-- either non-hierarchical (e.g., indicating the type of a variable-node) or hierarchical (e.g., indicating a parent-child relationship).
-<h2>OPC UA, a protocol</h2>
-The OPC UA protocol (both binary and XML-based) is based on 25 <em>built-in</em> datatypes. In
-open62541, these are defined in ua_types.h.
-<tr> <td>Boolean</td> <td>Float</td> <td>StatusCode</td> </tr>
-<tr> <td>SByte</td> <td>Double</td> <td>QualifiedName</td> </tr>
-<tr> <td>Byte</td> <td>String</td> <td>LocalizedText</td> </tr>
-<tr> <td>Int16</td> <td>DateTime</td> <td>ExtensionObject</td> </tr>
-<tr> <td>UInt16</td> <td>Guid</td> <td>DataValue</td> </tr>
-<tr> <td>Int32</td> <td>ByteString</td> <td>Variant</td> </tr>
-<tr> <td>UInt32</td> <td>XmlElement</td> <td>DiagnosticInfo</td> </tr>
-<tr> <td>Int64</td> <td>NodeId</td> <td> </td> </tr>
-<tr> <td>UInt64</td> <td>ExpandedNodeId</td> <td> </td> </tr>
-The builtin datatypes are combined into more complex structures. When the structure contains an array,
-then the size of the array is stored in an Int32 value just before the array itself. A size of -1
-indicates an undefined array. Positive sizes (and zero) have the usual semantics.
-Most importantly, every service has a request and a response message defined as such a data
-structure. The entire OPC UA protocol revolves around the exchange of these request and response
-messages. Their exact definitions can be looked up here:
- In open62541, we autogenerate the
-C-structs to handle the standard-defined structures automatically. See ua_types_generated.h for

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