@@ -81,12 +81,13 @@ UA_TYPE_DEFAULT(UA_Double)
/* String */
void UA_String_init(UA_String *p) {
p->length = -1;
p->data = UA_NULL;
void UA_String_deleteMembers(UA_String *p) {
if(p->data) {
@@ -232,6 +233,7 @@ UA_StatusCode UA_DateTime_toString(UA_DateTime atime, UA_String *timeString) {
/* Guid */
@@ -267,7 +269,6 @@ void UA_Guid_init(UA_Guid *p) {
memset(p->data4, 0, sizeof(UA_Byte)*8);
UA_StatusCode UA_Guid_copy(UA_Guid const *src, UA_Guid *dst) {
UA_memcpy((void *)dst, (const void *)src, sizeof(UA_Guid));
@@ -292,13 +293,14 @@ UA_StatusCode UA_ByteString_newMembers(UA_ByteString *p, UA_Int32 length) {
/* XmlElement */
/* NodeId */
void UA_NodeId_init(UA_NodeId *p) {
p->identifierType = UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC;
p->namespaceIndex = 0;
memset(&p->identifier, 0, sizeof(p->identifier));
UA_StatusCode UA_NodeId_copy(UA_NodeId const *src, UA_NodeId *dst) {
UA_StatusCode retval = UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD;
switch(src->identifierType) {
@@ -332,7 +334,6 @@ static UA_Boolean UA_NodeId_isBasicType(UA_NodeId const *id) {
id ->identifier.numeric <= 25;
void UA_NodeId_deleteMembers(UA_NodeId *p) {
switch(p->identifierType) {
@@ -397,7 +398,9 @@ UA_Boolean UA_NodeId_isNull(const UA_NodeId *p) {
/* ExpandedNodeId */
void UA_ExpandedNodeId_deleteMembers(UA_ExpandedNodeId *p) {
@@ -409,7 +412,6 @@ void UA_ExpandedNodeId_init(UA_ExpandedNodeId *p) {
p->serverIndex = 0;
UA_StatusCode UA_ExpandedNodeId_copy(UA_ExpandedNodeId const *src, UA_ExpandedNodeId *dst) {
UA_StatusCode retval = UA_NodeId_copy(&src->nodeId, &dst->nodeId);
retval |= UA_String_copy(&src->namespaceUri, &dst->namespaceUri);
@@ -499,6 +501,7 @@ UA_StatusCode UA_ExtensionObject_copy(UA_ExtensionObject const *src, UA_Extensio
/* DataValue */
void UA_DataValue_deleteMembers(UA_DataValue *p) {
@@ -513,7 +516,6 @@ void UA_DataValue_init(UA_DataValue *p) {
UA_StatusCode UA_DataValue_copy(UA_DataValue const *src, UA_DataValue *dst) {
*((UA_Byte*)dst) = *((const UA_Byte*)src); // the bitfield
@@ -532,6 +534,8 @@ UA_StatusCode UA_DataValue_copy(UA_DataValue const *src, UA_DataValue *dst) {
/* Variant */
void UA_Variant_init(UA_Variant *p) {
p->storageType = UA_VARIANT_DATA;
p->arrayLength = -1;
@@ -541,20 +545,19 @@ void UA_Variant_init(UA_Variant *p) {
void UA_Variant_deleteMembers(UA_Variant *p) {
- if(p->storageType == UA_VARIANT_DATA) {
- if(p->data) {
- if(p->arrayLength == -1)
- p->arrayLength = 1;
- UA_Array_delete(p->data, p->type, p->arrayLength);
- p->data = UA_NULL;
- p->arrayLength = -1;
- }
- if(p->arrayDimensions) {
- UA_free(p->arrayDimensions);
- p->arrayDimensions = UA_NULL;
- }
+ if(p->storageType != UA_VARIANT_DATA)
+ return;
+ if(p->data) {
+ if(p->arrayLength == -1)
+ p->arrayLength = 1;
+ UA_Array_delete(p->data, p->type, p->arrayLength);
+ p->data = UA_NULL;
+ p->arrayLength = -1;
+ }
+ if(p->arrayDimensions) {
+ UA_free(p->arrayDimensions);
+ p->arrayDimensions = UA_NULL;
@@ -583,26 +586,32 @@ UA_StatusCode UA_Variant_copy(UA_Variant const *src, UA_Variant *dst) {
dst->arrayDimensionsSize = src->arrayDimensionsSize;
return retval;
-UA_StatusCode UA_Variant_copyRange(const UA_Variant *src, UA_Variant *dst, const UA_NumericRange range) {
- UA_Variant_init(dst);
- // test the integrity of the variant dimensions
+ * Tests if a range is compatible with a variant. If yes, the following values are set:
+ * - total: how many elements are indicated by the range
+ * - block_size: how big is each contiguous block of elements in the variant denoted by the range
+ * - block_distance: how many elements are between the blocks (beginning to beginning)
+ * - first_elem: where does the first block begin
+ */
+static UA_StatusCode testRangeWithVariant(const UA_Variant *v, const UA_NumericRange range, size_t *total,
+ size_t *block_size, size_t *block_distance, size_t *first_elem) {
+ /* Test the integrity of the source variant dimensions */
UA_Int32 dims_count = 1;
- const UA_Int32 *dims = &src->arrayLength; // default: the array has only one dimension
- if(src->arrayDimensionsSize > 0) {
- dims_count = src->arrayDimensionsSize;
- dims = src->arrayDimensions;
+ const UA_Int32 *dims = &v->arrayLength; // default: the array has only one dimension
+ if(v->arrayDimensionsSize > 0) {
+ dims_count = v->arrayDimensionsSize;
+ dims = v->arrayDimensions;
UA_Int32 elements = 1;
for(UA_Int32 i = 0; i < dims_count; i++)
elements *= dims[i];
- if(elements != src->arrayLength)
+ if(elements != v->arrayLength)
- // test the integrity of the range and count objects
+ /* Test the integrity of the range */
size_t count = 1;
if(range.dimensionsSize != dims_count)
@@ -614,67 +623,123 @@ UA_StatusCode UA_Variant_copyRange(const UA_Variant *src, UA_Variant *dst, const
count *= (range.dimensions[i].max - range.dimensions[i].min) + 1;
- dst->data = UA_malloc(src->type->memSize * count);
- if(!dst->data)
- // copy a subset of the tensor with as few calls as possible.
- // shift from copying single elements to contiguous blocks
- size_t elem_size = src->type->memSize;
- uintptr_t nextsrc = (uintptr_t)src->data; // the start ptr of the next copy operation
- size_t contiguous_elems = src->arrayLength; // the length of the copy operation
- ptrdiff_t jump_length = elem_size * dims[0]; // how far to jump until the next contiguous copy
- size_t copy_count = count; // how often to copy
- size_t running_dimssize = 1; // how big is a contiguous block for the dimensions k_max to k
+ /* Compute the block size and the position of the first element */
+ size_t bs, bd, fe = 0;
+ size_t running_dimssize = 1; // elements per block of dimensions k to k_max
UA_Boolean found_contiguous = UA_FALSE;
for(UA_Int32 k = dims_count - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
- if(!found_contiguous) {
- if(range.dimensions[k].min != 0 || range.dimensions[k].max + 1 != (UA_UInt32)dims[k]) {
- found_contiguous = UA_TRUE;
- contiguous_elems = (range.dimensions[k].max - range.dimensions[k].min + 1) * running_dimssize;
- jump_length = ((dims[k] * running_dimssize) - contiguous_elems) * elem_size;
- copy_count /= range.dimensions[k].max - range.dimensions[k].min + 1;
- } else
- copy_count /= dims[k];
+ if(!found_contiguous && (range.dimensions[k].min != 0 ||
+ range.dimensions[k].max + 1 != (UA_UInt32)dims[k])) {
+ found_contiguous = UA_TRUE;
+ bs = (range.dimensions[k].max - range.dimensions[k].min + 1) * running_dimssize;
+ bd = dims[k] * running_dimssize;
- nextsrc += running_dimssize * range.dimensions[k].min * elem_size;
+ fe += running_dimssize * range.dimensions[k].min;
running_dimssize *= dims[k];
+ *total = count;
+ *block_size = bs;
+ *block_distance = bd;
+ *first_elem = fe;
- UA_StatusCode retval = UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD;
+UA_StatusCode UA_Variant_copyRange(const UA_Variant *src, UA_Variant *dst, const UA_NumericRange range) {
+ size_t count, block_size, block_distance, first_elem;
+ UA_StatusCode retval = testRangeWithVariant(src, range, &count, &block_size, &block_distance, &first_elem);
+ if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD)
+ return retval;
+ UA_Variant_init(dst);
+ size_t elem_size = src->type->memSize;
+ dst->data = UA_malloc(elem_size * count);
+ if(!dst->data)
+ /* Copy the range */
+ size_t block_count = count / block_size;
uintptr_t nextdst = (uintptr_t)dst->data;
- size_t copied = 0;
- for(size_t i = 0; i < copy_count; i++) {
- if(src->type->fixedSize) {
- memcpy((void*)nextdst, (void*)nextsrc, elem_size * contiguous_elems);
- } else {
- for(size_t j = 0; j < contiguous_elems; j++)
- retval = UA_copy((const void*)(nextsrc + (j * elem_size)), (void*)(nextdst + (j * elem_size)),
- src->type);
- if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD) {
- UA_Array_delete(dst->data, src->type, copied);
- return retval;
+ uintptr_t nextsrc = (uintptr_t)src->data + (elem_size * first_elem);
+ if(src->type->fixedSize) {
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < block_count; i++) {
+ memcpy((void*)nextdst, (void*)nextsrc, elem_size * block_size);
+ nextdst += block_size * elem_size;
+ nextsrc += block_distance * elem_size;
+ }
+ } else {
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < block_count; i++) {
+ for(size_t j = 0; j < block_size && retval == UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; j++) {
+ retval = UA_copy((const void*)nextsrc, (void*)nextdst, src->type);
+ nextdst += elem_size;
+ nextsrc += elem_size;
- copied += contiguous_elems;
+ nextsrc += (block_distance - block_size) * elem_size;
- nextdst += elem_size * contiguous_elems;
- nextsrc += jump_length;
- }
- if(src->arrayDimensionsSize > 0) {
- retval = UA_Array_copy(dims, (void**)&dst->arrayDimensions, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_INT32], dims_count);
if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD) {
+ size_t copied = ((nextdst - elem_size) - (uintptr_t)dst->data) / elem_size;
UA_Array_delete(dst->data, src->type, copied);
return retval;
- for(UA_Int32 k = 0; k < dims_count; k++)
+ }
+ /* Copy the range dimensions*/
+ if(src->arrayDimensionsSize > 0) {
+ dst->arrayDimensions = UA_malloc(sizeof(UA_Int32) * src->arrayDimensionsSize);
+ if(!dst->arrayDimensions) {
+ UA_Array_delete(dst->data, src->type, count);
+ }
+ for(UA_Int32 k = 0; k < src->arrayDimensionsSize; k++)
dst->arrayDimensions[k] = range.dimensions[k].max - range.dimensions[k].min + 1;
- dst->arrayDimensionsSize = dims_count;
+ dst->arrayDimensionsSize = src->arrayDimensionsSize;
dst->arrayLength = count;
dst->type = src->type;
- dst->storageType = UA_VARIANT_DATA;
+UA_StatusCode UA_Variant_setRange(UA_Variant *v, void *data, const UA_NumericRange range) {
+ size_t count, block_size, block_distance, first_elem;
+ UA_StatusCode retval = testRangeWithVariant(v, range, &count, &block_size, &block_distance, &first_elem);
+ if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD)
+ return retval;
+ size_t block_count = count / block_size;
+ size_t elem_size = v->type->memSize;
+ uintptr_t nextdst = (uintptr_t)v->data + (first_elem * elem_size);
+ uintptr_t nextsrc = (uintptr_t)data;
+ if(v->type->fixedSize) {
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < block_count; i++) {
+ memcpy((void*)nextdst, (void*)nextsrc, elem_size * block_size);
+ nextdst += block_size * elem_size;
+ nextsrc += block_distance * elem_size;
+ }
+ } else {
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < block_count; i++) {
+ for(size_t j = 0; j < block_size; j++) {
+ UA_deleteMembers((void*)nextdst, v->type);
+ nextdst += elem_size;
+ }
+ nextdst -= block_size * elem_size;
+ memcpy((void*)nextdst, (void*)nextsrc, elem_size * block_size);
+ nextdst += block_size * elem_size;
+ nextsrc += block_distance * elem_size;
+ }
+ }
+UA_StatusCode UA_Variant_setCopyRange(const UA_Variant *src, UA_Variant *dst, void *data,
+ const UA_NumericRange range) {
+ // todo: don't copy the entire variant but only the retained parts
+ UA_StatusCode retval = UA_Variant_copy(src, dst);
+ if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD)
+ return retval;
+ retval = UA_Variant_setRange(dst, data, range);
+ if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD) {
+ UA_Variant_deleteMembers(dst);
+ return retval;
+ }
@@ -1098,7 +1163,7 @@ UA_StatusCode UA_Array_copy(const void *src, void **dst, const UA_DataType *data
if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD)
UA_Array_delete(*dst, dataType, noElements);
return retval;