Explorar el Código

async client functionality

Julius Pfrommer hace 7 años

+ 14 - 0

@@ -1,6 +1,20 @@
 The changelog tracks changes to the public API.
 Internal refactorings and bug fixes are not reported here.
+2017-07-03 jpfr
+    * Implement asynchronous service calls from the client
+      All OPC UA services are asynchronous in nature. So several service
+      calls can be made without waiting for a response first. Responess
+      may come in a different ordering. The client takes a method pointer
+      and a data pointer to perform an asynchronous callback on the request
+      response.
+      Synchronous service calls are still supported in the client. Asynchronous
+      responses are processed in the background until the synchronous response
+      (the client is waiting for) returns the control flow back to the user.
 2017-06-26 janitza-thbe
     * Enable IPv6 in the networklayer plugin

+ 26 - 2

@@ -187,8 +187,8 @@ UA_StatusCode UA_EXPORT UA_Client_manuallyRenewSecureChannel(UA_Client *client);
  * .. _client-services:
- * Raw Services
- * ------------
+ * Services
+ * --------
  * The raw OPC UA services are exposed to the client. But most of them time, it
  * is better to use the convenience functions from ``ua_client_highlevel.h``
  * that wrap the raw services. */
@@ -407,6 +407,30 @@ UA_Client_Service_publish(UA_Client *client, const UA_PublishRequest request) {
+ * .. _client-async-services:
+ *
+ * Asynchronous Services
+ * ---------------------
+ * All OPC UA services are asynchronous in nature. So several service calls can
+ * be made without waiting for a response first. Responess may come in a
+ * different ordering. */
+typedef void
+(*UA_ClientAsyncServiceCallback)(UA_Client *client, void *userdata,
+                                 UA_UInt32 requestId, const void *response);
+/* Don't use this function. Use the type versions below instead. */
+UA_StatusCode UA_EXPORT
+__UA_Client_AsyncService(UA_Client *client, const void *request,
+                         const UA_DataType *requestType,
+                         UA_ClientAsyncServiceCallback callback,
+                         const UA_DataType *responseType,
+                         void *userdata, UA_UInt32 *requestId);
+UA_StatusCode UA_EXPORT
+UA_Client_runAsync(UA_Client *client, UA_UInt16 timeout);
  * .. toctree::

+ 28 - 44

@@ -153,31 +153,7 @@ connection_recv(UA_Connection *connection, UA_ByteString *response,
         return UA_STATUSCODE_BADOUTOFMEMORY; /* not enough memory retry */
-    if(timeout > 0) {
-        /* currently, only the client uses timeouts */
-#ifndef _WIN32
-        UA_UInt32 timeout_usec = timeout * 1000;
-# ifdef __APPLE__
-        struct timeval tmptv = {(long int)(timeout_usec / 1000000), timeout_usec % 1000000};
-# else
-        struct timeval tmptv = {(long int)(timeout_usec / 1000000), (long int)(timeout_usec % 1000000)};
-# endif
-        int ret = setsockopt(connection->sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO,
-                             (const char *)&tmptv, sizeof(struct timeval));
-        DWORD timeout_dw = timeout;
-        int ret = setsockopt(connection->sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO,
-                             (const char*)&timeout_dw, sizeof(DWORD));
-        if(0 != ret) {
-            UA_ByteString_deleteMembers(response);
-        }
-    }
-#ifdef __CYGWIN__
-    /* Workaround for https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2013-07/msg00107.html */
-    ssize_t ret;
+    /* Listen on the socket for the given timeout until a message arrives */
     if(timeout > 0) {
         fd_set fdset;
@@ -185,29 +161,24 @@ connection_recv(UA_Connection *connection, UA_ByteString *response,
         UA_UInt32 timeout_usec = timeout * 1000;
         struct timeval tmptv = {(long int)(timeout_usec / 1000000),
                                 (long int)(timeout_usec % 1000000)};
-        int retval = select(connection->sockfd+1, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &tmptv);
-        if(retval && UA_fd_isset(connection->sockfd, &fdset)) {
-            ret = recv(connection->sockfd, (char*)response->data,
-                       connection->localConf.recvBufferSize, 0);
-        } else {
-            ret = 0;
-        }
-    } else {
-        ret = recv(connection->sockfd, (char*)response->data,
-                   connection->localConf.recvBufferSize, 0);
+        int resultsize = select(connection->sockfd+1, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &tmptv);
+        /* No result */
+        if(resultsize == 0)
+            return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD;
+    /* Get the received packet(s) */
     ssize_t ret = recv(connection->sockfd, (char*)response->data,
                        connection->localConf.recvBufferSize, 0);
-    /* The socket is shutdown */
+    /* The remote side closed the connection */
     if(ret == 0) {
-    /* error case */
+    /* Error case */
     if(ret < 0) {
         if(errno__ == INTERRUPTED || (timeout > 0) ?
@@ -217,12 +188,13 @@ connection_recv(UA_Connection *connection, UA_ByteString *response,
-    /* default case */
+    /* Set the length of the received buffer */
     response->length = (size_t)ret;
-static UA_StatusCode socket_set_nonblocking(SOCKET sockfd) {
+static UA_StatusCode
+socket_set_nonblocking(SOCKET sockfd) {
 #ifdef _WIN32
     u_long iMode = 1;
     if(ioctlsocket(sockfd, FIONBIO, &iMode) != NO_ERROR)
@@ -516,8 +488,8 @@ ServerNetworkLayerTCP_stop(UA_ServerNetworkLayer *nl, UA_Server *server) {
     layer->serverSocketsSize = 0;
     /* Close open connections */
-    ConnectionEntry *e, *e_tmp;
-    LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(e, &layer->connections, pointers, e_tmp)
+    ConnectionEntry *e;
+    LIST_FOREACH(e, &layer->connections, pointers)
     /* Run recv on client sockets. This picks up the closed sockets and frees
@@ -534,7 +506,19 @@ static void
 ServerNetworkLayerTCP_deleteMembers(UA_ServerNetworkLayer *nl) {
     ServerNetworkLayerTCP *layer = (ServerNetworkLayerTCP *)nl->handle;
-    UA_free(layer);
+    /* Hard-close and remove remaining connections. The server is no longer
+     * running. So this is safe. */
+    ConnectionEntry *e, *e_tmp;
+    LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(e, &layer->connections, pointers, e_tmp) {
+        LIST_REMOVE(e, pointers);
+        connection_close(&e->connection);
+        CLOSESOCKET(e->connection.sockfd);
+        free(e);
+    }
+    /* Free the layer */
+    free(layer);

+ 192 - 74

@@ -42,6 +42,15 @@ static void UA_Client_deleteMembers(UA_Client* client) {
+    /* Delete the async service calls */
+    AsyncServiceCall *ac, *ac_tmp;
+    LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(ac, &client->asyncServiceCalls, pointers, ac_tmp) {
+        LIST_REMOVE(ac, pointers);
+        UA_free(ac);
+    }
+    /* Delete the subscriptions */
     UA_Client_NotificationsAckNumber *n, *tmp;
     LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(n, &client->pendingNotificationsAcks, listEntry, tmp) {
@@ -654,60 +663,135 @@ UA_StatusCode UA_Client_manuallyRenewSecureChannel(UA_Client *client) {
 /* Raw Services */
-struct ResponseDescription {
+/* For both synchronous and asynchronous service calls */
+static UA_StatusCode
+sendServiceRequest(UA_Client *client, const void *request,
+                   const UA_DataType *requestType, UA_UInt32 *requestId) {
+    /* Make sure we have a valid session */
+    UA_StatusCode retval = UA_Client_manuallyRenewSecureChannel(client);
+    if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD)
+        return retval;
+    /* Adjusting the request header. The const attribute is violated, but we
+     * only touch the following members: */
+    UA_RequestHeader *rr = (UA_RequestHeader*)(uintptr_t)request;
+    rr->authenticationToken = client->authenticationToken; /* cleaned up at the end */
+    rr->timestamp = UA_DateTime_now();
+    rr->requestHandle = ++client->requestHandle;
+    /* Send the request */
+    UA_UInt32 rqId = ++client->requestId;
+    UA_LOG_DEBUG(client->config.logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_CLIENT,
+                 "Sending a request of type %i", requestType->typeId.identifier.numeric);
+    retval = UA_SecureChannel_sendBinaryMessage(&client->channel, rqId, rr, requestType);
+    UA_NodeId_init(&rr->authenticationToken);
+    if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD)
+        return retval;
+    *requestId = rqId;
+/* Look for the async callback in the linked list, execute and delete it */
+static UA_StatusCode
+processAsyncResponse(UA_Client *client, UA_UInt32 requestId,
+                  UA_NodeId *responseTypeId, UA_ByteString *responseMessage,
+                  size_t *offset) {
+    /* Find the callback */
+    AsyncServiceCall *ac;
+    LIST_FOREACH(ac, &client->asyncServiceCalls, pointers) {
+        if(ac->requestId == requestId)
+            break;
+    }
+    if(!ac)
+    /* Decode the response */
+    void *response = UA_alloca(ac->responseType->memSize);
+    UA_StatusCode retval = UA_decodeBinary(responseMessage, offset, response,
+                                           ac->responseType, 0, NULL);
+    /* Call the callback */
+    if(retval == UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD) {
+        ac->callback(client, ac->userdata, requestId, response);
+        UA_deleteMembers(response, ac->responseType);
+    } else {
+        UA_LOG_INFO(client->config.logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_CLIENT,
+                    "Could not decodee the response with Id %u", requestId);
+    }
+    /* Remove the callback */
+    LIST_REMOVE(ac, pointers);
+    UA_free(ac);
+    return retval;
+/* For synchronous service calls. Execute async responses until the response
+ * with the correct requestId turns up. Then, the response is decoded into the
+ * "response" pointer. If the responseType is NULL, just process responses as
+ * async. */
+typedef struct {
     UA_Client *client;
-    UA_Boolean processed;
+    UA_Boolean received;
     UA_UInt32 requestId;
     void *response;
     const UA_DataType *responseType;
+} SyncResponseDescription;
 static void
-processServiceResponse(struct ResponseDescription *rd, UA_SecureChannel *channel,
+processServiceResponse(SyncResponseDescription *rd, UA_SecureChannel *channel,
                        UA_MessageType messageType, UA_UInt32 requestId,
                        UA_ByteString *message) {
     UA_StatusCode retval = UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD;
-    const UA_NodeId expectedNodeId =
-        UA_NODEID_NUMERIC(0, rd->responseType->binaryEncodingId);
+    UA_NodeId expectedNodeId;
     const UA_NodeId serviceFaultNodeId =
     UA_ResponseHeader *respHeader = (UA_ResponseHeader*)rd->response;
-    rd->processed = true;
     /* Forward declaration for the goto */
     size_t offset = 0;
     UA_NodeId responseId;
+    UA_NodeId_init(&responseId);
+    /* Got an error.
+     * TODO: Return as part of the response header */
     if(messageType == UA_MESSAGETYPE_ERR) {
         UA_TcpErrorMessage *msg = (UA_TcpErrorMessage*)message;
         UA_LOG_ERROR(rd->client->config.logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_CLIENT,
                      "Server replied with an error message: %s %.*s",
-                     UA_StatusCode_name(msg->error), msg->reason.length, msg->reason.data);
+                     UA_StatusCode_name(msg->error), msg->reason.length,
+                     msg->reason.data);
         retval = msg->error;
         goto finish;
-    } else if(messageType != UA_MESSAGETYPE_MSG) {
+    }
+    /* Unexpected response type.
+     * TODO: How to process valid OPN responses? */
+    if(messageType != UA_MESSAGETYPE_MSG) {
         UA_LOG_ERROR(rd->client->config.logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_CLIENT,
                      "Server replied with the wrong message type");
         goto finish;
-    /* Check that the request id matches */
-    /* Todo: we need to demux async responses since a publish responses may come
-       at any time */
-    if(requestId != rd->requestId) {
-        UA_LOG_ERROR(rd->client->config.logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_CLIENT,
-                     "Reply answers the wrong requestId. "
-                     "Async services are not yet implemented.");
+    /* Decode the data type identifier of the response */
+    retval = UA_NodeId_decodeBinary(message, &offset, &responseId);
+    if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD)
+        goto finish;
+    /* Got an asynchronous response. Don't expected a synchronous response
+     * (responseType NULL) or the id does not match. */
+    if(!rd->responseType || requestId != rd->requestId) {
+        retval = processAsyncResponse(rd->client, requestId, &responseId, message, &offset);
         goto finish;
+    /* Got the synchronous response */
+    rd->received= true;
     /* Check that the response type matches */
-    retval = UA_NodeId_decodeBinary(message, &offset, &responseId);
-    if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD)
-        goto finish;
+    expectedNodeId = UA_NODEID_NUMERIC(0, rd->responseType->binaryEncodingId);
     if(!UA_NodeId_equal(&responseId, &expectedNodeId)) {
         if(UA_NodeId_equal(&responseId, &serviceFaultNodeId)) {
             /* Take the statuscode from the servicefault */
@@ -719,7 +803,6 @@ processServiceResponse(struct ResponseDescription *rd, UA_SecureChannel *channel
                          "But retrieved ns=%i,i=%i", expectedNodeId.namespaceIndex,
                          expectedNodeId.identifier.numeric, responseId.namespaceIndex,
-            UA_NodeId_deleteMembers(&responseId);
         goto finish;
@@ -731,6 +814,7 @@ processServiceResponse(struct ResponseDescription *rd, UA_SecureChannel *channel
+    UA_NodeId_deleteMembers(&responseId);
     if(retval == UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD) {
         UA_LOG_DEBUG(rd->client->config.logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_CLIENT,
                      "Received a response of type %i", responseId.identifier.numeric);
@@ -743,63 +827,32 @@ processServiceResponse(struct ResponseDescription *rd, UA_SecureChannel *channel
-__UA_Client_Service(UA_Client *client, const void *request, const UA_DataType *requestType,
-                    void *response, const UA_DataType *responseType) {
-    UA_init(response, responseType);
-    UA_ResponseHeader *respHeader = (UA_ResponseHeader*)response;
-    /* Make sure we have a valid session */
-    UA_StatusCode retval = UA_Client_manuallyRenewSecureChannel(client);
-    if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD) {
-        respHeader->serviceResult = retval;
-        client->state = UA_CLIENTSTATE_ERRORED;
-        return;
-    }
-    /* Adjusting the request header. The const attribute is violated, but we
-     * only touch the following members: */
-    UA_RequestHeader *rr = (UA_RequestHeader*)(uintptr_t)request;
-    rr->authenticationToken = client->authenticationToken; /* cleaned up at the end */
-    rr->timestamp = UA_DateTime_now();
-    rr->requestHandle = ++client->requestHandle;
-    /* Send the request */
-    UA_UInt32 requestId = ++client->requestId;
-    UA_LOG_DEBUG(client->config.logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_CLIENT,
-                 "Sending a request of type %i", requestType->typeId.identifier.numeric);
-    retval = UA_SecureChannel_sendBinaryMessage(&client->channel, requestId, rr, requestType);
-    if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD) {
-            respHeader->serviceResult = UA_STATUSCODE_BADREQUESTTOOLARGE;
-        else
-            respHeader->serviceResult = retval;
-        client->state = UA_CLIENTSTATE_FAULTED;
-        UA_NodeId_init(&rr->authenticationToken);
-        return;
-    }
+static UA_StatusCode
+receiveServiceResponse(UA_Client *client, void *response,
+                       const UA_DataType *responseType, UA_DateTime maxDate,
+                       UA_UInt32 *synchronousRequestId) {
     /* Prepare the response and the structure we give into processServiceResponse */
-    UA_init(response, responseType);
-    struct ResponseDescription rd = {client, false, requestId, response, responseType};
+    SyncResponseDescription rd = {client, false, 0, response, responseType};
+    /* Return upon receiving the synchronized response. All other responses are
+     * processed with a callback "in the background". */
+    if(synchronousRequestId)
+        rd.requestId = *synchronousRequestId;
-    /* Retrieve the response */
-    UA_DateTime maxDate = UA_DateTime_nowMonotonic() + (client->config.timeout * UA_MSEC_TO_DATETIME);
     do {
         /* Retrieve complete chunks */
         UA_ByteString reply = UA_BYTESTRING_NULL;
         UA_Boolean realloced = false;
         UA_DateTime now = UA_DateTime_nowMonotonic();
-        if(now < maxDate) {
-            UA_UInt32 timeout = (UA_UInt32)((maxDate - now) / UA_MSEC_TO_DATETIME);
-            retval = UA_Connection_receiveChunksBlocking(&client->connection, &reply, &realloced, timeout);
-        } else {
-        }
-        if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD) {
-            respHeader->serviceResult = retval;
-            break;
-        }
+        if(now > maxDate)
+        UA_UInt32 timeout = (UA_UInt32)((maxDate - now) / UA_MSEC_TO_DATETIME);
+        UA_StatusCode retval =
+            UA_Connection_receiveChunksBlocking(&client->connection, &reply,
+                                                &realloced, timeout);
+        if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD)
+            return retval;
         /* ProcessChunks and call processServiceResponse for complete messages */
         UA_SecureChannel_processChunks(&client->channel, &reply,
                                        (UA_ProcessMessageCallback*)processServiceResponse, &rd);
@@ -808,8 +861,73 @@ __UA_Client_Service(UA_Client *client, const void *request, const UA_DataType *r
             client->connection.releaseRecvBuffer(&client->connection, &reply);
-    } while(!rd.processed);
+    } while(!rd.received);
-    /* Clean up the authentication token */
-    UA_NodeId_init(&rr->authenticationToken);
+__UA_Client_Service(UA_Client *client, const void *request,
+                    const UA_DataType *requestType, void *response,
+                    const UA_DataType *responseType) {
+    UA_init(response, responseType);
+    UA_ResponseHeader *respHeader = (UA_ResponseHeader*)response;
+    /* Send the request */
+    UA_UInt32 requestId;
+    UA_StatusCode retval = sendServiceRequest(client, request, requestType, &requestId);
+    if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD) {
+            respHeader->serviceResult = UA_STATUSCODE_BADREQUESTTOOLARGE;
+        else
+            respHeader->serviceResult = retval;
+        client->state = UA_CLIENTSTATE_FAULTED;
+        return;
+    }
+    /* Retrieve the response */
+    UA_DateTime maxDate = UA_DateTime_nowMonotonic() +
+        (client->config.timeout * UA_MSEC_TO_DATETIME);
+    retval = receiveServiceResponse(client, response, responseType, maxDate, &requestId);
+    if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD)
+        respHeader->serviceResult = retval;
+__UA_Client_AsyncService(UA_Client *client, const void *request,
+                         const UA_DataType *requestType,
+                         UA_ClientAsyncServiceCallback callback,
+                         const UA_DataType *responseType,
+                         void *userdata, UA_UInt32 *requestId) {
+    /* Prepare the entry for the linked list */
+    AsyncServiceCall *ac = (AsyncServiceCall*)UA_malloc(sizeof(AsyncServiceCall));
+    if(!ac)
+    ac->callback = callback;
+    ac->responseType = responseType;
+    ac->userdata = userdata;
+    /* Call the service and set the requestId */
+    UA_StatusCode retval = sendServiceRequest(client, request, requestType, &ac->requestId);
+    if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD) {
+        UA_free(ac);
+        return retval;
+    }
+    /* Store the entry for async processing */
+    LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&client->asyncServiceCalls, ac, pointers);
+    if(requestId)
+        *requestId = ac->requestId;
+UA_Client_runAsync(UA_Client *client, UA_UInt16 timeout) {
+    /* TODO: Call repeated jobs that are scheduled */
+    UA_DateTime maxDate = UA_DateTime_nowMonotonic() +
+        (timeout * UA_MSEC_TO_DATETIME);
+    UA_StatusCode retval = receiveServiceResponse(client, NULL, NULL, maxDate, NULL);
+        retval = UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD;
+    return retval;

+ 11 - 0

@@ -52,6 +52,14 @@ void UA_Client_Subscriptions_forceDelete(UA_Client *client, UA_Client_Subscripti
 /* Client */
+typedef struct AsyncServiceCall {
+    LIST_ENTRY(AsyncServiceCall) pointers;
+    UA_UInt32 requestId;
+    UA_ClientAsyncServiceCallback callback;
+    const UA_DataType *responseType;
+    void *userdata;
+} AsyncServiceCall;
 typedef enum {
@@ -80,6 +88,9 @@ struct UA_Client {
     UA_UserTokenPolicy token;
     UA_NodeId authenticationToken;
     UA_UInt32 requestHandle;
+    /* Async Service */
+    LIST_HEAD(ListOfAsyncServiceCall, AsyncServiceCall) asyncServiceCalls;
     /* Subscriptions */

+ 5 - 0

@@ -180,6 +180,11 @@ add_executable(check_client check_client.c $<TARGET_OBJECTS:open62541-object> $<
 target_link_libraries(check_client ${LIBS})
 add_test(check_client ${TESTS_BINARY_DIR}/check_client)
+# TODO: Re-enable valgrind test
+add_executable(check_client_async check_client_async.c $<TARGET_OBJECTS:open62541-object> $<TARGET_OBJECTS:open62541-testplugins>)
+target_link_libraries(check_client_async ${LIBS})
+add_test(check_client_async ${TESTS_BINARY_DIR}/check_client_async)
 # TODO: Re-enable valgrind test
 add_executable(check_client_subscriptions check_client_subscriptions.c $<TARGET_OBJECTS:open62541-object> $<TARGET_OBJECTS:open62541-testplugins>)
 target_link_libraries(check_client_subscriptions ${LIBS})

+ 114 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include "ua_types.h"
+#include "ua_server.h"
+#include "ua_client.h"
+#include "ua_config_standard.h"
+#include "ua_network_tcp.h"
+#include "check.h"
+#include "testing_clock.h"
+UA_Server *server;
+UA_Boolean *running;
+UA_ServerNetworkLayer nl;
+pthread_t server_thread;
+static void * serverloop(void *_) {
+    while(*running)
+        UA_Server_run_iterate(server, true);
+    return NULL;
+static void setup(void) {
+    running = UA_Boolean_new();
+    *running = true;
+    UA_ServerConfig config = UA_ServerConfig_standard;
+    nl = UA_ServerNetworkLayerTCP(UA_ConnectionConfig_standard, 16664);
+    config.networkLayers = &nl;
+    config.networkLayersSize = 1;
+    server = UA_Server_new(config);
+    UA_Server_run_startup(server);
+    pthread_create(&server_thread, NULL, serverloop, NULL);
+static void teardown(void) {
+    *running = false;
+    pthread_join(server_thread, NULL);
+    UA_Server_run_shutdown(server);
+    UA_Boolean_delete(running);
+    UA_Server_delete(server);
+    nl.deleteMembers(&nl);
+static void
+asyncReadCallback(UA_Client *client, void *userdata,
+                  UA_UInt32 requestId, const UA_ReadResponse *response) {
+    UA_UInt16 *asyncCounter = (UA_UInt16*)userdata;
+    (*asyncCounter)++;
+    UA_sleep(1000);
+START_TEST(Client_read_async) {
+    UA_Client *client = UA_Client_new(UA_ClientConfig_standard);
+    UA_StatusCode retval = UA_Client_connect(client, "opc.tcp://localhost:16664");
+    ck_assert_uint_eq(retval, UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD);
+    UA_UInt16 asyncCounter = 0;
+    UA_ReadRequest rr;
+    UA_ReadRequest_init(&rr);
+    UA_ReadValueId rvid;
+    UA_ReadValueId_init(&rvid);
+    rvid.attributeId = UA_ATTRIBUTEID_VALUE;
+    rr.nodesToRead = &rvid;
+    rr.nodesToReadSize = 1;
+    /* 1st request */
+    retval = __UA_Client_AsyncService(client, &rr, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_READREQUEST],
+                                      (UA_ClientAsyncServiceCallback)asyncReadCallback,
+                                      &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_READRESPONSE], &asyncCounter, NULL);
+    ck_assert_uint_eq(retval, UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD);
+    /* 2nd request */
+    retval = __UA_Client_AsyncService(client, &rr, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_READREQUEST],
+                                      (UA_ClientAsyncServiceCallback)asyncReadCallback,
+                                      &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_READRESPONSE], &asyncCounter, NULL);
+    ck_assert_uint_eq(retval, UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD);
+    /* Process async responses during 100ms */
+    retval = UA_Client_runAsync(client, 1000);
+    ck_assert_uint_eq(retval, UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD);
+    ck_assert_uint_eq(asyncCounter, 2);
+    UA_Client_disconnect(client);
+    UA_Client_delete(client);
+static Suite* testSuite_Client(void) {
+    Suite *s = suite_create("Client");
+    TCase *tc_client = tcase_create("Client Basic");
+    tcase_add_checked_fixture(tc_client, setup, teardown);
+    tcase_add_test(tc_client, Client_read_async);
+    suite_add_tcase(s,tc_client);
+    return s;
+int main(void) {
+    Suite *s = testSuite_Client();
+    SRunner *sr = srunner_create(s);
+    srunner_set_fork_status(sr, CK_NOFORK);
+    srunner_run_all(sr,CK_NORMAL);
+    int number_failed = srunner_ntests_failed(sr);
+    srunner_free(sr);
+    return (number_failed == 0) ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;

+ 2 - 4

@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ static void setup(void) {
 static void teardown(void) {
-    *running = false;
+    *running = false;
     pthread_join(server_thread, NULL);
@@ -63,17 +63,15 @@ static void teardown(void) {
 START_TEST(Misc_State) {
     UA_ClientState state = UA_Client_getState(client);
     ck_assert_uint_eq(state, UA_CLIENTSTATE_CONNECTED);
 START_TEST(Misc_NamespaceGetIndex) {
     UA_UInt16 idx;
     UA_String ns = UA_STRING(CUSTOM_NS);
     UA_StatusCode retval = UA_Client_NamespaceGetIndex(client, &ns, &idx);
-    ck_assert_uint_eq(retval, UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD);
+    ck_assert_uint_eq(retval, UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD);
     ck_assert_uint_eq(idx, 2);
     // namespace uri is case sensitive