@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
* Author: mrt
#include "opcua.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h> // printf
+#include <stdlib.h> // alloc, free
#include <string.h>
@@ -70,6 +71,7 @@ UA_Int32 UA_free(void * ptr){
UA_Int32 UA_alloc(void ** ptr, int size){
*ptr = malloc(size);
+ printf("UA_alloc - ptr=%p, size=%d\n",*ptr,size);
if(*ptr == UA_NULL) return UA_ERR_NO_MEMORY;
return UA_SUCCESS;
@@ -94,6 +96,7 @@ UA_TYPE_METHOD_DELETE_FREE(UA_Boolean)
UA_Int32 UA_Byte_encode(UA_Byte const * src, UA_Int32* pos, char * dst) {
*dst = src[(*pos)++];
@@ -284,7 +287,7 @@ UA_Int32 UA_String_decode(char const * src, UA_Int32* pos, UA_String * dst) {
UA_Int32 retval = UA_SUCCESS;
retval |= UA_Int32_decode(src,pos,&(dst->length));
if (dst->length > 0) {
- retval |= UA_alloc((void*)&(dst->data),dst->length);
+ retval |= UA_alloc((void**)&(dst->data),dst->length);
retval |= UA_memcpy((void*)&(src[*pos]),dst->data,dst->length);
*pos += dst->length;
} else {
@@ -299,8 +302,7 @@ UA_Int32 UA_String_copy(UA_String const * src, UA_String* dst) {
dst->length = src->length;
dst->data = UA_NULL;
if (src->length > 0) {
- retval |= UA_alloc((void*)&(dst->data), src->length);
+ retval |= UA_alloc((void**)&(dst->data), src->length);
if (retval == UA_SUCCESS) {
retval |= UA_memcpy((void*)dst->data, src->data, src->length);
@@ -399,7 +401,7 @@ UA_Int32 UA_LocalizedText_deleteMembers(UA_LocalizedText* p) {
|| UA_String_deleteMembers(&(p->locale))
|| UA_String_deleteMembers(&(p->text))
/* Serialization of UA_NodeID is specified in 62541-6, § */
UA_Int32 UA_NodeId_calcSize(UA_NodeId const *p) {
@@ -472,8 +474,8 @@ UA_Int32 UA_NodeId_encode(UA_NodeId const * src, UA_Int32* pos, char *dst) {
UA_Int32 UA_NodeId_decode(char const * src, UA_Int32* pos, UA_NodeId *dst) {
int retval = UA_SUCCESS;
// temporary variables to overcome decoder's non-endian-saveness for datatypes
- Byte dstByte;
- UInt16 dstUInt16;
+ UA_Byte dstByte;
+ UA_UInt16 dstUInt16;
retval |= UA_Byte_decode(src,pos,&(dst->encodingByte));
switch (dst->encodingByte) {
@@ -489,19 +491,19 @@ UA_Int32 UA_NodeId_decode(char const * src, UA_Int32* pos, UA_NodeId *dst) {
dst->identifier.numeric = dstUInt16;
case UA_NodeIdType_Numeric: // Table 6, first entry
- retval |=UA_Int16_decode(src,pos,&(dst->namespace));
- retval |=UA_Int32_decode(src,pos,&(dst->identifier.numeric));
+ retval |=UA_UInt16_decode(src,pos,&(dst->namespace));
+ retval |=UA_UInt32_decode(src,pos,&(dst->identifier.numeric));
case UA_NodeIdType_String: // Table 6, second entry
- retval |=UA_Int16_decode(src,pos,&(dst->namespace));
+ retval |=UA_UInt16_decode(src,pos,&(dst->namespace));
retval |=UA_String_decode(src,pos,&(dst->identifier.string));
case UA_NodeIdType_Guid: // Table 6, third entry
- retval |=UA_Int16_decode(src,pos,&(dst->namespace));
+ retval |=UA_UInt16_decode(src,pos,&(dst->namespace));
retval |=UA_Guid_decode(src,pos,&(dst->identifier.guid));
case UA_NodeIdType_ByteString: // Table 6, "OPAQUE"
- retval |=UA_Int16_decode(src,pos,&(dst->namespace));
+ retval |=UA_UInt16_decode(src,pos,&(dst->namespace));
retval |=UA_ByteString_decode(src,pos,&(dst->identifier.byteString));
@@ -992,3 +994,112 @@ UA_Int32 UA_DataValue_calcSize(UA_DataValue const * p) {
return length;
+ * RequestHeader
+ * Part: 4
+ * Chapter: 7.26
+ * Page: 132
+ */
+/** \copydoc decodeRequestHeader */
+/*** Sten: removed to compile
+Int32 decodeRequestHeader(const AD_RawMessage *srcRaw, Int32 *pos,
+ UA_AD_RequestHeader *dstRequestHeader) {
+ return decoder_decodeRequestHeader(srcRaw->message, pos, dstRequestHeader);
+/*** Sten: removed to compile
+Int32 decoder_decodeRequestHeader(char const * message, Int32 *pos,
+ UA_AD_RequestHeader *dstRequestHeader) {
+ // 62541-4 § OpenSecureChannelServiceParameters
+ // requestHeader - common request parameters. The authenticationToken is always omitted
+ decoder_decodeBuiltInDatatype(message, NODE_ID, pos,
+ &(dstRequestHeader->authenticationToken));
+ decoder_decodeBuiltInDatatype(message, DATE_TIME, pos,
+ &(dstRequestHeader->timestamp));
+ decoder_decodeBuiltInDatatype(message, UINT32, pos,
+ &(dstRequestHeader->requestHandle));
+ decoder_decodeBuiltInDatatype(message, UINT32, pos,
+ &(dstRequestHeader->returnDiagnostics));
+ decoder_decodeBuiltInDatatype(message, STRING, pos,
+ &(dstRequestHeader->auditEntryId));
+ decoder_decodeBuiltInDatatype(message, UINT32, pos,
+ &(dstRequestHeader->timeoutHint));
+ decoder_decodeBuiltInDatatype(message, EXTENSION_OBJECT, pos,
+ &(dstRequestHeader->additionalHeader));
+ // AdditionalHeader will stay empty, need to be changed if there is relevant information
+ return 0;
+ * ResponseHeader
+ * Part: 4
+ * Chapter: 7.27
+ * Page: 133
+ */
+/** \copydoc encodeResponseHeader */
+/*** Sten: removed to compile
+Int32 encodeResponseHeader(UA_AD_ResponseHeader const * responseHeader,
+ Int32 *pos, UA_ByteString *dstBuf) {
+ encodeUADateTime(responseHeader->timestamp, pos, dstBuf->data);
+ encodeIntegerId(responseHeader->requestHandle, pos, dstBuf->data);
+ encodeUInt32(responseHeader->serviceResult, pos, dstBuf->data);
+ encodeDiagnosticInfo(responseHeader->serviceDiagnostics, pos, dstBuf->data);
+ encoder_encodeBuiltInDatatypeArray(responseHeader->stringTable,
+ responseHeader->noOfStringTable, STRING_ARRAY, pos, dstBuf->data);
+ encodeExtensionObject(responseHeader->additionalHeader, pos, dstBuf->data);
+ //Kodieren von String Datentypen
+ return 0;
+/*** Sten: removed to compile
+Int32 extensionObject_calcSize(UA_ExtensionObject *extensionObject) {
+ Int32 length = 0;
+ length += nodeId_calcSize(&(extensionObject->typeId));
+ length += sizeof(Byte); //The EncodingMask Byte
+ if (extensionObject->encoding == BODY_IS_BYTE_STRING
+ || extensionObject->encoding == BODY_IS_XML_ELEMENT) {
+ length += UAByteString_calcSize(&(extensionObject->body));
+ }
+ return length;
+/*** Sten: removed to compile
+Int32 responseHeader_calcSize(UA_AD_ResponseHeader *responseHeader) {
+ Int32 i;
+ Int32 length = 0;
+ // UtcTime timestamp 8
+ length += sizeof(UA_DateTime);
+ // IntegerId requestHandle 4
+ length += sizeof(UA_AD_IntegerId);
+ // StatusCode serviceResult 4
+ length += sizeof(UA_StatusCode);
+ // DiagnosticInfo serviceDiagnostics
+ length += diagnosticInfo_calcSize(responseHeader->serviceDiagnostics);
+ // String stringTable[], see 62541-6 § 5.2.4
+ length += sizeof(Int32); // Length of Stringtable always
+ if (responseHeader->noOfStringTable > 0) {
+ for (i = 0; i < responseHeader->noOfStringTable; i++) {
+ length += UAString_calcSize(responseHeader->stringTable[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ // ExtensibleObject additionalHeader
+ length += extensionObject_calcSize(responseHeader->additionalHeader);
+ return length;