@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ static void SampleCallback(UA_Server *server, UA_MonitoredItem *monitoredItem) {
newvalue->clientHandle = monitoredItem->clientHandle;
- UA_LOG_INFO(server->config.logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_SERVER,
+ UA_LOG_DEBUG(server->config.logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_SERVER,
"Creating a sample with client handle %u", newvalue->clientHandle);
/* Read the value */
@@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ static void SampleCallback(UA_Server *server, UA_MonitoredItem *monitoredItem) {
UA_StatusCode MonitoredItem_registerSampleJob(UA_Server *server, UA_MonitoredItem *mon) {
+ //SampleCallback(server, mon);
UA_Job job = {.type = UA_JOBTYPE_METHODCALL,
.job.methodCall = {.method = (UA_ServerCallback)SampleCallback, .data = mon} };
UA_StatusCode retval = UA_Server_addRepeatedJob(server, job, (UA_UInt32)mon->samplingInterval,
@@ -138,12 +139,14 @@ UA_Subscription * UA_Subscription_new(UA_Session *session, UA_UInt32 subscriptio
return NULL;
new->session = session;
new->subscriptionID = subscriptionID;
- new->sequenceNumber = 1;
- new->currentKeepAliveCount = 0;
+ new->sequenceNumber = 0;
new->maxKeepAliveCount = 0;
new->publishingEnabled = false;
memset(&new->publishJobGuid, 0, sizeof(UA_Guid));
new->publishJobIsRegistered = false;
+ new->currentKeepAliveCount = 0;
+ new->currentLifetimeCount = 0;
+ new->state = UA_SUBSCRIPTIONSTATE_LATE; /* The first publish response is sent immediately */
return new;
@@ -192,26 +195,37 @@ UA_Subscription_deleteMonitoredItem(UA_Server *server, UA_Subscription *sub,
-static void PublishCallback(UA_Server *server, UA_Subscription *sub) {
+void UA_Subscription_publishCallback(UA_Server *server, UA_Subscription *sub) {
/* Count the available notifications */
size_t notifications = 0;
- if(sub->publishingEnabled) {
- UA_MonitoredItem *mon;
- LIST_FOREACH(mon, &sub->MonitoredItems, listEntry) {
- MonitoredItem_queuedValue *qv;
- TAILQ_FOREACH(qv, &mon->queue, listEntry) {
- if(notifications >= sub->notificationsPerPublish)
- break;
- notifications++;
- }
- }
- }
+ UA_Boolean moreNotifications = false;
+ if(sub->publishingEnabled) {
+ UA_MonitoredItem *mon;
+ LIST_FOREACH(mon, &sub->MonitoredItems, listEntry) {
+ MonitoredItem_queuedValue *qv;
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(qv, &mon->queue, listEntry) {
+ if(notifications >= sub->notificationsPerPublish) {
+ moreNotifications = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ notifications++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- /* Continue only if we have data or want to send a keepalive */
+ /* Return if nothing to do */
if(notifications == 0) {
if(sub->currentKeepAliveCount < sub->maxKeepAliveCount)
+ UA_LOG_DEBUG(server->config.logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_SERVER,
+ "Sending out a keepalive on subscription %u on securechannel %u", sub->subscriptionID,
+ sub->session->authenticationToken.identifier.numeric);
+ } else {
+ UA_LOG_DEBUG(server->config.logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_SERVER,
+ "Sending out a publish response on subscription %u on securechannel %u " \
+ "with %u notifications", sub->subscriptionID,
+ sub->session->authenticationToken.identifier.numeric, (UA_UInt32)notifications);
/* Check if the securechannel is valid */
@@ -219,52 +233,81 @@ static void PublishCallback(UA_Server *server, UA_Subscription *sub) {
- /* Dequeue a response */
- UA_PublishResponseEntry *pre = SIMPLEQ_FIRST(&sub->session->responseQueue);
- if(!pre) {
- UA_LOG_INFO(server->config.logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_SERVER,
- "Cannot send a publish response on subscription %u " \
- "since the publish queue is empty on session %u",
- sub->subscriptionID, sub->session->authenticationToken.identifier.numeric);
- return;
- }
- SIMPLEQ_REMOVE_HEAD(&sub->session->responseQueue, listEntry);
+ /* Dequeue a response */
+ UA_PublishResponseEntry *pre = SIMPLEQ_FIRST(&sub->session->responseQueue);
+ if(!pre) {
+ UA_LOG_DEBUG(server->config.logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_SERVER,
+ "Cannot send a publish response on subscription %u " \
+ "since the publish queue is empty on session %u",
+ sub->subscriptionID, sub->session->authenticationToken.identifier.numeric);
+ if(sub->state != UA_SUBSCRIPTIONSTATE_LATE) {
+ } else {
+ sub->currentLifetimeCount++;
+ if(sub->currentLifetimeCount > sub->lifeTimeCount) {
+ UA_LOG_INFO(server->config.logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_SERVER,
+ "End of lifetime for subscription %u on session %u",
+ sub->subscriptionID, sub->session->authenticationToken.identifier.numeric);
+ UA_Session_deleteSubscription(server, sub->session, sub->subscriptionID);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ SIMPLEQ_REMOVE_HEAD(&sub->session->responseQueue, listEntry);
- /* Prepare the response */
UA_PublishResponse *response = &pre->response;
+ UA_UInt32 requestId = pre->requestId;
+ /* We have a request. Reset state to normal. */
+ sub->currentKeepAliveCount = 0;
+ sub->currentLifetimeCount = 0;
+ /* Prepare the response */
response->responseHeader.timestamp = UA_DateTime_now();
response->subscriptionId = sub->subscriptionID;
+ response->moreNotifications = moreNotifications;
UA_NotificationMessage *message = &response->notificationMessage;
- message->sequenceNumber = ++(sub->sequenceNumber);
message->publishTime = response->responseHeader.timestamp;
- message->notificationData = UA_ExtensionObject_new();
- message->notificationDataSize = 1;
- UA_ExtensionObject *data = message->notificationData;
- UA_DataChangeNotification *dcn = UA_DataChangeNotification_new();
- dcn->monitoredItems = UA_Array_new(notifications, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_MONITOREDITEMNOTIFICATION]);
- dcn->monitoredItemsSize = notifications;
- size_t l = 0;
- UA_MonitoredItem *mon;
- LIST_FOREACH(mon, &sub->MonitoredItems, listEntry) {
- MonitoredItem_queuedValue *qv, *qv_tmp;
- TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(qv, &mon->queue, listEntry, qv_tmp) {
- if(notifications <= l)
- break;
- UA_MonitoredItemNotification *min = &dcn->monitoredItems[l];
- min->clientHandle = qv->clientHandle;
- min->value = qv->value;
- TAILQ_REMOVE(&mon->queue, qv, listEntry);
- UA_free(qv);
- mon->currentQueueSize--;
- l++;
+ if(notifications > 0) {
+ message->sequenceNumber = ++sub->sequenceNumber;
+ /* Collect the notification messages */
+ message->notificationData = UA_ExtensionObject_new();
+ message->notificationDataSize = 1;
+ UA_ExtensionObject *data = message->notificationData;
+ UA_DataChangeNotification *dcn = UA_DataChangeNotification_new();
+ dcn->monitoredItems = UA_Array_new(notifications, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_MONITOREDITEMNOTIFICATION]);
+ dcn->monitoredItemsSize = notifications;
+ size_t l = 0;
+ UA_MonitoredItem *mon;
+ LIST_FOREACH(mon, &sub->MonitoredItems, listEntry) {
+ MonitoredItem_queuedValue *qv, *qv_tmp;
+ TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(qv, &mon->queue, listEntry, qv_tmp) {
+ if(notifications <= l)
+ break;
+ UA_MonitoredItemNotification *min = &dcn->monitoredItems[l];
+ min->clientHandle = qv->clientHandle;
+ min->value = qv->value;
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(&mon->queue, qv, listEntry);
+ UA_free(qv);
+ mon->currentQueueSize--;
+ l++;
+ }
- }
- data->content.decoded.data = dcn;
- data->content.decoded.type = &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_DATACHANGENOTIFICATION];
+ data->content.decoded.data = dcn;
+ data->content.decoded.type = &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_DATACHANGENOTIFICATION];
+ /* Put the notification message into the retransmission queue */
+ UA_NotificationMessageEntry *retransmission = malloc(sizeof(UA_NotificationMessageEntry));
+ retransmission->message = response->notificationMessage;
+ LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&sub->retransmissionQueue, retransmission, listEntry);
+ } else /* Send sequence number for the next notification */
+ message->sequenceNumber = sub->sequenceNumber + 1;
/* Get the available sequence numbers from the retransmission queue */
- size_t available = 1;
+ size_t available = 0;
UA_NotificationMessageEntry *nme;
LIST_FOREACH(nme, &sub->retransmissionQueue, listEntry)
@@ -275,31 +318,24 @@ static void PublishCallback(UA_Server *server, UA_Subscription *sub) {
response->availableSequenceNumbers[i] = nme->message.sequenceNumber;
- response->availableSequenceNumbers[i] = message->sequenceNumber;
- /* send out the response */
- UA_SecureChannel_sendBinaryMessage(channel, pre->requestId, response,
- UA_LOG_DEBUG(server->config.logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_SERVER,
- "Sending out a publish response on subscription %u on securechannel %u " \
- "with %u notifications", sub->subscriptionID,
- sub->session->authenticationToken.identifier.numeric, (UA_UInt32)notifications);
- /* Reset the keepalive count */
- sub->currentKeepAliveCount = 0;
+ /* Send the response */
+ UA_SecureChannel_sendBinaryMessage(sub->session->channel, requestId, response,
- /* Put the notification message into the retransmission queue and delete the response */
- UA_NotificationMessageEntry *retransmission = malloc(sizeof(UA_NotificationMessageEntry));
- retransmission->message = response->notificationMessage;
- UA_NotificationMessage_init(&response->notificationMessage);
- LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&sub->retransmissionQueue, retransmission, listEntry);
- UA_PublishResponse_deleteMembers(response);
+ /* Remove the queued request */
+ UA_NotificationMessage_init(&response->notificationMessage); /* The notification message was put into the queue */
+ UA_PublishResponse_deleteMembers(&pre->response);
+ /* Repeat if there are more notifications to send */
+ if(moreNotifications)
+ UA_Subscription_publishCallback(server, sub);
UA_StatusCode Subscription_registerPublishJob(UA_Server *server, UA_Subscription *sub) {
UA_Job job = (UA_Job) {.type = UA_JOBTYPE_METHODCALL,
- .job.methodCall = {.method = (UA_ServerCallback)PublishCallback, .data = sub} };
+ .job.methodCall = {.method = (UA_ServerCallback)UA_Subscription_publishCallback, .data = sub} };
UA_LOG_DEBUG(server->config.logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_SERVER,
"Adding a subscription with %i millisec interval", (int)sub->publishingInterval);
UA_StatusCode retval = UA_Server_addRepeatedJob(server, job,