@@ -251,7 +251,6 @@ UA_Int32 UA_Text_decodeXmlFromStack(XML_Stack *s, XML_Attr *attr, UA_Byte **dst,
UA_Int32 UA_TypedArray_decodeXmlFromStack(XML_Stack* s, XML_Attr* attr, UA_TypedArray* dst, _Bool isStart) {
UA_Int32 type = s->parent[s->depth - 1].children[s->parent[s->depth - 1].activeChild].type;
- cstring names = s->parent[s->depth - 1].children[s->parent[s->depth - 1].activeChild].name;
/* DBG_VERBOSE(printf("UA_TypedArray_decodeXML - entered with dst=%p,isStart=%d,type={%d,%s},name=%s\n", (void* ) dst, isStart,type,UA_[type].name, names)); */
if (isStart) {
if (dst == UA_NULL) {
@@ -263,16 +262,17 @@ UA_Int32 UA_TypedArray_decodeXmlFromStack(XML_Stack* s, XML_Attr* attr, UA_Typed
// References - Reference
// Aliases - Alias
// ListOfXX - XX
- UA_Int32 length = 0;
- if (0 == strncmp("ListOf",names,strlen("ListOf"))) {
- names = &names[strlen("ListOf")];
- length = strlen(names);
- } else if ( 0 == strncmp("References",names,strlen("References"))){
- length = strlen(names) - 1;
- } else if ( 0 == strncmp("Aliases",names,strlen("Aliases"))){
- length = strlen(names) - 2;
- }
- DBG(printf("UA_TypedArray_decodeXML - add handler for {%.*s}\n", length, names));
+ DBG(UA_Int32 length = 0;
+ cstring names = s->parent[s->depth - 1].children[s->parent[s->depth - 1].activeChild].name;
+ if (0 == strncmp("ListOf",names,strlen("ListOf"))) {
+ names = &names[strlen("ListOf")];
+ length = strlen(names);
+ } else if ( 0 == strncmp("References",names,strlen("References"))){
+ length = strlen(names) - 1;
+ } else if ( 0 == strncmp("Aliases",names,strlen("Aliases"))){
+ length = strlen(names) - 2;
+ }
+ printf("UA_TypedArray_decodeXML - add handler for {%.*s}\n", length, names));
// this is problematic as the standard encoding functions in the vtable take a bytestring as the input
/* XML_Stack_addChildHandler(s, names, length, (XML_decoder) UA_.types[type].encodings[1].decode, type, UA_NULL); */
} else {