@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+ * xml2ns0.c
+ *
+ * Created on: 21.04.2014
+ * Author: mrt
+ */
+#include "ua_xml.h"
+#include <fcntl.h>
+void sam_declareAttribute(UA_Node const * node) {
+ if (node->nodeClass == UA_NODECLASS_VARIABLE) {
+ UA_VariableNode* vn = (UA_VariableNode*) node;
+ // printf("\t%s %*.s;\n", vn->value.vt->name, node->browseName.name.length, node->browseName.name.data);
+ printf("\t%s %s;\n", vn->value.vt->name, node->browseName.name.data);
+ }
+void sam_declareBuffer(UA_Node const * node) {
+ if (node->nodeClass == UA_NODECLASS_VARIABLE) {
+ UA_VariableNode* vn = (UA_VariableNode*) node;
+ switch (vn->dataType.identifier.numeric) {
+ case UA_STRING_NS0:
+ printf("\t UA_Byte cstr_%*.s[] = \"\"\n",vn->browseName.name.length, vn->browseName.name.data);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void sam_assignBuffer(UA_Node const * node) {
+ if (node->nodeClass == UA_NODECLASS_VARIABLE) {
+ UA_VariableNode* vn = (UA_VariableNode*) node;
+ switch (vn->dataType.identifier.numeric) {
+ case UA_STRING_NS0:
+ printf("\tSAM_ASSIGN_CSTRING(cstr_%*.s,sam.%*.s);\n",vn->browseName.name.length, vn->browseName.name.data,vn->browseName.name.length, vn->browseName.name.data);
+ break;
+ printf("\tSAM_ASSIGN_CSTRING(cstr_%*.s,sam.%*.stext);\n",vn->browseName.name.length, vn->browseName.name.data,vn->browseName.name.length, vn->browseName.name.data);
+ break;
+ printf("\tSAM_ASSIGN_CSTRING(cstr_%*.s,sam.%*.s.name);\n",vn->browseName.name.length, vn->browseName.name.data,vn->browseName.name.length, vn->browseName.name.data);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void sam_attachToNamespace(UA_Node const * node) {
+ if (node->nodeClass == UA_NODECLASS_VARIABLE) {
+ UA_VariableNode* vn = (UA_VariableNode*) node;
+ printf("\tsam_attach(ns,%d,%s,&sam.%*.s);\n",node->nodeId.identifier.numeric,UA_[UA_ns0ToVTableIndex(vn->dataType.identifier.numeric)].name,node->browseName.name.length, node->browseName.name.data);
+ }
+typedef struct pattern {
+ char* s;
+ Namespace_nodeVisitor v;
+} pattern;
+pattern p[] = {
+{ "#define SAM_ASSIGN_CSTRING(src,dst) do { dst.length = strlen(src)-1; dst.data = (UA_Byte*) src; } while(0)\n",UA_NULL },
+{ "struct sam {\n", UA_NULL },
+{ UA_NULL, sam_declareAttribute },
+{ "} sam;\n", UA_NULL },
+{ UA_NULL, sam_declareBuffer },
+{ "void sam_init(Namespace* ns) {", UA_NULL },
+{ UA_NULL, sam_assignBuffer },
+{ UA_NULL, sam_attachToNamespace },
+{ "}\n", UA_NULL },
+UA_Int16 UA_NodeId_getNamespace(UA_NodeId const * id) {
+ return id->namespace;
+// FIXME: to simple
+UA_Int16 UA_NodeId_getIdentifier(UA_NodeId const * id) {
+ return id->identifier.numeric;
+_Bool UA_NodeId_isBasicType(UA_NodeId const * id) {
+ return (UA_NodeId_getNamespace(id) == 0) && (UA_NodeId_getIdentifier(id) <= UA_DIAGNOSTICINFO_NS0);
+UA_Int32 Namespace_getNumberOfComponents(Namespace const * ns, UA_NodeId const * id, UA_Int32* number) {
+ UA_Int32 retval = UA_SUCCESS;
+ UA_Node const * node;
+ if ((retval = Namespace_get(ns,id,&node,UA_NULL)) != UA_SUCCESS)
+ return retval;
+ if (node == UA_NULL)
+ UA_Int32 i, n;
+ for (i = 0, n = 0; i < node->referencesSize; i++ ) {
+ if (node->references[i]->referenceTypeId.identifier.numeric == 47 && node->references[i]->isInverse != UA_TRUE) {
+ n++;
+ }
+ }
+ *number = n;
+ return retval;
+UA_Int32 Namespace_getComponent(Namespace const * ns, UA_NodeId const * id, UA_Int32 idx, UA_NodeId** result) {
+ UA_Int32 retval = UA_SUCCESS;
+ UA_Node const * node;
+ if ((retval = Namespace_get(ns,id,&node,UA_NULL)) != UA_SUCCESS)
+ return retval;
+ UA_Int32 i, n;
+ for (i = 0, n = 0; i < node->referencesSize; i++ ) {
+ if (node->references[i]->referenceTypeId.identifier.numeric == 47 && node->references[i]->isInverse != UA_TRUE) {
+ n++;
+ if (n == idx) {
+ *result = &(node->references[i]->targetId.nodeId);
+ return retval;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+UA_Int32 UAX_NodeId_encodeBinaryByMetaData(Namespace const * ns, UA_NodeId const * id, UA_Int32* pos, UA_ByteString *dst) {
+ UA_Int32 i, retval = UA_SUCCESS;
+ if (UA_NodeId_isBasicType(id)) {
+ UA_Node const * result;
+ Namespace_Entry_Lock* lock;
+ if ((retval = Namespace_get(ns,id,&result,&lock)) == UA_SUCCESS)
+ UA_Variant_encodeBinary(&((UA_VariableNode *) result)->value,pos,dst);
+ } else {
+ UA_Int32 nComp = 0;
+ if ((retval = Namespace_getNumberOfComponents(ns,id,&nComp)) == UA_SUCCESS) {
+ for (i=0; i < nComp; i++) {
+ UA_NodeId* comp = UA_NULL;
+ Namespace_getComponent(ns,id,i,&comp);
+ UAX_NodeId_encodeBinaryByMetaData(ns,comp, pos, dst);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return retval;
+UA_Int32 UAX_NodeId_encodeBinary(Namespace const * ns, UA_NodeId const * id, UA_Int32* pos, UA_ByteString *dst) {
+ UA_Int32 retval = UA_SUCCESS;
+ UA_Node const * node;
+ Namespace_Entry_Lock* lock;
+ if ((retval = Namespace_get(ns,id,&node,&lock)) == UA_SUCCESS) {
+ if (node->nodeClass == UA_NODECLASS_VARIABLE) {
+ retval = UA_Variant_encodeBinary(&((UA_VariableNode*) node)->value,pos,dst);
+ }
+ Namespace_Entry_Lock_release(lock);
+ }
+ return retval;
+int main(int argc, char** argv) {
+ if (argc != 2) {
+ printf("usage: %s filename\n",argv[0]);
+ } else {
+ int f = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY);
+ if (f==-1) {
+ perror("file not found");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ char buf[1024];
+ int len; /* len is the number of bytes in the current bufferful of data */
+ XML_Stack s;
+ XML_Stack_init(&s, "ROOT");
+ UA_NodeSet n;
+ UA_NodeSet_init(&n, 0);
+ XML_Stack_addChildHandler(&s, "UANodeSet", strlen("UANodeSet"), (XML_decoder) UA_NodeSet_decodeXML, UA_INVALIDTYPE, &n);
+ XML_Parser parser = XML_ParserCreate(NULL);
+ XML_SetUserData(parser, &s);
+ XML_SetElementHandler(parser, XML_Stack_startElement, XML_Stack_endElement);
+ XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, XML_Stack_handleText);
+ while ((len = read(f, buf, 1024)) > 0) {
+ if (!XML_Parse(parser, buf, len, (len < 1024))) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ XML_ParserFree(parser);
+ close(f);
+ for (pattern* pi = &p[0]; pi->s != UA_NULL || pi->v != UA_NULL; ++pi) {
+ if (pi->v) {
+ Namespace_iterate(n.ns, pi->v);
+ } else {
+ printf("%s\n",pi->s);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;