@@ -2,38 +2,51 @@
#include "ua_server_internal.h"
- * There are three types of work:
+ * There are four types of job execution:
- * 1. Ordinary WorkItems (that are dispatched to worker threads if
- * multithreading is activated)
- * 2. Timed work that is executed at a precise date (with an optional repetition
- * interval)
- * 3. Delayed work that is executed at a later time when it is guaranteed that
- * all previous work has actually finished (only for multithreading)
+ * 1. Normal jobs (dispatched to worker threads if multithreading is activated)
+ *
+ * 2. Repeated jobs with a repetition interval (dispatched to worker threads)
+ *
+ * 3. Mainloop jobs are executed (once) from the mainloop and not in the worker threads. The server
+ * contains a stack structure where all threads can add mainloop jobs for the next mainloop
+ * iteration. This is used e.g. to trigger adding and removing repeated jobs without blocking the
+ * mainloop.
+ *
+ * 4. Delayed jobs are executed once in a worker thread. But only when all normal jobs that were
+ * dispatched earlier have been executed. This is achieved by a counter in the worker threads. We
+ * compute from the counter if all previous jobs have finished. The delay can be very long, since we
+ * try to not interfere too much with normal execution. A use case is to eventually free obsolete
+ * structures that _could_ still be accessed from concurrent threads.
+ *
+ * - Remove the entry from the list
+ * - mark it as "dead" with an atomic operation
+ * - add a delayed job that frees the memory when all concurrent operations have completed
#define MAXTIMEOUT 50000 // max timeout in microsec until the next main loop iteration
-#define BATCHSIZE 20 // max size of worklists that are dispatched to workers
-static void processWork(UA_Server *server, UA_WorkItem *work, size_t workSize) {
- for(size_t i = 0; i < workSize; i++) {
- UA_WorkItem *item = &work[i];
- switch(item->type) {
- UA_Server_processBinaryMessage(server, item->work.binaryMessage.connection,
- &item->work.binaryMessage.message);
- item->work.binaryMessage.connection->releaseBuffer(item->work.binaryMessage.connection,
- &item->work.binaryMessage.message);
+#define BATCHSIZE 20 // max number of jobs that are dispatched at once to workers
+static void processJobs(UA_Server *server, UA_Job *jobs, size_t jobsSize) {
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < jobsSize; i++) {
+ UA_Job *job = &jobs[i];
+ switch(job->type) {
+ UA_Server_processBinaryMessage(server, job->job.binaryMessage.connection,
+ &job->job.binaryMessage.message);
+ UA_Connection *c = job->job.binaryMessage.connection;
+ c->releaseBuffer(job->job.binaryMessage.connection, &job->job.binaryMessage.message);
- UA_Connection_detachSecureChannel(item->work.closeConnection);
- item->work.closeConnection->close(item->work.closeConnection);
+ UA_Connection_detachSecureChannel(job->job.closeConnection);
+ job->job.closeConnection->close(job->job.closeConnection);
- item->work.methodCall.method(server, item->work.methodCall.data);
+ job->job.methodCall.method(server, job->job.methodCall.data);
+ UA_LOG_WARNING(server->logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_SERVER, "Trying to execute a job of unknown type");
@@ -45,35 +58,40 @@ static void processWork(UA_Server *server, UA_WorkItem *work, size_t workSize) {
-/** Entry in the dipatch queue */
-struct workListNode {
+struct MainLoopJob {
+ struct cds_lfs_node node;
+ UA_Job job;
+/** Entry in the dispatch queue */
+struct DispatchJobsList {
struct cds_wfcq_node node; // node for the queue
- UA_UInt32 workSize;
- UA_WorkItem *work;
+ size_t jobsSize;
+ UA_Job *jobs;
-/** Dispatch work to workers. Slices the work up if it contains more than
- BATCHSIZE items. The work array is freed by the worker threads. */
-static void dispatchWork(UA_Server *server, UA_Int32 workSize, UA_WorkItem *work) {
- UA_Int32 startIndex = workSize; // start at the end
- while(workSize > 0) {
- UA_Int32 size = BATCHSIZE;
- if(size > workSize)
- size = workSize;
+/** Dispatch jobs to workers. Slices the job array up if it contains more than BATCHSIZE items. The jobs
+ array is freed in the worker threads. */
+static void dispatchJobs(UA_Server *server, UA_Job *jobs, size_t jobsSize) {
+ size_t startIndex = jobsSize; // start at the end
+ while(jobsSize > 0) {
+ size_t size = BATCHSIZE;
+ if(size > jobsSize)
+ size = jobsSize;
startIndex = startIndex - size;
- struct workListNode *wln = UA_malloc(sizeof(struct workListNode));
+ struct DispatchJobsList *wln = UA_malloc(sizeof(struct DispatchJobsList));
if(startIndex > 0) {
- UA_WorkItem *workSlice = UA_malloc(size * sizeof(UA_WorkItem));
- UA_memcpy(workSlice, &work[startIndex], size * sizeof(UA_WorkItem));
- *wln = (struct workListNode){.workSize = size, .work = workSlice};
- }
- else {
- // do not alloc, but forward the original array
- *wln = (struct workListNode){.workSize = size, .work = work};
+ wln->jobs = UA_malloc(size * sizeof(UA_Job));
+ UA_memcpy(wln->jobs, &jobs[startIndex], size * sizeof(UA_Job));
+ wln->jobsSize = size;
+ } else {
+ /* forward the original array */
+ wln->jobsSize = size;
+ wln->jobs = jobs;
cds_wfcq_enqueue(&server->dispatchQueue_head, &server->dispatchQueue_tail, &wln->node);
- workSize -= size;
+ jobsSize -= size;
@@ -83,13 +101,11 @@ struct workerStartData {
UA_UInt32 **workerCounter;
-/** Waits until work arrives in the dispatch queue (restart after 10ms) and
- processes it. */
+/** Waits until jobs arrive in the dispatch queue and processes them. */
static void * workerLoop(struct workerStartData *startInfo) {
UA_UInt32 *c = UA_malloc(sizeof(UA_UInt32));
uatomic_set(c, 0);
*startInfo->workerCounter = c;
UA_Server *server = startInfo->server;
@@ -100,13 +116,14 @@ static void * workerLoop(struct workerStartData *startInfo) {
struct timespec to;
while(*server->running) {
- struct workListNode *wln = (struct workListNode*)
+ struct DispatchJobsList *wln = (struct DispatchJobsList*)
cds_wfcq_dequeue_blocking(&server->dispatchQueue_head, &server->dispatchQueue_tail);
if(wln) {
- processWork(server, wln->work, wln->workSize);
- UA_free(wln->work);
+ processJobs(server, wln->jobs, wln->jobsSize);
+ UA_free(wln->jobs);
} else {
+ /* sleep until a work arrives (and wakes up all worker threads) */
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &to);
to.tv_sec += 2;
pthread_cond_timedwait(&server->dispatchQueue_condition, &mutex, &to);
@@ -115,133 +132,156 @@ static void * workerLoop(struct workerStartData *startInfo) {
+ rcu_barrier(); // wait for all scheduled call_rcu work to complete
+ /* we need to return _something_ for pthreads */
return UA_NULL;
static void emptyDispatchQueue(UA_Server *server) {
while(!cds_wfcq_empty(&server->dispatchQueue_head, &server->dispatchQueue_tail)) {
- struct workListNode *wln = (struct workListNode*)
+ struct DispatchJobsList *wln = (struct DispatchJobsList*)
cds_wfcq_dequeue_blocking(&server->dispatchQueue_head, &server->dispatchQueue_tail);
- processWork(server, wln->work, wln->workSize);
- UA_free(wln->work);
+ processJobs(server, wln->jobs, wln->jobsSize);
+ UA_free(wln->jobs);
-/* Timed Work */
+/* Repeated Jobs */
+struct IdentifiedJob {
+ UA_Job job;
+ UA_Guid id;
- * The TimedWork structure contains an array of workitems that are either executed at the same time
- * or in the same repetition inverval. The linked list is sorted, so we can stop traversing when the
- * first element has nextTime > now.
+ * The RepeatedJobs structure contains an array of jobs that are either executed with the same
+ * repetition inverval. The linked list is sorted, so we can stop traversing when the first element
+ * has nextTime > now.
-struct TimedWork {
- LIST_ENTRY(TimedWork) pointers;
- UA_DateTime nextTime;
- UA_UInt32 interval; ///> in 100ns resolution, 0 means no repetition
- size_t workSize;
- UA_WorkItem *work;
- UA_Guid workIds[];
+struct RepeatedJobs {
+ LIST_ENTRY(RepeatedJobs) pointers; ///> Links to the next list of repeated jobs (with a different) interval
+ UA_DateTime nextTime; ///> The next time when the jobs are to be executed
+ UA_UInt32 interval; ///> Interval in 100ns resolution
+ size_t jobsSize; ///> Number of jobs contained
+ struct IdentifiedJob jobs[]; ///> The jobs. This is not a pointer, instead the struct is variable sized.
+/* throwaway struct for the mainloop callback */
+struct AddRepeatedJob {
+ struct IdentifiedJob job;
+ UA_UInt32 interval;
-/* Traverse the list until there is a TimedWork to which the item can be added or we reached the
- end. The item is copied into the TimedWork and not freed by this function. The interval is in
- 100ns resolution */
-static UA_StatusCode addTimedWork(UA_Server *server, const UA_WorkItem *item, UA_DateTime firstTime,
- UA_UInt32 interval, UA_Guid *resultWorkGuid) {
- struct TimedWork *matchingTw = UA_NULL; // add the item here
- struct TimedWork *lastTw = UA_NULL; // if there is no matchingTw, add a new TimedWork after this entry
- struct TimedWork *tempTw;
+/* internal. call only from the main loop. */
+static UA_StatusCode addRepeatedJob(UA_Server *server, struct AddRepeatedJob * restrict arw) {
+ struct RepeatedJobs *matchingTw = UA_NULL; // add the item here
+ struct RepeatedJobs *lastTw = UA_NULL; // if there is no repeated job, add a new one this entry
+ struct RepeatedJobs *tempTw;
/* search for matching entry */
- tempTw = LIST_FIRST(&server->timedWork);
- if(interval == 0) {
- /* single execution. the time needs to match */
- while(tempTw) {
- if(tempTw->nextTime >= firstTime) {
- if(tempTw->nextTime == firstTime)
- matchingTw = tempTw;
- break;
- }
- lastTw = tempTw;
- tempTw = LIST_NEXT(lastTw, pointers);
- }
- } else {
- /* repeated execution. the interval needs to match */
- while(tempTw) {
- if(interval == tempTw->interval) {
- matchingTw = tempTw;
- break;
- }
- if(tempTw->nextTime > firstTime)
- break;
- lastTw = tempTw;
- tempTw = LIST_NEXT(lastTw, pointers);
+ UA_DateTime firstTime = UA_DateTime_now() + arw->interval;
+ tempTw = LIST_FIRST(&server->repeatedJobs);
+ while(tempTw) {
+ if(arw->interval == tempTw->interval) {
+ matchingTw = tempTw;
+ break;
+ if(tempTw->nextTime > firstTime)
+ break;
+ lastTw = tempTw;
+ tempTw = LIST_NEXT(lastTw, pointers);
if(matchingTw) {
/* append to matching entry */
- matchingTw = UA_realloc(matchingTw, sizeof(struct TimedWork) + sizeof(UA_Guid)*(matchingTw->workSize + 1));
- if(!matchingTw)
+ matchingTw = UA_realloc(matchingTw, sizeof(struct RepeatedJobs) +
+ (sizeof(struct IdentifiedJob) * (matchingTw->jobsSize + 1)));
+ if(!matchingTw) {
+ UA_free(arw);
+ }
+ /* point the realloced struct */
matchingTw->pointers.le_next->pointers.le_prev = &matchingTw->pointers.le_next;
*matchingTw->pointers.le_prev = matchingTw;
- UA_WorkItem *newItems = UA_realloc(matchingTw->work, sizeof(UA_WorkItem)*(matchingTw->workSize + 1));
- if(!newItems)
- matchingTw->work = newItems;
} else {
/* create a new entry */
- matchingTw = UA_malloc(sizeof(struct TimedWork) + sizeof(UA_Guid));
- if(!matchingTw)
- matchingTw->work = UA_malloc(sizeof(UA_WorkItem));
- if(!matchingTw->work) {
- UA_free(matchingTw);
+ matchingTw = UA_malloc(sizeof(struct RepeatedJobs) + sizeof(struct IdentifiedJob));
+ if(!matchingTw) {
+ UA_free(arw);
- matchingTw->workSize = 0;
+ matchingTw->jobsSize = 0;
matchingTw->nextTime = firstTime;
- matchingTw->interval = interval;
+ matchingTw->interval = arw->interval;
LIST_INSERT_AFTER(lastTw, matchingTw, pointers);
- LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&server->timedWork, matchingTw, pointers);
- }
- matchingTw->work[matchingTw->workSize] = *item;
- matchingTw->workSize++;
- /* create a guid for finding and deleting the timed work later on */
- if(resultWorkGuid) {
- matchingTw->workIds[matchingTw->workSize] = UA_Guid_random(&server->random_seed);
- *resultWorkGuid = matchingTw->workIds[matchingTw->workSize];
+ LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&server->repeatedJobs, matchingTw, pointers);
+ matchingTw->jobs[matchingTw->jobsSize] = arw->job;
+ matchingTw->jobsSize++;
+ UA_free(arw);
-UA_StatusCode UA_Server_addTimedWorkItem(UA_Server *server, const UA_WorkItem *work, UA_DateTime executionTime,
- UA_Guid *resultWorkGuid) {
- return addTimedWork(server, work, executionTime, 0, resultWorkGuid);
+UA_StatusCode UA_Server_addRepeatedJob(UA_Server *server, UA_Job job, UA_UInt32 interval, UA_Guid *jobId) {
+ /* the interval needs to be at least 5ms */
+ if(interval < 5)
+ interval *= 10000; // from ms to 100ns resolution
-UA_StatusCode UA_Server_addRepeatedWorkItem(UA_Server *server, const UA_WorkItem *work, UA_UInt32 interval,
- UA_Guid *resultWorkGuid) {
- return addTimedWork(server, work, UA_DateTime_now() + interval * 10000, interval * 10000, resultWorkGuid);
+ struct AddRepeatedJob *arw = UA_malloc(sizeof(struct AddRepeatedJob));
+ if(!arw)
+ arw->interval = interval;
+ arw->job.job = job;
+ if(jobId) {
+ arw->job.id = UA_Guid_random(&server->random_seed);
+ *jobId = arw->job.id;
+ } else
+ UA_Guid_init(&arw->job.id);
+ struct MainLoopJob *mlw = UA_malloc(sizeof(struct MainLoopJob));
+ if(!mlw) {
+ UA_free(arw);
+ }
+ mlw->job = (UA_Job) {
+ .job.methodCall = {.data = arw, .method = (void (*)(UA_Server*, void*))addRepeatedJob}};
+ cds_lfs_push(&server->mainLoopJobs, &mlw->node);
+ struct AddRepeatedJob arw;
+ arw.interval = interval;
+ arw.job.job = job;
+ if(jobId) {
+ arw.job.id = UA_Guid_random(&server->random_seed);
+ *jobId = arw.job.id;
+ } else
+ UA_Guid_init(&arw.job.id);
+ addRepeatedJob(server, &arw);
-/** Dispatches timed work, returns the timeout until the next timed work in ms */
-static UA_UInt16 processTimedWork(UA_Server *server) {
+/* Returns the timeout until the next repeated job in ms */
+static UA_UInt16 processRepeatedJobs(UA_Server *server) {
UA_DateTime current = UA_DateTime_now();
- struct TimedWork *next = LIST_FIRST(&server->timedWork);
- struct TimedWork *tw = UA_NULL;
+ struct RepeatedJobs *next = LIST_FIRST(&server->repeatedJobs);
+ struct RepeatedJobs *tw = UA_NULL;
while(next) {
tw = next;
@@ -250,58 +290,35 @@ static UA_UInt16 processTimedWork(UA_Server *server) {
next = LIST_NEXT(tw, pointers);
- if(tw->interval > 0) {
- // copy the entry and insert at the new location
- UA_WorkItem *workCopy = (UA_WorkItem *) UA_malloc(sizeof(UA_WorkItem) * tw->workSize);
- UA_memcpy(workCopy, tw->work, sizeof(UA_WorkItem) * tw->workSize);
- dispatchWork(server, tw->workSize, workCopy); // frees the work pointer
- tw->nextTime += tw->interval;
- struct TimedWork *prevTw = tw; // after which tw do we insert?
- while(UA_TRUE) {
- struct TimedWork *n = LIST_NEXT(prevTw, pointers);
- if(!n || n->nextTime > tw->nextTime)
- break;
- prevTw = n;
- }
- if(prevTw != tw) {
- LIST_REMOVE(tw, pointers);
- LIST_INSERT_AFTER(prevTw, tw, pointers);
- }
- } else {
- dispatchWork(server, tw->workSize, tw->work); // frees the work pointer
- LIST_REMOVE(tw, pointers);
- UA_free(tw);
+ // copy the entry and insert at the new location
+ UA_Job *jobsCopy = UA_malloc(sizeof(UA_Job) * tw->jobsSize);
+ if(!jobsCopy) {
+ UA_LOG_ERROR(server->logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_SERVER, "Not enough memory to dispatch delayed jobs");
+ break;
+ for(size_t i=0;i<tw->jobsSize;i++)
+ jobsCopy[i] = tw->jobs[i].job;
+ dispatchJobs(server, jobsCopy, tw->jobsSize); // frees the job pointer
- // 1) Process the work since it is past its due date
- processWork(server, tw->work, tw->workSize); // does not free the work ptr
- // 2) If the work is repeated, add it back into the list. Otherwise remove it.
- if(tw->interval > 0) {
- tw->nextTime += tw->interval;
- if(tw->nextTime < current)
- tw->nextTime = current;
- struct TimedWork *prevTw = tw;
- while(UA_TRUE) {
- struct TimedWork *n = LIST_NEXT(prevTw, pointers);
- if(!n || n->nextTime > tw->nextTime)
- break;
- prevTw = n;
- }
- if(prevTw != tw) {
- LIST_REMOVE(tw, pointers);
- LIST_INSERT_AFTER(prevTw, tw, pointers);
- }
- } else {
+ for(size_t i=0;i<tw->jobsSize;i++)
+ processJobs(server, &tw->jobs[i].job, 1); // does not free the job ptr
+ tw->nextTime += tw->interval;
+ struct RepeatedJobs *prevTw = tw; // after which tw do we insert?
+ while(UA_TRUE) {
+ struct RepeatedJobs *n = LIST_NEXT(prevTw, pointers);
+ if(!n || n->nextTime > tw->nextTime)
+ break;
+ prevTw = n;
+ }
+ if(prevTw != tw) {
LIST_REMOVE(tw, pointers);
- UA_free(tw->work);
- UA_free(tw);
+ LIST_INSERT_AFTER(prevTw, tw, pointers);
- // check if the next timed work is sooner than the usual timeout
- struct TimedWork *first = LIST_FIRST(&server->timedWork);
+ // check if the next repeated job is sooner than the usual timeout
+ struct RepeatedJobs *first = LIST_FIRST(&server->repeatedJobs);
UA_UInt16 timeout = MAXTIMEOUT;
if(first) {
timeout = (first->nextTime - current)/10;
@@ -311,35 +328,73 @@ static UA_UInt16 processTimedWork(UA_Server *server) {
return timeout;
-void UA_Server_deleteTimedWork(UA_Server *server) {
- struct TimedWork *current;
- struct TimedWork *next = LIST_FIRST(&server->timedWork);
- while(next) {
- current = next;
- next = LIST_NEXT(current, pointers);
+/* Call this function only from the main loop! */
+static void removeRepeatedJob(UA_Server *server, UA_Guid *jobId) {
+ struct RepeatedJobs *tw;
+ LIST_FOREACH(tw, &server->repeatedJobs, pointers) {
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < tw->jobsSize; i++) {
+ if(!UA_Guid_equal(jobId, &tw->jobs[i].id))
+ continue;
+ if(tw->jobsSize == 1) {
+ LIST_REMOVE(tw, pointers);
+ UA_free(tw);
+ } else {
+ tw->jobsSize--;
+ tw->jobs[i] = tw->jobs[tw->jobsSize]; // move the last entry to overwrite
+ }
+ goto finish; // ugly break
+ }
+ }
+ finish:
+ UA_free(jobId);
+ return;
+UA_StatusCode UA_Server_removeRepeatedJob(UA_Server *server, UA_Guid jobId) {
+ UA_Guid *idptr = UA_malloc(sizeof(UA_Guid));
+ if(!idptr)
+ *idptr = jobId;
+ // dispatch to the mainloopjobs stack
+ struct MainLoopJob *mlw = UA_malloc(sizeof(struct MainLoopJob));
+ mlw->job = (UA_Job) {
+ .job.methodCall = {.data = idptr, .method = (void (*)(UA_Server*, void*))removeRepeatedJob}};
+ cds_lfs_push(&server->mainLoopJobs, &mlw->node);
+ removeRepeatedJob(server, &jobId);
+void UA_Server_deleteAllRepeatedJobs(UA_Server *server) {
+ struct RepeatedJobs *current;
+ while((current = LIST_FIRST(&server->repeatedJobs))) {
LIST_REMOVE(current, pointers);
- UA_free(current->work);
-/* Delayed Work */
+/* Delayed Jobs */
-#define DELAYEDWORKSIZE 100 // Collect delayed work until we have DELAYEDWORKSIZE items
+#define DELAYEDJOBSSIZE 100 // Collect delayed jobs until we have DELAYEDWORKSIZE items
-struct DelayedWork {
- struct DelayedWork *next;
- UA_UInt32 *workerCounters; // initially UA_NULL until a workitem gets the counters
- UA_UInt32 workItemsCount; // the size of the array is DELAYEDWORKSIZE, the count may be less
- UA_WorkItem *workItems; // when it runs full, a new delayedWork entry is created
+struct DelayedJobs {
+ struct DelayedJobs *next;
+ UA_UInt32 *workerCounters; // initially UA_NULL until the counter are set
+ UA_UInt32 jobsCount; // the size of the array is DELAYEDJOBSSIZE, the count may be less
+ UA_Job jobs[DELAYEDJOBSSIZE]; // when it runs full, a new delayedJobs entry is created
-// Dispatched as a methodcall-WorkItem when the delayedwork is added
-static void getCounters(UA_Server *server, struct DelayedWork *delayed) {
+/* Dispatched as an ordinary job when the DelayedJobs list is full */
+static void getCounters(UA_Server *server, struct DelayedJobs *delayed) {
UA_UInt32 *counters = UA_malloc(server->nThreads * sizeof(UA_UInt32));
for(UA_UInt16 i = 0;i<server->nThreads;i++)
counters[i] = *server->workerCounters[i];
@@ -349,84 +404,83 @@ static void getCounters(UA_Server *server, struct DelayedWork *delayed) {
// Call from the main thread only. This is the only function that modifies
// server->delayedWork. processDelayedWorkQueue modifies the "next" (after the
// head).
-static void addDelayedWork(UA_Server *server, UA_WorkItem work) {
- struct DelayedWork *dw = server->delayedWork;
- if(!dw || dw->workItemsCount >= DELAYEDWORKSIZE) {
- struct DelayedWork *newwork = UA_malloc(sizeof(struct DelayedWork));
- newwork->workItems = UA_malloc(sizeof(UA_WorkItem)*DELAYEDWORKSIZE);
- newwork->workItemsCount = 0;
- newwork->workerCounters = UA_NULL;
- newwork->next = server->delayedWork;
- // dispatch a method that sets the counter
- if(dw && dw->workItemsCount >= DELAYEDWORKSIZE) {
- UA_WorkItem *setCounter = UA_malloc(sizeof(UA_WorkItem));
- *setCounter = (UA_WorkItem)
- .work.methodCall = {.method = (void (*)(UA_Server*, void*))getCounters, .data = dw}};
- dispatchWork(server, 1, setCounter);
+static void addDelayedJob(UA_Server *server, UA_Job *job) {
+ struct DelayedJobs *dj = server->delayedJobs;
+ if(!dj || dj->jobsCount >= DELAYEDJOBSSIZE) {
+ /* create a new DelayedJobs and add it to the linked list */
+ dj = UA_malloc(sizeof(struct DelayedJobs));
+ if(!dj) {
+ UA_LOG_ERROR(server->logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_SERVER, "Not enough memory to add a delayed job");
+ return;
+ }
+ dj->jobsCount = 0;
+ dj->workerCounters = UA_NULL;
+ dj->next = server->delayedJobs;
+ server->delayedJobs = dj;
+ /* dispatch a method that sets the counter for the full list that comes afterwards */
+ if(dj->next) {
+ UA_Job *setCounter = UA_malloc(sizeof(UA_Job));
+ *setCounter = (UA_Job) {.type = UA_JOBTYPE_METHODCALL, .job.methodCall =
+ {.method = (void (*)(UA_Server*, void*))getCounters, .data = dj->next}};
+ dispatchJobs(server, setCounter, 1);
- server->delayedWork = newwork;
- dw = newwork;
- dw->workItems[dw->workItemsCount] = work;
- dw->workItemsCount++;
+ dj->jobs[dj->jobsCount] = *job;
+ dj->jobsCount++;
-static void processDelayedWork(UA_Server *server) {
- struct DelayedWork *dw = server->delayedWork;
- while(dw) {
- processWork(server, dw->workItems, dw->workItemsCount);
- struct DelayedWork *next = dw->next;
- UA_free(dw->workerCounters);
- UA_free(dw->workItems);
- UA_free(dw);
- dw = next;
- }
+static void addDelayedJobAsync(UA_Server *server, UA_Job *job) {
+ addDelayedJob(server, job);
+ UA_free(job);
-// Execute this every N seconds (repeated work) to execute delayed work that is ready
-static void dispatchDelayedWork(UA_Server *server, void *data /* not used, but needed for the signature*/) {
- struct DelayedWork *dw = UA_NULL;
- struct DelayedWork *readydw = UA_NULL;
- struct DelayedWork *beforedw = server->delayedWork;
+UA_StatusCode UA_Server_addDelayedJob(UA_Server *server, UA_Job job) {
+ UA_Job *j = UA_malloc(sizeof(UA_Job));
+ if(!j)
+ *j = job;
+ struct MainLoopJob *mlw = UA_malloc(sizeof(struct MainLoopJob));
+ mlw->job = (UA_Job) {.type = UA_JOBTYPE_METHODCALL, .job.methodCall =
+ {.data = j, .method = (void (*)(UA_Server*, void*))addDelayedJobAsync}};
+ cds_lfs_push(&server->mainLoopJobs, &mlw->node);
- // start at the second...
- if(beforedw)
- dw = beforedw->next;
+/* Find out which delayed jobs can be executed now */
+static void dispatchDelayedJobs(UA_Server *server, void *data /* not used, but needed for the signature*/) {
+ /* start at the second */
+ struct DelayedJobs *dw = server->delayedJobs, *beforedw = dw;
+ if(dw)
+ dw = dw->next;
- // find the first delayedwork where the counters are set and have been moved
+ /* find the first delayedwork where the counters have been set and have moved */
while(dw) {
if(!dw->workerCounters) {
beforedw = dw;
dw = dw->next;
- UA_Boolean countersMoved = UA_TRUE;
+ UA_Boolean allMoved = UA_TRUE;
for(UA_UInt16 i=0;i<server->nThreads;i++) {
- if(*server->workerCounters[i] == dw->workerCounters[i])
- countersMoved = UA_FALSE;
+ if(dw->workerCounters[i] == *server->workerCounters[i]) {
+ allMoved = UA_FALSE;
+ }
- if(countersMoved) {
- readydw = uatomic_xchg(&beforedw->next, UA_NULL);
+ if(allMoved)
- } else {
- beforedw = dw;
- dw = dw->next;
- }
+ beforedw = dw;
+ dw = dw->next;
- // we have a ready entry. all afterwards are also ready
- while(readydw) {
- dispatchWork(server, readydw->workItemsCount, readydw->workItems);
- beforedw = readydw;
- readydw = readydw->next;
- UA_free(beforedw->workerCounters);
- UA_free(beforedw);
+ /* process and free all delayed jobs from here on */
+ while(dw) {
+ processJobs(server, dw->jobs, dw->jobsCount);
+ struct DelayedJobs *next = uatomic_xchg(&beforedw->next, UA_NULL);
+ UA_free(dw);
+ UA_free(dw->workerCounters);
+ dw = next;
@@ -436,9 +490,26 @@ static void dispatchDelayedWork(UA_Server *server, void *data /* not used, but n
/* Main Server Loop */
-UA_StatusCode UA_Server_run_startup(UA_Server *server, UA_UInt16 nThreads, UA_Boolean *running){
- // 1) Prepare the threads
+static void processMainLoopJobs(UA_Server *server) {
+ /* no synchronization required if we only use push and pop_all */
+ struct cds_lfs_head *head = __cds_lfs_pop_all(&server->mainLoopJobs);
+ if(!head)
+ return;
+ struct MainLoopJob *mlw = (struct MainLoopJob*)&head->node;
+ struct MainLoopJob *next;
+ do {
+ processJobs(server, &mlw->job, 1);
+ next = (struct MainLoopJob*)mlw->node.next;
+ UA_free(mlw);
+ } while((mlw = next));
+ //UA_free(head);
+UA_StatusCode UA_Server_run_startup(UA_Server *server, UA_UInt16 nThreads, UA_Boolean *running) {
+ /* Prepare the worker threads */
server->running = running; // the threads need to access the variable
server->nThreads = nThreads;
pthread_cond_init(&server->dispatchQueue_condition, 0);
@@ -451,52 +522,59 @@ UA_StatusCode UA_Server_run_startup(UA_Server *server, UA_UInt16 nThreads, UA_Bo
pthread_create(&server->thr[i], UA_NULL, (void* (*)(void*))workerLoop, startData);
- UA_WorkItem processDelayed = {.type = UA_WORKITEMTYPE_METHODCALL,
- .work.methodCall = {.method = dispatchDelayedWork,
- .data = UA_NULL} };
- UA_Server_addRepeatedWorkItem(server, &processDelayed, 10000000, UA_NULL);
+ /* try to execute the delayed callbacks every 10 sec */
+ UA_Job processDelayed = {.type = UA_JOBTYPE_METHODCALL,
+ .job.methodCall = {.method = dispatchDelayedJobs, .data = UA_NULL} };
+ UA_Server_addRepeatedJob(server, processDelayed, 10000, UA_NULL);
- // 2) Start the networklayers
+ /* Start the networklayers */
for(size_t i = 0; i <server->networkLayersSize; i++)
server->networkLayers[i].start(server->networkLayers[i].nlHandle, &server->logger);
-UA_StatusCode UA_Server_run_getAndProcessWork(UA_Server *server, UA_Boolean *running){
- // 3.1) Process timed work
- UA_UInt16 timeout = processTimedWork(server);
+UA_StatusCode UA_Server_run_mainloop(UA_Server *server, UA_Boolean *running) {
+ /* Run Work in the main loop */
+ processMainLoopJobs(server);
+ /* Process repeated work */
+ UA_UInt16 timeout = processRepeatedJobs(server);
- // 3.2) Get work from the networklayer and dispatch it
+ /* Get work from the networklayer */
for(size_t i = 0; i < server->networkLayersSize; i++) {
UA_ServerNetworkLayer *nl = &server->networkLayers[i];
- UA_WorkItem *work;
- UA_Int32 workSize;
+ UA_Job *jobs;
+ UA_Int32 jobsSize;
if(*running) {
if(i == server->networkLayersSize-1)
- workSize = nl->getWork(nl->nlHandle, &work, timeout);
+ jobsSize = nl->getJobs(nl->nlHandle, &jobs, timeout);
- workSize = nl->getWork(nl->nlHandle, &work, 0);
- } else {
- workSize = server->networkLayers[i].stop(nl->nlHandle, &work);
- }
+ jobsSize = nl->getJobs(nl->nlHandle, &jobs, 0);
+ } else
+ jobsSize = server->networkLayers[i].stop(nl->nlHandle, &jobs);
-// Filter out delayed work
-for(UA_Int32 k=0;k<workSize;k++) {
- continue;
- addDelayedWork(server, work[k]);
-dispatchWork(server, workSize, work);
-if(workSize > 0)
- pthread_cond_broadcast(&server->dispatchQueue_condition);
+ /* Filter out delayed work */
+ for(UA_Int32 k=0;k<jobsSize;k++) {
+ continue;
+ addDelayedJob(server, &jobs[k]);
+ jobs[k].type = UA_JOBTYPE_NOTHING;
+ }
+ /* Dispatch work to the worker threads */
+ dispatchJobs(server, jobs, jobsSize);
+ /* Trigger sleeping worker threads */
+ if(jobsSize > 0)
+ pthread_cond_broadcast(&server->dispatchQueue_condition);
-processWork(server, work, workSize);
-if(workSize > 0)
- UA_free(work);
+ processJobs(server, jobs, jobsSize);
+ if(jobsSize > 0)
+ UA_free(jobs);
@@ -504,34 +582,35 @@ if(workSize > 0)
UA_StatusCode UA_Server_run_shutdown(UA_Server *server, UA_UInt16 nThreads){
- // 4) Clean up: Wait until all worker threads finish, then empty the
- // dispatch queue, then process the remaining delayed work
+ /* Wait for all worker threads to finish */
for(UA_UInt32 i=0;i<nThreads;i++) {
pthread_join(server->thr[i], UA_NULL);
+ /* Manually finish the work still enqueued */
- processDelayedWork(server);
+ /* Process the remaining delayed work */
+ struct DelayedJobs *dw = server->delayedJobs;
+ while(dw) {
+ processJobs(server, dw->jobs, dw->jobsCount);
+ struct DelayedJobs *next = dw->next;
+ UA_free(dw->workerCounters);
+ UA_free(dw);
+ dw = next;
+ }
UA_StatusCode UA_Server_run(UA_Server *server, UA_UInt16 nThreads, UA_Boolean *running) {
UA_Server_run_startup(server, nThreads, running);
- // 3) The loop
- while(1) {
- UA_Server_run_getAndProcessWork(server, running);
- // 3.3) Exit?
- if(!*running)
- break;
+ while(*running) {
+ UA_Server_run_mainloop(server, running);
UA_Server_run_shutdown(server, nThreads);