/* * Copyright (C) 2013-2015 the contributors as stated in the AUTHORS file * * This file is part of open62541. open62541 is free software: you can * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General * Public License, version 3 (as published by the Free Software Foundation) with * a static linking exception as stated in the LICENSE file provided with * open62541. * * open62541 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. */ #ifndef UA_TYPES_H_ #define UA_TYPES_H_ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #ifndef UA_FFI_BINDINGS #include #include #endif #include "ua_config.h" #include "ua_statuscodes.h" /** * Data Types * ========== * * In open62541, all data types share the same basic API for creation, copying * and deletion. The header ua_types.h defines the builtin types. In addition, * we auto-generate ua_types_generated.h with additional types as well as the * following function definitions for all (builtin and generated) data types * ``T``. * * ``void T_init(T *ptr)`` * Initialize the data type. This is synonymous with zeroing out the memory, i.e. ``memset(dataptr, 0, sizeof(T))``. * ``T* T_new()`` * Allocate and return the memory for the data type. The memory is already initialized. * ``UA_StatusCode T_copy(const T *src, T *dst)`` * Copy the content of the data type. Returns ``UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD`` or ``UA_STATUSCODE_BADOUTOFMEMORY``. * ``void T_deleteMembers(T *ptr)`` * Delete the dynamically allocated content of the data type, but not the data type itself. * ``void T_delete(T *ptr)`` * Delete the content of the data type and the memory for the data type itself. * * OPC UA defines 25 builtin data types. All other data types are combinations * of the 25 builtin data types. */ #define UA_BUILTIN_TYPES_COUNT 25U /** * Builtin Types Part 1 * -------------------- * * Boolean * ^^^^^^^ * A two-state logical value (true or false). */ typedef bool UA_Boolean; #define UA_TRUE true #define UA_FALSE false /** * SByte * ^^^^^ * An integer value between -128 and 127. */ typedef int8_t UA_SByte; #define UA_SBYTE_MAX 127 #define UA_SBYTE_MIN (-128) /** * Byte * ^^^^ * An integer value between 0 and 256. */ typedef uint8_t UA_Byte; #define UA_BYTE_MAX 256 #define UA_BYTE_MIN 0 /** * Int16 * ^^^^^ * An integer value between -32 768 and 32 767. */ typedef int16_t UA_Int16; #define UA_INT16_MAX 32767 #define UA_INT16_MIN (-32768) /** * UInt16 * ^^^^^^ * An integer value between 0 and 65 535. */ typedef uint16_t UA_UInt16; #define UA_UINT16_MAX 65535 #define UA_UINT16_MIN 0 /** * Int32 * ^^^^^ * An integer value between -2 147 483 648 and 2 147 483 647. */ typedef int32_t UA_Int32; #define UA_INT32_MAX 2147483647 #define UA_INT32_MIN (-2147483648) /** * UInt32 * ^^^^^^ * An integer value between 0 and 4 294 967 295. */ typedef uint32_t UA_UInt32; #define UA_UINT32_MAX 4294967295 #define UA_UINT32_MIN 0 /** * Int64 * ^^^^^ * An integer value between -10 223 372 036 854 775 808 and 9 223 372 036 854 775 807. */ typedef int64_t UA_Int64; #define UA_INT64_MAX (int64_t)9223372036854775807 #define UA_INT64_MIN ((int64_t)-9223372036854775808) /** * UInt64 * ^^^^^^ * An integer value between 0 and 18 446 744 073 709 551 615. */ typedef uint64_t UA_UInt64; #define UA_UINT64_MAX (int64_t)18446744073709551615 #define UA_UINT64_MIN (int64_t)0 /** * Float * ^^^^^ * An IEEE single precision (32 bit) floating point value. */ typedef float UA_Float; /** * Double * ^^^^^^ * An IEEE double precision (64 bit) floating point value. */ typedef double UA_Double; /** * StatusCode * ^^^^^^^^^^ * A numeric identifier for a error or condition that is associated with a value * or an operation. */ typedef uint32_t UA_StatusCode; /** * Array handling * -------------- * In OPC UA, arrays can have a length of zero or more with the usual meaning. * In addition, arrays can be undefined. Then, they don't even have a length. In * the binary encoding, this is indicated by an array of length -1. * * In open62541 however, we use ``size_t`` for array lengths. An undefined array * has length 0 and the data pointer is NULL. An array of length 0 also has * length 0 but points to a sentinel memory address. */ #define UA_EMPTY_ARRAY_SENTINEL ((void*)0x01) /** Forward Declaration of UA_DataType. See Section `Generic Type Handling`_ for details. */ struct UA_DataType; typedef struct UA_DataType UA_DataType; /** The following functions are used for handling arrays of an data type. */ /* Allocates and initializes an array of variables of a specific type * * @param size The requested array length * @param type The datatype description * @return Returns the memory location of the variable or (void*)0 if no memory could be allocated */ void UA_EXPORT * UA_Array_new(size_t size, const UA_DataType *type) UA_FUNC_ATTR_MALLOC; /* Allocates and copies an array * * @param src The memory location of the source array * @param size The size of the array * @param dst The location of the pointer to the new array * @param type The datatype of the array members * @return Returns UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD or UA_STATUSCODE_BADOUTOFMEMORY */ UA_StatusCode UA_EXPORT UA_Array_copy(const void *src, size_t size, void **dst, const UA_DataType *type) UA_FUNC_ATTR_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; /* Deletes an array. * * @param p The memory location of the array * @param size The size of the array * @param type The datatype of the array members */ void UA_EXPORT UA_Array_delete(void *p, size_t size, const UA_DataType *type); /** * Builtin Types, Part 2 * --------------------- * * String * ^^^^^^ * A sequence of Unicode characters. Strings are just an array of UA_Byte. */ typedef struct { size_t length; /* The length of the string */ UA_Byte *data; /* The content (not null-terminated) */ } UA_String; /* Copies the content on the heap. Returns a null-string when alloc fails */ UA_String UA_EXPORT UA_String_fromChars(char const src[]) UA_FUNC_ATTR_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; UA_Boolean UA_EXPORT UA_String_equal(const UA_String *s1, const UA_String *s2); UA_EXPORT extern const UA_String UA_STRING_NULL; /** * ``UA_STRING`` returns a string pointing to the preallocated char-array. * ``UA_STRING_ALLOC`` is shorthand for ``UA_String_fromChars`` and makes a copy * of the char-array. */ static UA_INLINE UA_String UA_STRING(char *chars) { UA_String str; str.length = strlen(chars); str.data = (UA_Byte*)chars; return str; } #define UA_STRING_ALLOC(CHARS) UA_String_fromChars(CHARS) /** * DateTime * ^^^^^^^^ * An instance in time. A DateTime value is encoded as a 64-bit signed integer * which represents the number of 100 nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601 * (UTC). */ typedef int64_t UA_DateTime; /* Multiply to convert units for time difference computations */ #define UA_USEC_TO_DATETIME 10LL #define UA_MSEC_TO_DATETIME (UA_USEC_TO_DATETIME * 1000LL) #define UA_SEC_TO_DATETIME (UA_MSEC_TO_DATETIME * 1000LL) /* Datetime of 1 Jan 1970 00:00 UTC */ #define UA_DATETIME_UNIX_EPOCH (11644473600LL * UA_SEC_TO_DATETIME) /* The current time */ UA_DateTime UA_EXPORT UA_DateTime_now(void); /* CPU clock invariant to system time changes. Use only for time diffs, not current time */ UA_DateTime UA_EXPORT UA_DateTime_nowMonotonic(void); typedef struct UA_DateTimeStruct { UA_UInt16 nanoSec; UA_UInt16 microSec; UA_UInt16 milliSec; UA_UInt16 sec; UA_UInt16 min; UA_UInt16 hour; UA_UInt16 day; UA_UInt16 month; UA_UInt16 year; } UA_DateTimeStruct; UA_DateTimeStruct UA_EXPORT UA_DateTime_toStruct(UA_DateTime t); UA_String UA_EXPORT UA_DateTime_toString(UA_DateTime t); /** * Guid * ^^^^ * A 16 byte value that can be used as a globally unique identifier. */ typedef struct { UA_UInt32 data1; UA_UInt16 data2; UA_UInt16 data3; UA_Byte data4[8]; } UA_Guid; UA_Boolean UA_EXPORT UA_Guid_equal(const UA_Guid *g1, const UA_Guid *g2); /* do not use for cryptographic entropy */ UA_Guid UA_EXPORT UA_Guid_random(void); /** * ByteString * ^^^^^^^^^^ * A sequence of octets. */ typedef UA_String UA_ByteString; static UA_INLINE UA_Boolean UA_ByteString_equal(const UA_ByteString *string1, const UA_ByteString *string2) { return UA_String_equal((const UA_String*)string1, (const UA_String*)string2); } /* Allocates memory of size length for the bytestring. The content is not set to zero. */ UA_StatusCode UA_EXPORT UA_ByteString_allocBuffer(UA_ByteString *bs, size_t length); UA_EXPORT extern const UA_ByteString UA_BYTESTRING_NULL; static UA_INLINE UA_ByteString UA_BYTESTRING(char *chars) { UA_ByteString str; str.length = strlen(chars); str.data = (UA_Byte*)chars; return str; } static UA_INLINE UA_ByteString UA_BYTESTRING_ALLOC(const char *chars) { UA_String str = UA_String_fromChars(chars); UA_ByteString bstr; bstr.length = str.length; bstr.data = str.data; return bstr; } /** * XmlElement * ^^^^^^^^^^ * An XML element. */ typedef UA_String UA_XmlElement; /** * NodeId * ^^^^^^ * An identifier for a node in the address space of an OPC UA Server. */ enum UA_NodeIdType { UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC = 0, /* In the binary encoding, this can become 0 or 1 for 2byte and 4byte encoding of small nodeids. */ UA_NODEIDTYPE_STRING = 3, UA_NODEIDTYPE_GUID = 4, UA_NODEIDTYPE_BYTESTRING = 5 }; typedef struct { UA_UInt16 namespaceIndex; enum UA_NodeIdType identifierType; union { UA_UInt32 numeric; UA_String string; UA_Guid guid; UA_ByteString byteString; } identifier; } UA_NodeId; UA_EXPORT extern const UA_NodeId UA_NODEID_NULL; static UA_INLINE UA_Boolean UA_NodeId_isNull(const UA_NodeId *p) { return (p->namespaceIndex == 0 && p->identifierType == UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC && p->identifier.numeric == 0); } UA_Boolean UA_EXPORT UA_NodeId_equal(const UA_NodeId *n1, const UA_NodeId *n2); /** The following functions are shorthand for creating NodeIds. */ static UA_INLINE UA_NodeId UA_NODEID_NUMERIC(UA_UInt16 nsIndex, UA_UInt32 identifier) { UA_NodeId id; id.namespaceIndex = nsIndex; id.identifierType = UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC; id.identifier.numeric = identifier; return id; } static UA_INLINE UA_NodeId UA_NODEID_STRING(UA_UInt16 nsIndex, char *chars) { UA_NodeId id; id.namespaceIndex = nsIndex; id.identifierType = UA_NODEIDTYPE_STRING; id.identifier.string = UA_STRING(chars); return id; } static UA_INLINE UA_NodeId UA_NODEID_STRING_ALLOC(UA_UInt16 nsIndex, const char *chars) { UA_NodeId id; id.namespaceIndex = nsIndex; id.identifierType = UA_NODEIDTYPE_STRING; id.identifier.string = UA_STRING_ALLOC(chars); return id; } static UA_INLINE UA_NodeId UA_NODEID_GUID(UA_UInt16 nsIndex, UA_Guid guid) { UA_NodeId id; id.namespaceIndex = nsIndex; id.identifierType = UA_NODEIDTYPE_GUID; id.identifier.guid = guid; return id; } static UA_INLINE UA_NodeId UA_NODEID_BYTESTRING(UA_UInt16 nsIndex, char *chars) { UA_NodeId id; id.namespaceIndex = nsIndex; id.identifierType = UA_NODEIDTYPE_BYTESTRING; id.identifier.byteString = UA_BYTESTRING(chars); return id; } static UA_INLINE UA_NodeId UA_NODEID_BYTESTRING_ALLOC(UA_UInt16 nsIndex, const char *chars) { UA_NodeId id; id.namespaceIndex = nsIndex; id.identifierType = UA_NODEIDTYPE_BYTESTRING; id.identifier.byteString = UA_BYTESTRING_ALLOC(chars); return id; } /** * ExpandedNodeId * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * A NodeId that allows the namespace URI to be specified instead of an index. */ typedef struct { UA_NodeId nodeId; UA_String namespaceUri; UA_UInt32 serverIndex; } UA_ExpandedNodeId; /** The following functions are shorthand for creating ExpandedNodeIds. */ static UA_INLINE UA_ExpandedNodeId UA_EXPANDEDNODEID_NUMERIC(UA_UInt16 nsIndex, UA_UInt32 identifier) { UA_ExpandedNodeId id; id.nodeId = UA_NODEID_NUMERIC(nsIndex, identifier); id.serverIndex = 0; id.namespaceUri = UA_STRING_NULL; return id; } static UA_INLINE UA_ExpandedNodeId UA_EXPANDEDNODEID_STRING(UA_UInt16 nsIndex, char *chars) { UA_ExpandedNodeId id; id.nodeId = UA_NODEID_STRING(nsIndex, chars); id.serverIndex = 0; id.namespaceUri = UA_STRING_NULL; return id; } static UA_INLINE UA_ExpandedNodeId UA_EXPANDEDNODEID_STRING_ALLOC(UA_UInt16 nsIndex, const char *chars) { UA_ExpandedNodeId id; id.nodeId = UA_NODEID_STRING_ALLOC(nsIndex, chars); id.serverIndex = 0; id.namespaceUri = UA_STRING_NULL; return id; } static UA_INLINE UA_ExpandedNodeId UA_EXPANDEDNODEID_STRING_GUID(UA_UInt16 nsIndex, UA_Guid guid) { UA_ExpandedNodeId id; id.nodeId = UA_NODEID_GUID(nsIndex, guid); id.serverIndex = 0; id.namespaceUri = UA_STRING_NULL; return id; } static UA_INLINE UA_ExpandedNodeId UA_EXPANDEDNODEID_BYTESTRING(UA_UInt16 nsIndex, char *chars) { UA_ExpandedNodeId id; id.nodeId = UA_NODEID_BYTESTRING(nsIndex, chars); id.serverIndex = 0; id.namespaceUri = UA_STRING_NULL; return id; } static UA_INLINE UA_ExpandedNodeId UA_EXPANDEDNODEID_BYTESTRING_ALLOC(UA_UInt16 nsIndex, const char *chars) { UA_ExpandedNodeId id; id.nodeId = UA_NODEID_BYTESTRING_ALLOC(nsIndex, chars); id.serverIndex = 0; id.namespaceUri = UA_STRING_NULL; return id; } /** * QualifiedName * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * A name qualified by a namespace. */ typedef struct { UA_UInt16 namespaceIndex; UA_String name; } UA_QualifiedName; static UA_INLINE UA_QualifiedName UA_QUALIFIEDNAME(UA_UInt16 nsIndex, char *chars) { UA_QualifiedName qn; qn.namespaceIndex = nsIndex; qn.name = UA_STRING(chars); return qn; } static UA_INLINE UA_QualifiedName UA_QUALIFIEDNAME_ALLOC(UA_UInt16 nsIndex, const char *chars) { UA_QualifiedName qn; qn.namespaceIndex = nsIndex; qn.name = UA_STRING_ALLOC(chars); return qn; } /** * LocalizedText * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Human readable text with an optional locale identifier. */ typedef struct { UA_String locale; UA_String text; } UA_LocalizedText; static UA_INLINE UA_LocalizedText UA_LOCALIZEDTEXT(char *locale, char *text) { UA_LocalizedText lt; lt.locale = UA_STRING(locale); lt.text = UA_STRING(text); return lt; } static UA_INLINE UA_LocalizedText UA_LOCALIZEDTEXT_ALLOC(const char *locale, const char *text) { UA_LocalizedText lt; lt.locale = UA_STRING_ALLOC(locale); lt.text = UA_STRING_ALLOC(text); return lt; } /** * ExtensionObject * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * ExtensionObjects may contain scalars of any data type. Even those that are * unknown to the receiver. See the Section `Generic Type Handling`_ on how * types are described. An ExtensionObject always contains the NodeId of the * Data Type. If the data cannot be decoded, we keep the encoded string and the * NodeId. */ typedef struct { enum { UA_EXTENSIONOBJECT_ENCODED_NOBODY = 0, UA_EXTENSIONOBJECT_ENCODED_BYTESTRING = 1, UA_EXTENSIONOBJECT_ENCODED_XML = 2, UA_EXTENSIONOBJECT_DECODED = 3, UA_EXTENSIONOBJECT_DECODED_NODELETE = 4 /* Don't delete the decoded content at the lifecycle end */ } encoding; union { struct { UA_NodeId typeId; /* The nodeid of the datatype */ UA_ByteString body; /* The bytestring of the encoded data */ } encoded; struct { const UA_DataType *type; void *data; } decoded; } content; } UA_ExtensionObject; /** * Variant * ^^^^^^^ * Variants may contain data of any type. See the Section `Generic Type * Handling`_ on how types are described. If the data is not of one of the 25 * builtin types, it will be encoded as an `ExtensionObject`_ on the wire. (The * standard says that a variant is a union of the built-in types. open62541 * generalizes this to any data type by transparently de- and encoding * ExtensionObjects in the background. If the decoding fails, the variant * contains the original ExtensionObject.) * * Variants can contain a single scalar or an array. For details on the handling * of arrays, see the Section `Array Handling`_. Array variants can have an * additional dimensionality (matrix, 3-tensor, ...) defined in an array of * dimension sizes. Higher rank dimensions are serialized first. * * The differentiation between variants containing a scalar, an array or no data * is as follows: * * - arrayLength == 0 && data == NULL: no existing data * - arrayLength == 0 && data == UA_EMPTY_ARRAY_SENTINEL: array of length 0 * - arrayLength == 0 && data > UA_EMPTY_ARRAY_SENTINEL: scalar value * - arrayLength > 0: array of the given length */ typedef struct { const UA_DataType *type; /* The data type description */ enum { UA_VARIANT_DATA, /* The data has the same lifecycle as the variant */ UA_VARIANT_DATA_NODELETE, /* The data is "borrowed" by the variant and shall not be deleted at the end of the variant's lifecycle. */ } storageType; size_t arrayLength; // The number of elements in the data array void *data; // Points to the scalar or array data size_t arrayDimensionsSize; // The number of dimensions the data-array has UA_UInt32 *arrayDimensions; // The length of each dimension of the data-array } UA_Variant; /* Returns true if the variant contains a scalar value. Note that empty variants contain * an array of length -1 (undefined). * * @param v The variant * @return Does the variant contain a scalar value. */ static UA_INLINE UA_Boolean UA_Variant_isScalar(const UA_Variant *v) { return (v->arrayLength == 0 && v->data > UA_EMPTY_ARRAY_SENTINEL); } /* Set the variant to a scalar value that already resides in memory. The value takes on * the lifecycle of the variant and is deleted with it. * * @param v The variant * @param p A pointer to the value data * @param type The datatype of the value in question */ void UA_EXPORT UA_Variant_setScalar(UA_Variant *v, void * UA_RESTRICT p, const UA_DataType *type); /* Set the variant to a scalar value that is copied from an existing variable. * @param v The variant * @param p A pointer to the value data * @param type The datatype of the value * @return Indicates whether the operation succeeded or returns an error code */ UA_StatusCode UA_EXPORT UA_Variant_setScalarCopy(UA_Variant *v, const void *p, const UA_DataType *type); /* Set the variant to an array that already resides in memory. The array takes on the * lifecycle of the variant and is deleted with it. * * @param v The variant * @param array A pointer to the array data * @param arraySize The size of the array * @param type The datatype of the array */ void UA_EXPORT UA_Variant_setArray(UA_Variant *v, void * UA_RESTRICT array, size_t arraySize, const UA_DataType *type); /* Set the variant to an array that is copied from an existing array. * * @param v The variant * @param array A pointer to the array data * @param arraySize The size of the array * @param type The datatype of the array * @return Indicates whether the operation succeeded or returns an error code */ UA_StatusCode UA_EXPORT UA_Variant_setArrayCopy(UA_Variant *v, const void *array, size_t arraySize, const UA_DataType *type); /** * NumericRanges are used to indicate subsets of a (multidimensional) variant * array. NumericRange has no official type structure in the standard. On the * wire, it only exists as an encoded string, such as "1:2,0:3,5". The colon * separates min/max index and the comma separates dimensions. A single value * indicates a range with a single element (min==max). */ typedef struct { size_t dimensionsSize; struct UA_NumericRangeDimension { UA_UInt32 min; UA_UInt32 max; } *dimensions; } UA_NumericRange; /* Copy the variant, but use only a subset of the (multidimensional) array into a variant. * Returns an error code if the variant is not an array or if the indicated range does not * fit. * * @param src The source variant * @param dst The target variant * @param range The range of the copied data * @return Returns UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD or an error code */ UA_StatusCode UA_EXPORT UA_Variant_copyRange(const UA_Variant *src, UA_Variant *dst, const UA_NumericRange range); /* Insert a range of data into an existing variant. The data array can't be reused afterwards if it * contains types without a fixed size (e.g. strings) since the members are moved into the variant * and take on its lifecycle. * * @param v The variant * @param dataArray The data array. The type must match the variant * @param dataArraySize The length of the data array. This is checked to match the range size. * @param range The range of where the new data is inserted * @return Returns UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD or an error code */ UA_StatusCode UA_EXPORT UA_Variant_setRange(UA_Variant *v, void * UA_RESTRICT array, size_t arraySize, const UA_NumericRange range); /* Deep-copy a range of data into an existing variant. * * @param v The variant * @param dataArray The data array. The type must match the variant * @param dataArraySize The length of the data array. This is checked to match the range size. * @param range The range of where the new data is inserted * @return Returns UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD or an error code */ UA_StatusCode UA_EXPORT UA_Variant_setRangeCopy(UA_Variant *v, const void *array, size_t arraySize, const UA_NumericRange range); /** * DataValue * ^^^^^^^^^ * A data value with an associated status code and timestamps. */ typedef struct { UA_Boolean hasValue : 1; UA_Boolean hasStatus : 1; UA_Boolean hasSourceTimestamp : 1; UA_Boolean hasServerTimestamp : 1; UA_Boolean hasSourcePicoseconds : 1; UA_Boolean hasServerPicoseconds : 1; UA_Variant value; UA_StatusCode status; UA_DateTime sourceTimestamp; UA_UInt16 sourcePicoseconds; UA_DateTime serverTimestamp; UA_UInt16 serverPicoseconds; } UA_DataValue; /** * DiagnosticInfo * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * A structure that contains detailed error and diagnostic information * associated with a StatusCode. */ typedef struct UA_DiagnosticInfo { UA_Boolean hasSymbolicId : 1; UA_Boolean hasNamespaceUri : 1; UA_Boolean hasLocalizedText : 1; UA_Boolean hasLocale : 1; UA_Boolean hasAdditionalInfo : 1; UA_Boolean hasInnerStatusCode : 1; UA_Boolean hasInnerDiagnosticInfo : 1; UA_Int32 symbolicId; UA_Int32 namespaceUri; UA_Int32 localizedText; UA_Int32 locale; UA_String additionalInfo; UA_StatusCode innerStatusCode; struct UA_DiagnosticInfo *innerDiagnosticInfo; } UA_DiagnosticInfo; /** * Generic Type Handling * --------------------- * The builtin types can be combined to data structures. All information about a * (structured) data type is stored in a ``UA_DataType``. The array ``UA_TYPES`` * contains the description of all standard-defined types and is used for * handling of generic types. */ typedef struct { #ifdef UA_ENABLE_TYPENAMES const char *memberName; #endif UA_UInt16 memberTypeIndex; /* Index of the member in the array of data types */ UA_Byte padding; /* How much padding is there before this member element? For arrays this is the padding before the size_t lenght member. (No padding between size_t and the following ptr.) */ UA_Boolean namespaceZero : 1; /* The type of the member is defined in namespace zero. In this implementation, types from custom namespace may contain members from the same namespace or ns0 only.*/ UA_Boolean isArray : 1; /* The member is an array */ } UA_DataTypeMember; struct UA_DataType { #ifdef UA_ENABLE_TYPENAMES const char *typeName; #endif UA_NodeId typeId; /* The nodeid of the type */ UA_UInt16 memSize; /* Size of the struct in memory */ UA_UInt16 typeIndex; /* Index of the type in the datatypetable */ UA_Byte membersSize; /* How many members does the type have? */ UA_Boolean builtin : 1; /* The type is "builtin" and has dedicated de- and encoding functions */ UA_Boolean fixedSize : 1; /* The type (and its members) contains no pointers */ UA_Boolean zeroCopyable : 1; /* The type can be copied directly off the stream (given that the endianness matches) */ UA_DataTypeMember *members; }; /** The following functions are used for generic handling of data types. */ /* Allocates and initializes a variable of type dataType * * @param type The datatype description * @return Returns the memory location of the variable or (void*)0 if no memory is available */ void UA_EXPORT * UA_new(const UA_DataType *type) UA_FUNC_ATTR_MALLOC; /* Initializes a variable to default values * * @param p The memory location of the variable * @param type The datatype description */ static UA_INLINE void UA_init(void *p, const UA_DataType *type) { memset(p, 0, type->memSize); } /* Copies the content of two variables. If copying fails (e.g. because no memory was * available for an array), then dst is emptied and initialized to prevent memory leaks. * * @param src The memory location of the source variable * @param dst The memory location of the destination variable * @param type The datatype description * @return Indicates whether the operation succeeded or returns an error code */ UA_StatusCode UA_EXPORT UA_copy(const void *src, void *dst, const UA_DataType *type); /* Deletes the dynamically allocated content of a variable (e.g. resets all arrays to * undefined arrays). Afterwards, the variable can be safely deleted without causing * memory leaks. But the variable is not initialized and may contain old data that is not * memory-relevant. * * @param p The memory location of the variable * @param type The datatype description of the variable */ void UA_EXPORT UA_deleteMembers(void *p, const UA_DataType *type); /* Frees a variable and all of its content. * * @param p The memory location of the variable * @param type The datatype description of the variable */ void UA_EXPORT UA_delete(void *p, const UA_DataType *type); /** * Standard-defined constants * -------------------------- * These are not generated from XML. Server *and* client need them. */ typedef enum { UA_ATTRIBUTEID_NODEID = 1, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_NODECLASS = 2, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_BROWSENAME = 3, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_DISPLAYNAME = 4, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_DESCRIPTION = 5, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_WRITEMASK = 6, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_USERWRITEMASK = 7, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_ISABSTRACT = 8, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_SYMMETRIC = 9, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_INVERSENAME = 10, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_CONTAINSNOLOOPS = 11, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_EVENTNOTIFIER = 12, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_VALUE = 13, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_DATATYPE = 14, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_VALUERANK = 15, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_ARRAYDIMENSIONS = 16, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_ACCESSLEVEL = 17, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_USERACCESSLEVEL = 18, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_MINIMUMSAMPLINGINTERVAL = 19, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_HISTORIZING = 20, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_EXECUTABLE = 21, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_USEREXECUTABLE = 22 } UA_AttributeId; typedef enum { UA_ACCESSLEVELMASK_READ = 0x01, UA_ACCESSLEVELMASK_WRITE = 0x02, UA_ACCESSLEVELMASK_HISTORYREAD = 0x4, UA_ACCESSLEVELMASK_HISTORYWRITE = 0x08, UA_ACCESSLEVELMASK_SEMANTICCHANGE = 0x10 } UA_AccessLevelMask; /** * Random Number Generator * ----------------------- * If UA_ENABLE_MULTITHREADING is defined, then the seed is stored in thread local * storage. The seed is initialized for every thread in the server/client. */ UA_EXPORT void UA_random_seed(UA_UInt64 seed); UA_EXPORT UA_UInt32 UA_UInt32_random(void); /* do not use for cryptographic entropy */ #ifdef __cplusplus } // extern "C" #endif #endif /* UA_TYPES_H_ */