/* * opcua_basictypes.h * * Created on: 13.03.2014 * Author: mrt */ #ifndef OPCUA_BASICTYPES_H_ #define OPCUA_BASICTYPES_H_ #include typedef uint8_t Byte; typedef int8_t SByte; typedef int16_t Int16; typedef int32_t Int32; typedef int64_t Int64; typedef uint16_t UInt16; typedef uint32_t UInt32; typedef uint64_t UInt64; #define UA_SUCCESS 0 #define UA_TRUE (42==42) #define UA_FALSE (!UA_TRUE) #define UA_TYPE_METHOD_PROTOTYPES(TYPE) \ Int32 TYPE##_calcSize(TYPE const * ptr);\ Int32 TYPE##_encode(TYPE const * src, Int32* pos, char * dst);\ Int32 TYPE##_decode(char const * src, Int32* pos, TYPE * dst);\ Int32 TYPE##_delete(TYPE * p);\ Int32 TYPE##_deleteMembers(TYPE * p); \ typedef _Bool UA_Boolean; UA_TYPE_METHOD_PROTOTYPES (UA_Boolean) typedef int8_t UA_Byte; UA_TYPE_METHOD_PROTOTYPES (UA_Byte) typedef uint8_t UA_SByte; UA_TYPE_METHOD_PROTOTYPES (UA_SByte) typedef int16_t UA_Int16; UA_TYPE_METHOD_PROTOTYPES (UA_Int16) typedef uint16_t UA_UInt16; UA_TYPE_METHOD_PROTOTYPES (UA_UInt16) typedef int32_t UA_Int32; UA_TYPE_METHOD_PROTOTYPES (UA_Int32) typedef uint32_t UA_UInt32; UA_TYPE_METHOD_PROTOTYPES (UA_UInt32) typedef int64_t UA_Int64; UA_TYPE_METHOD_PROTOTYPES (UA_Int64) typedef uint64_t UA_UInt64; UA_TYPE_METHOD_PROTOTYPES (UA_UInt64) typedef float UA_Float; UA_TYPE_METHOD_PROTOTYPES (UA_Float) typedef double UA_Double; UA_TYPE_METHOD_PROTOTYPES (UA_Double) /** * StatusCodeBinaryEncoding * Part: 6 * Chapter: * Page: 20 */ typedef UA_Int32 UA_StatusCode; enum UA_StatusCode_enum { // Some Values are called the same as previous Enumerations so we need //names that are unique SC_Good = 0x00 }; UA_TYPE_METHOD_PROTOTYPES (UA_StatusCode) /* VariantBinaryEncoding - Part: 6, Chapter:, Page: 22 */ typedef struct T_UA_Variant { Byte encodingMask; // Type of Enum UA_VariantTypeEncodingMaskType UA_Int32 size; void** data; } UA_Variant; UA_TYPE_METHOD_PROTOTYPES (UA_Variant) /* String - Part: 6, Chapter:, Page: 16 */ typedef struct T_UA_String { UA_Int32 length; UA_Byte* data; } UA_String; UA_TYPE_METHOD_PROTOTYPES (UA_String) /* ByteString - Part: 6, Chapter:, Page: 17 */ typedef struct T_UA_ByteString { UA_Int32 length; UA_Byte* data; } UA_ByteString; UA_TYPE_METHOD_PROTOTYPES (UA_ByteString) /** LocalizedTextBinaryEncoding - Part: 6, Chapter:, Page: 21 */ typedef struct T_UA_LocalizedText { UA_Byte encodingMask; UA_String locale; UA_String text; } UA_LocalizedText; UA_TYPE_METHOD_PROTOTYPES (UA_LocalizedText) /* GuidType - Part: 6, Chapter: Page: 17 */ typedef struct T_UA_Guid { UA_UInt32 data1; UA_UInt16 data2; UA_UInt16 data3; UA_ByteString data4; } UA_Guid; UA_TYPE_METHOD_PROTOTYPES (UA_Guid) /* DateTime - Part: 6, Chapter:, Page: 16 */ typedef UA_Int64 UA_DateTime; //100 nanosecond resolution UA_TYPE_METHOD_PROTOTYPES (UA_DateTime) typedef struct T_UA_NodeId { UA_Byte encodingByte; //enum BID_NodeIdEncodingValuesType UA_UInt16 namespace; union { UA_UInt32 numeric; UA_String string; UA_Guid guid; UA_ByteString byteString; } identifier; } UA_NodeId; UA_TYPE_METHOD_PROTOTYPES (UA_NodeId) /** XmlElement - Part: 6, Chapter:, Page: 17 */ typedef struct T_UA_XmlElement { //TODO Überlegung ob man es direkt als ByteString speichert oder als String UA_ByteString Data; } UA_XmlElement; UA_TYPE_METHOD_PROTOTYPES (UA_XmlElement) /** NodeIds - Part: 6, Chapter:, Table 5 */ enum UA_NodeIdEncodingValuesType_enum { // Some Values are called the same as previous Enumerations so we need names that are unique NIEVT_TWO_BYTE = 0x00, NIEVT_FOUR_BYTE = 0x01, NIEVT_NUMERIC = 0x02, NIEVT_STRING = 0x03, NIEVT_GUID = 0x04, NIEVT_BYTESTRING = 0x05, NIEVT_NAMESPACE_URI_FLAG = 0x80, //Is only for ExpandedNodeId required NIEVT_SERVERINDEX_FLAG = 0x40 //Is only for ExpandedNodeId required }; /* ExpandedNodeId - Part: 6, Chapter:, Page: 19 */ typedef struct T_UA_ExpandedNodeId { UA_NodeId nodeId; UA_Int32 encodingByte; //enum BID_NodeIdEncodingValuesType UA_String namespaceUri; UA_UInt32 serverIndex; } UA_ExpandedNodeId; UA_TYPE_METHOD_PROTOTYPES(UA_ExpandedNodeId) /* NodeIds - Part: 6, Chapter:, Page: 17 */ enum UA_IdentifierType_enum { // Some Values are called the same as previouse Enumerations so we need //names that are unique IT_NUMERIC = 0, IT_STRING = 1, IT_GUID = 2, IT_OPAQUE = 3 }; typedef UA_Int32 UA_IdentifierType; UA_TYPE_METHOD_PROTOTYPES(UA_IdentifierType) /* ExtensionObjectBinaryEncoding - Part: 6, Chapter:, Page: 21 */ typedef struct T_UA_ExtensionObject { UA_NodeId typeId; UA_Byte encoding; //Type of the enum UA_ExtensionObjectEncodingMaskType UA_ByteString body; } UA_ExtensionObject; UA_TYPE_METHOD_PROTOTYPES(UA_ExtensionObject) /* QualifiedNameBinaryEncoding - Part: 6, Chapter:, Page: 20 */ typedef struct T_UA_QualifiedName { UInt16 namespaceIndex; UInt16 reserved; UA_String name; } UA_QualifiedName; UA_TYPE_METHOD_PROTOTYPES(UA_QualifiedName) /* * DataValueBinaryEncoding * Part: 6 * Chapter: * Page: 23 */ typedef struct UA_DataValue { UA_Byte encodingMask; UA_Variant value; UA_StatusCode status; UA_DateTime sourceTimestamp; UA_Int16 sourcePicoseconds; UA_DateTime serverTimestamp; UA_Int16 serverPicoseconds; } UA_DataValue; UA_TYPE_METHOD_PROTOTYPES(UA_DataValue) /* DiagnosticInfo - Part: 6, Chapter:, Page: 20 */ typedef struct T_UA_DiagnosticInfo { Byte encodingMask; //Type of the Enum UA_DiagnosticInfoEncodingMaskType UA_Int32 symbolicId; UA_Int32 namespaceUri; UA_Int32 localizedText; UA_Int32 locale; UA_String additionalInfo; UA_StatusCode innerStatusCode; struct T_UA_DiagnosticInfo* InnerDiagnosticInfo; } UA_DiagnosticInfo; UA_TYPE_METHOD_PROTOTYPES(UA_DiagnosticInfo) enum UA_DiagnosticInfoEncodingMaskType_enum { // Some Values are called the same as previous Enumerations so we need //names that are unique DIEMT_SYMBOLIC_ID = 0x01, DIEMT_NAMESPACE = 0x02, DIEMT_LOCALIZED_TEXT = 0x04, DIEMT_LOCALE = 0x08, DIEMT_ADDITIONAL_INFO = 0x10, DIEMT_INNER_STATUS_CODE = 0x20, DIEMT_INNER_DIAGNOSTIC_INFO = 0x40 }; Int32 UA_Array_calcSize(Int32 noElements, Int32 type, void const ** ptr); #endif /* OPCUA_BASICTYPES_H_ */