/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Fraunhofer IOSB (Author: Andreas Ebner) * Copyright (c) 2019 Kalycito Infotech Private Limited */ #ifndef UA_SERVER_PUBSUB_H #define UA_SERVER_PUBSUB_H #include _UA_BEGIN_DECLS #ifdef UA_ENABLE_PUBSUB /** * .. _pubsub: * * Publish/Subscribe * ================= * * Work in progress! * This part will be a new chapter later. * * TODO: write general PubSub introduction * * The Publish/Subscribe (PubSub) extension for OPC UA enables fast and efficient * 1:m communication. The PubSub extension is protocol agnostic and can be used * with broker based protocols like MQTT and AMQP or brokerless implementations like UDP-Multicasting. * * The PubSub API uses the following scheme: * * 1. Create a configuration for the needed PubSub element. * * 2. Call the add[element] function and pass in the configuration. * * 3. The add[element] function returns the unique nodeId of the internally created element. * * Take a look on the PubSub Tutorials for mor details about the API usage.:: * * +-----------+ * | UA_Server | * +-----------+ * | | * | | * | | * | | +----------------------+ * | +--> UA_PubSubConnection | UA_Server_addPubSubConnection * | +----------------------+ * | | | * | | | +----------------+ * | | +----> UA_WriterGroup | UA_PubSubConnection_addWriterGroup * | | +----------------+ * | | | * | | | +------------------+ * | | +----> UA_DataSetWriter | UA_WriterGroup_addDataSetWriter +-+ * | | +------------------+ | * | | | * | | +----------------+ | r * | +---------> UA_ReaderGroup | | e * | +----------------+ | f * | | * | +---------------------------+ | * +-------> UA_PubSubPublishedDataSet | UA_Server_addPublishedDataSet <-+ * +---------------------------+ * | * | +-----------------+ * +----> UA_DataSetField | UA_PublishedDataSet_addDataSetField * +-----------------+ * * PubSub compile flags * -------------------- * * **UA_ENABLE_PUBSUB** * Enable the experimental OPC UA PubSub support. The option will include the PubSub UDP multicast plugin. Disabled by default. * **UA_ENABLE_PUBSUB_DELTAFRAMES** * The PubSub messages differentiate between keyframe (all published values contained) and deltaframe (only changed values contained) messages. * Deltaframe messages creation consumes some additional ressources and can be disabled with this flag. Disabled by default. * Compile the human-readable name of the StatusCodes into the binary. Disabled by default. * **UA_ENABLE_PUBSUB_INFORMATIONMODEL** * Enable the information model representation of the PubSub configuration. For more details take a look at the following section `PubSub Information Model Representation`. Disabled by default. * * PubSub Information Model Representation * --------------------------------------- * .. _pubsub_informationmodel: * * The complete PubSub configuration is available inside the information model. * The entry point is the node 'PublishSubscribe, located under the Server node. * The standard defines for PubSub no new Service set. The configuration can optionally * done over methods inside the information model. The information model representation * of the current PubSub configuration is generated automatically. This feature * can enabled/disable by changing the UA_ENABLE_PUBSUB_INFORMATIONMODEL option. * * Connections * ----------- * The PubSub connections are the abstraction between the concrete transport protocol * and the PubSub functionality. It is possible to create multiple connections with * different transport protocols at runtime. * * Take a look on the PubSub Tutorials for mor details about the API usage. */ typedef enum { UA_PUBSUB_PUBLISHERID_NUMERIC, UA_PUBSUB_PUBLISHERID_STRING } UA_PublisherIdType; typedef struct { UA_String name; UA_Boolean enabled; UA_PublisherIdType publisherIdType; union { /* std: valid types UInt or String */ UA_UInt32 numeric; UA_String string; } publisherId; UA_String transportProfileUri; UA_Variant address; size_t connectionPropertiesSize; UA_KeyValuePair *connectionProperties; UA_Variant connectionTransportSettings; /* This flag is 'read only' and is set internally based on the PubSub state. */ UA_Boolean configurationFrozen; } UA_PubSubConnectionConfig; UA_StatusCode UA_EXPORT UA_Server_addPubSubConnection(UA_Server *server, const UA_PubSubConnectionConfig *connectionConfig, UA_NodeId *connectionIdentifier); /* Returns a deep copy of the config */ UA_StatusCode UA_EXPORT UA_Server_getPubSubConnectionConfig(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId connection, UA_PubSubConnectionConfig *config); /* Remove Connection, identified by the NodeId. Deletion of Connection * removes all contained WriterGroups and Writers. */ UA_StatusCode UA_EXPORT UA_Server_removePubSubConnection(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId connection); /** * PublishedDataSets * ----------------- * The PublishedDataSets (PDS) are containers for the published information. The * PDS contain the published variables and meta informations. The metadata is * commonly autogenerated or given as constant argument as part of the template * functions. The template functions are standard defined and intended for * configuration tools. You should normally create a empty PDS and call the * functions to add new fields. */ /* The UA_PUBSUB_DATASET_PUBLISHEDITEMS has currently no additional members and * thus no dedicated config structure. */ typedef enum { UA_PUBSUB_DATASET_PUBLISHEDITEMS, UA_PUBSUB_DATASET_PUBLISHEDEVENTS, UA_PUBSUB_DATASET_PUBLISHEDITEMS_TEMPLATE, UA_PUBSUB_DATASET_PUBLISHEDEVENTS_TEMPLATE, } UA_PublishedDataSetType; typedef struct { UA_DataSetMetaDataType metaData; size_t variablesToAddSize; UA_PublishedVariableDataType *variablesToAdd; } UA_PublishedDataItemsTemplateConfig; typedef struct { UA_NodeId eventNotfier; UA_ContentFilter filter; } UA_PublishedEventConfig; typedef struct { UA_DataSetMetaDataType metaData; UA_NodeId eventNotfier; size_t selectedFieldsSize; UA_SimpleAttributeOperand *selectedFields; UA_ContentFilter filter; } UA_PublishedEventTemplateConfig; /* Configuration structure for PublishedDataSet */ typedef struct { UA_String name; UA_PublishedDataSetType publishedDataSetType; union { /* The UA_PUBSUB_DATASET_PUBLISHEDITEMS has currently no additional members * and thus no dedicated config structure.*/ UA_PublishedDataItemsTemplateConfig itemsTemplate; UA_PublishedEventConfig event; UA_PublishedEventTemplateConfig eventTemplate; } config; /* This flag is 'read only' and is set internally based on the PubSub state. */ UA_Boolean configurationFrozen; } UA_PublishedDataSetConfig; void UA_EXPORT UA_PublishedDataSetConfig_clear(UA_PublishedDataSetConfig *pdsConfig); typedef struct { UA_StatusCode addResult; size_t fieldAddResultsSize; UA_StatusCode *fieldAddResults; UA_ConfigurationVersionDataType configurationVersion; } UA_AddPublishedDataSetResult; UA_AddPublishedDataSetResult UA_EXPORT UA_Server_addPublishedDataSet(UA_Server *server, const UA_PublishedDataSetConfig *publishedDataSetConfig, UA_NodeId *pdsIdentifier); /* Returns a deep copy of the config */ UA_StatusCode UA_EXPORT UA_Server_getPublishedDataSetConfig(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId pds, UA_PublishedDataSetConfig *config); /* Returns a deep copy of the DataSetMetaData for an specific PDS */ UA_StatusCode UA_EXPORT UA_Server_getPublishedDataSetMetaData(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId pds, UA_DataSetMetaDataType *metaData); /* Remove PublishedDataSet, identified by the NodeId. Deletion of PDS removes * all contained and linked PDS Fields. Connected WriterGroups will be also * removed. */ UA_StatusCode UA_EXPORT UA_Server_removePublishedDataSet(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId pds); /** * DataSetFields * ------------- * The description of published variables is named DataSetField. Each * DataSetField contains the selection of one information model node. The * DataSetField has additional parameters for the publishing, sampling and error * handling process. */ typedef struct{ UA_ConfigurationVersionDataType configurationVersion; UA_String fieldNameAlias; UA_Boolean promotedField; UA_PublishedVariableDataType publishParameters; /* non std. field */ UA_Boolean staticValueSourceEnabled; UA_DataValue staticValueSource; } UA_DataSetVariableConfig; typedef enum { UA_PUBSUB_DATASETFIELD_VARIABLE, UA_PUBSUB_DATASETFIELD_EVENT } UA_DataSetFieldType; typedef struct { UA_DataSetFieldType dataSetFieldType; union { /* events need other config later */ UA_DataSetVariableConfig variable; } field; /* This flag is 'read only' and is set internally based on the PubSub state. */ UA_Boolean configurationFrozen; } UA_DataSetFieldConfig; void UA_EXPORT UA_DataSetFieldConfig_clear(UA_DataSetFieldConfig *dataSetFieldConfig); typedef struct { UA_StatusCode result; UA_ConfigurationVersionDataType configurationVersion; } UA_DataSetFieldResult; UA_DataSetFieldResult UA_EXPORT UA_Server_addDataSetField(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId publishedDataSet, const UA_DataSetFieldConfig *fieldConfig, UA_NodeId *fieldIdentifier); /* Returns a deep copy of the config */ UA_StatusCode UA_EXPORT UA_Server_getDataSetFieldConfig(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId dsf, UA_DataSetFieldConfig *config); UA_DataSetFieldResult UA_EXPORT UA_Server_removeDataSetField(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId dsf); /** * WriterGroup * ----------- * All WriterGroups are created within a PubSubConnection and automatically * deleted if the connection is removed. The WriterGroup is primary used as * container for :ref:`dsw` and network message settings. The WriterGroup can be * imagined as producer of the network messages. The creation of network * messages is controlled by parameters like the publish interval, which is e.g. * contained in the WriterGroup. */ typedef enum { UA_PUBSUB_ENCODING_BINARY, UA_PUBSUB_ENCODING_JSON, UA_PUBSUB_ENCODING_UADP } UA_PubSubEncodingType; /** * WriterGroup * ----------- * The message publishing can be configured for realtime requirements. The RT-levels * go along with different requirements. The below listed levels can be configured: * * UA_PUBSUB_RT_NONE - * ---> Description: Default "none-RT" Mode * ---> Requirements: - * ---> Restrictions: - * UA_PUBSUB_RT_DIRECT_VALUE_ACCESS (Preview - not implemented) * ---> Description: Normally, the latest value for each DataSetField is read out of the information model. Within this RT-mode, the * value source of each field configured as static pointer to an DataValue. The publish cycle won't use call the server read function. * ---> Requirements: All fields must be configured with a 'staticValueSource'. * ---> Restrictions: - * UA_PUBSUB_RT_FIXED_LENGTH (Preview - not implemented) * ---> Description: All DataSetFields have a known, non-changing length. The server will pre-generate some * buffers and use only memcopy operations to generate requested PubSub packages. * ---> Requirements: DataSetFields with variable size can't be used within this mode. * ---> Restrictions: The configuration must be frozen and changes are not allowed while the WriterGroup is 'Operational'. * UA_PUBSUB_RT_DETERMINISTIC (Preview - not implemented) * ---> Description: - * ---> Requirements: - * ---> Restrictions: - * * WARNING! For hard real time requirements the underlying system must be rt-capable. * */ typedef enum { UA_PUBSUB_RT_NONE = 0, UA_PUBSUB_RT_DIRECT_VALUE_ACCESS = 1, UA_PUBSUB_RT_FIXED_SIZE = 2, UA_PUBSUB_RT_DETERMINISTIC = 4, } UA_PubSubRTLevel; typedef struct { UA_String name; UA_Boolean enabled; UA_UInt16 writerGroupId; UA_Duration publishingInterval; UA_Double keepAliveTime; UA_Byte priority; UA_MessageSecurityMode securityMode; UA_ExtensionObject transportSettings; UA_ExtensionObject messageSettings; size_t groupPropertiesSize; UA_KeyValuePair *groupProperties; UA_PubSubEncodingType encodingMimeType; /* non std. config parameter. maximum count of embedded DataSetMessage in * one NetworkMessage */ UA_UInt16 maxEncapsulatedDataSetMessageCount; /* This flag is 'read only' and is set internally based on the PubSub state. */ UA_Boolean configurationFrozen; /* non std. field */ UA_PubSubRTLevel rtLevel; } UA_WriterGroupConfig; void UA_EXPORT UA_WriterGroupConfig_clear(UA_WriterGroupConfig *writerGroupConfig); /* Add a new WriterGroup to an existing Connection */ UA_StatusCode UA_EXPORT UA_Server_addWriterGroup(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId connection, const UA_WriterGroupConfig *writerGroupConfig, UA_NodeId *writerGroupIdentifier); /* Returns a deep copy of the config */ UA_StatusCode UA_EXPORT UA_Server_getWriterGroupConfig(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId writerGroup, UA_WriterGroupConfig *config); UA_StatusCode UA_EXPORT UA_Server_updateWriterGroupConfig(UA_Server *server, UA_NodeId writerGroupIdentifier, const UA_WriterGroupConfig *config); UA_StatusCode UA_EXPORT UA_Server_removeWriterGroup(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId writerGroup); UA_StatusCode UA_EXPORT UA_Server_freezeWriterGroupConfiguration(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId writerGroup); UA_StatusCode UA_EXPORT UA_Server_unfreezeWriterGroupConfiguration(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId writerGroup); UA_StatusCode UA_EXPORT UA_Server_setWriterGroupOperational(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId writerGroup); UA_StatusCode UA_EXPORT UA_Server_setWriterGroupDisabled(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId writerGroup); /** * .. _dsw: UA_Boolean configurationFrozen; * * DataSetWriter * ------------- * The DataSetWriters are the glue between the WriterGroups and the * PublishedDataSets. The DataSetWriter contain configuration parameters and * flags which influence the creation of DataSet messages. These messages are * encapsulated inside the network message. The DataSetWriter must be linked * with an existing PublishedDataSet and be contained within a WriterGroup. */ typedef struct { UA_String name; UA_UInt16 dataSetWriterId; UA_DataSetFieldContentMask dataSetFieldContentMask; UA_UInt32 keyFrameCount; UA_ExtensionObject messageSettings; UA_ExtensionObject transportSettings; UA_String dataSetName; size_t dataSetWriterPropertiesSize; UA_KeyValuePair *dataSetWriterProperties; /* This flag is 'read only' and is set internally based on the PubSub state. */ UA_Boolean configurationFrozen; } UA_DataSetWriterConfig; void UA_EXPORT UA_DataSetWriterConfig_clear(UA_DataSetWriterConfig *pdsConfig); /* Add a new DataSetWriter to a existing WriterGroup. The DataSetWriter must be * coupled with a PublishedDataSet on creation. * * Part 14, defines: The link between the PublishedDataSet and * DataSetWriter shall be created when an instance of the DataSetWriterType is * created. */ UA_StatusCode UA_EXPORT UA_Server_addDataSetWriter(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId writerGroup, const UA_NodeId dataSet, const UA_DataSetWriterConfig *dataSetWriterConfig, UA_NodeId *writerIdentifier); /* Returns a deep copy of the config */ UA_StatusCode UA_EXPORT UA_Server_getDataSetWriterConfig(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId dsw, UA_DataSetWriterConfig *config); UA_StatusCode UA_EXPORT UA_Server_removeDataSetWriter(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId dsw); /** * DataSetReader * ------------- * DataSetReader can receive NetworkMessages with the DataSet * of interest sent by the Publisher. DataSetReaders represent * the configuration necessary to receive and process DataSetMessages * on the Subscriber side */ /* Parameters for PubSubSecurity */ typedef struct { UA_Int32 securityMode; /* placeholder datatype 'MessageSecurityMode' */ UA_String securityGroupId; size_t keyServersSize; UA_Int32 *keyServers; } UA_PubSubSecurityParameters; /* Parameters for PubSub DataSetReader Configuration */ typedef struct { UA_String name; UA_Variant publisherId; UA_UInt16 writerGroupId; UA_UInt16 dataSetWriterId; UA_DataSetMetaDataType dataSetMetaData; UA_DataSetFieldContentMask dataSetFieldContentMask; UA_Double messageReceiveTimeout; UA_PubSubSecurityParameters securityParameters; UA_UadpDataSetReaderMessageDataType messageSettings; UA_TargetVariablesDataType subscribedDataSetTarget; } UA_DataSetReaderConfig; /* Update configuration to the dataSetReader */ UA_StatusCode UA_Server_DataSetReader_updateConfig(UA_Server *server, UA_NodeId dataSetReaderIdentifier, UA_NodeId readerGroupIdentifier, const UA_DataSetReaderConfig *config); /* Get configuration of the dataSetReader */ UA_StatusCode UA_Server_DataSetReader_getConfig(UA_Server *server, UA_NodeId dataSetReaderIdentifier, UA_DataSetReaderConfig *config); /* Return Status Code after creating TargetVariables in Subscriber AddressSpace * TargetVariables define a list of variable mappings between received DataSet fields * and the TargetVariables in the Subscriber AddressSpace */ UA_StatusCode UA_Server_DataSetReader_createTargetVariables(UA_Server *server, UA_NodeId dataSetReaderIdentifier, UA_TargetVariablesDataType* targetVariables); /* To Do:Implementation of SubscribedDataSetMirrorType * UA_StatusCode * A_PubSubDataSetReader_createDataSetMirror(UA_Server *server, UA_NodeId dataSetReaderIdentifier, * UA_SubscribedDataSetMirrorDataType* mirror) */ /** * ReaderGroup * ----------- * All ReaderGroups are created within a PubSubConnection and automatically * deleted if the connection is removed. */ /* ReaderGroup configuration */ typedef struct { UA_String name; UA_PubSubSecurityParameters securityParameters; } UA_ReaderGroupConfig; /* Add DataSetReader to the ReaderGroup */ UA_StatusCode UA_Server_addDataSetReader(UA_Server *server, UA_NodeId readerGroupIdentifier, const UA_DataSetReaderConfig *dataSetReaderConfig, UA_NodeId *readerIdentifier); /* Remove DataSetReader from ReaderGroup */ UA_StatusCode UA_Server_removeDataSetReader(UA_Server *server, UA_NodeId readerIdentifier); /* To Do: Update Configuration of ReaderGroup * UA_StatusCode * UA_Server_ReaderGroup_updateConfig(UA_Server *server, UA_NodeId readerGroupIdentifier, * const UA_ReaderGroupConfig *config); */ /* Get configuraiton of ReaderGroup */ UA_StatusCode UA_Server_ReaderGroup_getConfig(UA_Server *server, UA_NodeId readerGroupIdentifier, UA_ReaderGroupConfig *config); /* Add ReaderGroup to the created connection */ UA_StatusCode UA_Server_addReaderGroup(UA_Server *server, UA_NodeId connectionIdentifier, const UA_ReaderGroupConfig *readerGroupConfig, UA_NodeId *readerGroupIdentifier); /* Remove ReaderGroup from connection */ UA_StatusCode UA_Server_removeReaderGroup(UA_Server *server, UA_NodeId groupIdentifier); #endif /* UA_ENABLE_PUBSUB */ _UA_END_DECLS #endif /* UA_SERVER_PUBSUB_H */