i=1 i=2 i=3 i=4 i=5 i=6 i=7 i=8 i=9 i=10 i=11 i=13 i=12 i=15 i=14 i=16 i=17 i=18 i=20 i=21 i=19 i=22 i=26 i=27 i=28 i=47 i=46 i=35 i=36 i=48 i=45 i=40 i=37 i=38 i=39 ExpandedNodeId Describes a value that is an absolute identifier for a node. i=24 StatusCode Describes a value that is a code representing the outcome of an operation by a Server. i=24 DataValue Describes a value that is a structure containing a value, a status code and timestamps. i=24 DiagnosticInfo Describes a value that is a structure containing diagnostics associated with a StatusCode. i=24 IntegerId A numeric identifier for an object. i=7 ApplicationType The types of applications. i=7597 i=29 The application is a server. The application is a client. The application is a client and a server. The application is a discovery server. EnumStrings i=68 i=78 i=307 Server Client ClientAndServer DiscoveryServer ApplicationDescription Describes an application and how to find it. i=22 The globally unique identifier for the application. The globally unique identifier for the product. The name of application. The type of application. The globally unique identifier for the server that is acting as a gateway for the server. The globally unique identifier for the discovery profile supported by the server. The URLs for the server's discovery endpoints. ApplicationInstanceCertificate A certificate for an instance of an application. i=15 MessageSecurityMode The type of security to use on a message. i=7595 i=29 An invalid mode. No security is used. The message is signed. The message is signed and encrypted. EnumStrings i=68 i=78 i=302 Invalid None Sign SignAndEncrypt UserTokenType The possible user token types. i=7596 i=29 An anonymous user. A user identified by a user name and password. A user identified by an X509 certificate. A user identified by WS-Security XML token. EnumStrings i=68 i=78 i=303 Anonymous UserName Certificate IssuedToken UserTokenPolicy Describes a user token that can be used with a server. i=22 A identifier for the policy assigned by the server. The type of user token. The type of issued token. The endpoint or any other information need to contruct an issued token URL. The security policy to use when encrypting or signing the user token. EndpointDescription The description of a endpoint that can be used to access a server. i=22 The network endpoint to use when connecting to the server. The description of the server. The server's application certificate. The security mode that must be used when connecting to the endpoint. The security policy to use when connecting to the endpoint. The user identity tokens that can be used with this endpoint. The transport profile to use when connecting to the endpoint. A server assigned value that indicates how secure the endpoint is relative to other server endpoints. RegisteredServer The information required to register a server with a discovery server. i=22 The globally unique identifier for the server. The globally unique identifier for the product. The name of server in multiple lcoales. The type of server. The globally unique identifier for the server that is acting as a gateway for the server. The URLs for the server's discovery endpoints. A path to a file that is deleted when the server is no longer accepting connections. If FALSE the server will save the registration information to a persistent datastore. SecurityTokenRequestType Indicates whether a token if being created or renewed. i=7598 i=29 The channel is being created. The channel is being renewed. EnumStrings i=68 i=78 i=315 Issue Renew SignedSoftwareCertificate A software certificate with a digital signature. i=22 The data of the certificate. The digital signature. SessionAuthenticationToken A unique identifier for a session used to authenticate requests. i=17 UserIdentityToken A base type for a user identity token. i=22 The policy id specified in a user token policy for the endpoint being used. AnonymousIdentityToken A token representing an anonymous user. i=316 UserNameIdentityToken A token representing a user identified by a user name and password. i=316 The user name. The password encrypted with the server certificate. The algorithm used to encrypt the password. X509IdentityToken A token representing a user identified by an X509 certificate. i=316 The certificate. IssuedIdentityToken A token representing a user identified by a WS-Security XML token. i=316 The XML token encrypted with the server certificate. The algorithm used to encrypt the certificate. NodeAttributesMask The bits used to specify default attributes for a new node. i=11881 i=29 No attribuites provided. The access level attribute is specified. The array dimensions attribute is specified. The browse name attribute is specified. The contains no loops attribute is specified. The data type attribute is specified. The description attribute is specified. The display name attribute is specified. The event notifier attribute is specified. The executable attribute is specified. The historizing attribute is specified. The inverse name attribute is specified. The is abstract attribute is specified. The minimum sampling interval attribute is specified. The node class attribute is specified. The node id attribute is specified. The symmetric attribute is specified. The user access level attribute is specified. The user executable attribute is specified. The user write mask attribute is specified. The value rank attribute is specified. The write mask attribute is specified. The value attribute is specified. All attributes are specified. All base attributes are specified. All object attributes are specified. All object type or data type attributes are specified. All variable attributes are specified. All variable type attributes are specified. All method attributes are specified. All reference type attributes are specified. All view attributes are specified. EnumValues i=68 i=78 i=348 i=7616 0 None No attribuites provided. i=7616 1 AccessLevel The access level attribute is specified. i=7616 2 ArrayDimensions The array dimensions attribute is specified. i=7616 4 BrowseName The browse name attribute is specified. i=7616 8 ContainsNoLoops The contains no loops attribute is specified. i=7616 16 DataType The data type attribute is specified. i=7616 32 Description The description attribute is specified. i=7616 64 DisplayName The display name attribute is specified. i=7616 128 EventNotifier The event notifier attribute is specified. i=7616 256 Executable The executable attribute is specified. i=7616 512 Historizing The historizing attribute is specified. i=7616 1024 InverseName The inverse name attribute is specified. i=7616 2048 IsAbstract The is abstract attribute is specified. i=7616 4096 MinimumSamplingInterval The minimum sampling interval attribute is specified. i=7616 8192 NodeClass The node class attribute is specified. i=7616 16384 NodeId The node id attribute is specified. i=7616 32768 Symmetric The symmetric attribute is specified. i=7616 65536 UserAccessLevel The user access level attribute is specified. i=7616 131072 UserExecutable The user executable attribute is specified. i=7616 262144 UserWriteMask The user write mask attribute is specified. i=7616 524288 ValueRank The value rank attribute is specified. i=7616 1048576 WriteMask The write mask attribute is specified. i=7616 2097152 Value The value attribute is specified. i=7616 4194303 All All attributes are specified. i=7616 1335396 BaseNode All base attributes are specified. i=7616 1335524 Object All object attributes are specified. i=7616 1337444 ObjectTypeOrDataType All object type or data type attributes are specified. i=7616 4026999 Variable All variable attributes are specified. i=7616 3958902 VariableType All variable type attributes are specified. i=7616 1466724 Method All method attributes are specified. i=7616 1371236 ReferenceType All reference type attributes are specified. i=7616 1335532 View All view attributes are specified. AddNodesItem A request to add a node to the server address space. i=22 The node id for the parent node. The type of reference from the parent to the new node. The node id requested by the client. If null the server must provide one. The browse name for the new node. The class of the new node. The default attributes for the new node. The type definition for the new node. AddReferencesItem A request to add a reference to the server address space. i=22 The source of the reference. The type of reference. If TRUE the reference is a forward reference. The URI of the server containing the target (if in another server). The target of the reference. The node class of the target (if known). DeleteNodesItem A request to delete a node to the server address space. i=22 The id of the node to delete. If TRUE all references to the are deleted as well. DeleteReferencesItem A request to delete a node from the server address space. i=22 The source of the reference to delete. The type of reference to delete. If TRUE the a forward reference is deleted. The target of the reference to delete. If TRUE the reference is deleted in both directions. AttributeWriteMask Define bits used to indicate which attributes are writeable. i=11882 i=29 No attributes are writeable. The access level attribute is writeable. The array dimensions attribute is writeable. The browse name attribute is writeable. The contains no loops attribute is writeable. The data type attribute is writeable. The description attribute is writeable. The display name attribute is writeable. The event notifier attribute is writeable. The executable attribute is writeable. The historizing attribute is writeable. The inverse name attribute is writeable. The is abstract attribute is writeable. The minimum sampling interval attribute is writeable. The node class attribute is writeable. The node id attribute is writeable. The symmetric attribute is writeable. The user access level attribute is writeable. The user executable attribute is writeable. The user write mask attribute is writeable. The value rank attribute is writeable. The write mask attribute is writeable. The value attribute is writeable. EnumValues i=68 i=78 i=347 i=7616 0 None No attributes are writeable. i=7616 1 AccessLevel The access level attribute is writeable. i=7616 2 ArrayDimensions The array dimensions attribute is writeable. i=7616 4 BrowseName The browse name attribute is writeable. i=7616 8 ContainsNoLoops The contains no loops attribute is writeable. i=7616 16 DataType The data type attribute is writeable. i=7616 32 Description The description attribute is writeable. i=7616 64 DisplayName The display name attribute is writeable. i=7616 128 EventNotifier The event notifier attribute is writeable. i=7616 256 Executable The executable attribute is writeable. i=7616 512 Historizing The historizing attribute is writeable. i=7616 1024 InverseName The inverse name attribute is writeable. i=7616 2048 IsAbstract The is abstract attribute is writeable. i=7616 4096 MinimumSamplingInterval The minimum sampling interval attribute is writeable. i=7616 8192 NodeClass The node class attribute is writeable. i=7616 16384 NodeId The node id attribute is writeable. i=7616 32768 Symmetric The symmetric attribute is writeable. i=7616 65536 UserAccessLevel The user access level attribute is writeable. i=7616 131072 UserExecutable The user executable attribute is writeable. i=7616 262144 UserWriteMask The user write mask attribute is writeable. i=7616 524288 ValueRank The value rank attribute is writeable. i=7616 1048576 WriteMask The write mask attribute is writeable. i=7616 2097152 ValueForVariableType The value attribute is writeable. ContinuationPoint An identifier for a suspended query or browse operation. i=15 Counter A monotonically increasing value. i=7 NumericRange Specifies a range of array indexes. i=12 Time A time value specified as HH:MM:SS.SSS. i=12 Date A date value. i=13 EndpointConfiguration i=22 ComplianceLevel i=7599 i=29 EnumStrings i=68 i=78 i=334 Untested Partial SelfTested Certified SupportedProfile i=22 SoftwareCertificate i=22 FilterOperator i=7605 i=29 EnumStrings i=68 i=78 i=576 Equals IsNull GreaterThan LessThan GreaterThanOrEqual LessThanOrEqual Like Not Between InList And Or Cast InView OfType RelatedTo BitwiseAnd BitwiseOr ContentFilterElement i=22 ContentFilter i=22 FilterOperand i=22 ElementOperand i=589 LiteralOperand i=589 AttributeOperand i=589 SimpleAttributeOperand i=589 HistoryEvent i=22 HistoryUpdateType i=11884 i=29 EnumValues i=68 i=78 i=11234 i=7616 1 Insert i=7616 2 Replace i=7616 3 Update i=7616 4 Delete PerformUpdateType i=11885 i=29 EnumValues i=68 i=78 i=11293 i=7616 1 Insert i=7616 2 Replace i=7616 3 Update i=7616 4 Remove MonitoringFilter i=22 EventFilter i=719 AggregateConfiguration i=22 HistoryEventFieldList i=22 Default XML i=308 i=8300 i=76 Default XML i=304 i=8297 i=76 Default XML i=312 i=8303 i=76 Default XML i=432 i=8417 i=76 Default XML i=344 i=8333 i=76 Default XML i=316 i=8306 i=76 Default XML i=319 i=8309 i=76 Default XML i=322 i=8312 i=76 Default XML i=325 i=8315 i=76 Default XML i=938 i=8318 i=76 Default XML i=376 i=8363 i=76 Default XML i=379 i=8366 i=76 Default XML i=382 i=8369 i=76 Default XML i=385 i=8372 i=76 Default XML i=331 i=8321 i=76 Default XML i=335 i=8324 i=76 Default XML i=341 i=8330 i=76 Default XML i=583 i=8564 i=76 Default XML i=586 i=8567 i=76 Default XML i=589 i=8570 i=76 Default XML i=592 i=8573 i=76 Default XML i=595 i=8576 i=76 Default XML i=598 i=8579 i=76 Default XML i=601 i=8582 i=76 Default XML i=659 i=8639 i=76 Default XML i=719 i=8702 i=76 Default XML i=725 i=8708 i=76 Default XML i=948 i=8711 i=76 Default XML i=920 i=8807 i=76 Default Binary i=308 i=7665 i=76 Default Binary i=304 i=7662 i=76 Default Binary i=312 i=7668 i=76 Default Binary i=432 i=7782 i=76 Default Binary i=344 i=7698 i=76 Default Binary i=316 i=7671 i=76 Default Binary i=319 i=7674 i=76 Default Binary i=322 i=7677 i=76 Default Binary i=325 i=7680 i=76 Default Binary i=938 i=7683 i=76 Default Binary i=376 i=7728 i=76 Default Binary i=379 i=7731 i=76 Default Binary i=382 i=7734 i=76 Default Binary i=385 i=7737 i=76 Default Binary i=331 i=7686 i=76 Default Binary i=335 i=7689 i=76 Default Binary i=341 i=7695 i=76 Default Binary i=583 i=7929 i=76 Default Binary i=586 i=7932 i=76 Default Binary i=589 i=7935 i=76 Default Binary i=592 i=7938 i=76 Default Binary i=595 i=7941 i=76 Default Binary i=598 i=7944 i=76 Default Binary i=601 i=7947 i=76 Default Binary i=659 i=8004 i=76 Default Binary i=719 i=8067 i=76 Default Binary i=725 i=8073 i=76 Default Binary i=948 i=8076 i=76 Default Binary i=920 i=8172 i=76