i=1 i=2 i=3 i=4 i=5 i=6 i=7 i=8 i=9 i=10 i=11 i=13 i=12 i=15 i=14 i=16 i=17 i=18 i=20 i=21 i=19 i=22 i=26 i=27 i=28 i=47 i=46 i=35 i=36 i=48 i=45 i=40 i=37 i=38 i=39 Default Binary The default binary encoding for a data type. i=58 Default XML The default XML encoding for a data type. i=58 BaseDataType Describes a value that can have any valid DataType. Number Describes a value that can have any numeric DataType. i=24 Integer Describes a value that can have any integer DataType. i=26 UInteger Describes a value that can have any unsigned integer DataType. i=27 Enumeration Describes a value that is an enumerated DataType. i=24 Boolean Describes a value that is either TRUE or FALSE. i=24 SByte Describes a value that is an integer between -128 and 127. i=27 Byte Describes a value that is an integer between 0 and 255. i=28 Int16 Describes a value that is an integer between −32,768 and 32,767. i=27 UInt16 Describes a value that is an integer between 0 and 65535. i=28 Int32 Describes a value that is an integer between −2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647. i=27 UInt32 Describes a value that is an integer between 0 and 4,294,967,295. i=28 Int64 Describes a value that is an integer between −9,223,372,036,854,775,808 and 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. i=27 UInt64 Describes a value that is an integer between 0 and 18,446,744,073,709,551,615. i=28 Float Describes a value that is an IEEE 754-1985 single precision floating point number. i=26 Double Describes a value that is an IEEE 754-1985 double precision floating point number. i=26 String Describes a value that is a sequence of printable Unicode characters. i=24 DateTime Describes a value that is a Gregorian calender date and time. i=24 Guid Describes a value that is a 128-bit globally unique identifier. i=24 ByteString Describes a value that is a sequence of bytes. i=24 XmlElement Describes a value that is an XML element. i=24 NodeId Describes a value that is an identifier for a node within a Server address space. i=24 ExpandedNodeId Describes a value that is an absolute identifier for a node. i=24 StatusCode Describes a value that is a code representing the outcome of an operation by a Server. i=24 QualifiedName Describes a value that is a name qualified by a namespace. i=24 LocalizedText Describes a value that is human readable Unicode text with a locale identifier. i=24 Structure Describes a value that is any type of structure that can be described with a data encoding. i=24 DataValue Describes a value that is a structure containing a value, a status code and timestamps. i=24 DiagnosticInfo Describes a value that is a structure containing diagnostics associated with a StatusCode. i=24 Image Describes a value that is an image encoded as a string of bytes. i=15 References The abstract base type for all references. References NonHierarchicalReferences The abstract base type for all non-hierarchical references. i=31 NonHierarchicalReferences HierarchicalReferences The abstract base type for all hierarchical references. i=31 HierarchicalReferences HasChild The abstract base type for all non-looping hierarchical references. i=33 ChildOf Organizes The type for hierarchical references that are used to organize nodes. i=33 OrganizedBy HasEventSource The type for non-looping hierarchical references that are used to organize event sources. i=33 EventSourceOf HasModellingRule The type for references from instance declarations to modelling rule nodes. i=32 ModellingRuleOf HasEncoding The type for references from data type nodes to to data type encoding nodes. i=32 EncodingOf HasDescription The type for references from data type encoding nodes to data type description nodes. i=32 DescriptionOf HasTypeDefinition The type for references from a instance node its type defintion node. i=32 TypeDefinitionOf GeneratesEvent The type for references from a node to an event type that is raised by node. i=32 GeneratesEvent AlwaysGeneratesEvent The type for references from a node to an event type that is always raised by node. i=32 AlwaysGeneratesEvent Aggregates The type for non-looping hierarchical references that are used to aggregate nodes into complex types. i=34 AggregatedBy HasSubtype The type for non-looping hierarchical references that are used to define sub types. i=34 HasSupertype HasProperty The type for non-looping hierarchical reference from a node to its property. i=44 PropertyOf HasComponent The type for non-looping hierarchical reference from a node to its component. i=44 ComponentOf HasNotifier The type for non-looping hierarchical references that are used to indicate how events propagate from node to node. i=36 NotifierOf HasOrderedComponent The type for non-looping hierarchical reference from a node to its component when the order of references matters. i=47 OrderedComponentOf FromState The type for a reference to the state before a transition. i=32 ToTransition ToState The type for a reference to the state after a transition. i=32 FromTransition HasCause The type for a reference to a method that can cause a transition to occur. i=32 MayBeCausedBy HasEffect The type for a reference to an event that may be raised when a transition occurs. i=32 MayBeEffectedBy HasSubStateMachine The type for a reference to a substate for a state. i=32 SubStateMachineOf HasHistoricalConfiguration The type for a reference to the historical configuration for a data variable. i=44 HistoricalConfigurationOf BaseObjectType The base type for all object nodes. FolderType The type for objects that organize other nodes. i=58 BaseVariableType The abstract base type for all variable nodes. BaseDataVariableType The type for variable that represents a process value. i=62 PropertyType The type for variable that represents a property of another node. i=62 DataTypeDescriptionType The type for variable that represents the description of a data type encoding. i=104 i=105 i=63 DataTypeVersion The version number for the data type description. i=68 i=80 i=69 DictionaryFragment A fragment of a data type dictionary that defines the data type. i=68 i=80 i=69 DataTypeDictionaryType The type for variable that represents the collection of data type decriptions. i=106 i=107 i=63 DataTypeVersion The version number for the data type dictionary. i=68 i=80 i=72 NamespaceUri A URI that uniquely identifies the dictionary. i=68 i=80 i=72 DataTypeSystemType i=58 DataTypeEncodingType i=58 NamingRuleType Describes a value that specifies the significance of the BrowseName for an instance declaration. i=12169 i=29 The BrowseName must appear in all instances of the type. The BrowseName may appear in an instance of the type. The modelling rule defines a constraint and the BrowseName is not used in an instance of the type. EnumValues i=68 i=78 i=120 i=7616 1 Mandatory The BrowseName must appear in all instances of the type. i=7616 2 Optional The BrowseName may appear in an instance of the type. i=7616 3 Constraint The modelling rule defines a constraint and the BrowseName is not used in an instance of the type. ModellingRuleType The type for an object that describes how an instance declaration is used when a type is instantiated. i=111 i=58 NamingRule Specified the significances of the BrowseName when a type is instantiated. i=68 i=78 i=77 1 Mandatory Specifies that an instance with the attributes and references of the instance declaration must appear when a type is instantiated. i=112 i=77 NamingRule Specified the significances of the BrowseName when a type is instantiated. i=68 i=78 1 Optional Specifies that an instance with the attributes and references of the instance declaration may appear when a type is instantiated. i=113 i=77 NamingRule Specified the significances of the BrowseName when a type is instantiated. i=68 i=80 2 ExposesItsArray Specifies that an instance appears for each element of the containing array variable. i=114 i=77 NamingRule Specified the significances of the BrowseName when a type is instantiated. i=68 i=83 3 MandatoryShared Specifies that a reference to a shared instance must appear in when a type is instantiated. i=116 i=77 NamingRule Specified the significances of the BrowseName when a type is instantiated. i=68 i=79 1 OptionalPlaceholder Specifies that zero or more instances with the attributes and references of the instance declaration may appear when a type is instantiated. i=11509 i=77 NamingRule Specified the significances of the BrowseName when a type is instantiated. i=68 i=11508 2 MandatoryPlaceholder Specifies that one or more instances with the attributes and references of the instance declaration must appear when a type is instantiated. i=11511 i=77 NamingRule Specified the significances of the BrowseName when a type is instantiated. i=68 i=11510 1 Root The root of the server address space. i=61 Objects The browse entry point when looking for objects in the server address space. i=84 i=61 Types The browse entry point when looking for types in the server address space. i=84 i=61 Views The browse entry point when looking for views in the server address space. i=84 i=61 ObjectTypes The browse entry point when looking for object types in the server address space. i=86 i=58 i=61 VariableTypes The browse entry point when looking for variable types in the server address space. i=86 i=62 i=61 DataTypes The browse entry point when looking for data types in the server address space. i=86 i=24 i=61 ReferenceTypes The browse entry point when looking for reference types in the server address space. i=86 i=31 i=61 XML Schema A type system which uses XML schema to describe the encoding of data types. i=90 i=75 OPC Binary A type system which uses OPC binary schema to describe the encoding of data types. i=90 i=75 NodeVersion The version number of the node (used to indicate changes to references of the owning node). i=68 ViewVersion The version number of the view. i=68 Icon A small image representing the object. i=68 LocalTime The local time where the owning variable value was collected. i=68 AllowNulls Whether the value of the owning variable is allowed to be null. i=68 ValueAsText The string representation of the current value for a variable with an enumerated data type. i=68 MaxStringLength The maximum length for a string that can be stored in the owning variable. i=68 MaxArrayLength The maximum length for an array that can be stored in the owning variable. i=68 EngineeringUnits The engineering units for the value of the owning variable. i=68 EnumStrings The human readable strings associated with the values of an enumerated value (when values are sequential). i=68 EnumValues The human readable strings associated with the values of an enumerated value (when values have no sequence). i=68 InputArguments The input arguments for a method. i=68 OutputArguments The output arguments for a method. i=68 ImageBMP An image encoded in BMP format. i=30 ImageGIF An image encoded in GIF format. i=30 ImageJPG An image encoded in JPEG format. i=30 ImagePNG An image encoded in PNG format. i=30 ServerType Specifies the current status and capabilities of the server. i=2005 i=2006 i=2007 i=2008 i=2742 i=2009 i=2010 i=2011 i=2012 i=11527 i=11489 i=58 ServerArray The list of server URIs used by the server. i=68 i=78 i=2004 NamespaceArray The list of namespace URIs used by the server. i=68 i=78 i=2004 ServerStatus The current status of the server. i=3074 i=3075 i=3076 i=3077 i=3084 i=3085 i=2138 i=78 i=2004 StartTime i=63 i=78 i=2007 CurrentTime i=63 i=78 i=2007 State i=63 i=78 i=2007 BuildInfo i=3078 i=3079 i=3080 i=3081 i=3082 i=3083 i=3051 i=78 i=2007 ProductUri i=63 i=78 i=3077 ManufacturerName i=63 i=78 i=3077 ProductName i=63 i=78 i=3077 SoftwareVersion i=63 i=78 i=3077 BuildNumber i=63 i=78 i=3077 BuildDate i=63 i=78 i=3077 SecondsTillShutdown i=63 i=78 i=2007 ShutdownReason i=63 i=78 i=2007 ServiceLevel A value indicating the level of service the server can provide. 255 indicates the best. i=68 i=78 i=2004 Auditing A flag indicating whether the server is currently generating audit events. i=68 i=78 i=2004 ServerCapabilities Describes capabilities supported by the server. i=3086 i=3087 i=3088 i=3089 i=3090 i=3091 i=3092 i=3093 i=3094 i=2013 i=78 i=2004 ServerProfileArray A list of profiles supported by the server. i=68 i=78 i=2009 LocaleIdArray A list of locales supported by the server. i=68 i=78 i=2009 MinSupportedSampleRate The minimum sampling interval supported by the server. i=68 i=78 i=2009 MaxBrowseContinuationPoints The maximum number of continuation points for Browse operations per session. i=68 i=78 i=2009 MaxQueryContinuationPoints The maximum number of continuation points for Query operations per session. i=68 i=78 i=2009 MaxHistoryContinuationPoints The maximum number of continuation points for ReadHistory operations per session. i=68 i=78 i=2009 SoftwareCertificates The software certificates owned by the server. i=68 i=78 i=2009 ModellingRules A folder for the modelling rules supported by the server. i=61 i=78 i=2009 AggregateFunctions A folder for the real time aggregates supported by the server. i=61 i=78 i=2009 ServerDiagnostics Reports diagnostics about the server. i=3095 i=3110 i=3111 i=3114 i=2020 i=78 i=2004 ServerDiagnosticsSummary A summary of server level diagnostics. i=3096 i=3097 i=3098 i=3099 i=3100 i=3101 i=3102 i=3104 i=3105 i=3106 i=3107 i=3108 i=2150 i=78 i=2010 ServerViewCount i=63 i=78 i=3095 CurrentSessionCount i=63 i=78 i=3095 CumulatedSessionCount i=63 i=78 i=3095 SecurityRejectedSessionCount i=63 i=78 i=3095 RejectedSessionCount i=63 i=78 i=3095 SessionTimeoutCount i=63 i=78 i=3095 SessionAbortCount i=63 i=78 i=3095 PublishingIntervalCount i=63 i=78 i=3095 CurrentSubscriptionCount i=63 i=78 i=3095 CumulatedSubscriptionCount i=63 i=78 i=3095 SecurityRejectedRequestsCount i=63 i=78 i=3095 RejectedRequestsCount i=63 i=78 i=3095 SubscriptionDiagnosticsArray A list of diagnostics for each active subscription. i=2171 i=78 i=2010 SessionsDiagnosticsSummary A summary of session level diagnostics. i=3112 i=3113 i=2026 i=78 i=2010 SessionDiagnosticsArray A list of diagnostics for each active session. i=2196 i=78 i=3111 SessionSecurityDiagnosticsArray A list of security related diagnostics for each active session. i=2243 i=78 i=3111 EnabledFlag If TRUE the diagnostics collection is enabled. i=68 i=78 i=2010 VendorServerInfo Server information provided by the vendor. i=2033 i=78 i=2004 ServerRedundancy Describes the redundancy capabilities of the server. i=3115 i=2034 i=78 i=2004 RedundancySupport Indicates what style of redundancy is supported by the server. i=68 i=78 i=2012 Namespaces Describes the namespaces supported by the server. i=11645 i=80 i=2004 GetMonitoredItems i=11490 i=11491 i=80 i=2004 InputArguments i=68 i=78 i=11489 i=297 SubscriptionId i=7 -1 OutputArguments i=68 i=78 i=11489 i=297 ServerHandles i=7 1 i=297 ClientHandles i=7 1 ServerCapabilitiesType Describes the capabilities supported by the server. i=2014 i=2016 i=2017 i=2732 i=2733 i=2734 i=3049 i=11549 i=11550 i=11551 i=2019 i=2754 i=11562 i=58 ServerProfileArray A list of profiles supported by the server. i=68 i=78 i=2013 LocaleIdArray A list of locales supported by the server. i=68 i=78 i=2013 MinSupportedSampleRate The minimum sampling interval supported by the server. i=68 i=78 i=2013 MaxBrowseContinuationPoints The maximum number of continuation points for Browse operations per session. i=68 i=78 i=2013 MaxQueryContinuationPoints The maximum number of continuation points for Query operations per session. i=68 i=78 i=2013 MaxHistoryContinuationPoints The maximum number of continuation points for ReadHistory operations per session. i=68 i=78 i=2013 SoftwareCertificates The software certificates owned by the server. i=68 i=78 i=2013 MaxArrayLength The maximum length for an array value supported by the server. i=68 i=80 i=2013 MaxStringLength The maximum length for a string value supported by the server. i=68 i=80 i=2013 OperationLimits Defines the limits supported by the server for different operations. i=11564 i=80 i=2013 ModellingRules A folder for the modelling rules supported by the server. i=61 i=78 i=2013 AggregateFunctions A folder for the real time aggregates supported by the server. i=61 i=78 i=2013 <VendorCapability> i=2137 i=11508 i=2013 ServerDiagnosticsType The diagnostics information for a server. i=2021 i=2022 i=2023 i=2744 i=2025 i=58 ServerDiagnosticsSummary A summary of server level diagnostics. i=3116 i=3117 i=3118 i=3119 i=3120 i=3121 i=3122 i=3124 i=3125 i=3126 i=3127 i=3128 i=2150 i=78 i=2020 ServerViewCount i=63 i=78 i=2021 CurrentSessionCount i=63 i=78 i=2021 CumulatedSessionCount i=63 i=78 i=2021 SecurityRejectedSessionCount i=63 i=78 i=2021 RejectedSessionCount i=63 i=78 i=2021 SessionTimeoutCount i=63 i=78 i=2021 SessionAbortCount i=63 i=78 i=2021 PublishingIntervalCount i=63 i=78 i=2021 CurrentSubscriptionCount i=63 i=78 i=2021 CumulatedSubscriptionCount i=63 i=78 i=2021 SecurityRejectedRequestsCount i=63 i=78 i=2021 RejectedRequestsCount i=63 i=78 i=2021 SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsArray A list of diagnostics for each sampling interval supported by the server. i=2164 i=80 i=2020 SubscriptionDiagnosticsArray A list of diagnostics for each active subscription. i=2171 i=78 i=2020 SessionsDiagnosticsSummary A summary of session level diagnostics. i=3129 i=3130 i=2026 i=78 i=2020 SessionDiagnosticsArray A list of diagnostics for each active session. i=2196 i=78 i=2744 SessionSecurityDiagnosticsArray A list of security related diagnostics for each active session. i=2243 i=78 i=2744 EnabledFlag If TRUE the diagnostics collection is enabled. i=68 i=78 i=2020 SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType Provides a summary of session level diagnostics. i=2027 i=2028 i=12097 i=58 SessionDiagnosticsArray A list of diagnostics for each active session. i=2196 i=78 i=2026 SessionSecurityDiagnosticsArray A list of security related diagnostics for each active session. i=2243 i=78 i=2026 <SessionPlaceholder> i=12098 i=12142 i=12152 i=2029 i=11508 i=2026 SessionDiagnostics Diagnostics information for an active session. i=12099 i=12100 i=12101 i=12102 i=12103 i=12104 i=12105 i=12106 i=12107 i=12108 i=12109 i=12110 i=12111 i=12112 i=12113 i=12114 i=12115 i=12116 i=12117 i=12118 i=12119 i=12120 i=12121 i=12122 i=12123 i=12124 i=12125 i=12126 i=12127 i=12128 i=12129 i=12130 i=12131 i=12132 i=12133 i=12134 i=12135 i=12136 i=12137 i=12138 i=12139 i=12140 i=12141 i=2197 i=78 i=12097 SessionId i=63 i=78 i=12098 SessionName i=63 i=78 i=12098 ClientDescription i=63 i=78 i=12098 ServerUri i=63 i=78 i=12098 EndpointUrl i=63 i=78 i=12098 LocaleIds i=63 i=78 i=12098 ActualSessionTimeout i=63 i=78 i=12098 MaxResponseMessageSize i=63 i=78 i=12098 ClientConnectionTime i=63 i=78 i=12098 ClientLastContactTime i=63 i=78 i=12098 CurrentSubscriptionsCount i=63 i=78 i=12098 CurrentMonitoredItemsCount i=63 i=78 i=12098 CurrentPublishRequestsInQueue i=63 i=78 i=12098 TotalRequestCount i=63 i=78 i=12098 UnauthorizedRequestCount i=63 i=78 i=12098 ReadCount i=63 i=78 i=12098 HistoryReadCount i=63 i=78 i=12098 WriteCount i=63 i=78 i=12098 HistoryUpdateCount i=63 i=78 i=12098 CallCount i=63 i=78 i=12098 CreateMonitoredItemsCount i=63 i=78 i=12098 ModifyMonitoredItemsCount i=63 i=78 i=12098 SetMonitoringModeCount i=63 i=78 i=12098 SetTriggeringCount i=63 i=78 i=12098 DeleteMonitoredItemsCount i=63 i=78 i=12098 CreateSubscriptionCount i=63 i=78 i=12098 ModifySubscriptionCount i=63 i=78 i=12098 SetPublishingModeCount i=63 i=78 i=12098 PublishCount i=63 i=78 i=12098 RepublishCount i=63 i=78 i=12098 TransferSubscriptionsCount i=63 i=78 i=12098 DeleteSubscriptionsCount i=63 i=78 i=12098 AddNodesCount i=63 i=78 i=12098 AddReferencesCount i=63 i=78 i=12098 DeleteNodesCount i=63 i=78 i=12098 DeleteReferencesCount i=63 i=78 i=12098 BrowseCount i=63 i=78 i=12098 BrowseNextCount i=63 i=78 i=12098 TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsCount i=63 i=78 i=12098 QueryFirstCount i=63 i=78 i=12098 QueryNextCount i=63 i=78 i=12098 RegisterNodesCount i=63 i=78 i=12098 UnregisterNodesCount i=63 i=78 i=12098 SessionSecurityDiagnostics Security related diagnostics information for an active session. i=12143 i=12144 i=12145 i=12146 i=12147 i=12148 i=12149 i=12150 i=12151 i=2244 i=78 i=12097 SessionId i=63 i=78 i=12142 ClientUserIdOfSession i=63 i=78 i=12142 ClientUserIdHistory i=63 i=78 i=12142 AuthenticationMechanism i=63 i=78 i=12142 Encoding i=63 i=78 i=12142 TransportProtocol i=63 i=78 i=12142 SecurityMode i=63 i=78 i=12142 SecurityPolicyUri i=63 i=78 i=12142 ClientCertificate i=63 i=78 i=12142 SubscriptionDiagnosticsArray A list of diagnostics for each subscription owned by the session. i=2171 i=78 i=12097 SessionDiagnosticsObjectType A container for session level diagnostics information. i=2030 i=2031 i=2032 i=58 SessionDiagnostics Diagnostics information for an active session. i=3131 i=3132 i=3133 i=3134 i=3135 i=3136 i=3137 i=3138 i=3139 i=3140 i=3141 i=3142 i=3143 i=8898 i=11891 i=3151 i=3152 i=3153 i=3154 i=3155 i=3156 i=3157 i=3158 i=3159 i=3160 i=3161 i=3162 i=3163 i=3164 i=3165 i=3166 i=3167 i=3168 i=3169 i=3170 i=3171 i=3172 i=3173 i=3174 i=3175 i=3176 i=3177 i=3178 i=2197 i=78 i=2029 SessionId i=63 i=78 i=2030 SessionName i=63 i=78 i=2030 ClientDescription i=63 i=78 i=2030 ServerUri i=63 i=78 i=2030 EndpointUrl i=63 i=78 i=2030 LocaleIds i=63 i=78 i=2030 ActualSessionTimeout i=63 i=78 i=2030 MaxResponseMessageSize i=63 i=78 i=2030 ClientConnectionTime i=63 i=78 i=2030 ClientLastContactTime i=63 i=78 i=2030 CurrentSubscriptionsCount i=63 i=78 i=2030 CurrentMonitoredItemsCount i=63 i=78 i=2030 CurrentPublishRequestsInQueue i=63 i=78 i=2030 TotalRequestCount i=63 i=78 i=2030 UnauthorizedRequestCount i=63 i=78 i=2030 ReadCount i=63 i=78 i=2030 HistoryReadCount i=63 i=78 i=2030 WriteCount i=63 i=78 i=2030 HistoryUpdateCount i=63 i=78 i=2030 CallCount i=63 i=78 i=2030 CreateMonitoredItemsCount i=63 i=78 i=2030 ModifyMonitoredItemsCount i=63 i=78 i=2030 SetMonitoringModeCount i=63 i=78 i=2030 SetTriggeringCount i=63 i=78 i=2030 DeleteMonitoredItemsCount i=63 i=78 i=2030 CreateSubscriptionCount i=63 i=78 i=2030 ModifySubscriptionCount i=63 i=78 i=2030 SetPublishingModeCount i=63 i=78 i=2030 PublishCount i=63 i=78 i=2030 RepublishCount i=63 i=78 i=2030 TransferSubscriptionsCount i=63 i=78 i=2030 DeleteSubscriptionsCount i=63 i=78 i=2030 AddNodesCount i=63 i=78 i=2030 AddReferencesCount i=63 i=78 i=2030 DeleteNodesCount i=63 i=78 i=2030 DeleteReferencesCount i=63 i=78 i=2030 BrowseCount i=63 i=78 i=2030 BrowseNextCount i=63 i=78 i=2030 TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsCount i=63 i=78 i=2030 QueryFirstCount i=63 i=78 i=2030 QueryNextCount i=63 i=78 i=2030 RegisterNodesCount i=63 i=78 i=2030 UnregisterNodesCount i=63 i=78 i=2030 SessionSecurityDiagnostics Security related diagnostics information for an active session. i=3179 i=3180 i=3181 i=3182 i=3183 i=3184 i=3185 i=3186 i=3187 i=2244 i=78 i=2029 SessionId i=63 i=78 i=2031 ClientUserIdOfSession i=63 i=78 i=2031 ClientUserIdHistory i=63 i=78 i=2031 AuthenticationMechanism i=63 i=78 i=2031 Encoding i=63 i=78 i=2031 TransportProtocol i=63 i=78 i=2031 SecurityMode i=63 i=78 i=2031 SecurityPolicyUri i=63 i=78 i=2031 ClientCertificate i=63 i=78 i=2031 SubscriptionDiagnosticsArray A list of diagnostics for each subscription owned by the session. i=2171 i=78 i=2029 VendorServerInfoType A base type for vendor specific server information. i=58 ServerRedundancyType A base type for an object that describe how a server supports redundancy. i=2035 i=58 RedundancySupport Indicates what style of redundancy is supported by the server. i=68 i=78 i=2034 TransparentRedundancyType Identifies the capabilties of server that supports transparent redundancy. i=2037 i=2038 i=2034 CurrentServerId The ID of the server that is currently in use. i=68 i=78 i=2036 RedundantServerArray A list of servers in the same redundant set. i=68 i=78 i=2036 NonTransparentRedundancyType Identifies the capabilties of server that supports non-transparent redundancy. i=2040 i=2034 ServerUriArray A list of servers in the same redundant set. i=68 i=78 i=2039 NonTransparentNetworkRedundancyType i=11948 i=2039 ServerNetworkGroups i=68 i=78 i=11945 OperationLimitsType Identifies the operation limits imposed by the server. i=11565 i=12161 i=12162 i=11567 i=12163 i=12164 i=11569 i=11570 i=11571 i=11572 i=11573 i=11574 i=58 MaxNodesPerRead The maximum number of operations in a single Read request. i=68 i=80 i=11564 MaxNodesPerHistoryReadData The maximum number of operations in a single data HistoryRead request. i=68 i=80 i=11564 MaxNodesPerHistoryReadEvents The maximum number of operations in a single event HistoryRead request. i=68 i=80 i=11564 MaxNodesPerWrite The maximum number of operations in a single Write request. i=68 i=80 i=11564 MaxNodesPerHistoryUpdateData The maximum number of operations in a single data HistoryUpdate request. i=68 i=80 i=11564 MaxNodesPerHistoryUpdateEvents The maximum number of operations in a single event HistoryUpdate request. i=68 i=80 i=11564 MaxNodesPerMethodCall The maximum number of operations in a single Call request. i=68 i=80 i=11564 MaxNodesPerBrowse The maximum number of operations in a single Browse request. i=68 i=80 i=11564 MaxNodesPerRegisterNodes The maximum number of operations in a single RegisterNodes request. i=68 i=80 i=11564 MaxNodesPerTranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds The maximum number of operations in a single TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds request. i=68 i=80 i=11564 MaxNodesPerNodeManagement The maximum number of operations in a single AddNodes, AddReferences, DeleteNodes or DeleteReferences request. i=68 i=80 i=11564 MaxMonitoredItemsPerCall The maximum number of operations in a single MonitoredItem related request. i=68 i=80 i=11564 FileType An object that represents a file that can be accessed via the server. i=11576 i=11577 i=11578 i=11579 i=11580 i=11583 i=11585 i=11588 i=11590 i=11593 i=58 Size The size of the file in bytes. i=68 i=78 i=11575 Writeable Whether the file is writeable. i=68 i=78 i=11575 UserWriteable Whether the file is writeable by the current user. i=68 i=78 i=11575 OpenCount The current number of open file handles. i=68 i=78 i=11575 Open i=11581 i=11582 i=78 i=11575 InputArguments i=68 i=78 i=11580 i=297 Mode i=3 -1 OutputArguments i=68 i=78 i=11580 i=297 FileHandle i=7 -1 Close i=11584 i=78 i=11575 InputArguments i=68 i=78 i=11583 i=297 FileHandle i=7 -1 Read i=11586 i=11587 i=78 i=11575 InputArguments i=68 i=78 i=11585 i=297 FileHandle i=7 -1 i=297 Length i=6 -1 OutputArguments i=68 i=78 i=11585 i=297 Data i=15 -1 Write i=11589 i=78 i=11575 InputArguments i=68 i=78 i=11588 i=297 FileHandle i=7 -1 i=297 Data i=15 -1 GetPosition i=11591 i=11592 i=78 i=11575 InputArguments i=68 i=78 i=11590 i=297 FileHandle i=7 -1 OutputArguments i=68 i=78 i=11590 i=297 Position i=9 -1 SetPosition i=11594 i=78 i=11575 InputArguments i=68 i=78 i=11593 i=297 FileHandle i=7 -1 i=297 Position i=9 -1 AddressSpaceFileType A file used to store a namespace exported from the server. i=11615 i=11575 ExportNamespace Updates the file by exporting the server namespace. i=80 i=11595 NamespaceMetadataType Provides the metadata for a namespace used by the server. i=11617 i=11618 i=11619 i=11620 i=11621 i=11622 i=11623 i=11624 i=58 NamespaceUri The URI of the namespace. i=68 i=78 i=11616 NamespaceVersion The human readable string representing version of the namespace. i=68 i=78 i=11616 NamespacePublicationDate The publication date for the namespace. i=68 i=78 i=11616 IsNamespaceSubset If TRUE then the server only supports a subset of the namespace. i=68 i=78 i=11616 StaticNodeIdIdentifierTypes A list of IdTypes for nodes which are the same in every server that exposes them. i=68 i=78 i=11616 StaticNumericNodeIdRange A list of ranges for numeric node ids which are the same in every server that exposes them. i=68 i=78 i=11616 StaticStringNodeIdPattern A regular expression which matches string node ids are the same in every server that exposes them. i=68 i=78 i=11616 NamespaceFile A file containing the nodes of the namespace. i=11625 i=11626 i=11627 i=11628 i=11629 i=11632 i=11634 i=11637 i=11639 i=11642 i=11595 i=80 i=11616 Size The size of the file in bytes. i=68 i=78 i=11624 Writeable Whether the file is writeable. i=68 i=78 i=11624 UserWriteable Whether the file is writeable by the current user. i=68 i=78 i=11624 OpenCount The current number of open file handles. i=68 i=78 i=11624 Open i=11630 i=11631 i=78 i=11624 InputArguments i=68 i=78 i=11629 i=297 Mode i=3 -1 OutputArguments i=68 i=78 i=11629 i=297 FileHandle i=7 -1 Close i=11633 i=78 i=11624 InputArguments i=68 i=78 i=11632 i=297 FileHandle i=7 -1 Read i=11635 i=11636 i=78 i=11624 InputArguments i=68 i=78 i=11634 i=297 FileHandle i=7 -1 i=297 Length i=6 -1 OutputArguments i=68 i=78 i=11634 i=297 Data i=15 -1 Write i=11638 i=78 i=11624 InputArguments i=68 i=78 i=11637 i=297 FileHandle i=7 -1 i=297 Data i=15 -1 GetPosition i=11640 i=11641 i=78 i=11624 InputArguments i=68 i=78 i=11639 i=297 FileHandle i=7 -1 OutputArguments i=68 i=78 i=11639 i=297 Position i=9 -1 SetPosition i=11643 i=78 i=11624 InputArguments i=68 i=78 i=11642 i=297 FileHandle i=7 -1 i=297 Position i=9 -1 NamespacesType A container for the namespace metadata provided by the server. i=11646 i=11675 i=58 <NamespaceIdentifier> i=11647 i=11648 i=11649 i=11650 i=11651 i=11652 i=11653 i=11616 i=11508 i=11645 NamespaceUri The URI of the namespace. i=68 i=78 i=11646 NamespaceVersion The human readable string representing version of the namespace. i=68 i=78 i=11646 NamespacePublicationDate The publication date for the namespace. i=68 i=78 i=11646 IsNamespaceSubset If TRUE then the server only supports a subset of the namespace. i=68 i=78 i=11646 StaticNodeIdIdentifierTypes A list of IdTypes for nodes which are the same in every server that exposes them. i=68 i=78 i=11646 StaticNumericNodeIdRange A list of ranges for numeric node ids which are the same in every server that exposes them. i=68 i=78 i=11646 StaticStringNodeIdPattern A regular expression which matches string node ids are the same in every server that exposes them. i=68 i=78 i=11646 AddressSpaceFile A file containing the nodes of the namespace. i=11676 i=11677 i=11678 i=11679 i=11680 i=11683 i=11685 i=11688 i=11690 i=11693 i=11595 i=80 i=11645 Size The size of the file in bytes. i=68 i=78 i=11675 Writeable Whether the file is writeable. i=68 i=78 i=11675 UserWriteable Whether the file is writeable by the current user. i=68 i=78 i=11675 OpenCount The current number of open file handles. i=68 i=78 i=11675 Open i=11681 i=11682 i=78 i=11675 InputArguments i=68 i=78 i=11680 i=297 Mode i=3 -1 OutputArguments i=68 i=78 i=11680 i=297 FileHandle i=7 -1 Close i=11684 i=78 i=11675 InputArguments i=68 i=78 i=11683 i=297 FileHandle i=7 -1 Read i=11686 i=11687 i=78 i=11675 InputArguments i=68 i=78 i=11685 i=297 FileHandle i=7 -1 i=297 Length i=6 -1 OutputArguments i=68 i=78 i=11685 i=297 Data i=15 -1 Write i=11689 i=78 i=11675 InputArguments i=68 i=78 i=11688 i=297 FileHandle i=7 -1 i=297 Data i=15 -1 GetPosition i=11691 i=11692 i=78 i=11675 InputArguments i=68 i=78 i=11690 i=297 FileHandle i=7 -1 OutputArguments i=68 i=78 i=11690 i=297 Position i=9 -1 SetPosition i=11694 i=78 i=11675 InputArguments i=68 i=78 i=11693 i=297 FileHandle i=7 -1 i=297 Position i=9 -1 BaseEventType The base type for all events. i=2042 i=2043 i=2044 i=2045 i=2046 i=2047 i=3190 i=2050 i=2051 i=58 EventId A globally unique identifier for the event. i=68 i=78 i=2041 EventType The identifier for the event type. i=68 i=78 i=2041 SourceNode The source of the event. i=68 i=78 i=2041 SourceName A description of the source of the event. i=68 i=78 i=2041 Time When the event occurred. i=68 i=78 i=2041 ReceiveTime When the server received the event from the underlying system. i=68 i=78 i=2041 LocalTime Information about the local time where the event originated. i=68 i=78 i=2041 Message A localized description of the event. i=68 i=78 i=2041 Severity Indicates how urgent an event is. i=68 i=78 i=2041 AuditEventType A base type for events used to track client initiated changes to the server state. i=2053 i=2054 i=2055 i=2056 i=2057 i=2041 ActionTimeStamp When the action triggering the event occurred. i=68 i=78 i=2052 Status If TRUE the action was performed. If FALSE the action failed and the server state did not change. i=68 i=78 i=2052 ServerId The unique identifier for the server generating the event. i=68 i=78 i=2052 ClientAuditEntryId The log entry id provided in the request that initiated the action. i=68 i=78 i=2052 ClientUserId The user identity associated with the session that initiated the action. i=68 i=78 i=2052 AuditSecurityEventType A base type for events used to track security related changes. i=2052 AuditChannelEventType A base type for events used to track related changes to a secure channel. i=2745 i=2058 SecureChannelId The identifier for the secure channel that was changed. i=68 i=78 i=2059 AuditOpenSecureChannelEventType An event that is raised when a secure channel is opened. i=2061 i=2746 i=2062 i=2063 i=2065 i=2066 i=2059 ClientCertificate The certificate provided by the client. i=68 i=78 i=2060 ClientCertificateThumbprint The thumbprint for certificate provided by the client. i=68 i=78 i=2060 RequestType The type of request (NEW or RENEW). i=68 i=78 i=2060 SecurityPolicyUri The security policy used by the channel. i=68 i=78 i=2060 SecurityMode The security mode used by the channel. i=68 i=78 i=2060 RequestedLifetime The lifetime of the channel requested by the client. i=68 i=78 i=2060 AuditSessionEventType A base type for events used to track related changes to a session. i=2070 i=2052 SessionId The unique identifier for the session,. i=68 i=78 i=2069 AuditCreateSessionEventType An event that is raised when a session is created. i=2072 i=2073 i=2747 i=2074 i=2069 SecureChannelId The secure channel associated with the session. i=68 i=78 i=2071 ClientCertificate The certificate provided by the client. i=68 i=78 i=2071 ClientCertificateThumbprint The thumbprint of the certificate provided by the client. i=68 i=78 i=2071 RevisedSessionTimeout The timeout for the session. i=68 i=78 i=2071 AuditUrlMismatchEventType i=2749 i=2071 EndpointUrl i=68 i=78 i=2748 AuditActivateSessionEventType i=2076 i=2077 i=11485 i=2069 ClientSoftwareCertificates i=68 i=78 i=2075 UserIdentityToken i=68 i=78 i=2075 SecureChannelId i=68 i=78 i=2075 AuditCancelEventType i=2079 i=2069 RequestHandle i=68 i=78 i=2078 AuditCertificateEventType i=2081 i=2058 Certificate i=68 i=78 i=2080 AuditCertificateDataMismatchEventType i=2083 i=2084 i=2080 InvalidHostname i=68 i=78 i=2082 InvalidUri i=68 i=78 i=2082 AuditCertificateExpiredEventType i=2080 AuditCertificateInvalidEventType i=2080 AuditCertificateUntrustedEventType i=2080 AuditCertificateRevokedEventType i=2080 AuditCertificateMismatchEventType i=2080 AuditNodeManagementEventType i=2052 AuditAddNodesEventType i=2092 i=2090 NodesToAdd i=68 i=78 i=2091 AuditDeleteNodesEventType i=2094 i=2090 NodesToDelete i=68 i=78 i=2093 AuditAddReferencesEventType i=2096 i=2090 ReferencesToAdd i=68 i=78 i=2095 AuditDeleteReferencesEventType i=2098 i=2090 ReferencesToDelete i=68 i=78 i=2097 AuditUpdateEventType i=2052 AuditWriteUpdateEventType i=2750 i=2101 i=2102 i=2103 i=2099 AttributeId i=68 i=78 i=2100 IndexRange i=68 i=78 i=2100 OldValue i=68 i=78 i=2100 NewValue i=68 i=78 i=2100 AuditHistoryUpdateEventType i=2751 i=2099 ParameterDataTypeId i=68 i=78 i=2104 AuditUpdateMethodEventType i=2128 i=2129 i=2052 MethodId i=68 i=78 i=2127 InputArguments i=68 i=78 i=2127 SystemEventType i=2041 DeviceFailureEventType i=2130 SystemStatusChangeEventType i=11696 i=2130 SystemState i=68 i=78 i=11446 BaseModelChangeEventType i=2041 GeneralModelChangeEventType i=2134 i=2132 Changes i=68 i=78 i=2133 SemanticChangeEventType i=2739 i=2132 Changes i=68 i=78 i=2738 EventQueueOverflowEventType i=2041 ProgressEventType i=2041 AggregateFunctionType i=58 ServerVendorCapabilityType i=63 ServerStatusType i=2139 i=2140 i=2141 i=2142 i=2752 i=2753 i=63 StartTime i=63 i=78 i=2138 CurrentTime i=63 i=78 i=2138 State i=63 i=78 i=2138 BuildInfo i=3698 i=3699 i=3700 i=3701 i=3702 i=3703 i=3051 i=78 i=2138 ProductUri i=63 i=78 i=2142 ManufacturerName i=63 i=78 i=2142 ProductName i=63 i=78 i=2142 SoftwareVersion i=63 i=78 i=2142 BuildNumber i=63 i=78 i=2142 BuildDate i=63 i=78 i=2142 SecondsTillShutdown i=63 i=78 i=2138 ShutdownReason i=63 i=78 i=2138 BuildInfoType i=3052 i=3053 i=3054 i=3055 i=3056 i=3057 i=63 ProductUri i=63 i=78 i=3051 ManufacturerName i=63 i=78 i=3051 ProductName i=63 i=78 i=3051 SoftwareVersion i=63 i=78 i=3051 BuildNumber i=63 i=78 i=3051 BuildDate i=63 i=78 i=3051 ServerDiagnosticsSummaryType i=2151 i=2152 i=2153 i=2154 i=2155 i=2156 i=2157 i=2159 i=2160 i=2161 i=2162 i=2163 i=63 ServerViewCount i=63 i=78 i=2150 CurrentSessionCount i=63 i=78 i=2150 CumulatedSessionCount i=63 i=78 i=2150 SecurityRejectedSessionCount i=63 i=78 i=2150 RejectedSessionCount i=63 i=78 i=2150 SessionTimeoutCount i=63 i=78 i=2150 SessionAbortCount i=63 i=78 i=2150 PublishingIntervalCount i=63 i=78 i=2150 CurrentSubscriptionCount i=63 i=78 i=2150 CumulatedSubscriptionCount i=63 i=78 i=2150 SecurityRejectedRequestsCount i=63 i=78 i=2150 RejectedRequestsCount i=63 i=78 i=2150 SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsArrayType i=63 SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsType i=2166 i=11697 i=11698 i=11699 i=63 SamplingInterval i=63 i=78 i=2165 SampledMonitoredItemsCount i=63 i=78 i=2165 MaxSampledMonitoredItemsCount i=63 i=78 i=2165 DisabledMonitoredItemsSamplingCount i=63 i=78 i=2165 SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType i=63 SubscriptionDiagnosticsType i=2173 i=2174 i=2175 i=2176 i=2177 i=8888 i=2179 i=2180 i=2181 i=2182 i=2183 i=2184 i=2185 i=2186 i=2187 i=2188 i=2189 i=2190 i=2191 i=2998 i=2193 i=8889 i=8890 i=8891 i=8892 i=8893 i=8894 i=8895 i=8896 i=8897 i=8902 i=63 SessionId i=63 i=78 i=2172 SubscriptionId i=63 i=78 i=2172 Priority i=63 i=78 i=2172 PublishingInterval i=63 i=78 i=2172 MaxKeepAliveCount i=63 i=78 i=2172 MaxLifetimeCount i=63 i=78 i=2172 MaxNotificationsPerPublish i=63 i=78 i=2172 PublishingEnabled i=63 i=78 i=2172 ModifyCount i=63 i=78 i=2172 EnableCount i=63 i=78 i=2172 DisableCount i=63 i=78 i=2172 RepublishRequestCount i=63 i=78 i=2172 RepublishMessageRequestCount i=63 i=78 i=2172 RepublishMessageCount i=63 i=78 i=2172 TransferRequestCount i=63 i=78 i=2172 TransferredToAltClientCount i=63 i=78 i=2172 TransferredToSameClientCount i=63 i=78 i=2172 PublishRequestCount i=63 i=78 i=2172 DataChangeNotificationsCount i=63 i=78 i=2172 EventNotificationsCount i=63 i=78 i=2172 NotificationsCount i=63 i=78 i=2172 LatePublishRequestCount i=63 i=78 i=2172 CurrentKeepAliveCount i=63 i=78 i=2172 CurrentLifetimeCount i=63 i=78 i=2172 UnacknowledgedMessageCount i=63 i=78 i=2172 DiscardedMessageCount i=63 i=78 i=2172 MonitoredItemCount i=63 i=78 i=2172 DisabledMonitoredItemCount i=63 i=78 i=2172 MonitoringQueueOverflowCount i=63 i=78 i=2172 NextSequenceNumber i=63 i=78 i=2172 EventQueueOverFlowCount i=63 i=78 i=2172 SessionDiagnosticsArrayType i=63 SessionDiagnosticsVariableType i=2198 i=2199 i=2200 i=2201 i=2202 i=2203 i=2204 i=3050 i=2205 i=2206 i=2207 i=2208 i=2209 i=8900 i=11892 i=2217 i=2218 i=2219 i=2220 i=2221 i=2222 i=2223 i=2224 i=2225 i=2226 i=2227 i=2228 i=2229 i=2230 i=2231 i=2232 i=2233 i=2234 i=2235 i=2236 i=2237 i=2238 i=2239 i=2240 i=2241 i=2242 i=2730 i=2731 i=63 SessionId i=63 i=78 i=2197 SessionName i=63 i=78 i=2197 ClientDescription i=63 i=78 i=2197 ServerUri i=63 i=78 i=2197 EndpointUrl i=63 i=78 i=2197 LocaleIds i=63 i=78 i=2197 ActualSessionTimeout i=63 i=78 i=2197 MaxResponseMessageSize i=63 i=78 i=2197 ClientConnectionTime i=63 i=78 i=2197 ClientLastContactTime i=63 i=78 i=2197 CurrentSubscriptionsCount i=63 i=78 i=2197 CurrentMonitoredItemsCount i=63 i=78 i=2197 CurrentPublishRequestsInQueue i=63 i=78 i=2197 TotalRequestCount i=63 i=78 i=2197 UnauthorizedRequestCount i=63 i=78 i=2197 ReadCount i=63 i=78 i=2197 HistoryReadCount i=63 i=78 i=2197 WriteCount i=63 i=78 i=2197 HistoryUpdateCount i=63 i=78 i=2197 CallCount i=63 i=78 i=2197 CreateMonitoredItemsCount i=63 i=78 i=2197 ModifyMonitoredItemsCount i=63 i=78 i=2197 SetMonitoringModeCount i=63 i=78 i=2197 SetTriggeringCount i=63 i=78 i=2197 DeleteMonitoredItemsCount i=63 i=78 i=2197 CreateSubscriptionCount i=63 i=78 i=2197 ModifySubscriptionCount i=63 i=78 i=2197 SetPublishingModeCount i=63 i=78 i=2197 PublishCount i=63 i=78 i=2197 RepublishCount i=63 i=78 i=2197 TransferSubscriptionsCount i=63 i=78 i=2197 DeleteSubscriptionsCount i=63 i=78 i=2197 AddNodesCount i=63 i=78 i=2197 AddReferencesCount i=63 i=78 i=2197 DeleteNodesCount i=63 i=78 i=2197 DeleteReferencesCount i=63 i=78 i=2197 BrowseCount i=63 i=78 i=2197 BrowseNextCount i=63 i=78 i=2197 TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsCount i=63 i=78 i=2197 QueryFirstCount i=63 i=78 i=2197 QueryNextCount i=63 i=78 i=2197 RegisterNodesCount i=63 i=78 i=2197 UnregisterNodesCount i=63 i=78 i=2197 SessionSecurityDiagnosticsArrayType i=63 SessionSecurityDiagnosticsType i=2245 i=2246 i=2247 i=2248 i=2249 i=2250 i=2251 i=2252 i=3058 i=63 SessionId i=63 i=78 i=2244 ClientUserIdOfSession i=63 i=78 i=2244 ClientUserIdHistory i=63 i=78 i=2244 AuthenticationMechanism i=63 i=78 i=2244 Encoding i=63 i=78 i=2244 TransportProtocol i=63 i=78 i=2244 SecurityMode i=63 i=78 i=2244 SecurityPolicyUri i=63 i=78 i=2244 ClientCertificate i=63 i=78 i=2244 OptionSetType i=11488 i=11701 i=63 OptionSetValues i=68 i=78 i=11487 BitMask i=68 i=80 i=11487 EventTypes i=86 i=2041 i=61 Server i=2254 i=2255 i=2256 i=2267 i=2994 i=2268 i=2274 i=2295 i=2296 i=11715 i=11492 i=85 i=2004 ServerArray The list of server URIs used by the server. i=68 i=2253 NamespaceArray The list of namespace URIs used by the server. i=68 i=2253 ServerStatus The current status of the server. i=2257 i=2258 i=2259 i=2260 i=2992 i=2993 i=2138 i=2253 StartTime i=63 i=2256 CurrentTime i=63 i=2256 State i=63 i=2256 BuildInfo i=2262 i=2263 i=2261 i=2264 i=2265 i=2266 i=3051 i=2256 ProductUri i=63 i=2260 ManufacturerName i=63 i=2260 ProductName i=63 i=2260 SoftwareVersion i=63 i=2260 BuildNumber i=63 i=2260 BuildDate i=63 i=2260 SecondsTillShutdown i=63 i=2256 ShutdownReason i=63 i=2256 ServiceLevel A value indicating the level of service the server can provide. 255 indicates the best. i=68 i=2253 Auditing A flag indicating whether the server is currently generating audit events. i=68 i=2253 ServerCapabilities Describes capabilities supported by the server. i=2269 i=2271 i=2272 i=2735 i=2736 i=2737 i=3704 i=11702 i=11703 i=11704 i=2996 i=2997 i=2013 i=2253 ServerProfileArray A list of profiles supported by the server. i=68 i=2268 LocaleIdArray A list of locales supported by the server. i=68 i=2268 MinSupportedSampleRate The minimum sampling interval supported by the server. i=68 i=2268 MaxBrowseContinuationPoints The maximum number of continuation points for Browse operations per session. i=68 i=2268 MaxQueryContinuationPoints The maximum number of continuation points for Query operations per session. i=68 i=2268 MaxHistoryContinuationPoints The maximum number of continuation points for ReadHistory operations per session. i=68 i=2268 SoftwareCertificates The software certificates owned by the server. i=68 i=2268 MaxArrayLength The maximum length for an array value supported by the server. i=68 i=2268 MaxStringLength The maximum length for a string value supported by the server. i=68 i=2268 OperationLimits Defines the limits supported by the server for different operations. i=11705 i=12165 i=12166 i=11707 i=12167 i=12168 i=11709 i=11710 i=11711 i=11712 i=11713 i=11714 i=11564 i=2268 MaxNodesPerRead The maximum number of operations in a single Read request. i=68 i=11704 MaxNodesPerHistoryReadData The maximum number of operations in a single data HistoryRead request. i=68 i=11704 MaxNodesPerHistoryReadEvents The maximum number of operations in a single event HistoryRead request. i=68 i=11704 MaxNodesPerWrite The maximum number of operations in a single Write request. i=68 i=11704 MaxNodesPerHistoryUpdateData The maximum number of operations in a single data HistoryUpdate request. i=68 i=11704 MaxNodesPerHistoryUpdateEvents The maximum number of operations in a single event HistoryUpdate request. i=68 i=11704 MaxNodesPerMethodCall The maximum number of operations in a single Call request. i=68 i=11704 MaxNodesPerBrowse The maximum number of operations in a single Browse request. i=68 i=11704 MaxNodesPerRegisterNodes The maximum number of operations in a single RegisterNodes request. i=68 i=11704 MaxNodesPerTranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds The maximum number of operations in a single TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds request. i=68 i=11704 MaxNodesPerNodeManagement The maximum number of operations in a single AddNodes, AddReferences, DeleteNodes or DeleteReferences request. i=68 i=11704 MaxMonitoredItemsPerCall The maximum number of operations in a single MonitoredItem related request. i=68 i=11704 ModellingRules A folder for the modelling rules supported by the server. i=61 i=2268 AggregateFunctions A folder for the real time aggregates supported by the server. i=61 i=2268 ServerDiagnostics Reports diagnostics about the server. i=2275 i=2289 i=2290 i=3706 i=2294 i=2020 i=2253 ServerDiagnosticsSummary A summary of server level diagnostics. i=2276 i=2277 i=2278 i=2279 i=3705 i=2281 i=2282 i=2284 i=2285 i=2286 i=2287 i=2288 i=2150 i=2274 ServerViewCount i=63 i=2275 CurrentSessionCount i=63 i=2275 CumulatedSessionCount i=63 i=2275 SecurityRejectedSessionCount i=63 i=2275 RejectedSessionCount i=63 i=2275 SessionTimeoutCount i=63 i=2275 SessionAbortCount i=63 i=2275 PublishingIntervalCount i=63 i=2275 CurrentSubscriptionCount i=63 i=2275 CumulatedSubscriptionCount i=63 i=2275 SecurityRejectedRequestsCount i=63 i=2275 RejectedRequestsCount i=63 i=2275 SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsArray A list of diagnostics for each sampling interval supported by the server. i=2164 i=2274 SubscriptionDiagnosticsArray A list of diagnostics for each active subscription. i=2171 i=2274 SessionsDiagnosticsSummary A summary of session level diagnostics. i=3707 i=3708 i=2026 i=2274 SessionDiagnosticsArray A list of diagnostics for each active session. i=2196 i=3706 SessionSecurityDiagnosticsArray A list of security related diagnostics for each active session. i=2243 i=3706 EnabledFlag If TRUE the diagnostics collection is enabled. i=68 i=2274 VendorServerInfo Server information provided by the vendor. i=2033 i=2253 ServerRedundancy Describes the redundancy capabilities of the server. i=3709 i=11312 i=11313 i=11314 i=2034 i=2253 RedundancySupport Indicates what style of redundancy is supported by the server. i=68 i=2296 CurrentServerId i=68 i=2296 RedundantServerArray i=68 i=2296 ServerUriArray i=68 i=2296 Namespaces Describes the namespaces supported by the server. i=11645 i=2253 GetMonitoredItems i=11493 i=11494 i=2253 InputArguments i=68 i=11492 i=297 SubscriptionId i=7 -1 OutputArguments i=68 i=11492 i=297 ServerHandles i=7 1 i=297 ClientHandles i=7 1 HistoryServerCapabilities i=11193 i=11242 i=11273 i=11274 i=11196 i=11197 i=11198 i=11199 i=11200 i=11281 i=11282 i=11283 i=11502 i=11275 i=11201 i=2268 i=2330 AccessHistoryDataCapability i=68 i=11192 AccessHistoryEventsCapability i=68 i=11192 MaxReturnDataValues i=68 i=11192 MaxReturnEventValues i=68 i=11192 InsertDataCapability i=68 i=11192 ReplaceDataCapability i=68 i=11192 UpdateDataCapability i=68 i=11192 DeleteRawCapability i=68 i=11192 DeleteAtTimeCapability i=68 i=11192 InsertEventCapability i=68 i=11192 ReplaceEventCapability i=68 i=11192 UpdateEventCapability i=68 i=11192 DeleteEventCapability i=68 i=11192 InsertAnnotationCapability i=68 i=11192 AggregateFunctions i=61 i=11192 BitFieldMaskDataType A mask of 32 bits that can be updated individually by using the top 32 bits as a mask. i=9 StateMachineType i=2769 i=2770 i=58 CurrentState i=3720 i=2755 i=78 i=2299 Id i=68 i=78 i=2769 LastTransition i=3724 i=2762 i=80 i=2299 Id i=68 i=78 i=2770 StateVariableType i=2756 i=2757 i=2758 i=2759 i=63 Id i=68 i=78 i=2755 Name i=68 i=80 i=2755 Number i=68 i=80 i=2755 EffectiveDisplayName i=68 i=80 i=2755 TransitionVariableType i=2763 i=2764 i=2765 i=2766 i=11456 i=63 Id i=68 i=78 i=2762 Name i=68 i=80 i=2762 Number i=68 i=80 i=2762 TransitionTime i=68 i=80 i=2762 EffectiveTransitionTime i=68 i=80 i=2762 FiniteStateMachineType i=2772 i=2773 i=2299 CurrentState i=3728 i=2760 i=78 i=2771 Id i=68 i=78 i=2772 LastTransition i=3732 i=2767 i=80 i=2771 Id i=68 i=78 i=2773 FiniteStateVariableType i=2761 i=2755 Id i=68 i=78 i=2760 FiniteTransitionVariableType i=2768 i=2762 Id i=68 i=78 i=2767 StateType i=2308 i=58 StateNumber i=68 i=78 i=2307 InitialStateType i=2307 TransitionType i=2312 i=58 TransitionNumber i=68 i=78 i=2310 TransitionEventType i=2774 i=2775 i=2776 i=2041 Transition i=3754 i=2762 i=78 i=2311 Id i=68 i=78 i=2774 FromState i=3746 i=2755 i=78 i=2311 Id i=68 i=78 i=2775 ToState i=3750 i=2755 i=78 i=2311 Id i=68 i=78 i=2776 AuditUpdateStateEventType i=2777 i=2778 i=2127 OldStateId i=68 i=78 i=2315 NewStateId i=68 i=78 i=2315 OpenFileMode i=11940 i=29 EnumValues i=68 i=78 i=11939 i=7616 1 Read i=7616 2 Write i=7616 4 EraseExisiting i=7616 8 Append DataItemType A variable that contains live automation data. i=2366 i=2367 i=63 Definition A vendor-specific, human readable string that specifies how the value of this DataItem is calculated. i=68 i=80 i=2365 ValuePrecision The maximum precision that the server can maintain for the item based on restrictions in the target environment. i=68 i=80 i=2365 AnalogItemType i=2370 i=2369 i=2371 i=2365 InstrumentRange i=68 i=80 i=2368 EURange i=68 i=78 i=2368 EngineeringUnits i=68 i=80 i=2368 DiscreteItemType i=2365 TwoStateDiscreteType i=2374 i=2375 i=2372 FalseState i=68 i=78 i=2373 TrueState i=68 i=78 i=2373 MultiStateDiscreteType i=2377 i=2372 EnumStrings i=68 i=78 i=2376 MultiStateValueDiscreteType i=11241 i=11461 i=2372 EnumValues i=68 i=78 i=11238 ValueAsText i=68 i=78 i=11238 ArrayItemType i=12024 i=12025 i=12026 i=12027 i=12028 i=2365 InstrumentRange i=68 i=80 i=12021 EURange i=68 i=78 i=12021 EngineeringUnits i=68 i=78 i=12021 Title i=68 i=78 i=12021 AxisScaleType i=68 i=78 i=12021 YArrayItemType i=12037 i=12021 XAxisDefinition i=68 i=78 i=12029 XYArrayItemType i=12046 i=12021 XAxisDefinition i=68 i=78 i=12038 ImageItemType i=12055 i=12056 i=12021 XAxisDefinition i=68 i=78 i=12047 YAxisDefinition i=68 i=78 i=12047 CubeItemType i=12065 i=12066 i=12067 i=12021 XAxisDefinition i=68 i=78 i=12057 YAxisDefinition i=68 i=78 i=12057 ZAxisDefinition i=68 i=78 i=12057 NDimensionArrayItemType i=12076 i=12021 AxisDefinition i=68 i=78 i=12068 TwoStateVariableType i=8996 i=9000 i=9001 i=11110 i=11111 i=2755 Id i=68 i=78 i=8995 TransitionTime i=68 i=80 i=8995 EffectiveTransitionTime i=68 i=80 i=8995 TrueState i=68 i=80 i=8995 FalseState i=68 i=80 i=8995 ConditionVariableType i=9003 i=63 SourceTimestamp i=68 i=78 i=9002 HasTrueSubState i=32 IsTrueSubStateOf HasFalseSubState i=32 IsFalseSubStateOf ConditionType i=11112 i=11113 i=9009 i=9010 i=3874 i=9011 i=9020 i=9022 i=9024 i=9026 i=9028 i=9027 i=9029 i=3875 i=2041 ConditionClassId i=68 i=78 i=2782 ConditionClassName i=68 i=78 i=2782 ConditionName i=68 i=78 i=2782 BranchId i=68 i=78 i=2782 Retain i=68 i=78 i=2782 EnabledState i=9012 i=9015 i=9016 i=9017 i=8995 i=78 i=2782 Id i=68 i=78 i=9011 EffectiveDisplayName i=68 i=80 i=9011 TransitionTime i=68 i=80 i=9011 EffectiveTransitionTime i=68 i=80 i=9011 Quality i=9021 i=9002 i=78 i=2782 SourceTimestamp i=68 i=78 i=9020 LastSeverity i=9023 i=9002 i=78 i=2782 SourceTimestamp i=68 i=78 i=9022 Comment i=9025 i=9002 i=78 i=2782 SourceTimestamp i=68 i=78 i=9024 ClientUserId i=68 i=78 i=2782 Disable i=2803 i=78 i=2782 Enable i=2803 i=78 i=2782 AddComment i=9030 i=2829 i=78 i=2782 InputArguments i=68 i=78 i=9029 i=297 EventId i=15 -1 The identifier for the event to comment. i=297 Comment i=21 -1 The comment to add to the condition. ConditionRefresh i=3876 i=2787 i=2788 i=2782 InputArguments i=68 i=78 i=3875 i=297 SubscriptionId i=288 -1 The identifier for the suscription to refresh. DialogConditionType i=9035 i=9055 i=2831 i=9064 i=9065 i=9066 i=9067 i=9068 i=9069 i=2782 EnabledState i=9036 i=9055 i=8995 i=78 i=2830 Id i=68 i=78 i=9035 DialogState i=9056 i=9060 i=9035 i=8995 i=78 i=2830 Id i=68 i=78 i=9055 TransitionTime i=68 i=80 i=9055 Prompt i=68 i=78 i=2830 ResponseOptionSet i=68 i=78 i=2830 DefaultResponse i=68 i=78 i=2830 OkResponse i=68 i=78 i=2830 CancelResponse i=68 i=78 i=2830 LastResponse i=68 i=78 i=2830 Respond i=9070 i=8927 i=78 i=2830 InputArguments i=68 i=78 i=9069 i=297 SelectedResponse i=6 -1 The response to the dialog condition. AcknowledgeableConditionType i=9073 i=9093 i=9102 i=9111 i=9113 i=2782 EnabledState i=9074 i=9093 i=9102 i=8995 i=78 i=2881 Id i=68 i=78 i=9073 AckedState i=9094 i=9098 i=9073 i=8995 i=78 i=2881 Id i=68 i=78 i=9093 TransitionTime i=68 i=80 i=9093 ConfirmedState i=9103 i=9107 i=9073 i=8995 i=80 i=2881 Id i=68 i=78 i=9102 TransitionTime i=68 i=80 i=9102 Acknowledge i=9112 i=8944 i=78 i=2881 InputArguments i=68 i=78 i=9111 i=297 EventId i=15 -1 The identifier for the event to comment. i=297 Comment i=21 -1 The comment to add to the condition. Confirm i=9114 i=8961 i=80 i=2881 InputArguments i=68 i=78 i=9113 i=297 EventId i=15 -1 The identifier for the event to comment. i=297 Comment i=21 -1 The comment to add to the condition. AlarmConditionType i=9118 i=9160 i=11120 i=9169 i=9178 i=9215 i=9216 i=2881 EnabledState i=9119 i=9160 i=9169 i=9178 i=8995 i=78 i=2915 Id i=68 i=78 i=9118 ActiveState i=9161 i=9164 i=9165 i=9166 i=9118 i=8995 i=78 i=2915 Id i=68 i=78 i=9160 EffectiveDisplayName i=68 i=80 i=9160 TransitionTime i=68 i=80 i=9160 EffectiveTransitionTime i=68 i=80 i=9160 InputNode i=68 i=78 i=2915 SuppressedState i=9170 i=9174 i=9118 i=8995 i=80 i=2915 Id i=68 i=78 i=9169 TransitionTime i=68 i=80 i=9169 ShelvingState i=9179 i=9184 i=9189 i=9211 i=9212 i=9213 i=9118 i=2929 i=80 i=2915 CurrentState i=9180 i=2760 i=78 i=9178 Id i=68 i=78 i=9179 LastTransition i=9185 i=9188 i=2767 i=80 i=9178 Id i=68 i=78 i=9184 TransitionTime i=68 i=80 i=9184 UnshelveTime i=68 i=78 i=9178 Unshelve i=11093 i=78 i=9178 OneShotShelve i=11093 i=78 i=9178 TimedShelve i=9214 i=11093 i=78 i=9178 InputArguments i=68 i=78 i=9213 i=297 ShelvingTime i=290 -1 If not 0, this parameter specifies a fixed time for which the Alarm is to be shelved. SuppressedOrShelved i=68 i=78 i=2915 MaxTimeShelved i=68 i=80 i=2915 ShelvedStateMachineType i=9115 i=2930 i=2932 i=2933 i=2935 i=2936 i=2940 i=2942 i=2943 i=2945 i=2947 i=2948 i=2949 i=2771 UnshelveTime i=68 i=78 i=2929 Unshelved i=6098 i=2935 i=2936 i=2940 i=2943 i=2307 i=2929 StateNumber i=68 i=78 i=2930 TimedShelved i=6100 i=2935 i=2940 i=2942 i=2945 i=2307 i=2929 StateNumber i=68 i=78 i=2932 OneShotShelved i=6101 i=2936 i=2942 i=2943 i=2945 i=2307 i=2929 StateNumber i=68 i=78 i=2933 UnshelvedToTimedShelved i=11322 i=2930 i=2932 i=2915 i=2949 i=2310 i=2929 TransitionNumber i=68 i=78 i=2935 UnshelvedToOneShotShelved i=11323 i=2930 i=2933 i=2915 i=2948 i=2310 i=2929 TransitionNumber i=68 i=78 i=2936 TimedShelvedToUnshelved i=11324 i=2932 i=2930 i=2915 i=2947 i=2310 i=2929 TransitionNumber i=68 i=78 i=2940 TimedShelvedToOneShotShelved i=11325 i=2932 i=2933 i=2915 i=2948 i=2310 i=2929 TransitionNumber i=68 i=78 i=2942 OneShotShelvedToUnshelved i=11326 i=2933 i=2930 i=2915 i=2947 i=2310 i=2929 TransitionNumber i=68 i=78 i=2943 OneShotShelvedToTimedShelved i=11327 i=2933 i=2932 i=2915 i=2949 i=2310 i=2929 TransitionNumber i=68 i=78 i=2945 Unshelve i=2940 i=2943 i=11093 i=78 i=2929 OneShotShelve i=2936 i=2942 i=11093 i=78 i=2929 TimedShelve i=2991 i=2935 i=2945 i=11093 i=78 i=2929 InputArguments i=68 i=78 i=2949 i=297 ShelvingTime i=290 -1 If not 0, this parameter specifies a fixed time for which the Alarm is to be shelved. LimitAlarmType i=11124 i=11125 i=11126 i=11127 i=2915 HighHighLimit i=68 i=80 i=2955 HighLimit i=68 i=80 i=2955 LowLimit i=68 i=80 i=2955 LowLowLimit i=68 i=80 i=2955 ExclusiveLimitStateMachineType i=9329 i=9331 i=9333 i=9335 i=9337 i=9338 i=9339 i=9340 i=2771 HighHigh i=9330 i=9339 i=9340 i=2307 i=9318 StateNumber i=68 i=78 i=9329 High i=9332 i=9339 i=9340 i=2307 i=9318 StateNumber i=68 i=78 i=9331 Low i=9334 i=9337 i=9338 i=2307 i=9318 StateNumber i=68 i=78 i=9333 LowLow i=9336 i=9337 i=9338 i=2307 i=9318 StateNumber i=68 i=78 i=9335 LowLowToLow i=11340 i=9335 i=9333 i=2310 i=9318 TransitionNumber i=68 i=78 i=9337 LowToLowLow i=11341 i=9333 i=9335 i=2310 i=9318 TransitionNumber i=68 i=78 i=9338 HighHighToHigh i=11342 i=9329 i=9331 i=2310 i=9318 TransitionNumber i=68 i=78 i=9339 HighToHighHigh i=11343 i=9331 i=9329 i=2310 i=9318 TransitionNumber i=68 i=78 i=9340 ExclusiveLimitAlarmType i=9398 i=9455 i=2955 ActiveState i=9399 i=9455 i=8995 i=78 i=9341 Id i=68 i=78 i=9398 LimitState i=9456 i=9461 i=9398 i=9318 i=78 i=9341 CurrentState i=9457 i=2760 i=78 i=9455 Id i=68 i=78 i=9456 LastTransition i=9462 i=9465 i=2767 i=80 i=9455 Id i=68 i=78 i=9461 TransitionTime i=68 i=80 i=9461 NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType i=9963 i=10020 i=10029 i=10038 i=10047 i=2955 ActiveState i=9964 i=10020 i=10029 i=10038 i=10047 i=8995 i=78 i=9906 Id i=68 i=78 i=9963 HighHighState i=10021 i=10025 i=9963 i=8995 i=80 i=9906 Id i=68 i=78 i=10020 TransitionTime i=68 i=80 i=10020 HighState i=10030 i=10034 i=9963 i=8995 i=80 i=9906 Id i=68 i=78 i=10029 TransitionTime i=68 i=80 i=10029 LowState i=10039 i=10043 i=9963 i=8995 i=80 i=9906 Id i=68 i=78 i=10038 TransitionTime i=68 i=80 i=10038 LowLowState i=10048 i=10052 i=9963 i=8995 i=80 i=9906 Id i=68 i=78 i=10047 TransitionTime i=68 i=80 i=10047 NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType i=9906 ExclusiveLevelAlarmType i=9341 NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType i=10522 i=9906 SetpointNode i=68 i=78 i=10368 ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType i=9905 i=9341 SetpointNode i=68 i=78 i=9764 NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType i=9906 ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType i=9341 DiscreteAlarmType i=2915 OffNormalAlarmType i=11158 i=10523 NormalState i=68 i=78 i=10637 SystemOffNormalAlarmType i=10637 TripAlarmType i=10637 BaseConditionClassType i=58 ProcessConditionClassType i=11163 MaintenanceConditionClassType i=11163 SystemConditionClassType i=11163 AuditConditionEventType i=2127 AuditConditionEnableEventType i=2790 AuditConditionCommentEventType i=4170 i=11851 i=2790 EventId A globally unique identifier for the event. i=68 i=78 i=2829 Comment i=68 i=78 i=2829 AuditConditionRespondEventType i=11852 i=2790 SelectedResponse i=68 i=78 i=8927 AuditConditionAcknowledgeEventType i=8945 i=11853 i=2790 EventId A globally unique identifier for the event. i=68 i=78 i=8944 Comment i=68 i=78 i=8944 AuditConditionConfirmEventType i=8962 i=11854 i=2790 EventId A globally unique identifier for the event. i=68 i=78 i=8961 Comment i=68 i=78 i=8961 AuditConditionShelvingEventType i=11855 i=2790 ShelvingTime i=68 i=78 i=11093 RefreshStartEventType i=2130 RefreshEndEventType i=2130 RefreshRequiredEventType i=2130 HasCondition i=32 IsConditionOf ProgramStateMachineType A state machine for a program. i=3830 i=3835 i=2392 i=2393 i=2394 i=2395 i=2396 i=2397 i=2398 i=2399 i=3850 i=2400 i=2402 i=2404 i=2406 i=2408 i=2410 i=2412 i=2414 i=2416 i=2418 i=2420 i=2422 i=2424 i=2426 i=2427 i=2428 i=2429 i=2430 i=2771 CurrentState i=3831 i=3833 i=2760 i=78 i=2391 Id i=68 i=78 i=3830 Number i=68 i=78 i=3830 LastTransition i=3836 i=3838 i=3839 i=2767 i=78 i=2391 Id i=68 i=78 i=3835 Number i=68 i=78 i=3835 TransitionTime i=68 i=78 i=3835 Creatable i=68 i=2391 Deletable i=68 i=78 i=2391 AutoDelete i=68 i=79 i=2391 RecycleCount i=68 i=78 i=2391 InstanceCount i=68 i=2391 MaxInstanceCount i=68 i=2391 MaxRecycleCount i=68 i=2391 ProgramDiagnostics i=3840 i=3841 i=3842 i=3843 i=3844 i=3845 i=3846 i=3847 i=3848 i=3849 i=2380 i=80 i=2391 CreateSessionId i=68 i=78 i=2399 CreateClientName i=68 i=78 i=2399 InvocationCreationTime i=68 i=78 i=2399 LastTransitionTime i=68 i=78 i=2399 LastMethodCall i=68 i=78 i=2399 LastMethodSessionId i=68 i=78 i=2399 LastMethodInputArguments i=68 i=78 i=2399 LastMethodOutputArguments i=68 i=78 i=2399 LastMethodCallTime i=68 i=78 i=2399 LastMethodReturnStatus i=68 i=78 i=2399 FinalResultData i=58 i=80 i=2391 Ready The Program is properly initialized and may be started. i=2401 i=2408 i=2410 i=2414 i=2422 i=2424 i=2307 i=2391 StateNumber i=68 i=78 i=2400 1 Running The Program is executing making progress towards completion. i=2403 i=2410 i=2412 i=2414 i=2416 i=2418 i=2307 i=2391 StateNumber i=68 i=78 i=2402 2 Suspended The Program has been stopped prior to reaching a terminal state but may be resumed. i=2405 i=2416 i=2418 i=2420 i=2422 i=2307 i=2391 StateNumber i=68 i=78 i=2404 3 Halted The Program is in a terminal or failed state, and it cannot be started or resumed without being reset. i=2407 i=2408 i=2412 i=2420 i=2424 i=2307 i=2391 StateNumber i=68 i=78 i=2406 4 HaltedToReady i=2409 i=2406 i=2400 i=2430 i=2378 i=2310 i=2391 TransitionNumber i=68 i=78 i=2408 1 ReadyToRunning i=2411 i=2400 i=2402 i=2426 i=2378 i=2310 i=2391 TransitionNumber i=68 i=78 i=2410 2 RunningToHalted i=2413 i=2402 i=2406 i=2429 i=2378 i=2310 i=2391 TransitionNumber i=68 i=78 i=2412 3 RunningToReady i=2415 i=2402 i=2400 i=2378 i=2310 i=2391 TransitionNumber i=68 i=78 i=2414 4 RunningToSuspended i=2417 i=2402 i=2404 i=2427 i=2378 i=2310 i=2391 TransitionNumber i=68 i=78 i=2416 5 SuspendedToRunning i=2419 i=2404 i=2402 i=2428 i=2378 i=2310 i=2391 TransitionNumber i=68 i=78 i=2418 6 SuspendedToHalted i=2421 i=2404 i=2406 i=2429 i=2378 i=2310 i=2391 TransitionNumber i=68 i=78 i=2420 7 SuspendedToReady i=2423 i=2404 i=2400 i=2378 i=2310 i=2391 TransitionNumber i=68 i=78 i=2422 8 ReadyToHalted i=2425 i=2400 i=2406 i=2429 i=2378 i=2310 i=2391 TransitionNumber i=68 i=78 i=2424 9 Start Causes the Program to transition from the Ready state to the Running state. i=2410 i=78 i=2391 Suspend Causes the Program to transition from the Running state to the Suspended state. i=2416 i=78 i=2391 Resume Causes the Program to transition from the Suspended state to the Running state. i=2418 i=78 i=2391 Halt Causes the Program to transition from the Ready, Running or Suspended state to the Halted state. i=2412 i=2420 i=2424 i=78 i=2391 Reset Causes the Program to transition from the Halted state to the Ready state. i=2408 i=78 i=2391 ProgramTransitionEventType i=2379 i=2311 IntermediateResult i=68 i=78 i=2378 AuditProgramTransitionEventType i=11875 i=2315 TransitionNumber i=68 i=78 i=11856 ProgramTransitionAuditEventType i=3825 i=2315 Transition i=3826 i=2767 i=78 i=3806 Id i=68 i=78 i=3825 ProgramDiagnosticType i=2381 i=2382 i=2383 i=2384 i=2385 i=2386 i=2387 i=2388 i=2389 i=2390 i=63 CreateSessionId i=68 i=78 i=2380 CreateClientName i=68 i=78 i=2380 InvocationCreationTime i=68 i=78 i=2380 LastTransitionTime i=68 i=78 i=2380 LastMethodCall i=68 i=78 i=2380 LastMethodSessionId i=68 i=78 i=2380 LastMethodInputArguments i=68 i=78 i=2380 LastMethodOutputArguments i=68 i=78 i=2380 LastMethodCallTime i=68 i=78 i=2380 LastMethodReturnStatus i=68 i=78 i=2380 Annotations i=68 HistoricalDataConfigurationType i=3059 i=11876 i=2323 i=2324 i=2325 i=2326 i=2327 i=2328 i=11499 i=11500 i=58 AggregateConfiguration i=11168 i=11169 i=11170 i=11171 i=11187 i=78 i=2318 TreatUncertainAsBad i=68 i=78 i=3059 PercentDataBad i=68 i=78 i=3059 PercentDataGood i=68 i=78 i=3059 UseSlopedExtrapolation i=68 i=78 i=3059 AggregateFunctions i=61 i=80 i=2318 Stepped i=68 i=78 i=2318 Definition i=68 i=80 i=2318 MaxTimeInterval i=68 i=80 i=2318 MinTimeInterval i=68 i=80 i=2318 ExceptionDeviation i=68 i=80 i=2318 ExceptionDeviationFormat i=68 i=80 i=2318 StartOfArchive i=68 i=80 i=2318 StartOfOnlineArchive i=68 i=80 i=2318 HA Configuration i=11203 i=11208 i=2318 AggregateConfiguration i=11204 i=11205 i=11206 i=11207 i=11187 i=11202 TreatUncertainAsBad i=68 i=11203 PercentDataBad i=68 i=11203 PercentDataGood i=68 i=11203 UseSlopedExtrapolation i=68 i=11203 Stepped i=68 i=11202 HistoricalEventFilter i=68 HistoryServerCapabilitiesType i=2331 i=2332 i=11268 i=11269 i=2334 i=2335 i=2336 i=2337 i=2338 i=11278 i=11279 i=11280 i=11501 i=11270 i=11172 i=58 AccessHistoryDataCapability i=68 i=78 i=2330 AccessHistoryEventsCapability i=68 i=78 i=2330 MaxReturnDataValues i=68 i=78 i=2330 MaxReturnEventValues i=68 i=78 i=2330 InsertDataCapability i=68 i=78 i=2330 ReplaceDataCapability i=68 i=78 i=2330 UpdateDataCapability i=68 i=78 i=2330 DeleteRawCapability i=68 i=78 i=2330 DeleteAtTimeCapability i=68 i=78 i=2330 InsertEventCapability i=68 i=78 i=2330 ReplaceEventCapability i=68 i=78 i=2330 UpdateEventCapability i=68 i=78 i=2330 DeleteEventCapability i=68 i=78 i=2330 InsertAnnotationCapability i=68 i=78 i=2330 AggregateFunctions i=61 i=78 i=2330 AuditHistoryEventUpdateEventType i=3025 i=3028 i=3003 i=3029 i=3030 i=2104 UpdatedNode i=68 i=78 i=2999 PerformInsertReplace i=68 i=78 i=2999 Filter i=68 i=78 i=2999 NewValues i=68 i=78 i=2999 OldValues i=68 i=78 i=2999 AuditHistoryValueUpdateEventType i=3026 i=3031 i=3032 i=3033 i=2104 UpdatedNode i=68 i=78 i=3006 PerformInsertReplace i=68 i=78 i=3006 NewValues i=68 i=78 i=3006 OldValues i=68 i=78 i=3006 AuditHistoryDeleteEventType i=3027 i=2104 UpdatedNode i=68 i=78 i=3012 AuditHistoryRawModifyDeleteEventType i=3015 i=3016 i=3017 i=3034 i=3012 IsDeleteModified i=68 i=78 i=3014 StartTime i=68 i=78 i=3014 EndTime i=68 i=78 i=3014 OldValues i=68 i=78 i=3014 AuditHistoryAtTimeDeleteEventType i=3020 i=3021 i=3012 ReqTimes i=68 i=78 i=3019 OldValues i=68 i=78 i=3019 AuditHistoryEventDeleteEventType i=3023 i=3024 i=3012 EventIds i=68 i=78 i=3022 OldValues i=68 i=78 i=3022 AggregateConfigurationType i=11188 i=11189 i=11190 i=11191 i=58 TreatUncertainAsBad i=68 i=78 i=11187 PercentDataBad i=68 i=78 i=11187 PercentDataGood i=68 i=78 i=11187 UseSlopedExtrapolation i=68 i=78 i=11187 Interpolative At the beginning of each interval, retrieve the calculated value from the data points on either side of the requested timestamp. i=2340 Average Retrieve the average value of the data over the interval. i=2340 TimeAverage Retrieve the time weighted average data over the interval using Interpolated Bounding Values. i=2340 TimeAverage2 Retrieve the time weighted average data over the interval using Simple Bounding Values. i=2340 Total Retrieve the total (time integral) of the data over the interval using Interpolated Bounding Values. i=2340 Total2 Retrieve the total (time integral) of the data over the interval using Simple Bounding Values. i=2340 Minimum Retrieve the minimum raw value in the interval with the timestamp of the start of the interval. i=2340 Maximum Retrieve the maximum raw value in the interval with the timestamp of the start of the interval. i=2340 MinimumActualTime Retrieve the minimum value in the interval and the Timestamp of the minimum value. i=2340 MaximumActualTime Retrieve the maximum value in the interval and the Timestamp of the maximum value. i=2340 Range Retrieve the difference between the minimum and maximum Value over the interval. i=2340 Minimum2 Retrieve the minimum value in the interval including the Simple Bounding Values. i=2340 Maximum2 Retrieve the maximum value in the interval including the Simple Bounding Values. i=2340 MinimumActualTime2 Retrieve the minimum value with the actual timestamp including the Simple Bounding Values. i=2340 MaximumActualTime2 Retrieve the maximum value with the actual timestamp including the Simple Bounding Values. i=2340 Range2 Retrieve the difference between the Minimum2 and Maximum2 value over the interval. i=2340 AnnotationCount Retrieve the number of Annotations in the interval. i=2340 Count Retrieve the number of raw values over the interval. i=2340 DurationInStateZero Retrieve the time a Boolean or numeric was in a zero state using Simple Bounding Values. i=2340 DurationInStateNonZero Retrieve the time a Boolean or numeric was in a non-zero state using Simple Bounding Values. i=2340 NumberOfTransitions Retrieve the number of changes between zero and non-zero that a Boolean or Numeric value experienced in the interval. i=2340 Start Retrieve the value at the beginning of the interval using Interpolated Bounding Values. i=2340 End Retrieve the value at the end of the interval using Interpolated Bounding Values. i=2340 Delta Retrieve the difference between the Start and End value in the interval. i=2340 StartBound Retrieve the value at the beginning of the interval using Simple Bounding Values. i=2340 EndBound Retrieve the value at the end of the interval using Simple Bounding Values. i=2340 DeltaBounds Retrieve the difference between the StartBound and EndBound value in the interval. i=2340 DurationGood Retrieve the total duration of time in the interval during which the data is good. i=2340 DurationBad Retrieve the total duration of time in the interval during which the data is bad. i=2340 PercentGood Retrieve the percent of data (0 to 100) in the interval which has a good StatusCode. i=2340 PercentBad Retrieve the percent of data (0 to 100) in the interval which has a bad StatusCode. i=2340 WorstQuality Retrieve the worst StatusCode of data in the interval. i=2340 WorstQuality2 Retrieve the worst StatusCode of data in the interval including the Simple Bounding Values. i=2340 StandardDeviationSample Retrieve the standard deviation for the interval for a sample of the population (n-1). i=2340 StandardDeviationPopulation Retrieve the standard deviation for the interval for a complete population (n) which includes Simple Bounding Values. i=2340 VarianceSample Retrieve the variance for the interval as calculated by the StandardDeviationSample. i=2340 VariancePopulation Retrieve the variance for the interval as calculated by the StandardDeviationPopulation which includes Simple Bounding Values. i=2340 LockType i=8922 i=8923 i=58 Lock i=78 i=8921 Unlock i=78 i=8921 ServerLock i=8925 i=8926 i=8921 Lock i=8924 Unlock i=8924 IdType The type of identifier used in a node id. i=7591 i=29 The identifier is a numeric value. 0 is a null value. The identifier is a string value. An empty string is a null value. The identifier is a 16 byte structure. 16 zero bytes is a null value. The identifier is an array of bytes. A zero length array is a null value. EnumStrings i=68 i=78 i=256 Numeric String Guid Opaque NodeClass A mask specifying the class of the node. i=11878 i=29 No classes are selected. The node is an object. The node is a variable. The node is a method. The node is an object type. The node is an variable type. The node is a reference type. The node is a data type. The node is a view. EnumValues i=68 i=78 i=257 i=7616 0 Unspecified No classes are selected. i=7616 1 Object The node is an object. i=7616 2 Variable The node is a variable. i=7616 4 Method The node is a method. i=7616 8 ObjectType The node is an object type. i=7616 16 VariableType The node is an variable type. i=7616 32 ReferenceType The node is a reference type. i=7616 64 DataType The node is a data type. i=7616 128 View The node is a view. Argument An argument for a method. i=22 The name of the argument. The data type of the argument. Whether the argument is an array type and the rank of the array if it is. The number of dimensions if the argument is an array type and one or more dimensions have a fixed length. The description for the argument. EnumValueType A mapping between a value of an enumerated type and a name and description. i=22 The value of the enumeration. Human readable name for the value. A description of the value. Duration A period of time measured in seconds. i=11 UtcTime A date/time value specified in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). i=13 LocaleId An identifier for a user locale. i=12 TimeZoneDataType i=22 IntegerId A numeric identifier for an object. i=7 ApplicationType The types of applications. i=7597 i=29 The application is a server. The application is a client. The application is a client and a server. The application is a discovery server. EnumStrings i=68 i=78 i=307 Server Client ClientAndServer DiscoveryServer ApplicationDescription Describes an application and how to find it. i=22 The globally unique identifier for the application. The globally unique identifier for the product. The name of application. The type of application. The globally unique identifier for the server that is acting as a gateway for the server. The globally unique identifier for the discovery profile supported by the server. The URLs for the server's discovery endpoints. ApplicationInstanceCertificate A certificate for an instance of an application. i=15 MessageSecurityMode The type of security to use on a message. i=7595 i=29 An invalid mode. No security is used. The message is signed. The message is signed and encrypted. EnumStrings i=68 i=78 i=302 Invalid None Sign SignAndEncrypt UserTokenType The possible user token types. i=7596 i=29 An anonymous user. A user identified by a user name and password. A user identified by an X509 certificate. A user identified by WS-Security XML token. EnumStrings i=68 i=78 i=303 Anonymous UserName Certificate IssuedToken UserTokenPolicy Describes a user token that can be used with a server. i=22 A identifier for the policy assigned by the server. The type of user token. The type of issued token. The endpoint or any other information need to contruct an issued token URL. The security policy to use when encrypting or signing the user token. EndpointDescription The description of a endpoint that can be used to access a server. i=22 The network endpoint to use when connecting to the server. The description of the server. The server's application certificate. The security mode that must be used when connecting to the endpoint. The security policy to use when connecting to the endpoint. The user identity tokens that can be used with this endpoint. The transport profile to use when connecting to the endpoint. A server assigned value that indicates how secure the endpoint is relative to other server endpoints. RegisteredServer The information required to register a server with a discovery server. i=22 The globally unique identifier for the server. The globally unique identifier for the product. The name of server in multiple lcoales. The type of server. The globally unique identifier for the server that is acting as a gateway for the server. The URLs for the server's discovery endpoints. A path to a file that is deleted when the server is no longer accepting connections. If FALSE the server will save the registration information to a persistent datastore. SecurityTokenRequestType Indicates whether a token if being created or renewed. i=7598 i=29 The channel is being created. The channel is being renewed. EnumStrings i=68 i=78 i=315 Issue Renew SignedSoftwareCertificate A software certificate with a digital signature. i=22 The data of the certificate. The digital signature. SessionAuthenticationToken A unique identifier for a session used to authenticate requests. i=17 UserIdentityToken A base type for a user identity token. i=22 The policy id specified in a user token policy for the endpoint being used. AnonymousIdentityToken A token representing an anonymous user. i=316 UserNameIdentityToken A token representing a user identified by a user name and password. i=316 The user name. The password encrypted with the server certificate. The algorithm used to encrypt the password. X509IdentityToken A token representing a user identified by an X509 certificate. i=316 The certificate. IssuedIdentityToken A token representing a user identified by a WS-Security XML token. i=316 The XML token encrypted with the server certificate. The algorithm used to encrypt the certificate. NodeAttributesMask The bits used to specify default attributes for a new node. i=11881 i=29 No attribuites provided. The access level attribute is specified. The array dimensions attribute is specified. The browse name attribute is specified. The contains no loops attribute is specified. The data type attribute is specified. The description attribute is specified. The display name attribute is specified. The event notifier attribute is specified. The executable attribute is specified. The historizing attribute is specified. The inverse name attribute is specified. The is abstract attribute is specified. The minimum sampling interval attribute is specified. The node class attribute is specified. The node id attribute is specified. The symmetric attribute is specified. The user access level attribute is specified. The user executable attribute is specified. The user write mask attribute is specified. The value rank attribute is specified. The write mask attribute is specified. The value attribute is specified. All attributes are specified. All base attributes are specified. All object attributes are specified. All object type or data type attributes are specified. All variable attributes are specified. All variable type attributes are specified. All method attributes are specified. All reference type attributes are specified. All view attributes are specified. EnumValues i=68 i=78 i=348 i=7616 0 None No attribuites provided. i=7616 1 AccessLevel The access level attribute is specified. i=7616 2 ArrayDimensions The array dimensions attribute is specified. i=7616 4 BrowseName The browse name attribute is specified. i=7616 8 ContainsNoLoops The contains no loops attribute is specified. i=7616 16 DataType The data type attribute is specified. i=7616 32 Description The description attribute is specified. i=7616 64 DisplayName The display name attribute is specified. i=7616 128 EventNotifier The event notifier attribute is specified. i=7616 256 Executable The executable attribute is specified. i=7616 512 Historizing The historizing attribute is specified. i=7616 1024 InverseName The inverse name attribute is specified. i=7616 2048 IsAbstract The is abstract attribute is specified. i=7616 4096 MinimumSamplingInterval The minimum sampling interval attribute is specified. i=7616 8192 NodeClass The node class attribute is specified. i=7616 16384 NodeId The node id attribute is specified. i=7616 32768 Symmetric The symmetric attribute is specified. i=7616 65536 UserAccessLevel The user access level attribute is specified. i=7616 131072 UserExecutable The user executable attribute is specified. i=7616 262144 UserWriteMask The user write mask attribute is specified. i=7616 524288 ValueRank The value rank attribute is specified. i=7616 1048576 WriteMask The write mask attribute is specified. i=7616 2097152 Value The value attribute is specified. i=7616 4194303 All All attributes are specified. i=7616 1335396 BaseNode All base attributes are specified. i=7616 1335524 Object All object attributes are specified. i=7616 1337444 ObjectTypeOrDataType All object type or data type attributes are specified. i=7616 4026999 Variable All variable attributes are specified. i=7616 3958902 VariableType All variable type attributes are specified. i=7616 1466724 Method All method attributes are specified. i=7616 1371236 ReferenceType All reference type attributes are specified. i=7616 1335532 View All view attributes are specified. AddNodesItem A request to add a node to the server address space. i=22 The node id for the parent node. The type of reference from the parent to the new node. The node id requested by the client. If null the server must provide one. The browse name for the new node. The class of the new node. The default attributes for the new node. The type definition for the new node. AddReferencesItem A request to add a reference to the server address space. i=22 The source of the reference. The type of reference. If TRUE the reference is a forward reference. The URI of the server containing the target (if in another server). The target of the reference. The node class of the target (if known). DeleteNodesItem A request to delete a node to the server address space. i=22 The id of the node to delete. If TRUE all references to the are deleted as well. DeleteReferencesItem A request to delete a node from the server address space. i=22 The source of the reference to delete. The type of reference to delete. If TRUE the a forward reference is deleted. The target of the reference to delete. If TRUE the reference is deleted in both directions. AttributeWriteMask Define bits used to indicate which attributes are writeable. i=11882 i=29 No attributes are writeable. The access level attribute is writeable. The array dimensions attribute is writeable. The browse name attribute is writeable. The contains no loops attribute is writeable. The data type attribute is writeable. The description attribute is writeable. The display name attribute is writeable. The event notifier attribute is writeable. The executable attribute is writeable. The historizing attribute is writeable. The inverse name attribute is writeable. The is abstract attribute is writeable. The minimum sampling interval attribute is writeable. The node class attribute is writeable. The node id attribute is writeable. The symmetric attribute is writeable. The user access level attribute is writeable. The user executable attribute is writeable. The user write mask attribute is writeable. The value rank attribute is writeable. The write mask attribute is writeable. The value attribute is writeable. EnumValues i=68 i=78 i=347 i=7616 0 None No attributes are writeable. i=7616 1 AccessLevel The access level attribute is writeable. i=7616 2 ArrayDimensions The array dimensions attribute is writeable. i=7616 4 BrowseName The browse name attribute is writeable. i=7616 8 ContainsNoLoops The contains no loops attribute is writeable. i=7616 16 DataType The data type attribute is writeable. i=7616 32 Description The description attribute is writeable. i=7616 64 DisplayName The display name attribute is writeable. i=7616 128 EventNotifier The event notifier attribute is writeable. i=7616 256 Executable The executable attribute is writeable. i=7616 512 Historizing The historizing attribute is writeable. i=7616 1024 InverseName The inverse name attribute is writeable. i=7616 2048 IsAbstract The is abstract attribute is writeable. i=7616 4096 MinimumSamplingInterval The minimum sampling interval attribute is writeable. i=7616 8192 NodeClass The node class attribute is writeable. i=7616 16384 NodeId The node id attribute is writeable. i=7616 32768 Symmetric The symmetric attribute is writeable. i=7616 65536 UserAccessLevel The user access level attribute is writeable. i=7616 131072 UserExecutable The user executable attribute is writeable. i=7616 262144 UserWriteMask The user write mask attribute is writeable. i=7616 524288 ValueRank The value rank attribute is writeable. i=7616 1048576 WriteMask The write mask attribute is writeable. i=7616 2097152 ValueForVariableType The value attribute is writeable. ContinuationPoint An identifier for a suspended query or browse operation. i=15 Counter A monotonically increasing value. i=7 NumericRange Specifies a range of array indexes. i=12 Time A time value specified as HH:MM:SS.SSS. i=12 Date A date value. i=13 EndpointConfiguration i=22 ComplianceLevel i=7599 i=29 EnumStrings i=68 i=78 i=334 Untested Partial SelfTested Certified SupportedProfile i=22 SoftwareCertificate i=22 FilterOperator i=7605 i=29 EnumStrings i=68 i=78 i=576 Equals IsNull GreaterThan LessThan GreaterThanOrEqual LessThanOrEqual Like Not Between InList And Or Cast InView OfType RelatedTo BitwiseAnd BitwiseOr ContentFilterElement i=22 ContentFilter i=22 FilterOperand i=22 ElementOperand i=589 LiteralOperand i=589 AttributeOperand i=589 SimpleAttributeOperand i=589 HistoryEvent i=22 HistoryUpdateType i=11884 i=29 EnumValues i=68 i=78 i=11234 i=7616 1 Insert i=7616 2 Replace i=7616 3 Update i=7616 4 Delete PerformUpdateType i=11885 i=29 EnumValues i=68 i=78 i=11293 i=7616 1 Insert i=7616 2 Replace i=7616 3 Update i=7616 4 Remove MonitoringFilter i=22 EventFilter i=719 AggregateConfiguration i=22 HistoryEventFieldList i=22 EnumeratedTestType A simple enumerated type used for testing. i=11886 i=29 Operation has halted. Operation is proceeding with caution. Operation is proceeding normally. EnumValues i=68 i=78 i=398 i=7616 1 Red Operation has halted. i=7616 4 Yellow Operation is proceeding with caution. i=7616 5 Green Operation is proceeding normally. ScalarTestType A complex type containing all possible scalar types used for testing. i=22 ArrayTestType A complex type containing all possible array types used for testing. i=22 CompositeTestType i=22 BuildInfo i=22 RedundancySupport i=7611 i=29 EnumStrings i=68 i=78 i=851 None Cold Warm Hot Transparent HotAndMirrored ServerState i=7612 i=29 EnumStrings i=68 i=78 i=852 Running Failed NoConfiguration Suspended Shutdown Test CommunicationFault Unknown RedundantServerDataType i=22 EndpointUrlListDataType i=22 NetworkGroupDataType i=22 SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsDataType i=22 ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType i=22 ServerStatusDataType i=22 SessionDiagnosticsDataType i=22 SessionSecurityDiagnosticsDataType i=22 ServiceCounterDataType i=22 StatusResult i=22 SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType i=22 ModelChangeStructureDataType i=22 SemanticChangeStructureDataType i=22 Range i=22 EUInformation i=22 AxisScaleEnumeration i=12078 i=29 EnumStrings i=68 i=78 i=12077 Linear Log Ln ComplexNumberType i=22 DoubleComplexNumberType i=22 AxisInformation i=22 XVType i=22 ProgramDiagnosticDataType i=22 Annotation i=22 ExceptionDeviationFormat i=7614 i=29 EnumStrings i=68 i=78 i=890 AbsoluteValue PercentOfRange PercentOfValue PercentOfEURange Unknown Default XML i=296 i=8285 i=76 Default XML i=7594 i=8291 i=76 Default XML i=8912 i=8918 i=76 Default XML i=308 i=8300 i=76 Default XML i=304 i=8297 i=76 Default XML i=312 i=8303 i=76 Default XML i=432 i=8417 i=76 Default XML i=344 i=8333 i=76 Default XML i=316 i=8306 i=76 Default XML i=319 i=8309 i=76 Default XML i=322 i=8312 i=76 Default XML i=325 i=8315 i=76 Default XML i=938 i=8318 i=76 Default XML i=376 i=8363 i=76 Default XML i=379 i=8366 i=76 Default XML i=382 i=8369 i=76 Default XML i=385 i=8372 i=76 Default XML i=331 i=8321 i=76 Default XML i=335 i=8324 i=76 Default XML i=341 i=8330 i=76 Default XML i=583 i=8564 i=76 Default XML i=586 i=8567 i=76 Default XML i=589 i=8570 i=76 Default XML i=592 i=8573 i=76 Default XML i=595 i=8576 i=76 Default XML i=598 i=8579 i=76 Default XML i=601 i=8582 i=76 Default XML i=659 i=8639 i=76 Default XML i=719 i=8702 i=76 Default XML i=725 i=8708 i=76 Default XML i=948 i=8711 i=76 Default XML i=920 i=8807 i=76 Default XML i=399 i=8384 i=76 Default XML i=402 i=8387 i=76 Default XML i=405 i=8390 i=76 Default XML i=338 i=8327 i=76 Default XML i=853 i=8843 i=76 Default XML i=11943 i=11951 i=76 Default XML i=11944 i=11954 i=76 Default XML i=856 i=8846 i=76 Default XML i=859 i=8849 i=76 Default XML i=862 i=8852 i=76 Default XML i=865 i=8855 i=76 Default XML i=868 i=8858 i=76 Default XML i=871 i=8861 i=76 Default XML i=299 i=8294 i=76 Default XML i=874 i=8864 i=76 Default XML i=877 i=8867 i=76 Default XML i=897 i=8870 i=76 Default XML i=884 i=8873 i=76 Default XML i=887 i=8876 i=76 Default XML i=12171 i=12175 i=76 Default XML i=12172 i=12178 i=76 Default XML i=12079 i=12083 i=76 Default XML i=12080 i=12086 i=76 Default XML i=894 i=8882 i=76 Default XML i=891 i=8879 i=76 Opc.Ua i=8254 i=8285 i=8291 i=8918 i=8300 i=8297 i=8303 i=8417 i=8333 i=8306 i=8309 i=8312 i=8315 i=8318 i=8363 i=8366 i=8369 i=8372 i=8321 i=8324 i=8330 i=8564 i=8567 i=8570 i=8573 i=8576 i=8579 i=8582 i=8639 i=8702 i=8708 i=8711 i=8807 i=8384 i=8387 i=8390 i=8327 i=8843 i=11951 i=11954 i=8846 i=8849 i=8852 i=8855 i=8858 i=8861 i=8294 i=8864 i=8867 i=8870 i=8873 i=8876 i=12175 i=12178 i=12083 i=12086 i=8882 i=8879 i=92 i=72 NamespaceUri A URI that uniquely identifies the dictionary. i=68 i=8252 http://opcfoundation.org/UA/2008/02/Types.xsd Argument i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='Argument'] EnumValueType i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='EnumValueType'] TimeZoneDataType i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='TimeZoneDataType'] ApplicationDescription i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='ApplicationDescription'] UserTokenPolicy i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='UserTokenPolicy'] EndpointDescription i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='EndpointDescription'] RegisteredServer i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='RegisteredServer'] SignedSoftwareCertificate i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='SignedSoftwareCertificate'] UserIdentityToken i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='UserIdentityToken'] AnonymousIdentityToken i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='AnonymousIdentityToken'] UserNameIdentityToken i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='UserNameIdentityToken'] X509IdentityToken i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='X509IdentityToken'] IssuedIdentityToken i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='IssuedIdentityToken'] AddNodesItem i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='AddNodesItem'] AddReferencesItem i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='AddReferencesItem'] DeleteNodesItem i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='DeleteNodesItem'] DeleteReferencesItem i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='DeleteReferencesItem'] EndpointConfiguration i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='EndpointConfiguration'] SupportedProfile i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='SupportedProfile'] SoftwareCertificate i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='SoftwareCertificate'] ContentFilterElement i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='ContentFilterElement'] ContentFilter i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='ContentFilter'] FilterOperand i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='FilterOperand'] ElementOperand i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='ElementOperand'] LiteralOperand i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='LiteralOperand'] AttributeOperand i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='AttributeOperand'] SimpleAttributeOperand i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='SimpleAttributeOperand'] HistoryEvent i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='HistoryEvent'] MonitoringFilter i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='MonitoringFilter'] EventFilter i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='EventFilter'] AggregateConfiguration i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='AggregateConfiguration'] HistoryEventFieldList i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='HistoryEventFieldList'] ScalarTestType i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='ScalarTestType'] ArrayTestType i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='ArrayTestType'] CompositeTestType i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='CompositeTestType'] BuildInfo i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='BuildInfo'] RedundantServerDataType i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='RedundantServerDataType'] EndpointUrlListDataType i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='EndpointUrlListDataType'] NetworkGroupDataType i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='NetworkGroupDataType'] SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsDataType i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsDataType'] ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType'] ServerStatusDataType i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='ServerStatusDataType'] SessionDiagnosticsDataType i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='SessionDiagnosticsDataType'] SessionSecurityDiagnosticsDataType i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='SessionSecurityDiagnosticsDataType'] ServiceCounterDataType i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='ServiceCounterDataType'] StatusResult i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='StatusResult'] SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType'] ModelChangeStructureDataType i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='ModelChangeStructureDataType'] SemanticChangeStructureDataType i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='SemanticChangeStructureDataType'] Range i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='Range'] EUInformation i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='EUInformation'] ComplexNumberType i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='ComplexNumberType'] DoubleComplexNumberType i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='DoubleComplexNumberType'] AxisInformation i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='AxisInformation'] XVType i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='XVType'] ProgramDiagnosticDataType i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='ProgramDiagnosticDataType'] Annotation i=69 i=8252 //xs:element[@name='Annotation'] Default Binary i=296 i=7650 i=76 Default Binary i=7594 i=7656 i=76 Default Binary i=8912 i=8914 i=76 Default Binary i=308 i=7665 i=76 Default Binary i=304 i=7662 i=76 Default Binary i=312 i=7668 i=76 Default Binary i=432 i=7782 i=76 Default Binary i=344 i=7698 i=76 Default Binary i=316 i=7671 i=76 Default Binary i=319 i=7674 i=76 Default Binary i=322 i=7677 i=76 Default Binary i=325 i=7680 i=76 Default Binary i=938 i=7683 i=76 Default Binary i=376 i=7728 i=76 Default Binary i=379 i=7731 i=76 Default Binary i=382 i=7734 i=76 Default Binary i=385 i=7737 i=76 Default Binary i=331 i=7686 i=76 Default Binary i=335 i=7689 i=76 Default Binary i=341 i=7695 i=76 Default Binary i=583 i=7929 i=76 Default Binary i=586 i=7932 i=76 Default Binary i=589 i=7935 i=76 Default Binary i=592 i=7938 i=76 Default Binary i=595 i=7941 i=76 Default Binary i=598 i=7944 i=76 Default Binary i=601 i=7947 i=76 Default Binary i=659 i=8004 i=76 Default Binary i=719 i=8067 i=76 Default Binary i=725 i=8073 i=76 Default Binary i=948 i=8076 i=76 Default Binary i=920 i=8172 i=76 Default Binary i=399 i=7749 i=76 Default Binary i=402 i=7752 i=76 Default Binary i=405 i=7755 i=76 Default Binary i=338 i=7692 i=76 Default Binary i=853 i=8208 i=76 Default Binary i=11943 i=11959 i=76 Default Binary i=11944 i=11962 i=76 Default Binary i=856 i=8211 i=76 Default Binary i=859 i=8214 i=76 Default Binary i=862 i=8217 i=76 Default Binary i=865 i=8220 i=76 Default Binary i=868 i=8223 i=76 Default Binary i=871 i=8226 i=76 Default Binary i=299 i=7659 i=76 Default Binary i=874 i=8229 i=76 Default Binary i=877 i=8232 i=76 Default Binary i=897 i=8235 i=76 Default Binary i=884 i=8238 i=76 Default Binary i=887 i=8241 i=76 Default Binary i=12171 i=12183 i=76 Default Binary i=12172 i=12186 i=76 Default Binary i=12079 i=12091 i=76 Default Binary i=12080 i=12094 i=76 Default Binary i=894 i=8247 i=76 Default Binary i=891 i=8244 i=76 Opc.Ua i=7619 i=7650 i=7656 i=8914 i=7665 i=7662 i=7668 i=7782 i=7698 i=7671 i=7674 i=7677 i=7680 i=7683 i=7728 i=7731 i=7734 i=7737 i=7686 i=7689 i=7695 i=7929 i=7932 i=7935 i=7938 i=7941 i=7944 i=7947 i=8004 i=8067 i=8073 i=8076 i=8172 i=7749 i=7752 i=7755 i=7692 i=8208 i=11959 i=11962 i=8211 i=8214 i=8217 i=8220 i=8223 i=8226 i=7659 i=8229 i=8232 i=8235 i=8238 i=8241 i=12183 i=12186 i=12091 i=12094 i=8247 i=8244 i=93 i=72 NamespaceUri A URI that uniquely identifies the dictionary. i=68 i=7617 http://opcfoundation.org/UA/ Argument i=69 i=7617 Argument EnumValueType i=69 i=7617 EnumValueType TimeZoneDataType i=69 i=7617 TimeZoneDataType ApplicationDescription i=69 i=7617 ApplicationDescription UserTokenPolicy i=69 i=7617 UserTokenPolicy EndpointDescription i=69 i=7617 EndpointDescription RegisteredServer i=69 i=7617 RegisteredServer SignedSoftwareCertificate i=69 i=7617 SignedSoftwareCertificate UserIdentityToken i=69 i=7617 UserIdentityToken AnonymousIdentityToken i=69 i=7617 AnonymousIdentityToken UserNameIdentityToken i=69 i=7617 UserNameIdentityToken X509IdentityToken i=69 i=7617 X509IdentityToken IssuedIdentityToken i=69 i=7617 IssuedIdentityToken AddNodesItem i=69 i=7617 AddNodesItem AddReferencesItem i=69 i=7617 AddReferencesItem DeleteNodesItem i=69 i=7617 DeleteNodesItem DeleteReferencesItem i=69 i=7617 DeleteReferencesItem EndpointConfiguration i=69 i=7617 EndpointConfiguration SupportedProfile i=69 i=7617 SupportedProfile SoftwareCertificate i=69 i=7617 SoftwareCertificate ContentFilterElement i=69 i=7617 ContentFilterElement ContentFilter i=69 i=7617 ContentFilter FilterOperand i=69 i=7617 FilterOperand ElementOperand i=69 i=7617 ElementOperand LiteralOperand i=69 i=7617 LiteralOperand AttributeOperand i=69 i=7617 AttributeOperand SimpleAttributeOperand i=69 i=7617 SimpleAttributeOperand HistoryEvent i=69 i=7617 HistoryEvent MonitoringFilter i=69 i=7617 MonitoringFilter EventFilter i=69 i=7617 EventFilter AggregateConfiguration i=69 i=7617 AggregateConfiguration HistoryEventFieldList i=69 i=7617 HistoryEventFieldList ScalarTestType i=69 i=7617 ScalarTestType ArrayTestType i=69 i=7617 ArrayTestType CompositeTestType i=69 i=7617 CompositeTestType BuildInfo i=69 i=7617 BuildInfo RedundantServerDataType i=69 i=7617 RedundantServerDataType EndpointUrlListDataType i=69 i=7617 EndpointUrlListDataType NetworkGroupDataType i=69 i=7617 NetworkGroupDataType SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsDataType i=69 i=7617 SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsDataType ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType i=69 i=7617 ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType ServerStatusDataType i=69 i=7617 ServerStatusDataType SessionDiagnosticsDataType i=69 i=7617 SessionDiagnosticsDataType SessionSecurityDiagnosticsDataType i=69 i=7617 SessionSecurityDiagnosticsDataType ServiceCounterDataType i=69 i=7617 ServiceCounterDataType StatusResult i=69 i=7617 StatusResult SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType i=69 i=7617 SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType ModelChangeStructureDataType i=69 i=7617 ModelChangeStructureDataType SemanticChangeStructureDataType i=69 i=7617 SemanticChangeStructureDataType Range i=69 i=7617 Range EUInformation i=69 i=7617 EUInformation ComplexNumberType i=69 i=7617 ComplexNumberType DoubleComplexNumberType i=69 i=7617 DoubleComplexNumberType AxisInformation i=69 i=7617 AxisInformation XVType i=69 i=7617 XVType ProgramDiagnosticDataType i=69 i=7617 ProgramDiagnosticDataType Annotation i=69 i=7617 Annotation