#ifndef UA_TYPES_H_ #define UA_TYPES_H_ #include #include /** * @defgroup types Datatypes * * @brief This module describes the datatypes used in OPC UA. There is a * division into built-in datatypes (integers, strings, etc.) and more complex * datatypes that are comprise of built-in datatypes (structs defined in the OPC * UA standard). * * All datatypes follow the same schema in the naming of relevant functions. * * - _init: Sets all values to a "safe" standard. For example, if the * datatype contains a string-element, its size will be set to zero. * * - _new: Allocates the memory for the type and runs _init on the * returned pointer. * * - _copy: Copies a datatype. This performs a deep copy that iterates * over the members. * * - _delete: Frees the memory where the datatype was stored. * * - _deleteMembers: Frees the memory of dynamically sized members (e.g. a * string) of a datatype. This is useful when the datatype was allocated on * the stack, whereas the dynamically sized members is heap-allocated. * * @{ */ /* Function return values */ #define UA_SUCCESS 0 #define UA_NO_ERROR UA_SUCCESS #define UA_ERROR (0x01 << 31) #define UA_ERR_INCONSISTENT (UA_ERROR | (0x01 << 1)) #define UA_ERR_INVALID_VALUE (UA_ERROR | (0x01 << 2)) #define UA_ERR_NO_MEMORY (UA_ERROR | (0x01 << 3)) #define UA_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED (UA_ERROR | (0x01 << 4)) /* Boolean values and null */ #define UA_TRUE (42 == 42) #define TRUE UA_TRUE #define UA_FALSE (!UA_TRUE) #define FALSE UA_FALSE /* Compare values */ #define UA_EQUAL 0 #define UA_NOT_EQUAL (!UA_EQUAL) /** @brief A two-state logical value (true or false). */ typedef _Bool UA_Boolean; /** @brief An integer value between −128 and 127. */ typedef int8_t UA_SByte; /** @brief An integer value between 0 and 256. */ typedef uint8_t UA_Byte; /** @brief An integer value between −32 768 and 32 767. */ typedef int16_t UA_Int16; /** @brief An integer value between 0 and 65 535. */ typedef uint16_t UA_UInt16; /** @brief An integer value between −2 147 483 648 and 2 147 483 647. */ typedef int32_t UA_Int32; /** @brief An integer value between 0 and 429 4967 295. */ typedef uint32_t UA_UInt32; /** @brief An integer value between −9 223 372 036 854 775 808 and 9 223 372 036 854 775 807 */ typedef int64_t UA_Int64; /** @brief An integer value between 0 and 18 446 744 073 709 551 615. */ typedef uint64_t UA_UInt64; /** @brief An IEEE single precision (32 bit) floating point value. */ typedef float UA_Float; /** @brief An IEEE double precision (64 bit) floating point value. */ typedef double UA_Double; /** @brief A sequence of Unicode characters. */ typedef struct UA_String { UA_Int32 length; UA_Byte *data; } UA_String; /** @brief An instance in time. */ typedef UA_Int64 UA_DateTime; //100 nanosecond resolution /** @brief A 16 byte value that can be used as a globally unique identifier. */ typedef struct UA_Guid { UA_UInt32 data1; UA_UInt16 data2; UA_UInt16 data3; UA_Byte data4[8]; } UA_Guid; /** @brief A sequence of octets. */ typedef struct UA_String UA_ByteString; /** @brief An XML element. */ typedef struct UA_String UA_XmlElement; /** @brief An identifier for a node in the address space of an OPC UA Server. */ typedef struct UA_NodeId { UA_Byte encodingByte; //enum BID_NodeIdEncodingValuesType UA_UInt16 namespace; union { UA_UInt32 numeric; UA_String string; UA_Guid guid; UA_ByteString byteString; } identifier; } UA_NodeId; #define NS0NODEID(NUMERIC_ID) \ (UA_NodeId){.encodingByte = 0 /*UA_NODEIDTYPE_TWOBYTE*/, .namespace = 0, .identifier.numeric = NUMERIC_ID} #define UA_NODEIDTYPE_NAMESPACE_URI_FLAG 0x80 #define UA_NODEIDTYPE_SERVERINDEX_FLAG 0x40 #define UA_NODEIDTYPE_MASK (~(UA_NODEIDTYPE_NAMESPACE_URI_FLAG | UA_NODEIDTYPE_SERVERINDEX_FLAG)) /** @brief A NodeId that allows the namespace URI to be specified instead of an index. */ typedef struct UA_ExpandedNodeId { UA_NodeId nodeId; UA_String namespaceUri; UA_UInt32 serverIndex; } UA_ExpandedNodeId; #define NS0EXPANDEDNODEID(NUMERIC_ID) \ (UA_ExpandedNodeId){.nodeId = NS0NODEID(NUMERIC_ID), .namespaceUri = {-1, UA_NULL}, .serverIndex = 0} /** @brief A numeric identifier for a error or condition that is associated with a value or an operation. */ typedef UA_UInt32 UA_StatusCode; // StatusCodes aren't an enum(=int) since 32 unsigned bits are needed. See also ua_statuscodes.h */ /** @brief A name qualified by a namespace. */ typedef struct UA_QualifiedName { UA_UInt16 namespaceIndex; UA_String name; } UA_QualifiedName; /** @brief Human readable text with an optional locale identifier. */ typedef struct UA_LocalizedText { UA_String locale; UA_String text; } UA_LocalizedText; enum UA_LOCALIZEDTEXT_ENCODINGMASKTYPE_enum { UA_LOCALIZEDTEXT_ENCODINGMASKTYPE_LOCALE = 0x01, UA_LOCALIZEDTEXT_ENCODINGMASKTYPE_TEXT = 0x02 }; /** @brief A structure that contains an application specific data type that may not be recognized by the receiver. */ typedef struct UA_ExtensionObject { UA_NodeId typeId; UA_Byte encoding; // Type of the enum UA_ExtensionObjectEncodingMaskType UA_ByteString body; // contains either the bytestring or a pointer to the memory-object } UA_ExtensionObject; enum UA_ExtensionObject_EncodingMaskType_enum { UA_EXTENSIONOBJECT_ENCODINGMASK_NOBODYISENCODED = 0x00, UA_EXTENSIONOBJECT_ENCODINGMASK_BODYISBYTESTRING = 0x01, UA_EXTENSIONOBJECT_ENCODINGMASK_BODYISXML = 0x02 }; struct UA_VTable_Entry; // forwards declaration typedef struct UA_VTable_Entry UA_VTable_Entry; /** @brief A union of all of the types specified above. * * Variants store (arrays of) built-in types. If you want to store a more * complex (or self-defined) type, you have to use an UA_ExtensionObject.*/ typedef struct UA_Variant { UA_VTable_Entry *vt; // internal entry into vTable UA_Int32 arrayLength; // total number of elements void *data; UA_Int32 arrayDimensionsLength; UA_Int32 *arrayDimensions; } UA_Variant; /* VariantBinaryEncoding - Part: 6, Chapter:, Page: 22 */ enum UA_VARIANT_ENCODINGMASKTYPE_enum { UA_VARIANT_ENCODINGMASKTYPE_TYPEID_MASK = 0x3F, // bits 0:5 UA_VARIANT_ENCODINGMASKTYPE_DIMENSIONS = (0x01 << 6), // bit 6 UA_VARIANT_ENCODINGMASKTYPE_ARRAY = (0x01 << 7) // bit 7 }; /** @brief A data value with an associated status code and timestamps. */ typedef struct UA_DataValue { UA_Byte encodingMask; UA_Variant value; UA_StatusCode status; UA_DateTime sourceTimestamp; UA_Int16 sourcePicoseconds; UA_DateTime serverTimestamp; UA_Int16 serverPicoseconds; } UA_DataValue; enum UA_DATAVALUE_ENCODINGMASKTYPE_enum { UA_DATAVALUE_ENCODINGMASK_VARIANT = 0x01, UA_DATAVALUE_ENCODINGMASK_STATUSCODE = 0x02, UA_DATAVALUE_ENCODINGMASK_SOURCETIMESTAMP = 0x04, UA_DATAVALUE_ENCODINGMASK_SERVERTIMESTAMP = 0x08, UA_DATAVALUE_ENCODINGMASK_SOURCEPICOSECONDS = 0x10, UA_DATAVALUE_ENCODINGMASK_SERVERPICOSECONDS = 0x20 }; /** @brief A structure that contains detailed error and diagnostic information associated with a StatusCode. */ typedef struct UA_DiagnosticInfo { UA_Byte encodingMask; // Type of the Enum UA_DIAGNOSTICINFO_ENCODINGMASKTYPE UA_Int32 symbolicId; UA_Int32 namespaceUri; UA_Int32 localizedText; UA_Int32 locale; UA_String additionalInfo; UA_StatusCode innerStatusCode; struct UA_DiagnosticInfo *innerDiagnosticInfo; } UA_DiagnosticInfo; enum UA_DIAGNOSTICINFO_ENCODINGMASKTYPE_enum { UA_DIAGNOSTICINFO_ENCODINGMASK_SYMBOLICID = 0x01, UA_DIAGNOSTICINFO_ENCODINGMASK_NAMESPACE = 0x02, UA_DIAGNOSTICINFO_ENCODINGMASK_LOCALIZEDTEXT = 0x04, UA_DIAGNOSTICINFO_ENCODINGMASK_LOCALE = 0x08, UA_DIAGNOSTICINFO_ENCODINGMASK_ADDITIONALINFO = 0x10, UA_DIAGNOSTICINFO_ENCODINGMASK_INNERSTATUSCODE = 0x20, UA_DIAGNOSTICINFO_ENCODINGMASK_INNERDIAGNOSTICINFO = 0x40 }; /** @brief Type use internally to denote an invalid datatype. */ typedef void UA_InvalidType; /*************/ /* Functions */ /*************/ #ifdef DEBUG #define UA_TYPE_PROTOTYPES(TYPE) \ UA_Int32 TYPE##_new(TYPE **p); \ UA_Int32 TYPE##_init(TYPE * p); \ UA_Int32 TYPE##_delete(TYPE * p); \ UA_Int32 TYPE##_deleteMembers(TYPE * p); \ UA_Int32 TYPE##_copy(const TYPE *src, TYPE *dst); \ void TYPE##_print(const TYPE *p, FILE *stream); #else #define UA_TYPE_PROTOTYPES(TYPE) \ UA_Int32 TYPE##_new(TYPE **p); \ UA_Int32 TYPE##_init(TYPE * p); \ UA_Int32 TYPE##_delete(TYPE * p); \ UA_Int32 TYPE##_deleteMembers(TYPE * p); \ UA_Int32 TYPE##_copy(const TYPE *src, TYPE *dst); #endif /* Functions for all types */ UA_TYPE_PROTOTYPES(UA_Boolean) UA_TYPE_PROTOTYPES(UA_SByte) UA_TYPE_PROTOTYPES(UA_Byte) UA_TYPE_PROTOTYPES(UA_Int16) UA_TYPE_PROTOTYPES(UA_UInt16) UA_TYPE_PROTOTYPES(UA_Int32) UA_TYPE_PROTOTYPES(UA_UInt32) UA_TYPE_PROTOTYPES(UA_Int64) UA_TYPE_PROTOTYPES(UA_UInt64) UA_TYPE_PROTOTYPES(UA_Float) UA_TYPE_PROTOTYPES(UA_Double) UA_TYPE_PROTOTYPES(UA_String) UA_TYPE_PROTOTYPES(UA_DateTime) UA_TYPE_PROTOTYPES(UA_Guid) UA_TYPE_PROTOTYPES(UA_ByteString) UA_TYPE_PROTOTYPES(UA_XmlElement) UA_TYPE_PROTOTYPES(UA_NodeId) UA_TYPE_PROTOTYPES(UA_ExpandedNodeId) UA_TYPE_PROTOTYPES(UA_StatusCode) UA_TYPE_PROTOTYPES(UA_QualifiedName) UA_TYPE_PROTOTYPES(UA_LocalizedText) UA_TYPE_PROTOTYPES(UA_ExtensionObject) UA_TYPE_PROTOTYPES(UA_DataValue) UA_TYPE_PROTOTYPES(UA_Variant) UA_TYPE_PROTOTYPES(UA_DiagnosticInfo) UA_TYPE_PROTOTYPES(UA_InvalidType) /* String */ #define UA_STRING_NULL (UA_String){-1, UA_NULL} #define UA_STRING_STATIC(STRING) (UA_String){sizeof(STRING)-1, (UA_Byte*)STRING} UA_Int32 UA_String_copycstring(char const *src, UA_String *dst); UA_Int32 UA_String_copyprintf(char const *fmt, UA_String *dst, ...); UA_Int32 UA_String_equal(const UA_String *string1, const UA_String *string2); #ifdef DEBUG void UA_String_printf(char const *label, const UA_String *string); void UA_String_printx(char const *label, const UA_String *string); void UA_String_printx_hex(char const *label, const UA_String *string); #endif /* DateTime */ UA_DateTime UA_DateTime_now(); typedef struct UA_DateTimeStruct { UA_Int16 nanoSec; UA_Int16 microSec; UA_Int16 milliSec; UA_Int16 sec; UA_Int16 min; UA_Int16 hour; UA_Int16 day; UA_Int16 mounth; UA_Int16 year; } UA_DateTimeStruct; UA_DateTimeStruct UA_DateTime_toStruct(UA_DateTime time); UA_Int32 UA_DateTime_toString(UA_DateTime time, UA_String *timeString); /* Guid */ UA_Int32 UA_Guid_equal(const UA_Guid *g1, const UA_Guid *g2); /* ByteString */ UA_Int32 UA_ByteString_equal(const UA_ByteString *string1, const UA_ByteString *string2); UA_Int32 UA_ByteString_newMembers(UA_ByteString *p, UA_Int32 length); #ifdef DEBUG void UA_ByteString_printf(char *label, const UA_ByteString *string); void UA_ByteString_printx(char *label, const UA_ByteString *string); void UA_ByteString_printx_hex(char *label, const UA_ByteString *string); #endif /* NodeId */ UA_Int32 UA_NodeId_equal(const UA_NodeId *n1, const UA_NodeId *n2); #ifdef DEBUG void UA_NodeId_printf(char *label, const UA_NodeId *node); #endif UA_Boolean UA_NodeId_isNull(const UA_NodeId *p); UA_Boolean UA_NodeId_isBasicType(UA_NodeId const *id); /* ExpandedNodeId */ UA_Boolean UA_ExpandedNodeId_isNull(const UA_ExpandedNodeId *p); /* QualifiedName */ #define UA_QUALIFIEDNAME_STATIC(STRING) \ (UA_QualifiedName){0, {sizeof(STRING)-1, (UA_Byte*)STRING}} #ifdef DEBUG void UA_QualifiedName_printf(char const *label, const UA_QualifiedName *qn); #endif /* LocalizedText */ #define UA_LOCALIZEDTEXT_STATIC(STRING) (UA_LocalizedText){{2, (UA_Byte*)"en"}, UA_STRING_STATIC(STRING)} UA_Int32 UA_LocalizedText_copycstring(char const *src, UA_LocalizedText *dst); /* Variant */ UA_Int32 UA_Variant_copySetValue(UA_Variant *v, UA_VTable_Entry *vt, const void *value); UA_Int32 UA_Variant_copySetArray(UA_Variant *v, UA_VTable_Entry *vt, UA_Int32 arrayLength, const void *array); /** @brief Functions UA_Variant_borrowSetValue and ..Array allow to define variants whose payload will not be deleted. This is achieved by a second vtable. The functionality can be used e.g. when UA_VariableNodes point into a "father" structured object that is stored in an UA_VariableNode itself. */ UA_Int32 UA_Variant_borrowSetValue(UA_Variant *v, UA_VTable_Entry *vt, const void *value); UA_Int32 UA_Variant_borrowSetArray(UA_Variant *v, UA_VTable_Entry *vt, UA_Int32 arrayLength, const void *array); /* Array operations */ UA_Int32 UA_Array_new(void **p, UA_Int32 noElements, UA_VTable_Entry *vt); UA_Int32 UA_Array_init(void *p, UA_Int32 noElements, UA_VTable_Entry *vt); UA_Int32 UA_Array_delete(void *p, UA_Int32 noElements, UA_VTable_Entry *vt); /* @brief The destination array is allocated according to noElements. */ UA_Int32 UA_Array_copy(const void *src, UA_Int32 noElements, UA_VTable_Entry *vt, void **dst); #ifdef DEBUG void UA_Array_print(const void *p, UA_Int32 noElements, UA_VTable_Entry *vt, FILE *stream); #endif /**********/ /* VTable */ /**********/ /* @brief Returns the size of the encoded element.*/ typedef UA_Int32 (*UA_calcSize)(const void *p); /* @brief The encoding function allocates the target bytestring. */ typedef UA_Int32 (*UA_encode)(const void *src, UA_ByteString *dst, UA_UInt32 *offset); /* @brief The decoding function decodes a ByteString into an UA datatype. */ typedef UA_Int32 (*UA_decode)(const UA_ByteString *src, UA_UInt32 *offset, void *dst); typedef struct UA_Encoding { UA_calcSize calcSize; UA_encode encode; UA_decode decode; } UA_Encoding; #define UA_ENCODING_BINARY 0 #define UA_ENCODING_XML 1 struct UA_VTable_Entry { UA_NodeId typeId; UA_Byte *name; UA_Int32 (*new)(void **p); UA_Int32 (*init)(void *p); UA_Int32 (*copy)(void const *src, void *dst); UA_Int32 (*delete)(void *p); UA_Int32 (*deleteMembers)(void *p); #ifdef DEBUG void (*print)(const void *p, FILE *stream); #endif UA_UInt32 memSize; // size of the struct only in memory (no dynamic components) UA_Boolean dynMembers; // does the type contain members that are dynamically // allocated (strings, ..)? Otherwise, the size on // the wire == size in memory. UA_Encoding encodings[2]; // binary, xml, ... }; typedef UA_Int32 (*UA_nodeIdToVTableIndex)(const UA_NodeId *id); typedef struct UA_VTable { UA_nodeIdToVTableIndex getTypeIndex; UA_VTable_Entry *types; } UA_VTable; /***********************************/ /* Macros for type implementations */ /***********************************/ #define UA_TYPE_DEFAULT(TYPE) \ UA_TYPE_DELETE_DEFAULT(TYPE) \ UA_TYPE_DELETEMEMBERS_NOACTION(TYPE) \ UA_TYPE_INIT_DEFAULT(TYPE) \ UA_TYPE_NEW_DEFAULT(TYPE) \ UA_TYPE_COPY_DEFAULT(TYPE) \ #define UA_TYPE_NEW_DEFAULT(TYPE) \ UA_Int32 TYPE##_new(TYPE **p) { \ UA_Int32 retval = UA_SUCCESS; \ retval |= UA_alloc((void **)p, sizeof(TYPE)); \ retval |= TYPE##_init(*p); \ return retval; \ } #define UA_TYPE_INIT_DEFAULT(TYPE) \ UA_Int32 TYPE##_init(TYPE * p) { \ if(p == UA_NULL) return UA_ERROR; \ *p = (TYPE)0; \ return UA_SUCCESS; \ } #define UA_TYPE_INIT_AS(TYPE, TYPE_AS) \ UA_Int32 TYPE##_init(TYPE * p) { \ return TYPE_AS##_init((TYPE_AS *)p); \ } #define UA_TYPE_DELETE_DEFAULT(TYPE) \ UA_Int32 TYPE##_delete(TYPE *p) { \ UA_Int32 retval = UA_SUCCESS; \ retval |= TYPE##_deleteMembers(p); \ retval |= UA_free(p); \ return retval; \ } #define UA_TYPE_DELETE_AS(TYPE, TYPE_AS) \ UA_Int32 TYPE##_delete(TYPE * p) { return TYPE_AS##_delete((TYPE_AS *)p); } #define UA_TYPE_DELETEMEMBERS_NOACTION(TYPE) \ UA_Int32 TYPE##_deleteMembers(TYPE * p) { return UA_SUCCESS; } #define UA_TYPE_DELETEMEMBERS_AS(TYPE, TYPE_AS) \ UA_Int32 TYPE##_deleteMembers(TYPE * p) { return TYPE_AS##_deleteMembers((TYPE_AS *)p); } /* Use only when the type has no arrays. Otherwise, implement deep copy */ #define UA_TYPE_COPY_DEFAULT(TYPE) \ UA_Int32 TYPE##_copy(TYPE const *src, TYPE *dst) { \ if(src == UA_NULL || dst == UA_NULL) return UA_ERROR; \ UA_Int32 retval = UA_SUCCESS; \ retval |= UA_memcpy(dst, src, sizeof(TYPE)); \ return retval; \ } #define UA_TYPE_COPY_AS(TYPE, TYPE_AS) \ UA_Int32 TYPE##_copy(TYPE const *src, TYPE *dst) { \ return TYPE_AS##_copy((TYPE_AS *)src, (TYPE_AS *)dst); \ } #define UA_TYPE_PRINT_AS(TYPE, TYPE_AS) \ void TYPE##_print(TYPE const *p, FILE *stream) { \ TYPE_AS##_print((TYPE_AS *)p, stream); \ } \ #ifdef DEBUG //print functions only in debug mode #define UA_TYPE_AS(TYPE, TYPE_AS) \ UA_TYPE_NEW_DEFAULT(TYPE) \ UA_TYPE_INIT_AS(TYPE, TYPE_AS) \ UA_TYPE_DELETE_AS(TYPE, TYPE_AS) \ UA_TYPE_DELETEMEMBERS_AS(TYPE, TYPE_AS) \ UA_TYPE_COPY_AS(TYPE, TYPE_AS) \ UA_TYPE_PRINT_AS(TYPE, TYPE_AS) #else #define UA_TYPE_AS(TYPE, TYPE_AS) \ UA_TYPE_NEW_DEFAULT(TYPE) \ UA_TYPE_INIT_AS(TYPE, TYPE_AS) \ UA_TYPE_DELETE_AS(TYPE, TYPE_AS) \ UA_TYPE_DELETEMEMBERS_AS(TYPE, TYPE_AS) \ UA_TYPE_COPY_AS(TYPE, TYPE_AS) #endif /// @} /* end of group */ #endif /* UA_TYPES_H_ */