/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500 #include #include #include "ua_types.h" #include "ua_server.h" #include "ua_types_generated.h" #include "ua_types_generated_handling.h" #include "ua_types_encoding_binary.h" #include "ua_util.h" #include "check.h" // Define types to a dummy value if they are not available (e.g. not built with NS0 full) #ifndef UA_TYPES_UNION #define UA_TYPES_UNION UA_TYPES_COUNT #endif #ifndef UA_TYPES_HISTORYREADDETAILS #define UA_TYPES_HISTORYREADDETAILS UA_TYPES_COUNT #endif #ifndef UA_TYPES_NOTIFICATIONDATA #define UA_TYPES_NOTIFICATIONDATA UA_TYPES_COUNT #endif #ifndef UA_TYPES_MONITORINGFILTERRESULT #define UA_TYPES_MONITORINGFILTERRESULT UA_TYPES_COUNT #endif START_TEST(newAndEmptyObjectShallBeDeleted) { // given void *obj = UA_new(&UA_TYPES[_i]); // then ck_assert_ptr_ne(obj, NULL); // finally UA_delete(obj, &UA_TYPES[_i]); } END_TEST START_TEST(arrayCopyShallMakeADeepCopy) { // given UA_String a1[3]; a1[0] = (UA_String){1, (UA_Byte*)"a"}; a1[1] = (UA_String){2, (UA_Byte*)"bb"}; a1[2] = (UA_String){3, (UA_Byte*)"ccc"}; // when UA_String *a2; UA_Int32 retval = UA_Array_copy((const void *)a1, 3, (void **)&a2, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_STRING]); // then ck_assert_int_eq(retval, UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD); ck_assert_int_eq(a1[0].length, 1); ck_assert_int_eq(a1[1].length, 2); ck_assert_int_eq(a1[2].length, 3); ck_assert_int_eq(a1[0].length, a2[0].length); ck_assert_int_eq(a1[1].length, a2[1].length); ck_assert_int_eq(a1[2].length, a2[2].length); ck_assert_ptr_ne(a1[0].data, a2[0].data); ck_assert_ptr_ne(a1[1].data, a2[1].data); ck_assert_ptr_ne(a1[2].data, a2[2].data); ck_assert_int_eq(a1[0].data[0], a2[0].data[0]); ck_assert_int_eq(a1[1].data[0], a2[1].data[0]); ck_assert_int_eq(a1[2].data[0], a2[2].data[0]); // finally UA_Array_delete((void *)a2, 3, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_STRING]); } END_TEST START_TEST(encodeShallYieldDecode) { /* floating point types may change the representaton due to several possible NaN values. */ if(_i != UA_TYPES_FLOAT || _i != UA_TYPES_DOUBLE || _i != UA_TYPES_CREATESESSIONREQUEST || _i != UA_TYPES_CREATESESSIONRESPONSE || _i != UA_TYPES_VARIABLEATTRIBUTES || _i != UA_TYPES_READREQUEST || _i != UA_TYPES_MONITORINGPARAMETERS || _i != UA_TYPES_MONITOREDITEMCREATERESULT || _i != UA_TYPES_CREATESUBSCRIPTIONREQUEST || _i != UA_TYPES_CREATESUBSCRIPTIONRESPONSE) return; // given UA_ByteString msg1, msg2; void *obj1 = UA_new(&UA_TYPES[_i]); UA_StatusCode retval = UA_ByteString_allocBuffer(&msg1, 65000); // fixed buf size ck_assert_int_eq(retval, UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD); UA_Byte *pos = msg1.data; const UA_Byte *end = &msg1.data[msg1.length]; retval = UA_encodeBinary(obj1, &UA_TYPES[_i], &pos, &end, NULL, NULL); if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD) { UA_delete(obj1, &UA_TYPES[_i]); UA_ByteString_deleteMembers(&msg1); return; } // when void *obj2 = UA_new(&UA_TYPES[_i]); size_t offset = 0; retval = UA_decodeBinary(&msg1, &offset, obj2, &UA_TYPES[_i], 0, NULL); ck_assert_msg(retval == UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD, "could not decode idx=%d,nodeid=%i", _i, UA_TYPES[_i].typeId.identifier.numeric); ck_assert(!memcmp(obj1, obj2, UA_TYPES[_i].memSize)); // bit identical decoding retval = UA_ByteString_allocBuffer(&msg2, 65000); ck_assert_int_eq(retval, UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD); pos = msg2.data; end = &msg2.data[msg2.length]; retval = UA_encodeBinary(obj2, &UA_TYPES[_i], &pos, &end, NULL, NULL); ck_assert_int_eq(retval, UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD); // then msg1.length = offset; msg2.length = offset; ck_assert_msg(UA_ByteString_equal(&msg1, &msg2) == true, "messages differ idx=%d,nodeid=%i", _i, UA_TYPES[_i].typeId.identifier.numeric); // finally UA_delete(obj1, &UA_TYPES[_i]); UA_delete(obj2, &UA_TYPES[_i]); UA_ByteString_deleteMembers(&msg1); UA_ByteString_deleteMembers(&msg2); } END_TEST START_TEST(decodeShallFailWithTruncatedBufferButSurvive) { //Skip test for void* if (_i == UA_TYPES_DISCOVERYCONFIGURATION || _i == UA_TYPES_FILTEROPERAND || _i == UA_TYPES_MONITORINGFILTER || _i == UA_TYPES_UNION || _i == UA_TYPES_HISTORYREADDETAILS || _i == UA_TYPES_NOTIFICATIONDATA || _i == UA_TYPES_MONITORINGFILTERRESULT) return; // given UA_ByteString msg1; void *obj1 = UA_new(&UA_TYPES[_i]); UA_StatusCode retval = UA_ByteString_allocBuffer(&msg1, 65000); // fixed buf size UA_Byte *pos = msg1.data; const UA_Byte *end = &msg1.data[msg1.length]; retval |= UA_encodeBinary(obj1, &UA_TYPES[_i], &pos, &end, NULL, NULL); UA_delete(obj1, &UA_TYPES[_i]); if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD) { UA_ByteString_deleteMembers(&msg1); return; // e.g. variants cannot be encoded after an init without failing (no datatype set) } size_t half = (uintptr_t)(pos - msg1.data) / 2; msg1.length = half; // when void *obj2 = UA_new(&UA_TYPES[_i]); size_t offset = 0; retval = UA_decodeBinary(&msg1, &offset, obj2, &UA_TYPES[_i], 0, NULL); ck_assert_int_ne(retval, UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD); UA_delete(obj2, &UA_TYPES[_i]); UA_ByteString_deleteMembers(&msg1); } END_TEST #define RANDOM_TESTS 1000 START_TEST(decodeScalarBasicTypeFromRandomBufferShallSucceed) { // given void *obj1 = NULL; UA_ByteString msg1; UA_Int32 retval = UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; UA_Int32 buflen = 256; retval = UA_ByteString_allocBuffer(&msg1, buflen); // fixed size #ifdef _WIN32 srand(42); #else srandom(42); #endif for(int n = 0;n < RANDOM_TESTS;n++) { for(UA_Int32 i = 0;i < buflen;i++) { #ifdef _WIN32 UA_UInt32 rnd; rnd = rand(); msg1.data[i] = rnd; #else msg1.data[i] = (UA_Byte)random(); // when #endif } size_t pos = 0; obj1 = UA_new(&UA_TYPES[_i]); retval |= UA_decodeBinary(&msg1, &pos, obj1, &UA_TYPES[_i], 0, NULL); //then ck_assert_msg(retval == UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD, "Decoding %d from random buffer", UA_TYPES[_i].typeId.identifier.numeric); // finally UA_delete(obj1, &UA_TYPES[_i]); } UA_ByteString_deleteMembers(&msg1); } END_TEST START_TEST(decodeComplexTypeFromRandomBufferShallSurvive) { // given UA_ByteString msg1; UA_Int32 retval = UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; UA_Int32 buflen = 256; retval = UA_ByteString_allocBuffer(&msg1, buflen); // fixed size #ifdef _WIN32 srand(42); #else srandom(42); #endif // when for(int n = 0;n < RANDOM_TESTS;n++) { for(UA_Int32 i = 0;i < buflen;i++) { #ifdef _WIN32 UA_UInt32 rnd; rnd = rand(); msg1.data[i] = rnd; #else msg1.data[i] = (UA_Byte)random(); // when #endif } size_t pos = 0; void *obj1 = UA_new(&UA_TYPES[_i]); retval |= UA_decodeBinary(&msg1, &pos, obj1, &UA_TYPES[_i], 0, NULL); UA_delete(obj1, &UA_TYPES[_i]); } // finally UA_ByteString_deleteMembers(&msg1); } END_TEST START_TEST(calcSizeBinaryShallBeCorrect) { /* Empty variants (with no type defined) cannot be encoded. This is intentional. Discovery configuration is just a base class and void * */ if(_i == UA_TYPES_VARIANT || _i == UA_TYPES_VARIABLEATTRIBUTES || _i == UA_TYPES_VARIABLETYPEATTRIBUTES || _i == UA_TYPES_FILTEROPERAND || _i == UA_TYPES_MONITORINGFILTER || _i == UA_TYPES_DISCOVERYCONFIGURATION || _i == UA_TYPES_UNION || _i == UA_TYPES_HISTORYREADDETAILS || _i == UA_TYPES_NOTIFICATIONDATA || _i == UA_TYPES_MONITORINGFILTERRESULT) return; void *obj = UA_new(&UA_TYPES[_i]); size_t predicted_size = UA_calcSizeBinary(obj, &UA_TYPES[_i]); ck_assert_int_ne(predicted_size, 0); UA_ByteString msg; UA_StatusCode retval = UA_ByteString_allocBuffer(&msg, predicted_size); ck_assert_int_eq(retval, UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD); UA_Byte *pos = msg.data; const UA_Byte *end = &msg.data[msg.length]; retval = UA_encodeBinary(obj, &UA_TYPES[_i], &pos, &end, NULL, NULL); if(retval) printf("%i\n",_i); ck_assert_int_eq(retval, UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD); ck_assert_int_eq((uintptr_t)(pos - msg.data), predicted_size); UA_delete(obj, &UA_TYPES[_i]); UA_ByteString_deleteMembers(&msg); } END_TEST int main(void) { int number_failed = 0; SRunner *sr; Suite *s = suite_create("testMemoryHandling"); TCase *tc = tcase_create("Empty Objects"); tcase_add_loop_test(tc, newAndEmptyObjectShallBeDeleted, UA_TYPES_BOOLEAN, UA_TYPES_COUNT - 1); tcase_add_test(tc, arrayCopyShallMakeADeepCopy); tcase_add_loop_test(tc, encodeShallYieldDecode, UA_TYPES_BOOLEAN, UA_TYPES_COUNT - 1); suite_add_tcase(s, tc); tc = tcase_create("Truncated Buffers"); tcase_add_loop_test(tc, decodeShallFailWithTruncatedBufferButSurvive, UA_TYPES_BOOLEAN, UA_TYPES_COUNT - 1); suite_add_tcase(s, tc); tc = tcase_create("Fuzzing with Random Buffers"); tcase_add_loop_test(tc, decodeScalarBasicTypeFromRandomBufferShallSucceed, UA_TYPES_BOOLEAN, UA_TYPES_DOUBLE); tcase_add_loop_test(tc, decodeComplexTypeFromRandomBufferShallSurvive, UA_TYPES_NODEID, UA_TYPES_COUNT - 1); suite_add_tcase(s, tc); tc = tcase_create("Test calcSizeBinary"); tcase_add_loop_test(tc, calcSizeBinaryShallBeCorrect, UA_TYPES_BOOLEAN, UA_TYPES_COUNT - 1); suite_add_tcase(s, tc); sr = srunner_create(s); srunner_set_fork_status(sr, CK_NOFORK); srunner_run_all (sr, CK_NORMAL); number_failed += srunner_ntests_failed(sr); srunner_free(sr); return (number_failed == 0) ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE; }