#include "ua_services.h" #include "ua_statuscodes.h" #include "ua_namespace.h" #include "ua_services_internal.h" #include "ua_session.h" #define CHECKED_ACTION(ACTION, CLEAN_UP, GOTO) do { \ status |= ACTION; \ if(status != UA_SUCCESS) { \ CLEAN_UP; \ goto GOTO; \ } } while(0) \ static UA_AddNodesResult addSingleNode(UA_Application *app, UA_AddNodesItem *item) { UA_AddNodesResult result; UA_AddNodesResult_init(&result); Namespace *parent_ns = UA_indexedList_findValue(app->namespaces, item->parentNodeId.nodeId.namespaceIndex); // TODO: search for namespaceUris and not only ns-ids. if(parent_ns == UA_NULL) { result.statusCode = UA_STATUSCODE_BADPARENTNODEIDINVALID; return result; } Namespace *ns = UA_NULL; UA_Boolean nodeid_isnull = UA_NodeId_isNull(&item->requestedNewNodeId.nodeId); if(nodeid_isnull) ns = parent_ns; else ns = UA_indexedList_findValue(app->namespaces, item->requestedNewNodeId.nodeId.namespaceIndex); if(ns == UA_NULL || item->requestedNewNodeId.nodeId.namespaceIndex == 0) { result.statusCode = UA_STATUSCODE_BADNODEIDREJECTED; return result; } UA_Int32 status = UA_SUCCESS; const UA_Node *parent; CHECKED_ACTION(Namespace_get(parent_ns, &item->parentNodeId.nodeId, &parent), result.statusCode = UA_STATUSCODE_BADPARENTNODEIDINVALID, ret); /* if(!nodeid_isnull && Namespace_contains(ns, &item->requestedNewNodeId.nodeId)) { */ /* result.statusCode = UA_STATUSCODE_BADNODEIDEXISTS; */ /* goto ret; */ /* } */ /** TODO: 1) Check for the remaining conditions Bad_ReferenceTypeIdInvalid See Table 166 for the description of this result code. Bad_ReferenceNotAllowed The reference could not be created because it violates constraints imposed by the data model. Bad_NodeClassInvalid See Table 166 for the description of this result code. Bad_BrowseNameInvalid See Table 166 for the description of this result code. Bad_BrowseNameDuplicated The browse name is not unique among nodes that share the same relationship with the parent. Bad_NodeAttributesInvalid The node Attributes are not valid for the node class. Bad_TypeDefinitionInvalid See Table 166 for the description of this result code. Bad_UserAccessDenied See Table 165 for the description of this result code 2) Parse the UA_Node from the ExtensionObject 3) Create a new entry in the namespace 4) Add the reference to the parent. */ ret: Namespace_releaseManagedNode(parent); return result; } UA_Int32 Service_AddNodes(UA_Session *session, const UA_AddNodesRequest *request, UA_AddNodesResponse *response) { UA_Application *application; if(session == UA_NULL) return UA_ERROR; // TODO: Return error message UA_Session_getApplicationPointer(session,&application); if(application == UA_NULL) return UA_ERROR; UA_Int32 nodestoaddsize = request->nodesToAddSize; if(nodestoaddsize <= 0) { response->responseHeader.serviceResult = UA_STATUSCODE_BADNOTHINGTODO; response->resultsSize = 0; return UA_SUCCESS; } response->resultsSize = nodestoaddsize; UA_alloc((void **)&response->results, sizeof(void *) * nodestoaddsize); for(int i = 0; i < nodestoaddsize; i++) { DBG_VERBOSE(UA_QualifiedName_printf("service_addnodes - name=", &(request->nodesToAdd[i].browseName))); response->results[i] = addSingleNode(application, &request->nodesToAdd[i]); } response->responseHeader.serviceResult = UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; response->diagnosticInfosSize = -1; return UA_SUCCESS; } static UA_Int32 AddSingleReference(UA_Node *node, UA_ReferenceNode *reference) { // TODO: Check if reference already exists UA_Int32 retval; UA_Int32 count = node->referencesSize; UA_ReferenceNode *old_refs = node->references; UA_ReferenceNode *new_refs; if(count < 0) count = 0; retval = UA_alloc((void **)&new_refs, sizeof(UA_ReferenceNode)*(count+1)); if(retval != UA_SUCCESS) return UA_ERROR; UA_memcpy(new_refs, old_refs, sizeof(UA_ReferenceNode)*count); retval |= UA_ReferenceNode_copy(reference, &new_refs[count]); if(retval != UA_SUCCESS) { UA_free(new_refs); return retval; } node->references = new_refs; node->referencesSize = count+1; UA_free(old_refs); return retval; } UA_Int32 AddReference(UA_Node *node, UA_ReferenceNode *reference, Namespace *targetns) { UA_Int32 retval = AddSingleReference(node, reference); UA_Node *targetnode; UA_ReferenceNode inversereference; if(retval != UA_SUCCESS || targetns == UA_NULL) return retval; // Do a copy every time? if(Namespace_get(targetns, &reference->targetId.nodeId, (const UA_Node**)&targetnode) != UA_SUCCESS) return UA_ERROR; inversereference.referenceTypeId = reference->referenceTypeId; inversereference.isInverse = !reference->isInverse; inversereference.targetId.nodeId = node->nodeId; inversereference.targetId.namespaceUri = UA_STRING_NULL; inversereference.targetId.serverIndex = 0; retval = AddSingleReference(targetnode, &inversereference); Namespace_releaseManagedNode(targetnode); return retval; } UA_Int32 Service_AddReferences(UA_Session *session, const UA_AddReferencesRequest *request, UA_AddReferencesResponse *response) { return UA_ERROR; }