.. _installing: Installing open62541 ==================== Manual installation ------------------- You can install open62541 using the well known `make install` command. This allows you to use pre-built libraries and headers for your own project. To override the default installation directory use ``cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/some/path``. Based on the SDK Features you selected, as described in :ref:`build_options`, these features will also be included in the installation. Thus we recommend to enable as many non-experimental features as possible for the installed binary. The recommended cmake options for a default installation are: .. code-block:: bash git submodule update --init --recursive mkdir build && cd build cmake -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DUA_NAMESPACE_ZERO=FULL .. make sudo make install This will enable the following features in 0.4: * Discovery * FullNamespace * Methods * Subscriptions The following features are not enabled and can be optionally enabled using the build options as described in :ref:`build_options`: * Amalgamation * DiscoveryMulticast * Encryption * Multithreading * Subscriptions .. important:: We strongly recommend to not use ``UA_ENABLE_AMALGAMATION=ON`` for your installation. This will only generate a single ``open62541.h`` header file instead of the single header files. We encourage our users to use the non-amalgamated version to reduce the header size and simplify dependency management. In your own CMake project you can then include the open62541 library using: .. code-block:: cmake # optionally you can also specify a specific version # e.g. find_package(open62541 1.0.0) find_package(open62541 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Events FullNamespace) add_executable(main main.cpp) target_link_libraries(main open62541::open62541) A full list of enabled features during build time is stored in the CMake Variable ``open62541_COMPONENTS_ALL`` Prebuilt packages ----------------- Prebuild binaries ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can always find prebuild binaries for every release on our `Github Release Page `_. Nightly single file releases for Linux and Windows of the last 50 commits can be found here: https://open62541.org/releases/ OS Specific packages ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Debian packages can be found in our official PPA: * Daily Builds (based on master branch): https://launchpad.net/~open62541-team/+archive/ubuntu/daily * Release Builds (starting with Version 0.4): https://launchpad.net/~open62541-team/+archive/ubuntu/ppa