#include "networklayer.h" #include "ua_transport_connection.h" #ifdef WIN32 #include #include #include #define CLOSESOCKET(S) closesocket(S) #define IOCTLSOCKET ioctlsocket #else #include #include #include #include // read, write, close #define CLOSESOCKET(S) close(S) #define IOCTLSOCKET ioctl #endif /* WIN32 */ #include // exit #include // errno, EINTR #include // memset #include // fcntl NL_Description NL_Description_TcpBinary = { NL_UA_ENCODING_BINARY, NL_CONNECTIONTYPE_TCPV4, NL_MAXCONNECTIONS_DEFAULT, {0,8192,8192,16384,1} }; /* If we do not have multitasking, we implement a dispatcher-Pattern. All Connections * are collected in a list. From this list a fd_set is prepared and select then waits * for activities. We then iterate over the list, check if we've got some activites * and call the corresponding callback (reader, listener). */ #ifndef MULTITASKING _Bool NL_ConnectionComparer(void *p1, void* p2) { NL_Connection* c1 = (NL_Connection*) p1; NL_Connection* c2 = (NL_Connection*) p2; return (c1->connectionHandle == c2->connectionHandle); } int NL_TCP_SetNonBlocking(int sock) { #ifdef WIN32 u_long iMode = 1; int opts = IOCTLSOCKET(sock, FIONBIO, &iMode); if (opts != NO_ERROR){ printf("ioctlsocket failed with error: %ld\n", opts); return - 1; } #else int opts = fcntl(sock,F_GETFL); if (opts < 0) { perror("fcntl(F_GETFL)"); return -1; } opts = (opts | O_NONBLOCK); if (fcntl(sock,F_SETFL,opts) < 0) { perror("fcntl(F_SETFL)"); return -1; } #endif return 0; } void NL_Connection_printf(void* payload) { NL_Connection* c = (NL_Connection*) payload; printf("ListElement connectionHandle = %d\n",c->connectionHandle); } void NL_addHandleToSet(UA_Int32 handle, NL_data* nl) { FD_SET(handle, &(nl->readerHandles)); #ifdef WIN32 // int err = WSAGetLastError(); #endif nl->maxReaderHandle = (handle > nl->maxReaderHandle) ? handle : nl->maxReaderHandle; } void NL_setFdSet(void* payload) { NL_Connection* c = (NL_Connection*) payload; NL_addHandleToSet(c->connectionHandle, c->networkLayer); } void NL_checkFdSet(void* payload) { NL_Connection* c = (NL_Connection*) payload; if (FD_ISSET(c->connectionHandle, &(c->networkLayer->readerHandles))) { c->reader((void*)c); } } #if 0 char _str_error[256]; char* strerror(int errno) { FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, errno, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), &_str_error[0], 256, NULL); return &_str_error[0]; } #endif UA_Int32 NL_msgLoop(NL_data* nl, struct timeval *tv, UA_Int32(*worker)(void*), void *arg, UA_Boolean *running) { UA_Int32 result; UA_Int32 err; while (*running) { // determine the largest handle nl->maxReaderHandle = 0; UA_list_iteratePayload(&(nl->connections),NL_setFdSet); DBG_VERBOSE(printf("\n------------\nUA_Stack_msgLoop - maxHandle=%d\n", nl->maxReaderHandle)); // copy tv, some unixes do overwrite and return the remaining time // FIXME: actually we might want to do this ourselves to call the // worker on a more regular cyclic basis struct timeval tmptv; memcpy(&tmptv,tv,sizeof(struct timeval)); // and wait DBG_VERBOSE(printf("UA_Stack_msgLoop - enter select sec=%d,usec=%d\n",(UA_Int32) tmptv.tv_sec, (UA_Int32) tmptv.tv_usec)); result = select(nl->maxReaderHandle + 1, &(nl->readerHandles), UA_NULL, UA_NULL, &tmptv); DBG_VERBOSE(printf("UA_Stack_msgLoop - leave select result=%d,sec=%d,usec=%d\n",result, (UA_Int32) tmptv.tv_sec, (UA_Int32) tmptv.tv_usec)); // handle timeout (winsock: result=0, unix: result=0,errno=0||EAGAIN) // and errors (winsock: result=SOCKET_ERROR (-1), unix: result = 0) if (result <= 0) { #ifdef WIN32 err = (result == SOCKET_ERROR) ? WSAGetLastError() : 0; #else err = errno; #endif switch (err) { // handle known errors #ifdef WIN32 case WSANOTINITIALISED: case WSAEFAULT: case WSAENETDOWN: case WSAEINVAL: case WSAEINTR: case WSAEINPROGRESS: case WSAENOTSOCK: #else case EBADF: case EINTR: case EINVAL: #endif // FIXME: handle errors printf("UA_Stack_msgLoop - result=%d, errno={%d,%s}\n", result, errno, strerror(errno)); break; // otherwise we've got a timeout and call the worker #ifndef WIN32 case EAGAIN: #endif default: DBG_VERBOSE(printf("UA_Stack_msgLoop - result=%d, errno={%d,%s}\n", result, errno, strerror(errno))); worker(arg); } } else { // activity on listener or client ports DBG_VERBOSE(printf("UA_Stack_msgLoop - activities on %d handles\n",result)); UA_list_iteratePayload(&(nl->connections),NL_checkFdSet); // FIXME: Thought it would be a conceptional flaw to call the worker // here. However, there is no guarantee that the timeout would be // triggered, so we call it in this branch as well. worker(arg); } } #ifdef WIN32 // finally we should clean up the winsock.dll WSACleanup(); #endif return UA_SUCCESS; } #endif /* MULTITASKING */ /** the tcp reader function */ void* NL_TCP_reader(NL_Connection *c) { UA_ByteString readBuffer; TL_Buffer localBuffers; UA_Int32 connectionState; UA_TL_Connection_getLocalConfig(c->connection, &localBuffers); UA_alloc((void**)&(readBuffer.data),localBuffers.recvBufferSize); UA_TL_Connection_getState(c->connection, &connectionState); if (connectionState != CONNECTIONSTATE_CLOSE) { DBG_VERBOSE(printf("NL_TCP_reader - enter read\n")); #ifdef WIN32 readBuffer.length = recv(c->connectionHandle, (char *)readBuffer.data, localBuffers.recvBufferSize, 0); #else readBuffer.length = read(c->connectionHandle, readBuffer.data, localBuffers.recvBufferSize); #endif DBG_VERBOSE(printf("NL_TCP_reader - leave read\n")); DBG_VERBOSE(printf("NL_TCP_reader - src={%*.s}, ",c->connection.remoteEndpointUrl.length,c->connection.remoteEndpointUrl.data)); DBG(UA_ByteString_printx("NL_TCP_reader - received=",&readBuffer)); if (errno != 0) { perror("NL_TCP_reader - ERROR reading from socket1"); UA_TL_Connection_setState(c->connection, CONNECTIONSTATE_CLOSE); } else if (readBuffer.length > 0) { #ifdef DEBUG #include "ua_transport_binary_secure.h" UA_UInt32 pos = 0; UA_OPCUATcpMessageHeader header; UA_OPCUATcpMessageHeader_decodeBinary(&readBuffer, &pos, &header); pos = 24; if(header.messageType == UA_MESSAGETYPE_MSG) { UA_NodeId serviceRequestType; UA_NodeId_decodeBinary(&readBuffer, &pos,&serviceRequestType); UA_NodeId_printf("NL_TCP_reader - Service Type\n",&serviceRequestType); } #endif TL_Process((c->connection),&readBuffer); } else { perror("NL_TCP_reader - ERROR reading from socket"); UA_TL_Connection_setState(c->connection, CONNECTIONSTATE_CLOSE); } } UA_TL_Connection_getState(c->connection, &connectionState); DBG_VERBOSE(printf("NL_TCP_reader - connectionState=%d\n",connectionState)); if (connectionState == CONNECTIONSTATE_CLOSE) { // set connection's state to CONNECTIONSTATE_CLOSED and call callback to actually close UA_TL_Connection_close(c->connection); #ifndef MULTITHREADING DBG_VERBOSE(printf("NL_TCP_reader - search element to remove\n")); UA_list_Element* lec = UA_list_search(&(c->networkLayer->connections),NL_ConnectionComparer,c); DBG_VERBOSE(printf("NL_TCP_reader - remove connection for handle=%d\n",((NL_Connection*)lec->payload)->connection.connectionHandle)); UA_list_removeElement(lec,UA_NULL); DBG_VERBOSE(UA_list_iteratePayload(&(c->networkLayer->connections),NL_Connection_printf)); UA_free(c); #endif } UA_ByteString_deleteMembers(&readBuffer); return UA_NULL; } #ifdef MULTITHREADING /** the tcp reader thread */ void* NL_TCP_readerThread(NL_Connection *c) { // just loop, NL_TCP_Reader will call the stack UA_Int32 connectionState; do { NL_TCP_reader(c); UA_TL_Connection_getState(c->connection, &connectionState); } while (connectionState != CONNECTIONSTATE_CLOSED); // clean up UA_free(c); pthread_exit(UA_NULL); } #endif /** write message provided in the gather buffers to a tcp transport layer connection */ UA_Int32 NL_TCP_writer(UA_Int32 connectionHandle, UA_ByteString const * const * gather_buf, UA_UInt32 gather_len) { UA_UInt32 total_len = 0; #ifdef WIN32 WSABUF *buf = malloc(gather_len * sizeof(WSABUF)); int result = 0; for (UA_UInt32 i = 0; idata; buf[i].len = gather_buf[i]->length; total_len += gather_buf[i]->length; // DBG(printf("NL_TCP_writer - gather_buf[%i]",i)); // DBG(UA_ByteString_printx("=", gather_buf[i])); } #else struct iovec iov[gather_len]; for(UA_UInt32 i=0;idata; iov[i].iov_len = gather_buf[i]->length; total_len += gather_buf[i]->length; // DBG(printf("NL_TCP_writer - gather_buf[%i]",i)); // DBG(UA_ByteString_printx("=", gather_buf[i])); } struct msghdr message; message.msg_name = UA_NULL; message.msg_namelen = 0; message.msg_iov = iov; message.msg_iovlen = gather_len; message.msg_control = UA_NULL; message.msg_controllen = 0; message.msg_flags = 0; #endif UA_UInt32 nWritten = 0; #ifdef WIN32 while (nWritten < total_len) { UA_UInt32 n=0; do { DBG_VERBOSE(printf("NL_TCP_writer - enter write with %d bytes to write\n",total_len)); //result = WSASendMsg(connectionHandle,&message,0,&n,UA_NULL,UA_NULL); result = WSASend(connectionHandle, buf, gather_len , (LPDWORD)&n, 0, NULL, NULL); if(result != 0) printf("NL_TCP_Writer - Error WSASend, code: %d \n", WSAGetLastError()); DBG_VERBOSE(printf("NL_TCP_writer - leave write with n=%d,errno={%d,%s}\n",n,(n>0)?0:errno,(n>0)?"":strerror(errno))); } while (errno == EINTR); nWritten += n; #else while (nWritten < total_len) { UA_Int32 n=0; do { DBG_VERBOSE(printf("NL_TCP_writer - enter write with %d bytes to write\n",total_len)); n = sendmsg(connectionHandle, &message, 0); DBG_VERBOSE(printf("NL_TCP_writer - leave write with n=%d,errno={%d,%s}\n",n,(n>0)?0:errno,(n>0)?"":strerror(errno))); } while (n == -1L && errno == EINTR); if (n >= 0) { nWritten += n; break; // TODO: handle incompletely send messages } else { // TODO: error handling break; } #endif } #ifdef WIN32 free(buf); #endif return UA_SUCCESS; } //callback function which is called when the UA_TL_Connection_close() function is initiated UA_Int32 NL_Connection_close(UA_TL_Connection *connection) { NL_Connection *networkLayerData = UA_NULL; UA_TL_Connection_getNetworkLayerData(connection, (void**)&networkLayerData); if(networkLayerData != UA_NULL){ DBG_VERBOSE(printf("NL_Connection_close - enter shutdown\n")); shutdown(networkLayerData->connectionHandle,2); DBG_VERBOSE(printf("NL_Connection_close - enter close\n")); CLOSESOCKET(networkLayerData->connectionHandle); FD_CLR(networkLayerData->connectionHandle, &networkLayerData->networkLayer->readerHandles); DBG_VERBOSE(printf("NL_Connection_close - leave close\n")); return UA_SUCCESS; } DBG_VERBOSE(printf("NL_Connection_close - ERROR: connection object invalid \n")); return UA_ERROR; } void* NL_Connection_init(NL_Connection* c, NL_data* tld, UA_Int32 connectionHandle, NL_Reader reader, TL_Writer writer) { UA_TL_Connection *connection = UA_NULL; //create new connection object UA_TL_Connection_new(&connection, tld->tld->localConf, writer, NL_Connection_close,connectionHandle,c); c->connection = connection; c->connectionHandle = connectionHandle; // network layer c->reader = reader; #ifdef MULTITHREADING c->readerThreadHandle = -1; #endif c->networkLayer = tld; return UA_NULL; } /** the tcp accept routine */ void* NL_TCP_accept(NL_Connection* c) { NL_data* tld = c->networkLayer; if (tld->tld->maxConnections == -1 || tld->connections.size < tld->tld->maxConnections) { // accept only if not max number of connections exceeded struct sockaddr_in cli_addr; socklen_t cli_len = sizeof(cli_addr); DBG_VERBOSE(printf("NL_TCP_listen - enter accept\n")); int newsockfd = accept(c->connectionHandle, (struct sockaddr *) &cli_addr, &cli_len); DBG_VERBOSE(printf("NL_TCP_listen - leave accept\n")); if (newsockfd < 0) { DBG_ERR(printf("TL_TCP_listen - accept returns errno={%d,%s}\n",errno,strerror(errno))); perror("ERROR on accept"); } else { DBG_VERBOSE(printf("NL_TCP_listen - new connection on %d\n",newsockfd)); NL_Connection* cclient; UA_Int32 retval = UA_SUCCESS; retval |= UA_alloc((void**)&cclient,sizeof(NL_Connection)); NL_Connection_init(cclient, tld, newsockfd, NL_TCP_reader, (TL_Writer) NL_TCP_writer); #ifdef MULTITHREADING pthread_create( &(cclient->readerThreadHandle), NULL, (void*(*)(void*)) NL_TCP_readerThread, (void*) cclient); #else UA_list_addPayloadToBack(&(tld->connections),cclient); NL_TCP_SetNonBlocking(cclient->connectionHandle); #endif } } else { // no action necessary to reject connection } return UA_NULL; } #ifdef MULTITHREADING void* NL_TCP_listenThread(NL_Connection* c) { NL_data* tld = c->networkLayer; DBG_VERBOSE(printf("NL_TCP_listenThread - enter listen\n")); int retval = listen(c->connectionHandle, tld->tld->maxConnections); DBG_VERBOSE(printf("NL_TCP_listenThread - leave listen, retval=%d\n", retval)); if (retval < 0) { // TODO: Error handling perror("NL_TCP_listen"); DBG_ERR(printf("NL_TCP_listen retval=%d, errno={%d,%s}\n", retval, errno, strerror(errno))); } else { do { NL_TCP_accept(c); } } while (UA_TRUE); UA_free(c); pthread_exit(UA_NULL); } #endif UA_Int32 NL_TCP_init(NL_data* tld, UA_Int32 port) { UA_Int32 retval = UA_SUCCESS; // socket variables #ifdef WIN32 unsigned int newsockfd; #else int newsockfd; #endif struct sockaddr_in serv_addr; // create socket for listening to incoming connections #ifdef WIN32 WORD wVersionRequested; WSADATA wsaData; /* Use the MAKEWORD(lowbyte, highbyte) macro declared in Windef.h */ wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD(2, 2); WSAStartup(wVersionRequested, &wsaData); newsockfd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM,0); if (newsockfd == INVALID_SOCKET){ //UA_Int32 lasterror = WSAGetLastError(); printf("ERROR opening socket, code: %d\n",WSAGetLastError()); #else newsockfd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (newsockfd < 0) { #endif perror("ERROR opening socket"); retval = UA_ERROR; } else { // set port number, options and bind memset((void *)&serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr), 1); serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; serv_addr.sin_port = htons(port); #ifdef WIN32 char optval = 1; if (setsockopt(newsockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &optval, sizeof optval) == -1) { perror("setsockopt"); retval = UA_ERROR; } else { #endif // bind to port if (bind(newsockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0) { perror("ERROR on binding"); retval = UA_ERROR; } else { UA_String_copyprintf("opc.tcp://localhost:%d/", &(tld->endpointUrl), port); } #ifdef WIN32 } #endif } // finally if (retval == UA_SUCCESS) { DBG_VERBOSE(printf("NL_TCP_init - new listener on %d\n",newsockfd)); NL_Connection* c; UA_Int32 retval = UA_SUCCESS; retval |= UA_alloc((void**)&c,sizeof(NL_Connection)); NL_Connection_init(c, tld, newsockfd, NL_TCP_accept, (TL_Writer) NL_TCP_writer); #ifdef MULTITHREADING pthread_create( &(c->readerThreadHandle), NULL, (void*(*)(void*)) NL_TCP_listenThread, (void*) c); #else UA_list_addPayloadToBack(&(tld->connections),c); NL_TCP_SetNonBlocking(c->connectionHandle); listen(c->connectionHandle, tld->tld->maxConnections); #endif } return retval; } /** checks arguments and dispatches to worker or refuses to init */ NL_data* NL_init(NL_Description* tlDesc, UA_Int32 port) { NL_data* nl = UA_NULL; if (tlDesc->connectionType == NL_CONNECTIONTYPE_TCPV4 && tlDesc->encoding == NL_UA_ENCODING_BINARY) { UA_alloc((void**)&nl, sizeof(NL_data)); nl->tld = tlDesc; FD_ZERO(&(nl->readerHandles)); UA_list_init(&(nl->connections)); NL_TCP_init(nl, port); } return nl; }