Open62541 ========= An open-source communication stack implementation of OPC UA (OPC Unified Architecture) licensed under LGPL + static linking exception. [![Ohloh Project Status](]( [![Build Status](]( [![Coverity Scan Build Status](]( ### Documentation Documentation is generated from Doxygen annotations in the source code. The current version can be accessed at ## Getting dependencies ### Ubuntu ##### Getting gcc toolchain: ```bash sudo apt-get install build-essential subversion git autoconf libtool pkg-config texinfo ``` ##### Getting python toolchain for the 62541 structures code generator: ```bash sudo apt-get install python python-lxml ``` ##### Getting additional libraries: ```bash sudo apt-get install expat libexpat1-dev ``` ##### Getting and installing *check* as unit test framework ( ```bash $ svn checkout check-code $ cd check-code $ autoreconf --install $ ./configure $ make $ sudo make install $ sudo ldconfig ``` ##### Getting and using Doxygen * install the needed packages ```bash sudo apt-get install graphviz doxygen ``` * configure autotools, clean and build: ```bash $ ./configure --enable-doxygen $ make clean $ make all ``` * the output is generated in doc/html/index.htm * configure the output of Doxygen with doc/ file ### Windows ##### Getting MinGW and MSYS: * Get the latest MinGW installer: * Select following packages: mingw-developer-toolkit, mingw32-base, msys-base * After install, run MinGW\msys\1.0\postinstall\pi.bat ##### Get Gtk+ bundle (just for m4 marcros and pkg-config): * Download and extract it * Copy gtk+/share/aclocal/*.m4 files to MinGW/share/aclocal * Merge grk+ folder and MinGW\msys\1.0\ folder ##### Get expat * start MinGW Installation Manager * choose all Packages, mark mingw32-expat and install ##### Get Python and lxml: * download Python at * install the executable * add the install directory (e. g. "c:\python27") to your windows path variable * restart mingw console * install lxml by either downloading and installing (choose the version which fits to your python installation) or by following the instructions given here: ##### Get git (IMPORTANT: get 1.8.4, since has a bug): * ##### Getting and installing *check* as unit testing framework ( * Open MinGW\msys\1.0\msys.bat ```bash $ svn checkout svn:// check-code $ cd check-code $ autoreconf --install $ ./configure $ make $ make install ``` ## Building * use only first time and whenever aclocal.m4 or were modified ```bash $ cd open62541 $ ./ $ ./configure --enable-debug=yes $ make $ make check ``` ### Configure Options * --enable-debug=(yes|no|verbose) - omit/include debug code * --enable-multithreading - enable pthreads (for examples/src/opcuaServerMT) * --enable-doxygen - make documentation as well * --enable-coverage - profiling with gcov,lcov, make check will generate reports in tests/coverage