i=1 i=2 i=3 i=4 i=5 i=6 i=7 i=8 i=9 i=10 i=11 i=13 i=12 i=15 i=14 i=16 i=17 i=18 i=20 i=21 i=19 i=22 i=26 i=27 i=28 i=47 i=46 i=35 i=36 i=48 i=45 i=40 i=37 i=38 i=39 References The abstract base type for all references. References HasSubtype The type for non-looping hierarchical references that are used to define sub types. i=34 HasSupertype HierarchicalReferences The abstract base type for all hierarchical references. i=31 HierarchicalReferences NonHierarchicalReferences The abstract base type for all non-hierarchical references. i=31 NonHierarchicalReferences HasChild The abstract base type for all non-looping hierarchical references. i=33 ChildOf Organizes The type for hierarchical references that are used to organize nodes. i=33 OrganizedBy HasEventSource The type for non-looping hierarchical references that are used to organize event sources. i=33 EventSourceOf HasModellingRule The type for references from instance declarations to modelling rule nodes. i=32 ModellingRuleOf HasEncoding The type for references from data type nodes to to data type encoding nodes. i=32 EncodingOf HasDescription The type for references from data type encoding nodes to data type description nodes. i=32 DescriptionOf HasTypeDefinition The type for references from a instance node its type defintion node. i=32 TypeDefinitionOf GeneratesEvent The type for references from a node to an event type that is raised by node. i=32 GeneratesEvent Aggregates The type for non-looping hierarchical references that are used to aggregate nodes into complex types. i=34 AggregatedBy HasProperty The type for non-looping hierarchical reference from a node to its property. i=44 PropertyOf HasComponent The type for non-looping hierarchical reference from a node to its component. i=44 ComponentOf HasNotifier The type for non-looping hierarchical references that are used to indicate how events propagate from node to node. i=36 NotifierOf HasOrderedComponent The type for non-looping hierarchical reference from a node to its component when the order of references matters. i=47 OrderedComponentOf FromState The type for a reference to the state before a transition. i=32 ToTransition ToState The type for a reference to the state after a transition. i=32 FromTransition HasCause The type for a reference to a method that can cause a transition to occur. i=32 MayBeCausedBy HasEffect The type for a reference to an event that may be raised when a transition occurs. i=32 MayBeEffectedBy HasHistoricalConfiguration The type for a reference to the historical configuration for a data variable. i=44 HistoricalConfigurationOf Root The root of the server address space. i=61 Objects The browse entry point when looking for objects in the server address space. i=84 i=61 Types The browse entry point when looking for types in the server address space. i=84 i=61 Views The browse entry point when looking for views in the server address space. i=84 i=61 ReferenceTypes The browse entry point when looking for reference types in the server address space. i=86 i=31 i=61 BaseObjectType The base type for all object nodes. FolderType The type for objects that organize other nodes. i=58 ServerType Specifies the current status and capabilities of the server. i=58 ServerDiagnosticsType The diagnostics information for a server. i=58 ServerCapabilitiesType Describes the capabilities supported by the server. i=58 ServerStatusType i=63 BuildInfoType i=63 DataTypes The browse entry point when looking for data types in the server address space. i=86 i=24 i=61 BaseDataType Describes a value that can have any valid DataType. Boolean Describes a value that is either TRUE or FALSE. i=24 Number Describes a value that can have any numeric DataType. i=24 Float Describes a value that is an IEEE 754-1985 single precision floating point number. i=26 Double Describes a value that is an IEEE 754-1985 double precision floating point number. i=26 Integer Describes a value that can have any integer DataType. i=26 SByte Describes a value that is an integer between -128 and 127. i=27 Int16 Describes a value that is an integer between −32,768 and 32,767. i=27 Int32 Describes a value that is an integer between −2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647. i=27 Int64 Describes a value that is an integer between −9,223,372,036,854,775,808 and 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. i=27 UInteger Describes a value that can have any unsigned integer DataType. i=27 Byte Describes a value that is an integer between 0 and 255. i=28 UInt16 Describes a value that is an integer between 0 and 65535. i=28 UInt32 Describes a value that is an integer between 0 and 4,294,967,295. i=28 UInt64 Describes a value that is an integer between 0 and 18,446,744,073,709,551,615. i=28 String Describes a value that is a sequence of printable Unicode characters. i=24 DateTime Describes a value that is a Gregorian calender date and time. i=24 Guid Describes a value that is a 128-bit globally unique identifier. i=24 ByteString Describes a value that is a sequence of bytes. i=24 XmlElement Describes a value that is an XML element. i=24 NodeId Describes a value that is an identifier for a node within a Server address space. i=24 ExpandedNodeId Describes a value that is an absolute identifier for a node. i=24 StatusCode Describes a value that is a code representing the outcome of an operation by a Server. i=24 QualifiedName Describes a value that is a name qualified by a namespace. i=24 LocalizedText Describes a value that is human readable Unicode text with a locale identifier. i=24 Structure Describes a value that is any type of structure that can be described with a data encoding. i=24 ServerStatusDataType i=22 BuildInfo i=22 DataValue Describes a value that is a structure containing a value, a status code and timestamps. i=24 DiagnosticInfo Describes a value that is a structure containing diagnostics associated with a StatusCode. i=24 Enumeration Describes a value that is an enumerated DataType. i=24 ServerState i=29 VariableTypes The browse entry point when looking for variable types in the server address space. i=86 i=62 i=61 BaseVariableType The abstract base type for all variable nodes. BaseDataVariableType The type for variable that represents a process value. i=62 PropertyType The type for variable that represents a property of another node. i=62 Server i=2254 i=2255 i=2256 i=2268 i=2274 i=85 i=2004 NamespaceArray The list of namespace URIs used by the server. i=68 i=2253 ServerArray The list of server URIs used by the server. i=68 i=2253 ServerCapabilities Describes capabilities supported by the server. i=2271 i=2735 i=2013 i=2253 LocaleIdArray A list of locales supported by the server. i=68 i=2268 MaxBrowseContinuationPoints The maximum number of continuation points for Browse operations per session. i=68 i=2268 ServerDiagnostics Reports diagnostics about the server. i=2294 i=2020 i=2253 EnabledFlag If TRUE the diagnostics collection is enabled. i=68 i=2274 ServerStatus The current status of the server. i=2257 i=2258 i=2259 i=2260 i=2992 i=2993 i=2138 i=2253 StartTime i=63 i=2256 CurrentTime i=63 i=2256 State i=63 i=2256 BuildInfo i=2262 i=2263 i=2261 i=2264 i=2265 i=2266 i=3051 i=2256 ProductUri i=63 i=2260 ManufacturerName i=63 i=2260 ProductName i=63 i=2260 SoftwareVersion i=63 i=2260 BuildNumber i=63 i=2260 BuildDate i=63 i=2260 SecondsTillShutdown i=63 i=2256 ShutdownReason i=63 i=2256