Building the Library ==================== Building the Single-File Release -------------------------------- Using the GCC compiler, the following calls build the library on Linux. .. code-block:: bash gcc -std=c99 -fPIC -c open62541.c gcc -shared open62541.o -o Building with CMake on Ubuntu or Debian --------------------------------------- .. code-block:: bash sudo apt-get install git build-essential gcc pkg-config cmake python # enable additional features sudo apt-get install libexpat1-dev # for XML-encodingi sudo apt-get install liburcu-dev # for multithreading sudo apt-get install check # for unit tests sudo apt-get install graphviz doxygen # for documentation generation cd open62541 mkdir build cd build cmake .. make # select additional features ccmake .. make Building with CMake on Windows ------------------------------ Here we explain the build process for Visual Studio. To build with MinGW, just replace the compiler selection in the call to CMake. - Download and install - Python 2.7.x (Python 3.x should work, too): - CMake: - Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition: - Download the open62541 sources (using git or as a zipfile from github) - Open a command shell (cmd) and run .. code-block:: bat cd \open62541 mkdir build cd build \cmake.exe .. -G "Visual Studio 14 2015" :: You can use use cmake-gui for a graphical user-interface to select single features - Then open "build\open62541.sln" in Visual Studio 2015 and build as usual Building on OS X ---------------- - Download and install - Xcode: - Homebrew: - Pip (a package manager for python, may be preinstalled): ``sudo easy_install pip`` - Run the following in a shell .. code-block:: bash brew install cmake brew install libxml2 brew install check # for unit tests brew install userspace-rcu # for multi-threading support brew install graphviz doxygen # for documentation generation pip install sphinx # for documentation generation Follow Ubuntu instructions without the ``apt-get`` commands as these are taken care of by the above packages. Build Options ------------- **CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE** - RelWithDebInfo: -O2 optimization with debug symbols - Release: -O2 optimization without debug symbols - Debug: -O0 optimization with debug symbols - MinSizeRel: -Os optimization without debug symbols **UA_LOGLEVEL** The level of logging events that are reported - 600: Fatal and all below - 500: Error and all below - 400: Error and all below - 300: Info and all below - 200: Debug and all below - 100: Trace and all below Further options that are not inherited from the CMake configuration are defined in ua_config.h. Usually there is no need to adjust them. UA_BUILD_* group ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By default only the shared object or the library open62541.dll and open62541.dll.a resp. open62541.lib are build. Additional artifacts can be specified by the following options: **UA_BUILD_DOCUMENTATION** Generate documentation with doxygen **UA_BUILD_EXAMPLECLIENT** Compile example clients from client.c. There are a static and a dynamic binary client and client_static, respectively **UA_BUILD_EXAMPLESERVER** Compile example server from server.c There are a static and a dynamic binary server and server_static, respectively **UA_BUILD_UNIT_TESTS** Compile unit tests with Check framework. The tests can be executed with make test **UA_BUILD_EXAMPLES** Compile specific examples from **UA_BUILD_SELFIGNED_CERTIFICATE** Generate a self-signed certificate for the server (openSSL required) UA_ENABLE_* group ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This group contains build options related to the supported OPC UA features. **UA_ENABLE_SUBSCRIPTIONS** Enable subscriptions **UA_ENABLE_METHODCALLS** Enable method calls in server and client **UA_ENABLE_NODEMANAGEMENT** Node management services (adding and removing nodes and references) at runtime in server and client **UA_ENABLE_AMALGAMATION** Compile a single-file release files open62541.c and open62541.h **UA_ENABLE_MULTITHREADING** Enable multi-threading support (experimental) **UA_ENABLE_COVERAGE** Measure the coverage of unit tests **UA_ENABLE_EMBEDDED_LIBC** Use a custom implementation of some libc functions that might be missing on embedded targets (e.g. string handling). **UA_ENABLE_EMBEDDED_CLOCK** Do not implement the time-handling functions where no standard API can be used on embedded targets. Instead, link in a custom implementation. Some options are marked as advanced. The advanced options need to be toggled to be visible in the cmake GUIs. **UA_ENABLE_EXTERNAL_NAMESPACES** Enable external namespaces in server **UA_ENABLE_GENERATE_NAMESPACE0** Enable automatic generation of NS0 **UA_ENABLE_GENERATE_NAMESPACE0_FILE** File for NS0 generation from namespace0 folder. Default value is Opc.Ua.NodeSet2.xml **UA_ENABLE_NONSTANDARD_STATELESS** Stateless service calls **UA_ENABLE_NONSTANDARD_UDP** UDP network layer