/* * opcua_basictypes.c * * Created on: 13.03.2014 * Author: mrt */ #include "opcua.h" #include #include Int32 UA_calcSize(void* const data, UInt32 type) { //return (UA_namespace_zero[type].calcSize)(data); //FIXME: return 0; } Int32 UA_Array_calcSize(Int32 nElements, Int32 type, void const ** data) { int length = sizeof(UA_Int32); int i; if (nElements > 0) { for(i=0; i 0) ? UA_TRUE : UA_FALSE); memcpy(&(dst[(*pos)++]), &tmpBool, sizeof(UA_Boolean)); return UA_SUCCESS; } Int32 UA_Boolean_decode(char const * src, Int32* pos, UA_Boolean * dst) { *dst = ((UA_Boolean) (src[(*pos)++]) > 0) ? UA_TRUE : UA_FALSE; return UA_SUCCESS; } UA_TYPE_METHOD_DELETE_MEMFREE(UA_Boolean) UA_TYPE_METHOD_DELETEMEMBERS_NOACTION(UA_Boolean) UA_TYPE_METHOD_CALCSIZE_SIZEOF(UA_Byte) Int32 UA_Byte_encode(UA_Byte const * src, Int32* pos, char * dst) { *dst = src[(*pos)++]; return UA_SUCCESS; } Int32 UA_Byte_decode(char const * src, Int32* pos, UA_Byte * dst) { memcpy(&(dst[(*pos)++]), src, sizeof(UA_Byte)); return UA_SUCCESS; } UA_TYPE_METHOD_DELETE_MEMFREE(UA_Byte) UA_TYPE_METHOD_DELETEMEMBERS_NOACTION(UA_Byte) UA_TYPE_METHOD_CALCSIZE_SIZEOF(UA_SByte) Int32 UA_SByte_encode(UA_SByte const * src, Int32* pos, char * dst) { dst[(*pos)++] = *src; return UA_SUCCESS; } Int32 UA_SByte_decode(char const * src, Int32* pos, UA_SByte * dst) { *dst = src[(*pos)++]; return 1; } UA_TYPE_METHOD_DELETE_MEMFREE(UA_SByte) UA_TYPE_METHOD_DELETEMEMBERS_NOACTION(UA_SByte) UA_TYPE_METHOD_CALCSIZE_SIZEOF(UA_UInt16) Int32 UA_UInt16_encode(UA_UInt16 const *src, Int32* pos, char * dst) { memcpy(&(dst[*pos]), src, sizeof(UA_UInt16)); *pos += sizeof(UA_UInt16); return UA_SUCCESS; } Int32 UA_UInt16_decode(char const * src, Int32* pos, UA_UInt16* dst) { Byte t1 = src[(*pos)++]; UInt16 t2 = (UInt16) (src[(*pos)++] << 8); *dst = t1 + t2; return UA_SUCCESS; } UA_TYPE_METHOD_DELETE_MEMFREE(UA_UInt16) UA_TYPE_METHOD_DELETEMEMBERS_NOACTION(UA_UInt16) UA_TYPE_METHOD_CALCSIZE_SIZEOF(UA_Int16) Int32 UA_Int16_encode(UA_Int16 const * src, Int32* pos, char* dst) { memcpy(&(dst[*pos]), src, sizeof(UA_Int16)); *pos += sizeof(UA_Int16); return UA_SUCCESS; } Int32 UA_Int16_decode(char const * src, Int32* pos, UA_Int16 *dst) { Int16 t1 = (Int16) (((SByte) (src[(*pos)++]) & 0xFF)); Int16 t2 = (Int16) (((SByte) (src[(*pos)++]) & 0xFF) << 8); *dst = t1 + t2; return UA_SUCCESS; } UA_TYPE_METHOD_DELETE_MEMFREE(UA_Int16) UA_TYPE_METHOD_DELETEMEMBERS_NOACTION(UA_Int16) UA_TYPE_METHOD_CALCSIZE_SIZEOF(UA_Int32) Int32 UA_Int32_encode(UA_Int32 const * src, Int32* pos, char *dst) { memcpy(&(dst[*pos]), src, sizeof(UA_Int32)); *pos += sizeof(UA_Int32); return UA_SUCCESS; } Int32 UA_Int32_decode(char const * src, Int32* pos, UA_Int32* dst) { Int32 t1 = (Int32) (((SByte) (src[(*pos)++]) & 0xFF)); Int32 t2 = (Int32) (((SByte) (src[(*pos)++]) & 0xFF) << 8); Int32 t3 = (Int32) (((SByte) (src[(*pos)++]) & 0xFF) << 16); Int32 t4 = (Int32) (((SByte) (src[(*pos)++]) & 0xFF) << 24); *dst = t1 + t2 + t3 + t4; return UA_SUCCESS; } UA_TYPE_METHOD_DELETE_MEMFREE(UA_Int32) UA_TYPE_METHOD_DELETEMEMBERS_NOACTION(UA_Int32) UA_TYPE_METHOD_CALCSIZE_SIZEOF(UA_UInt32) Int32 UA_UInt32_encode(UA_UInt32 const * src, Int32* pos, char *dst) { memcpy(&(dst[*pos]), src, sizeof(UA_UInt32)); *pos += sizeof(UA_UInt32); return UA_SUCCESS; } Int32 UA_UInt32_decode(char const * src, Int32* pos, UA_UInt32 *dst) { UInt32 t1 = (UInt32) src[(*pos)++]; UInt32 t2 = (UInt32) src[(*pos)++] << 8; UInt32 t3 = (UInt32) src[(*pos)++] << 16; UInt32 t4 = (UInt32) src[(*pos)++] << 24; *dst = t1 + t2 + t3 + t4; return UA_SUCCESS; } UA_TYPE_METHOD_DELETE_MEMFREE(UA_UInt32) UA_TYPE_METHOD_DELETEMEMBERS_NOACTION(UA_UInt32) UA_TYPE_METHOD_CALCSIZE_SIZEOF(UA_Int64) Int32 UA_Int64_encode(UA_Int64 const * src, Int32* pos, char *dst) { memcpy(&(dst[*pos]), src, sizeof(UA_Int64)); *pos += sizeof(UA_Int64); return UA_SUCCESS; } Int32 UA_Int64_decode(char const * src, Int32* pos, UA_Int64* dst) { Int64 t1 = (Int64) src[(*pos)++]; Int64 t2 = (Int64) src[(*pos)++] << 8; Int64 t3 = (Int64) src[(*pos)++] << 16; Int64 t4 = (Int64) src[(*pos)++] << 24; Int64 t5 = (Int64) src[(*pos)++] << 32; Int64 t6 = (Int64) src[(*pos)++] << 40; Int64 t7 = (Int64) src[(*pos)++] << 48; Int64 t8 = (Int64) src[(*pos)++] << 56; *dst = t1 + t2 + t3 + t4 + t5 + t6 + t7 + t8; return UA_SUCCESS; } UA_TYPE_METHOD_DELETE_MEMFREE(UA_Int64) UA_TYPE_METHOD_DELETEMEMBERS_NOACTION(UA_Int64) UA_TYPE_METHOD_CALCSIZE_SIZEOF(UA_UInt64) Int32 UA_UInt64_encode(UA_UInt64 const * src , Int32* pos, char * dst) { memcpy(&(dst[*pos]), src, sizeof(UA_UInt64)); *pos += sizeof(UInt64); return UA_SUCCESS; } Int32 UA_UInt64_decode(char const * src, Int32* pos, UA_UInt64* dst) { UInt64 t1 = (UInt64) src[(*pos)++]; UInt64 t2 = (UInt64) src[(*pos)++] << 8; UInt64 t3 = (UInt64) src[(*pos)++] << 16; UInt64 t4 = (UInt64) src[(*pos)++] << 24; UInt64 t5 = (UInt64) src[(*pos)++] << 32; UInt64 t6 = (UInt64) src[(*pos)++] << 40; UInt64 t7 = (UInt64) src[(*pos)++] << 48; UInt64 t8 = (UInt64) src[(*pos)++] << 56; *dst = t1 + t2 + t3 + t4 + t5 + t6 + t7 + t8; return UA_SUCCESS; } UA_TYPE_METHOD_DELETE_MEMFREE(UA_UInt64) UA_TYPE_METHOD_DELETEMEMBERS_NOACTION(UA_UInt64) UA_TYPE_METHOD_CALCSIZE_SIZEOF(UA_Float) Int32 UA_Float_decode(char const * src, Int32* pos, UA_Float* dst) { // TODO: not yet implemented memcpy(dst, &(src[*pos]), sizeof(UA_Float)); *pos += sizeof(UA_Float); return UA_SUCCESS; } Int32 UA_Float_encode(UA_Float const * src, Int32* pos, char *dst) { // TODO: not yet implemented memcpy(&(dst[*pos]), src, sizeof(UA_Float)); *pos += sizeof(UA_Float); return UA_SUCCESS; } UA_TYPE_METHOD_DELETE_MEMFREE(UA_Float) UA_TYPE_METHOD_DELETEMEMBERS_NOACTION(UA_Float) UA_TYPE_METHOD_CALCSIZE_SIZEOF(UA_Double) Int32 UA_Double_decode(char const * src, Int32* pos, UA_Double * dst) { // TODO: not yet implemented Double tmpDouble; tmpDouble = (Double) (src[*pos]); *pos += sizeof(UA_Double); *dst = tmpDouble; return UA_SUCCESS; } Int32 UA_Double_encode(UA_Double const * src, Int32 *pos, char * dst) { // TODO: not yet implemented memcpy(&(dst[*pos]), src, sizeof(UA_Double)); *pos *= sizeof(UA_Double); return UA_SUCCESS; } UA_TYPE_METHOD_DELETE_MEMFREE(UA_Double) UA_TYPE_METHOD_DELETEMEMBERS_NOACTION(UA_Double) Int32 UA_String_calcSize(UA_String const * string) { if (string->length > 0) { return string->length + sizeof(string->length); } else { return sizeof(UA_Int32); } } Int32 UA_String_encode(UA_String const * src, Int32* pos, char *dst) { UA_Int32_encode(&(src->length),pos,dst); if (src->length > 0) { UA_memcpy((void*)&(dst[*pos]), src->data, src->length); *pos += src->length; } return UA_SUCCESS; } Int32 UA_String_decode(char const * src, Int32* pos, UA_String * dst) { Int32 retval = UA_SUCCESS; retval |= UA_Int32_decode(src,pos,&(dst->length)); if (dst->length > 0) { retval |= UA_alloc(&(dst->data),dst->length); retval |= UA_memcpy((void*)&(src[*pos]),dst->data,dst->length); *pos += dst->length; } else { dst->data = UA_NULL; } return retval; } UA_TYPE_METHOD_DELETE_STRUCT(UA_String) Int32 UA_String_deleteMembers(UA_String* p) { return UA_memfree(p->data); }; Int32 UA_String_copy(UA_String const * src, UA_String* dst) { Int32 retval = UA_SUCCESS; dst->length = src->length; dst->data = UA_NULL; if (src->length > 0) { retval |= UA_alloc(&(dst->data), src->length); if (retval == UA_SUCCESS) { retval |= UA_memcpy((void*)dst->data, src->data, src->length); } } return retval; } UA_String UA_String_null = { -1, UA_NULL }; UA_Byte UA_Byte_securityPoliceNoneData[] = "http://opcfoundation.org/UA/SecurityPolicy#None"; UA_String UA_String_securityPoliceNone = { sizeof(UA_Byte_securityPoliceNoneData), UA_Byte_securityPoliceNoneData }; // TODO: should we really handle UA_String and UA_ByteString the same way? UA_TYPE_METHOD_CALCSIZE_AS(UA_ByteString, UA_String) UA_TYPE_METHOD_ENCODE_AS(UA_ByteString, UA_String) UA_TYPE_METHOD_DECODE_AS(UA_ByteString, UA_String) UA_TYPE_METHOD_DELETE_AS(UA_ByteString, UA_String) UA_TYPE_METHOD_DELETEMEMBERS_AS(UA_ByteString, UA_String) Int32 UA_Guid_calcSize(UA_Guid const * guid) { return 0 + sizeof(guid->data1) + sizeof(guid->data2) + sizeof(guid->data3) + UA_ByteString_calcSize(&(guid->data4)) ; } // TODO: UA_Guid_encode Int32 UA_Guid_encode(UA_Guid const *src, Int32* pos, char *dst) { Int32 retval = UA_SUCCESS; retval |= UA_UInt32_encode(&(src->data1), pos, dst); retval |= UA_UInt16_encode(&(src->data2), pos, dst); retval |= UA_UInt16_encode(&(src->data3), pos, dst); retval |= UA_ByteString_encode(&(src->data4), pos, dst); return UA_SUCCESS; } Int32 UA_Guid_decode(char const * src, Int32* pos, UA_Guid *dst) { Int32 retval = UA_SUCCESS; retval |= UA_Int32_decode(src,pos,&(dst->data1)); retval |= UA_Int16_decode(src,pos,&(dst->data2)); retval |= UA_Int16_decode(src,pos,&(dst->data3)); retval |= UA_ByteString_decode(src,pos,&(dst->data4)); return retval; } UA_TYPE_METHOD_DELETE_STRUCT(UA_Guid) Int32 UA_Guid_deleteMembers(UA_Guid* p) { return UA_ByteString_delete(&(p->data4)); }; Int32 UA_LocalizedText_calcSize(UA_LocalizedText const * localizedText) { Int32 length = 0; length += localizedText->encodingMask; if (localizedText->encodingMask & 0x01) { length += UA_String_calcSize(&(localizedText->locale)); } if (localizedText->encodingMask & 0x02) { length += UA_String_calcSize(&(localizedText->text)); } return length; } Int32 UA_LocalizedText_encode(UA_LocalizedText const * src, Int32 *pos, char * dst) { Int32 retval = UA_SUCCESS; retval |= UA_Byte_encode(&(src->encodingMask),pos,dst); if (src->encodingMask & 0x01) { UA_String_encode(&(src->locale),pos,dst); } if (src->encodingMask & 0x02) { UA_String_encode(&(src->text),pos,dst); } return retval; } Int32 UA_LocalizedText_decode(char const * src, Int32 *pos, UA_LocalizedText *dst) { Int32 retval = UA_SUCCESS; retval |= UA_String_copy(&UA_String_null,&(dst->locale)); retval |= UA_String_copy(&UA_String_null,&(dst->text)); retval |= UA_Byte_decode(src,pos,&(dst->encodingMask)); if (dst->encodingMask & 0x01) { retval |= UA_String_decode(src,pos,&(dst->locale)); } if (dst->encodingMask & 0x02) { retval |= UA_String_decode(src,pos,&(dst->text)); } return retval; } UA_TYPE_METHOD_DELETE_STRUCT(UA_LocalizedText) Int32 UA_LocalizedText_deleteMembers(UA_LocalizedText* p) { return UA_SUCCESS || UA_String_deleteMembers(&(p->locale)) || UA_String_deleteMembers(&(p->text)) ; }; /* Serialization of UA_NodeID is specified in 62541-6, § */ Int32 UA_NodeId_calcSize(UA_NodeId const *nodeId) { Int32 length = 0; switch (nodeId->encodingByte) { case NIEVT_TWO_BYTE: length += 2 * sizeof(UA_Byte); break; case NIEVT_FOUR_BYTE: length += 4 * sizeof(UA_Byte); break; case NIEVT_NUMERIC: length += sizeof(UA_Byte) + sizeof(UA_UInt16) + sizeof(UInt32); break; case NIEVT_STRING: length += sizeof(UA_Byte) + sizeof(UA_UInt16) + UA_String_calcSize(&(nodeId->identifier.string)); break; case NIEVT_GUID: length += sizeof(UA_Byte) + sizeof(UA_UInt16) + UA_Guid_calcSize(&(nodeId->identifier.guid)); break; case NIEVT_BYTESTRING: length += sizeof(UA_Byte) + sizeof(UA_UInt16) + UA_ByteString_calcSize(&(nodeId->identifier.byteString)); break; default: break; } return length; } Int32 UA_NodeId_encode(UA_NodeId const * src, Int32* pos, char *dst) { // temporary variables UA_Byte srcByte; UA_UInt16 srcUInt16; int retval = UA_SUCCESS; retval |= UA_Byte_encode(&(src->encodingByte),pos,dst); switch (src->encodingByte) { case NIEVT_TWO_BYTE: srcByte = src->identifier.numeric; retval |= UA_Byte_encode(&srcByte,pos,dst); break; case NIEVT_FOUR_BYTE: srcByte = src->namespace; srcUInt16 = src->identifier.numeric; retval |= UA_Byte_encode(&srcByte,pos,dst); retval |= UA_UInt16_encode(&srcUInt16,pos,dst); break; case NIEVT_NUMERIC: retval |= UA_UInt16_encode(&(src->namespace), pos, dst); retval |= UA_UInt32_encode(&(src->identifier.numeric), pos, dst); break; case NIEVT_STRING: retval |= UA_UInt16_encode(&(src->namespace), pos, dst); retval |= UA_String_encode(&(src->identifier.string), pos, dst); break; case NIEVT_GUID: retval |= UA_UInt16_encode(&(src->namespace), pos, dst); retval |= UA_Guid_encode(&(src->identifier.guid), pos, dst); break; case NIEVT_BYTESTRING: retval |= UA_UInt16_encode(&(src->namespace), pos, dst); retval |= UA_ByteString_encode(&(src->identifier.byteString), pos, dst); break; } return retval; } Int32 UA_NodeId_decode(char const * src, Int32* pos, UA_NodeId *dst) { int retval = UA_SUCCESS; // temporary variables to overcome decoder's non-endian-saveness for datatypes Byte dstByte; UInt16 dstUInt16; retval |= UA_Byte_decode(src,pos,&(dst->encodingByte)); switch (dst->encodingByte) { case NIEVT_TWO_BYTE: // Table 7 retval |=UA_Byte_decode(src, pos, &dstByte); dst->identifier.numeric = dstByte; dst->namespace = 0; // default namespace break; case NIEVT_FOUR_BYTE: // Table 8 retval |=UA_Byte_decode(src, pos, &dstByte); dst->namespace= dstByte; retval |=UA_UInt16_decode(src, pos, &dstUInt16); dst->identifier.numeric = dstUInt16; break; case NIEVT_NUMERIC: // Table 6, first entry retval |=UA_Int16_decode(src,pos,&(dst->namespace)); retval |=UA_Int32_decode(src,pos,&(dst->identifier.numeric)); break; case NIEVT_STRING: // Table 6, second entry retval |=UA_Int16_decode(src,pos,&(dst->namespace)); retval |=UA_String_decode(src,pos,&(dst->identifier.string)); break; case NIEVT_GUID: // Table 6, third entry retval |=UA_Int16_decode(src,pos,&(dst->namespace)); retval |=UA_Guid_decode(src,pos,&(dst->identifier.guid)); break; case NIEVT_BYTESTRING: // Table 6, "OPAQUE" retval |=UA_Int16_decode(src,pos,&(dst->namespace)); retval |=UA_ByteString_decode(src,pos,&(dst->identifier.byteString)); break; } return retval; } UA_TYPE_METHOD_DELETE_STRUCT(UA_NodeId) Int32 UA_NodeId_deleteMembers(UA_NodeId* p) { int retval = UA_SUCCESS; switch (p->encodingByte) { case NIEVT_TWO_BYTE: case NIEVT_FOUR_BYTE: case NIEVT_NUMERIC: // nothing to do break; case NIEVT_STRING: // Table 6, second entry retval |= UA_String_deleteMembers(&(p->identifier.string)); break; case NIEVT_GUID: // Table 6, third entry retval |= UA_Guid_deleteMembers(&(p->identifier.guid)); break; case NIEVT_BYTESTRING: // Table 6, "OPAQUE" retval |= UA_ByteString_deleteMembers(&(p->identifier.byteString)); break; } return retval; } Int32 UA_ExpandedNodeId_calcSize(UA_ExpandedNodeId const * nodeId) { Int32 length = UA_NodeId_calcSize(&(nodeId->nodeId)); if (nodeId->nodeId.encodingByte & NIEVT_NAMESPACE_URI_FLAG) { length += UA_String_calcSize(&(nodeId->namespaceUri)); //nodeId->namespaceUri } if (nodeId->nodeId.encodingByte & NIEVT_SERVERINDEX_FLAG) { length += sizeof(UInt32); //nodeId->serverIndex } return length; } Int32 UA_ExpandedNodeId_encode(UA_ExpandedNodeId const * src, Int32* pos, char *dst) { UInt32 retval = UA_SUCCESS; retval |= UA_NodeId_encode(&(src->nodeId),pos,dst); if (src->nodeId.encodingByte & NIEVT_NAMESPACE_URI_FLAG) { retval |= UA_String_encode(&(src->namespaceUri),pos,dst); } if (src->nodeId.encodingByte & NIEVT_SERVERINDEX_FLAG) { retval |= UA_UInt32_encode(&(src->serverIndex),pos,dst); } return retval; } Int32 UA_ExpandedNodeId_decode(char const * src, Int32* pos, UA_ExpandedNodeId *dst) { UInt32 retval = UA_SUCCESS; retval |= UA_NodeId_decode(src,pos,&(dst->nodeId)); if (dst->nodeId.encodingByte & NIEVT_NAMESPACE_URI_FLAG) { dst->nodeId.namespace = 0; retval |= UA_String_decode(src,pos,&(dst->namespaceUri)); } else { retval |= UA_String_copy(&UA_String_null, &(dst->namespaceUri)); } if (dst->nodeId.encodingByte & NIEVT_SERVERINDEX_FLAG) { retval |= UA_UInt32_decode(src,pos,&(dst->serverIndex)); } return retval; } UA_TYPE_METHOD_DELETE_STRUCT(UA_ExpandedNodeId) Int32 UA_ExpandedNodeId_deleteMembers(UA_ExpandedNodeId* p) { Int32 retval = UA_SUCCESS; retval |= UA_NodeId_deleteMembers(&(p->nodeId)); retval |= UA_String_deleteMembers(&(p->namespaceUri)); return retval; } Int32 UA_ExtensionObject_calcSize(UA_ExtensionObject const * extensionObject) { Int32 length = 0; length += UA_NodeId_calcSize(&(extensionObject->typeId)); length += sizeof(Byte); //extensionObject->Encoding switch (extensionObject->encoding) { case 0x00: length += sizeof(Int32); //extensionObject->Body.Length break; case 0x01: length += UA_ByteString_calcSize(&(extensionObject->body)); break; case 0x02: length += UA_ByteString_calcSize(&(extensionObject->body)); break; } return length; } Int32 UA_ExtensionObject_encode(UA_ExtensionObject const *src, Int32* pos, char * dst) { Int32 retval = UA_SUCCESS; retval |= UA_NodeId_encode(&(src->typeId),pos,dst); retval |= UA_Byte_encode(&(src->encoding),pos,dst); switch (src->encoding) { case NO_BODY_IS_ENCODED: break; case BODY_IS_BYTE_STRING: case BODY_IS_XML_ELEMENT: retval |= UA_ByteString_encode(&(src->body),pos,dst); break; } return retval; } Int32 UA_ExtensionObject_decode(char const * src, Int32 *pos, UA_ExtensionObject *dst) { Int32 retval = UA_SUCCESS; retval |= UA_NodeId_decode(src,pos,&(dst->typeId)); retval |= UA_Byte_decode(src,pos,&(dst->encoding)); retval |= UA_String_copy(&UA_String_null, (UA_String*) &(dst->body)); switch (dst->encoding) { case NO_BODY_IS_ENCODED: break; case BODY_IS_BYTE_STRING: case BODY_IS_XML_ELEMENT: retval |= UA_ByteString_decode(src,pos,&(dst->body)); break; } return retval; } Int32 UA_ExtensionObject_delete(UA_ExtensionObject *p) { Int32 retval = UA_SUCCESS; retval |= UA_ExtensionObject_deleteMembers(p); retval |= UA_memfree(p); return retval; } // TODO: UA_ExtensionObject_delete Int32 UA_ExtensionObject_deleteMembers(UA_ExtensionObject *p) { Int32 retval = UA_SUCCESS; retval |= UA_NodeId_deleteMembers(&(p->typeId)); retval |= UA_String_deleteMembers(&(p->body)); return retval; } // TODO: UA_DataValue_encode // TODO: UA_DataValue_decode // TODO: UA_DataValue_delete // TODO: UA_DataValue_deleteMembers // TODO: UA_DiagnosticInfo_encode [Sten: done] // TODO: UA_DiagnosticInfo_decode [Sten: done] // TODO: UA_DiagnosticInfo_delete // TODO: UA_DiagnosticInfo_deleteMembers /** * DiagnosticInfo * Part: 4 * Chapter: 7.9 * Page: 116 */ Int32 UA_DiagnosticInfo_decode(char const * src, Int32 *pos, UA_DiagnosticInfo *dst) { Int32 retval = UA_SUCCESS; //FIXME SURE? //pos seems not to be incremented Byte encodingByte = (src[*pos]); /* * retval |= UA_Byte_decode(src, pos, encodingByte); */ Byte mask; for (mask = 1; mask <= 0x40; mask << 1) { switch (mask & encodingByte) { case DIEMT_SYMBOLIC_ID: /* decoder_decodeBuiltInDatatype(buf, INT32, pos, &(dst->SymbolicId)); */ retval |= UA_Int32_decode(src, pos, &(dst->symbolicId)); break; case DIEMT_NAMESPACE: /* decoder_decodeBuiltInDatatype(buf, INT32, pos, &(dst->NamespaceUri)); */ retval |= UA_Int32_decode(src, pos, &(dst->namespaceUri)); break; case DIEMT_LOCALIZED_TEXT: /* decoder_decodeBuiltInDatatype(buf, INT32, pos, &(dst->LocalizedText)); */ retval |= UA_Int32_decode(src, pos, &(dst->localizedText)); break; case DIEMT_LOCALE: /* decoder_decodeBuiltInDatatype(src, INT32, pos, &(dst->Locale)); */ retval |= UA_Int32_decode(src, pos, &(dst->locale)); break; case DIEMT_ADDITIONAL_INFO: /* decoder_decodeBuiltInDatatype(buf, STRING, pos, &(dst->AdditionalInfo)); */ retval |= UA_String_decode(src, pos, &(dst->additionalInfo)); break; case DIEMT_INNER_STATUS_CODE: /* decoder_decodeBuiltInDatatype(buf, STATUS_CODE, pos, &(dstDiagnosticInfo->InnerStatusCode)); */ retval |= UA_StatusCode_decode(src, pos, &(dst->innerStatusCode)); break; case DIEMT_INNER_DIAGNOSTIC_INFO: //TODO memory management should be checked (getting memory within a function) //TODO: Sten: not sure /* dstDiagnosticInfo->innerDiagnosticInfo = (UA_DiagnosticInfo*) opcua_malloc( sizeof(UA_DiagnosticInfo)); decoder_decodeBuiltInDatatype(src, DIAGNOSTIC_INFO, pos, &(dstDiagnosticInfo->innerDiagnosticInfo)); */ retval |= UA_DiagnosticInfo_decode(src, pos, dst->innerDiagnosticInfo); break; } } //FIXME: sure? *pos += 1; return retval; } Int32 UA_DiagnosticInfo_encode(UA_DiagnosticInfo const *src, Int32 *pos, char *dst) { Int32 retval = UA_SUCCESS; Byte mask; int i; UA_ByteString_encode(&(src->encodingMask), pos, dst); /*encoder_encodeBuiltInDatatype((void*) (&(diagnosticInfo->encodingMask)), BYTE, pos, dst);*/ for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { switch ( (0x01 << i) & src->encodingMask) { case DIEMT_SYMBOLIC_ID: // puts("diagnosticInfo symbolic id"); retval |= UA_Int32_encode(&(src->symbolicId), pos, dst); /*encoder_encodeBuiltInDatatype((void*) &(diagnosticInfo->symbolicId), INT32, pos, dst);*/ break; case DIEMT_NAMESPACE: /*encoder_encodeBuiltInDatatype( (void*) &(diagnosticInfo->namespaceUri), INT32, pos, dst);*/ retval |= UA_Int32_encode( &(src->namespaceUri), pos, dst); break; case DIEMT_LOCALIZED_TEXT: /*encoder_encodeBuiltInDatatype( (void*) &(diagnosticInfo->localizedText), INT32, pos, dst);*/ retval |= UA_Int32_encode(&(src->localizedText), pos, dst); break; case DIEMT_LOCALE: /*encoder_encodeBuiltInDatatype((void*) &(diagnosticInfo->locale), INT32, pos, dst);*/ retval |= UA_Int32_encode(&(src->locale), pos, dst); break; case DIEMT_ADDITIONAL_INFO: /*encoder_encodeBuiltInDatatype( (void*) &(diagnosticInfo->additionalInfo), STRING, pos, dst);*/ retval |= UA_String_encode(&(src->additionalInfo), pos, dst); break; case DIEMT_INNER_STATUS_CODE: /*encoder_encodeBuiltInDatatype( (void*) &(diagnosticInfo->innerStatusCode), STATUS_CODE, pos, dst);*/ retval |= UA_StatusCode_encode(&(src->innerStatusCode), pos, dst); break; case DIEMT_INNER_DIAGNOSTIC_INFO: /*encoder_encodeBuiltInDatatype( (void*) &(diagnosticInfo->innerDiagnosticInfo), DIAGNOSTIC_INFO, pos, dst);*/ retval |= UA_DiagnosticInfo_encode(src->innerDiagnosticInfo, pos, dst); break; } } return retval; } Int32 UA_DiagnosticInfo_calcSize(UA_DiagnosticInfo const * ptr) { Int32 length = 0; Byte mask; length += sizeof(Byte); // EncodingMask for (mask = 0x01; mask <= 0x40; mask *= 2) { switch (mask & (ptr->encodingMask)) { case DIEMT_SYMBOLIC_ID: // puts("diagnosticInfo symbolic id"); length += sizeof(Int32); break; case DIEMT_NAMESPACE: length += sizeof(Int32); break; case DIEMT_LOCALIZED_TEXT: length += sizeof(Int32); break; case DIEMT_LOCALE: length += sizeof(Int32); break; case DIEMT_ADDITIONAL_INFO: length += UA_String_calcSize(&(ptr->additionalInfo)); break; case DIEMT_INNER_STATUS_CODE: length += sizeof(UA_StatusCode); break; case DIEMT_INNER_DIAGNOSTIC_INFO: length += UA_DiagnosticInfo_calcSize(ptr->innerDiagnosticInfo); break; } } return length; } UA_TYPE_METHOD_CALCSIZE_SIZEOF(UA_DateTime) UA_TYPE_METHOD_ENCODE_AS(UA_DateTime,UA_Int64) UA_TYPE_METHOD_DECODE_AS(UA_DateTime,UA_Int64) UA_TYPE_METHOD_DELETE_MEMFREE(UA_DateTime) UA_TYPE_METHOD_DELETEMEMBERS_NOACTION(UA_DateTime) UA_TYPE_METHOD_CALCSIZE_AS(UA_XmlElement, UA_ByteString) UA_TYPE_METHOD_ENCODE_AS(UA_XmlElement, UA_ByteString) UA_TYPE_METHOD_DECODE_AS(UA_XmlElement, UA_ByteString) UA_TYPE_METHOD_DELETE_AS(UA_XmlElement, UA_ByteString) UA_TYPE_METHOD_DELETEMEMBERS_AS(UA_XmlElement, UA_ByteString) /** IntegerId - Part: 4, Chapter: 7.13, Page: 118 */ UA_TYPE_METHOD_CALCSIZE_AS(UA_IntegerId, UA_Int32) UA_TYPE_METHOD_ENCODE_AS(UA_IntegerId, UA_Int32) UA_TYPE_METHOD_DECODE_AS(UA_IntegerId, UA_Int32) UA_TYPE_METHOD_DELETE_AS(UA_IntegerId, UA_Int32) UA_TYPE_METHOD_DELETEMEMBERS_AS(UA_IntegerId, UA_Int32) UA_TYPE_METHOD_CALCSIZE_AS(UA_StatusCode, UA_UInt32) UA_TYPE_METHOD_ENCODE_AS(UA_StatusCode, UA_UInt32) UA_TYPE_METHOD_DECODE_AS(UA_StatusCode, UA_UInt32) UA_TYPE_METHOD_DELETE_AS(UA_StatusCode, UA_UInt32) UA_TYPE_METHOD_DELETEMEMBERS_AS(UA_StatusCode, UA_UInt32) Int32 UA_QualifiedName_calcSize(UA_QualifiedName const * p) { Int32 length = 0; length += sizeof(UInt16); //qualifiedName->namespaceIndex length += sizeof(UInt16); //qualifiedName->reserved length += UA_String_calcSize(&(p->name)); //qualifiedName->name return length; } Int32 UA_QualifiedName_decode(char const * src, Int32 *pos, UA_QualifiedName *dst) { Int32 retval = UA_SUCCESS; retval |= UA_UInt16_decode(src,pos,&(dst->namespaceIndex)); retval |= UA_UInt16_decode(src,pos,&(dst->reserved)); retval |= UA_String_decode(src,pos,&(dst->name)); return retval; } Int32 UA_QualifiedName_encode(UA_QualifiedName const *src, Int32* pos, char *dst) { Int32 retval = UA_SUCCESS; retval |= UA_UInt16_encode(&(src->namespaceIndex),pos,dst); retval |= UA_UInt16_encode(&(src->reserved),pos,dst); retval |= UA_String_encode(&(src->name),pos,dst); return retval; } Int32 UA_Variant_calcSize(UA_Variant const * p) { Int32 length = 0; Int32 ns0Id = p->encodingMask & 0x1F; // Bits 1-5 Boolean isArray = p->encodingMask & (0x01 << 7); // Bit 7 Boolean hasDimensions = p->encodingMask & (0x01 << 6); // Bit 6 int i; if (p->vt == UA_NULL || p->encodingMask != p->vt->Id) { return UA_ERR_INCONSISTENT; } length += sizeof(Byte); //p->encodingMask if (isArray) { // array length is encoded length += sizeof(Int32); //p->arrayLength if (p->arrayLength > 0) { // TODO: add suggestions of @jfpr to not iterate over arrays with fixed len elements for (i=0;iarrayLength;i++) { length += p->vt->calcSize(p->data[i]); } } } else { //single value to encode length += p->vt->calcSize(p->data[0]); } if (hasDimensions) { //ToDo: tobeInsert: length += the calcSize for dimensions } return length; } Int32 UA_Variant_encode(UA_Variant const *src, Int32* pos, char *dst) { Int32 retval = UA_SUCCESS; int i; if (src->vt == UA_NULL || src->encodingMask != src->vt->Id) { return UA_ERR_INCONSISTENT; } retval |= UA_Byte_encode(&(src->encodingMask),pos,dst); if (src->encodingMask & (0x01 << 7)) { // encode array length retval |= UA_Int32_encode(&(src->arrayLength),pos,dst); } if (src->arrayLength > 0) { //encode array as given by variant type for (i=0;iarrayLength;i++) { retval |= src->vt->encode(src->data[i],pos,dst); } } else { retval |= src->vt->encode(src->data[i],pos,dst); } if (src->encodingMask & (1 << 6)) { // encode array dimension field // TODO: encode array dimension field } return retval; } //FIXME: Int32 UA_Variant_decode(char const * src, Int32 *pos, UA_Variant *dst) { return UA_SUCCESS; //FIXME: Int32 retval = UA_SUCCESS; Int32 ns0Id; int i; retval |= UA_Byte_decode(src,pos,&(dst->encodingMask)); ns0Id = dst->encodingMask & 0x1F; // initialize vTable if (ns0Id < UA_BOOLEAN && ns0Id > UA_DOUBLECOMPLEXNUMBERTYPE) { return UA_ERR_INVALID_VALUE; } else { dst->vt = &UA_namespace_zero[UA_namespace_zero_to_index(ns0Id)]; } // get size of array if (dst->encodingMask & (0x01 << 7)) { // encode array length retval |= UA_Int32_decode(src,pos,&(dst->arrayLength)); } else { dst->arrayLength = 1; } // allocate place for arrayLength pointers to any type retval |= UA_alloc(&(dst->data),dst->arrayLength * sizeof(void*)); for (i=0;iarrayLength;i++) { // TODO: this is crazy, how to work with variants with variable size? // actually we have two different sizes - the storage size without // dynamic members and the storage size with the dynamic members, e.g. // for a string we here need to allocate definitely 8 byte (length=4, data*=4) // on a 32-bit architecture - so this code is definitely wrong retval |= UA_alloc(&(dst->data[i]),dst->vt->calcSize(UA_NULL)); retval |= dst->vt->decode(src,pos,dst->data[i]); } if (dst->encodingMask & (1 << 6)) { // TODO: decode array dimension field } return retval; } //TODO: place this define at the server configuration #define MAX_PICO_SECONDS 1000 Int32 UA_DataValue_decode(char const * src, Int32* pos, UA_DataValue* dst) { Int32 retval = UA_SUCCESS; retval |= UA_Byte_decode(src,pos,&(dst->encodingMask)); if (dst->encodingMask & 0x01) { retval |= UA_Variant_decode(src,pos,&(dst->value)); } if (dst->encodingMask & 0x02) { retval |= UA_StatusCode_decode(src,pos,&(dst->status)); } if (dst->encodingMask & 0x04) { retval |= UA_DateTime_decode(src,pos,&(dst->sourceTimestamp)); } if (dst->encodingMask & 0x08) { retval |= UA_DateTime_decode(src,pos,&(dst->serverTimestamp)); } if (dst->encodingMask & 0x10) { retval |= UA_UInt16_decode(src,pos,&(dst->sourcePicoseconds)); if (dst->sourcePicoseconds > MAX_PICO_SECONDS) { dst->sourcePicoseconds = MAX_PICO_SECONDS; } } if (dst->encodingMask & 0x20) { retval |= UA_UInt16_decode(src,pos,&(dst->serverPicoseconds)); if (dst->serverPicoseconds > MAX_PICO_SECONDS) { dst->serverPicoseconds = MAX_PICO_SECONDS; } } return retval; } Int32 UA_DataValue_encode(UA_DataValue const * src, Int32* pos, char *dst) { Int32 retval = UA_SUCCESS; retval |= UA_Byte_encode(&(src->encodingMask),pos,dst); if (src->encodingMask & 0x01) { retval |= UA_Variant_encode(&(src->value),pos,dst); } if (src->encodingMask & 0x02) { retval |= UA_StatusCode_encode(&(src->status),pos,dst); } if (src->encodingMask & 0x04) { retval |= UA_DateTime_encode(&(src->sourceTimestamp),pos,dst); } if (src->encodingMask & 0x08) { retval |= UA_DateTime_encode(&(src->serverTimestamp),pos,dst); } if (src->encodingMask & 0x10) { retval |= UA_UInt16_encode(&(src->sourcePicoseconds),pos,dst); } if (src->encodingMask & 0x10) { retval |= UA_UInt16_encode(&(src->serverPicoseconds),pos,dst); } return retval; } Int32 UA_DataValue_calcSize(UA_DataValue const * p) { Int32 length = 0; if (p == UA_NULL) { // get static storage size length = sizeof(UA_DataValue); } else { // get decoding size length = sizeof(UA_Byte); if (p->encodingMask & 0x01) { length += UA_Variant_calcSize(&(p->value)); } if (p->encodingMask & 0x02) { length += sizeof(UInt32); //dataValue->status } if (p->encodingMask & 0x04) { length += sizeof(Int64); //dataValue->sourceTimestamp } if (p->encodingMask & 0x08) { length += sizeof(Int64); //dataValue->serverTimestamp } if (p->encodingMask & 0x10) { length += sizeof(Int64); //dataValue->sourcePicoseconds } if (p->encodingMask & 0x20) { length += sizeof(Int64); //dataValue->serverPicoseconds } } return length; } /** * RequestHeader * Part: 4 * Chapter: 7.26 * Page: 132 */ /** \copydoc decodeRequestHeader */ /*** Sten: removed to compile Int32 decodeRequestHeader(const AD_RawMessage *srcRaw, Int32 *pos, UA_AD_RequestHeader *dstRequestHeader) { return decoder_decodeRequestHeader(srcRaw->message, pos, dstRequestHeader); } ***/ /*** Sten: removed to compile Int32 decoder_decodeRequestHeader(char const * message, Int32 *pos, UA_AD_RequestHeader *dstRequestHeader) { // 62541-4 § OpenSecureChannelServiceParameters // requestHeader - common request parameters. The authenticationToken is always omitted decoder_decodeBuiltInDatatype(message, NODE_ID, pos, &(dstRequestHeader->authenticationToken)); decoder_decodeBuiltInDatatype(message, DATE_TIME, pos, &(dstRequestHeader->timestamp)); decoder_decodeBuiltInDatatype(message, UINT32, pos, &(dstRequestHeader->requestHandle)); decoder_decodeBuiltInDatatype(message, UINT32, pos, &(dstRequestHeader->returnDiagnostics)); decoder_decodeBuiltInDatatype(message, STRING, pos, &(dstRequestHeader->auditEntryId)); decoder_decodeBuiltInDatatype(message, UINT32, pos, &(dstRequestHeader->timeoutHint)); decoder_decodeBuiltInDatatype(message, EXTENSION_OBJECT, pos, &(dstRequestHeader->additionalHeader)); // AdditionalHeader will stay empty, need to be changed if there is relevant information return 0; } ***/ /** * ResponseHeader * Part: 4 * Chapter: 7.27 * Page: 133 */ /** \copydoc encodeResponseHeader */ /*** Sten: removed to compile Int32 encodeResponseHeader(UA_AD_ResponseHeader const * responseHeader, Int32 *pos, UA_ByteString *dstBuf) { encodeUADateTime(responseHeader->timestamp, pos, dstBuf->data); encodeIntegerId(responseHeader->requestHandle, pos, dstBuf->data); encodeUInt32(responseHeader->serviceResult, pos, dstBuf->data); encodeDiagnosticInfo(responseHeader->serviceDiagnostics, pos, dstBuf->data); encoder_encodeBuiltInDatatypeArray(responseHeader->stringTable, responseHeader->noOfStringTable, STRING_ARRAY, pos, dstBuf->data); encodeExtensionObject(responseHeader->additionalHeader, pos, dstBuf->data); //Kodieren von String Datentypen return 0; } ***/ /*** Sten: removed to compile Int32 extensionObject_calcSize(UA_ExtensionObject *extensionObject) { Int32 length = 0; length += nodeId_calcSize(&(extensionObject->typeId)); length += sizeof(Byte); //The EncodingMask Byte if (extensionObject->encoding == BODY_IS_BYTE_STRING || extensionObject->encoding == BODY_IS_XML_ELEMENT) { length += UAByteString_calcSize(&(extensionObject->body)); } return length; } ***/ /*** Sten: removed to compile Int32 responseHeader_calcSize(UA_AD_ResponseHeader *responseHeader) { Int32 i; Int32 length = 0; // UtcTime timestamp 8 length += sizeof(UA_DateTime); // IntegerId requestHandle 4 length += sizeof(UA_AD_IntegerId); // StatusCode serviceResult 4 length += sizeof(UA_StatusCode); // DiagnosticInfo serviceDiagnostics length += diagnosticInfo_calcSize(responseHeader->serviceDiagnostics); // String stringTable[], see 62541-6 § 5.2.4 length += sizeof(Int32); // Length of Stringtable always if (responseHeader->noOfStringTable > 0) { for (i = 0; i < responseHeader->noOfStringTable; i++) { length += UAString_calcSize(responseHeader->stringTable[i]); } } // ExtensibleObject additionalHeader length += extensionObject_calcSize(responseHeader->additionalHeader); return length; } ***/