from __future__ import print_function import sys import time import platform import getpass from collections import OrderedDict import re from lxml import etree import itertools import argparse from pprint import pprint fixed_size = {"UA_Boolean": 1, "UA_SByte": 1, "UA_Byte": 1, "UA_Int16": 2, "UA_UInt16": 2, "UA_Int32": 4, "UA_UInt32": 4, "UA_Int64": 8, "UA_UInt64": 8, "UA_Float": 4, "UA_Double": 8, "UA_DateTime": 8, "UA_Guid": 16, "UA_StatusCode": 4} zero_copy = ["UA_Boolean", "UA_SByte", "UA_Byte", "UA_Int16", "UA_UInt16", "UA_Int32", "UA_UInt32", "UA_Int64", "UA_UInt64", "UA_Float", "UA_Double", "UA_DateTime", "UA_StatusCode"] # The order of the builtin-types is not as in the standard. We put all the # fixed_size types in the front, so they can be distinguished by a simple geq # comparison. That's ok, since we use the type-index only internally!! builtin_types = ["UA_Boolean", "UA_SByte", "UA_Byte", "UA_Int16", "UA_UInt16", "UA_Int32", "UA_UInt32", "UA_Int64", "UA_UInt64", "UA_Float", "UA_Double", "UA_String", "UA_DateTime", "UA_Guid", "UA_ByteString", "UA_XmlElement", "UA_NodeId", "UA_ExpandedNodeId", "UA_StatusCode", "UA_QualifiedName", "UA_LocalizedText", "UA_ExtensionObject", "UA_DataValue", "UA_Variant", "UA_DiagnosticInfo"] excluded_types = ["UA_NodeIdType", "UA_InstanceNode", "UA_TypeNode", "UA_Node", "UA_ObjectNode", "UA_ObjectTypeNode", "UA_VariableNode", "UA_VariableTypeNode", "UA_ReferenceTypeNode", "UA_MethodNode", "UA_ViewNode", "UA_DataTypeNode", "UA_ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType", "UA_SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsDataType", "UA_SessionSecurityDiagnosticsDataType", "UA_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType", "UA_SessionDiagnosticsDataType"] minimal_types = ["InvalidType", "Node", "NodeClass", "ReferenceNode", "ApplicationDescription", "ApplicationType", "ChannelSecurityToken", "OpenSecureChannelRequest", "OpenSecureChannelResponse", "CloseSecureChannelRequest", "CloseSecureChannelResponse", "RequestHeader", "ResponseHeader", "SecurityTokenRequestType", "MessageSecurityMode", "CloseSessionResponse", "CloseSessionRquest", "ActivateSessionRequest", "ActivateSessionResponse", "SignatureData", "SignedSoftwareCertificate", "CreateSessionResponse", "CreateSessionRequest", "EndpointDescription", "UserTokenPolicy", "UserTokenType", "GetEndpointsRequest", "GetEndpointsResponse", "PublishRequest", "PublishResponse", "FindServersRequest", "FindServersResponse", "SetPublishingModeResponse", "SubscriptionAcknowledgement", "NotificationMessage", "ExtensionObject", "Structure", "ReadRequest", "ReadResponse", "ReadValueId", "TimestampsToReturn", "WriteRequest", "WriteResponse", "WriteValue", "SetPublishingModeRequest", "CreateMonitoredItemsResponse", "MonitoredItemCreateResult", "CreateMonitoredItemsRequest", "MonitoredItemCreateRequest", "MonitoringMode", "MonitoringParameters", "TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsRequest", "TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsResponse", "BrowsePath", "BrowsePathResult", "RelativePath", "BrowsePathTarget", "RelativePathElement", "CreateSubscriptionRequest", "CreateSubscriptionResponse", "BrowseResponse", "BrowseResult", "ReferenceDescription", "BrowseRequest", "ViewDescription", "BrowseNextRequest", "BrowseNextResponse", "DeleteSubscriptionsRequest", "DeleteSubscriptionsResponse", "BrowseDescription", "BrowseDirection", "CloseSessionRequest", "AddNodesRequest", "AddNodesResponse", "AddNodesItem", "AddNodesResult", "DeleteNodesItem","AddReferencesRequest", "AddReferencesResponse", "AddReferencesItem","DeleteReferencesItem", "VariableNode", "MethodNode", "VariableTypeNode", "ViewNode", "ReferenceTypeNode", "BrowseResultMask", "ServerState", "ServerStatusDataType", "BuildInfo", "ObjectNode", "DataTypeNode", "ObjectTypeNode", "IdType", "NodeAttributes", "VariableAttributes", "ObjectAttributes", "ReferenceTypeAttributes", "ViewAttributes", "MethodAttributes", "ObjectTypeAttributes", "VariableTypeAttributes", "DataTypeAttributes", "NodeAttributesMask", "DeleteNodesItem", "DeleteNodesRequest", "DeleteNodesResponse", "DeleteReferencesItem", "DeleteReferencesRequest", "DeleteReferencesResponse", "RegisterNodesRequest", "RegisterNodesResponse", "UnregisterNodesRequest", "UnregisterNodesResponse", "UserIdentityToken", "UserNameIdentityToken", "AnonymousIdentityToken", "ServiceFault", "CallMethodRequest", "CallMethodResult", "CallResponse", "CallRequest", "Argument"] subscription_types = ["DeleteMonitoredItemsRequest", "DeleteMonitoredItemsResponse", "NotificationMessage", "MonitoredItemNotification", "DataChangeNotification", "ModifySubscriptionRequest", "ModifySubscriptionResponse"] class TypeDescription(object): def __init__(self, name, nodeid, namespaceid): = name # without the UA_ prefix self.nodeid = nodeid self.namespaceid = namespaceid def parseTypeDescriptions(filename, namespaceid): definitions = {} f = open(filename[0]) input_str = f.close() input_str = input_str.replace('\r','') rows = map(lambda x:tuple(x.split(',')), input_str.split('\n')) for index, row in enumerate(rows): if len(row) < 3: continue if row[2] != "DataType": continue if row[0] == "BaseDataType": definitions["UA_Variant"] = TypeDescription(row[0], row[1], namespaceid) elif row[0] == "Structure": definitions["UA_ExtensionObject"] = TypeDescription(row[0], row[1], namespaceid) else: definitions["UA_" + row[0]] = TypeDescription(row[0], row[1], namespaceid) return definitions class BuiltinType(object): "Generic type without members. Used for builtin types." def __init__(self, name, description = ""): = name self.description = description def fixed_size(self): return in fixed_size def mem_size(self): return fixed_size[] def zero_copy(self): return in zero_copy def typedef_c(self): pass def typelayout_c(self, namespace_0, description, outname): if description == None: typeid = "{.namespaceIndex = 0, .identifierType = UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC, .identifier.numeric = 0}, " else: typeid = "{.namespaceIndex = %s, .identifierType = UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC, .identifier.numeric = %s}, " % \ (description.namespaceid, description.nodeid) if in ["UA_String", "UA_ByteString", "UA_XmlElement"]: return (("{.typeName = \"" +[3:] + "\", ") if typeintrospection else "{") + ".typeId = " + typeid + \ ".memSize = sizeof(" + + "), " + \ ".namespaceZero = UA_TRUE, .fixedSize = UA_FALSE, .zeroCopyable = UA_FALSE, " + \ ".membersSize = 1,\n\t.members = {{.memberTypeIndex = UA_TYPES_BYTE, .namespaceZero = UA_TRUE, " + \ (".memberName = (char*)0, " if typeintrospection else "") + \ ".padding = offsetof(UA_String, data) - sizeof(UA_Int32), .isArray = UA_TRUE }}, " + \ ".typeIndex = %s }" % (outname.upper() + "_" +[3:].upper()) if == "UA_ExpandedNodeId": return (("{.typeName = \"" +[3:] + "\", ") if typeintrospection else "{") + ".typeId = " + typeid + \ ".memSize = sizeof(UA_ExpandedNodeId), " + \ ".namespaceZero = UA_TRUE, .fixedSize = UA_FALSE, .zeroCopyable = UA_FALSE, " + \ ".membersSize = 3, .members = {" + \ "\n\t{.memberTypeIndex = UA_TYPES_NODEID, .namespaceZero = UA_TRUE, " + \ (".memberName = \"nodeId\", " if typeintrospection else "") + \ ".padding = 0, .isArray = UA_FALSE }," + \ "\n\t{.memberTypeIndex = UA_TYPES_STRING, .namespaceZero = UA_TRUE, " + \ (".memberName = \"namespaceUri\", " if typeintrospection else "") + \ ".padding = offsetof(UA_ExpandedNodeId, namespaceUri) - sizeof(UA_NodeId), .isArray = UA_FALSE }," + \ "\n\t{.memberTypeIndex = UA_TYPES_UINT32, .namespaceZero = UA_TRUE, " + \ (".memberName = \"serverIndex\", " if typeintrospection else "") + \ ".padding = offsetof(UA_ExpandedNodeId, serverIndex) - offsetof(UA_ExpandedNodeId, namespaceUri) - sizeof(UA_String), .isArray = UA_FALSE }},\n" + \ ".typeIndex = UA_TYPES_EXPANDEDNODEID }" if == "UA_QualifiedName": return (("{.typeName = \"" +[3:] + "\", ") if typeintrospection else "{") + ".typeId = " + typeid + \ ".memSize = sizeof(UA_QualifiedName), " + \ ".namespaceZero = UA_TRUE, .fixedSize = UA_FALSE, .zeroCopyable = UA_FALSE, " + \ ".membersSize = 2, .members = {" + \ "\n\t{.memberTypeIndex = UA_TYPES_UINT16, .namespaceZero = UA_TRUE, " + \ (".memberName = \"namespaceIndex\", " if typeintrospection else "") + \ ".padding = 0, .isArray = UA_FALSE }," + \ "\n\t{.memberTypeIndex = UA_TYPES_STRING, .namespaceZero = UA_TRUE, " + \ (".memberName = \"name\", " if typeintrospection else "") + \ ".padding = offsetof(UA_QualifiedName, name)-sizeof(UA_UInt16), .isArray = UA_FALSE }},\n" + \ ".typeIndex = UA_TYPES_QUALIFIEDNAME }" if == "UA_LocalizedText": return (("{.typeName = \"" +[3:] + "\", ") if typeintrospection else "{") + ".typeId = " + typeid + \ ".memSize = sizeof(UA_LocalizedText), " + \ ".namespaceZero = UA_TRUE, .fixedSize = UA_FALSE, .zeroCopyable = UA_FALSE, " + \ ".membersSize = 2, .members = {" + \ "\n\t{.memberTypeIndex = UA_TYPES_STRING, .namespaceZero = UA_TRUE, " + \ (".memberName = \"locale\", " if typeintrospection else "") + \ ".padding = 0, .isArray = UA_FALSE }," + \ "\n\t{.memberTypeIndex = UA_TYPES_STRING, .namespaceZero = UA_TRUE, " + \ (".memberName = \"text\", " if typeintrospection else "") + \ ".padding = offsetof(UA_LocalizedText, text)-sizeof(UA_String), .isArray = UA_FALSE }},\n" + \ ".typeIndex = UA_TYPES_LOCALIZEDTEXT }" return (("{.typeName = \"" +[3:] + "\", ") if typeintrospection else "{") + ".typeId = " + typeid + \ ".memSize = sizeof(" + + "), " + \ ".namespaceZero = UA_TRUE, " + \ ".fixedSize = " + ("UA_TRUE" if self.fixed_size() else "UA_FALSE") + \ ", .zeroCopyable = " + ("UA_TRUE" if self.zero_copy() else "UA_FALSE") + \ ", .membersSize = 0, .typeIndex = %s }" % (outname.upper() + "_" +[3:].upper()) class EnumerationType(object): def __init__(self, name, description = "", elements = OrderedDict()): = name self.description = description self.elements = elements # maps a name to an integer value def append_enum(name, value): self.elements[name] = value def fixed_size(self): return True def mem_size(self): return 4 def zero_copy(self): return True def typedef_c(self): if sys.version_info[0] < 3: values = self.elements.iteritems() else: values = self.elements.items() return "typedef enum { \n " + \ ",\n ".join(map(lambda kv : kv[0].upper() + " = " + kv[1], values)) + \ "\n} " + + ";" def typelayout_c(self, namespace_0, description, outname): if description == None: typeid = "{.namespaceIndex = 0, .identifierType = UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC, .identifier.numeric = 0}, " else: typeid = "{.namespaceIndex = %s, .identifierType = UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC, .identifier.numeric = %s}, " % (description.namespaceid, description.nodeid) return (("{.typeName = \"" +[3:] + "\", ") if typeintrospection else "{") + ".typeId = " + typeid + \ ".memSize = sizeof(" + + "), " +\ ".namespaceZero = UA_TRUE, " + \ ".fixedSize = UA_TRUE, .zeroCopyable = UA_TRUE, " + \ ".membersSize = 1,\n\t.members = {{.memberTypeIndex = UA_TYPES_INT32," + \ (".memberName = (char*)0, " if typeintrospection else "") + \ ".namespaceZero = UA_TRUE, .padding = 0, .isArray = UA_FALSE }}, .typeIndex = UA_TYPES_INT32 }" def functions_c(self, typeTableName): return '''static UA_INLINE %s * %s_new(void) { %s *v = (%s*)UA_Int32_new(); return v; } static UA_INLINE void %s_init(%s *p) { UA_Int32_init((UA_Int32*)p); } static UA_INLINE void %s_delete(%s *p) { UA_Int32_delete((UA_Int32*)p); } static UA_INLINE void %s_deleteMembers(%s *p) { } static UA_INLINE UA_StatusCode %s_copy(const %s *src, %s *dst) { return UA_Int32_copy((const UA_Int32*)src, (UA_Int32*)dst); }''' % tuple(itertools.repeat(, 13)) def encoding_h(self, typeTableName): return '''static UA_INLINE UA_StatusCode %s_encodeBinary(const %s *src, UA_ByteString *dst, size_t *offset) { return UA_Int32_encodeBinary((const UA_Int32*)src, dst, offset); } static UA_INLINE UA_StatusCode %s_decodeBinary(const UA_ByteString *src, size_t *offset, %s *dst) { return UA_Int32_decodeBinary(src, offset, (UA_Int32*)dst); }''' % tuple(itertools.repeat(, 4)) class OpaqueType(object): def __init__(self, name, description = ""): = name self.description = description def fixed_size(self): return False def zero_copy(self): return False def typedef_c(self): return "typedef UA_ByteString " + + ";" def typelayout_c(self, namespace_0, description, outname): if description == None: typeid = "{.namespaceIndex = 0, .identifierType = UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC, .identifier.numeric = 0}, " else: typeid = "{.namespaceIndex = %s, .identifierType = UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC, .identifier.numeric = %s}, " % (description.namespaceid, description.nodeid) return (("{.typeName = \"" +[3:] + "\", ") if typeintrospection else "{") + ".typeId = " + typeid + \ ".memSize = sizeof(" + + "), .fixedSize = UA_FALSE, .zeroCopyable = UA_FALSE, " + \ ".namespaceZero = UA_TRUE, .membersSize = 1,\n\t.members = {{.memberTypeIndex = UA_TYPES_BYTESTRING," + \ (".memberName = (char*)0, " if typeintrospection else "") + \ ".namespaceZero = UA_TRUE, .padding = 0, .isArray = UA_FALSE }}, .typeIndex = UA_TYPES_BYTESTRING }" def functions_c(self, typeTableName): return '''static UA_INLINE %s * %s_new(void) { %s *v = (%s*)UA_ByteString_new(); return v; } static UA_INLINE void %s_init(%s *p) { UA_ByteString_init((UA_ByteString*)p); } static UA_INLINE void %s_delete(%s *p) { UA_ByteString_delete((UA_ByteString*)p); } static UA_INLINE void %s_deleteMembers(%s *p) { } static UA_INLINE UA_StatusCode %s_copy(const %s *src, %s *dst) { return UA_ByteString_copy((const UA_ByteString*)src, (UA_ByteString*)dst); }''' % tuple(itertools.repeat(, 13)) def encoding_h(self, typeTableName): return '''static UA_INLINE UA_StatusCode %s_encodeBinary(const %s *src, UA_ByteString *dst, size_t *offset) { return UA_ByteString_encodeBinary((UA_ByteString*)src, dst, offset); } static UA_INLINE UA_StatusCode %s_decodeBinary(const UA_ByteString *src, size_t *offset, %s *dst) { return UA_ByteString_decodeBinary(src, offset, (UA_ByteString*)dst); }''' % tuple(itertools.repeat(, 4)) class StructMember(object): def __init__(self, name, memberType, isArray): = name self.memberType = memberType self.isArray = isArray class StructType(object): def __init__(self, name, description, members = OrderedDict()): = name self.description = description self.members = members # maps a name to a member definition def fixed_size(self): for m in self.members.values(): if m.isArray or not m.memberType.fixed_size(): return False return True def mem_size(self): total = 0 for m in self.members.values(): if m.isArray: raise Exception("Arrays have no fixed size!") else: total += m.memberType.mem_size() return total def zero_copy(self): for m in self.members.values(): if m.isArray or not m.memberType.zero_copy(): return False return True def typedef_c(self): if len(self.members) == 0: return "typedef void * " + + ";" returnstr = "typedef struct {\n" if sys.version_info[0] < 3: values = self.members.iteritems() else: values = self.members.items() for name, member in values: if member.isArray: returnstr += " UA_Int32 " + name + "Size;\n" returnstr += " " + + " *" +name + ";\n" else: returnstr += " " + + " " +name + ";\n" return returnstr + "} " + + ";" def typelayout_c(self, namespace_0, description, outname): if description == None: typeid = "{.namespaceIndex = 0, .identifierType = UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC, .identifier.numeric = 0}, " else: typeid = "{.namespaceIndex = %s, .identifierType = UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC, .identifier.numeric = %s}, " % (description.namespaceid, description.nodeid) layout = (("{.typeName = \"" +[3:] + "\", ") if typeintrospection else "{") + ".typeId = " + typeid + \ ".memSize = sizeof(" + + "), "+ \ ".namespaceZero = " + ("UA_TRUE" if namespace_0 else "UA_FALSE") + \ ", .fixedSize = " + ("UA_TRUE" if self.fixed_size() else "UA_FALSE") + \ ", .zeroCopyable = " + ("sizeof(" + + ") == " + str(self.mem_size()) if self.zero_copy() \ else "UA_FALSE") + \ ", .typeIndex = " + outname.upper() + "_" +[3:].upper() + \ ", .membersSize = " + str(len(self.members)) + "," if len(self.members) > 0: layout += "\n\t.members={" for index, member in enumerate(self.members.values()): layout += "\n\t{" + \ ((".memberName = \"" +[0].upper() +[1:] + "\", ") if typeintrospection else "") + \ ".memberTypeIndex = " + ("UA_TYPES_" +[3:].upper() if args.namespace_id == 0 or in existing_types else \ outname.upper() + "_" +[3:].upper()) + ", " + \ ".namespaceZero = "+ \ ("UA_TRUE, " if args.namespace_id == 0 or in existing_types else "UA_FALSE, ") + \ ".padding = " before_endpos = "0" thispos = "offsetof(%s, %s)" % (, if index > 0: if sys.version_info[0] < 3: before = self.members.values()[index-1] else: before = list(self.members.values())[index-1] before_endpos = "(offsetof(%s, %s)" % (, if before.isArray: before_endpos += " + sizeof(void*))" else: before_endpos += " + sizeof(%s))" % if member.isArray: # the first two bytes are padding for the length index, the last three for the pointer length_pos = "offsetof(%s, %sSize)" % (, if index != 0: layout += "((%s - %s) << 3) + " % (length_pos, before_endpos) layout += "(%s - sizeof(UA_Int32) - %s)" % (thispos, length_pos) else: layout += "%s - %s" % (thispos, before_endpos) layout += ", .isArray = " + ("UA_TRUE" if member.isArray else "UA_FALSE") + " }, " layout += "}" return layout + "}" def functions_c(self, typeTableName): return '''static UA_INLINE void %s_init(%s *p) { UA_init(p, %s); } static UA_INLINE void %s_delete(%s *p) { UA_delete(p, %s); } static UA_INLINE void %s_deleteMembers(%s *p) { UA_deleteMembers(p, %s); } static UA_INLINE %s * %s_new(void) { return (%s *) UA_new(%s); } static UA_INLINE UA_StatusCode %s_copy(const %s *src, %s *dst) { return UA_copy(src, dst, %s); }''' % \ tuple( list(itertools.chain(*itertools.repeat([,, "&"+typeTableName+"[" + typeTableName + "_" +[3:].upper()+"]"], 3))) + list(itertools.chain(*itertools.repeat([,,, "&"+typeTableName+"[" + typeTableName + "_" +[3:].upper()+"]"], 2))) ) def encoding_h(self, typeTableName): return '''static UA_INLINE UA_StatusCode %s_encodeBinary(const %s *src, UA_ByteString *dst, size_t *offset) { return UA_encodeBinary(src, %s, dst, offset); } static UA_INLINE UA_StatusCode %s_decodeBinary(const UA_ByteString *src, size_t *offset, %s *dst) { return UA_decodeBinary(src, offset, dst, %s); }''' % \ tuple(list(itertools.chain(*itertools.repeat([,, "&"+typeTableName+"[" + typeTableName + "_" +[3:].upper()+"]"], 2)))) def parseTypeDefinitions(xmlDescription, existing_types = OrderedDict()): '''Returns an ordered dict that maps names to types. The order is such that every type depends only on known types. ''' ns = {"opc": ""} tree = etree.parse(xmlDescription) typeSnippets = tree.xpath("/opc:TypeDictionary/*[not(self::opc:Import)]", namespaces=ns) types = OrderedDict(existing_types.items()) # types we do not want to autogenerate def skipType(name): if name in builtin_types: return True if name in excluded_types: return True if outname == "ua_types" and not name[3:] in minimal_types: return True if "Test" in name: # skip all test types return True if"NodeId$", name) != None: return True return False def stripTypename(tn): return tn[tn.find(":")+1:] def camlCase2CCase(item): "Member names begin with a lower case character" return item[:1].lower() + item[1:] if item else '' def typeReady(element): "Do we have the member types yet?" for child in element: if child.tag == "{}Field": if stripTypename(child.get("TypeName")) not in types: return False return True def parseEnumeration(typeXml): name = "UA_" + typeXml.get("Name") description = "" elements = OrderedDict() for child in typeXml: if child.tag == "{}Documentation": description = child.text if child.tag == "{}EnumeratedValue": elements[name + "_" + child.get("Name")] = child.get("Value") return EnumerationType(name, description, elements) def parseOpaque(typeXml): name = "UA_" + typeXml.get("Name") description = "" for child in typeXml: if child.tag == "{}Documentation": description = child.text return OpaqueType(name, description) def parseStructured(typeXml): "Returns None if we miss member descriptions" name = "UA_" + typeXml.get("Name") description = "" for child in typeXml: if child.tag == "{}Documentation": description = child.text # ignore lengthfields, just tag the array-members as an array lengthfields = [] for child in typeXml: if child.get("LengthField"): lengthfields.append(child.get("LengthField")) members = OrderedDict() for child in typeXml: if not child.tag == "{}Field": continue if child.get("Name") in lengthfields: continue memberTypeName = "UA_" + stripTypename(child.get("TypeName")) if not memberTypeName in types: return None memberType = types[memberTypeName] memberName = camlCase2CCase(child.get("Name")) isArray = True if child.get("LengthField") else False members[memberName] = StructMember(memberName, memberType, isArray) return StructType(name, description, members) finished = False while(not finished): finished = True for typeXml in typeSnippets: name = "UA_" + typeXml.get("Name") if name in types or skipType(name): continue if typeXml.tag == "{}EnumeratedType": t = parseEnumeration(typeXml) types[] = t elif typeXml.tag == "{}OpaqueType": t = parseOpaque(typeXml) types[] = t elif typeXml.tag == "{}StructuredType": t = parseStructured(typeXml) if t == None: finished = False else: types[] = t # remove the existing types for k in existing_types.keys(): types.pop(k) return types parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--ns0-types-xml', nargs=1, help='xml-definition of the ns0 types that are assumed to already exist') parser.add_argument('--enable-subscription-types', nargs=1, help='Generate datatypes necessary for Montoring and Subscriptions.') parser.add_argument('--typedescriptions', nargs=1, help='csv file with type descriptions') parser.add_argument('--typeintrospection', help='add the type and member names to the idatatype structures', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('namespace_id', type=int, help='the id of the target namespace') parser.add_argument('types_xml', help='path/to/Opc.Ua.Types.bsd') parser.add_argument('outfile', help='output file w/o extension') args = parser.parse_args() outname = args.outfile.split("/")[-1] inname = args.types_xml.split("/")[-1] typeintrospection = args.typeintrospection existing_types = OrderedDict() if args.enable_subscription_types: minimal_types = minimal_types + subscription_types if args.namespace_id == 0 or args.ns0_types_xml: existing_types = OrderedDict([(t, BuiltinType(t)) for t in builtin_types]) if args.ns0_types_xml: if sys.version_info[0] < 3: OrderedDict(existing_types.items() + parseTypeDefinitions(args.ns0_types_xml[0], existing_types).items()) else: OrderedDict(list(existing_types.items()) + list(parseTypeDefinitions(args.ns0_types_xml[0], existing_types).items())) types = parseTypeDefinitions(args.types_xml, existing_types) if args.namespace_id == 0: if sys.version_info[0] < 3: types = OrderedDict(existing_types.items() + types.items()) else: types = OrderedDict(list(existing_types.items()) + list(types.items())) typedescriptions = {} if args.typedescriptions: typedescriptions = parseTypeDescriptions(args.typedescriptions, args.namespace_id) fh = open(args.outfile + "_generated.h",'w') fe = open(args.outfile + "_generated_encoding_binary.h",'w') fc = open(args.outfile + "_generated.c",'w') def printh(string): print(string, end='\n', file=fh) def printe(string): print(string, end='\n', file=fe) def printc(string): print(string, end='\n', file=fc) printh('''/** * @file ''' + outname + '''_generated.h * * @brief Autogenerated data types * * Generated from ''' + inname + ''' with script ''' + sys.argv[0] + ''' * on host ''' + platform.uname()[1] + ''' by user ''' + getpass.getuser() + ''' at ''' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S") + ''' */ #ifndef ''' + outname.upper() + '''_GENERATED_H_ #define ''' + outname.upper() + '''_GENERATED_H_ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include "ua_types.h" #ifdef UA_INTERNAL #include "ua_types_encoding_binary.h" #endif''' + ('\n#include "ua_types_generated.h"\n' if args.namespace_id != 0 else '') + ''' /** * @ingroup types * * @defgroup ''' + outname + '''_generated Autogenerated ''' + outname + ''' Types * * @brief Data structures that are autogenerated from an XML-Schema. * * @{ */ ''') printh("#define " + outname.upper() + "_COUNT %s\n" % (str(len(types)))) printh("extern UA_EXPORT const UA_DataType *" + outname.upper() + ";\n") i = 0 if sys.version_info[0] < 3: values = types.itervalues() else: values = types.values() for t in values: if type(t) != BuiltinType: printh("") if t.description != "": printh("/** @brief " + t.description + " */") printh(t.typedef_c()) printh("#define " + outname.upper() + "_" +[3:].upper() + " " + str(i)) if type(t) != BuiltinType: printh(t.functions_c(outname.upper())) i += 1 printh(''' /// @} /* end of group */\n #ifdef __cplusplus } // extern "C" #endif\n #endif /* %s_GENERATED_H_ */''' % outname.upper()) printe('''/** * @file ''' + outname + '''_generated_encoding_binary.h * * @brief Binary encoding for autogenerated data types * * Generated from ''' + inname + ''' with script ''' + sys.argv[0] + ''' * on host ''' + platform.uname()[1] + ''' by user ''' + getpass.getuser() + ''' at ''' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S") + ''' */\n #include "ua_types_encoding_binary.h" #include "''' + outname + '''_generated.h"''') printc('''/** * @file ''' + outname + '''_generated.c * * @brief Autogenerated data types * * Generated from ''' + inname + ''' with script ''' + sys.argv[0] + ''' * on host ''' + platform.uname()[1] + ''' by user ''' + getpass.getuser() + ''' at ''' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S") + ''' */\n #include "stddef.h" #include "ua_types.h" #include "''' + outname + '''_generated.h"\n const UA_DataType *''' + outname.upper() + ''' = (UA_DataType[]){''') if sys.version_info[0] < 3: values = types.itervalues() else: values = types.values() for t in values: printc("") printc("/* " + + " */") if args.typedescriptions: td = typedescriptions[] else: td = None printc(t.typelayout_c(args.namespace_id == 0, td, outname) + ",") if not type(t) == BuiltinType: printe("") printe("/* " + + " */") printe(t.encoding_h(outname.upper())) printc("};\n") # if args.typedescriptions: # printc('const UA_UInt32 *' + outname.upper() + '_IDS = (UA_UInt32[]){') # for t in types.itervalues(): # print(str(typedescriptions[].nodeid) + ", ", end='', file=fc) # printc("};") fh.close() fe.close() fc.close()