Contributions to open62541 include code, documentation, answering user questions, running the project's infrastructure, and advocating for all types of open62541 users.
The open62541 project welcomes all contributions from anyone willing to work in good faith with other contributors and the community. No contribution is too small and all contributions are valued.
This guide explains the process for contributing to the open62541 project's core repository and describes what to expect at each step. Thank you for considering these point.
Your friendly open62541 community!
The open62541 project has a Code of Conduct that all contributors are expected to follow. This code describes the minimum behavior expectations for all contributors.
Everybody can propose a pull request (PR). But only the core-maintainers of the project can merge PR.
The following are the minimal requirements that every PR needs to meet.
Pass Continuous Integration (CI): Every PR has to pass our CI. This includes compilation with a range of compilers and for a range of target architectures, passing the unit tests and no detected issues with static code analysis tools.
Code-Style: Please consider the Code-Style recommendations when formatting your code.
Signed CLA: Every contributor must sign the Contributor License Agreement (CLA) before we can merge his first PR. The signing can be done online. The link automatically appears on the page of the first PR. In addition, the CLA text can be accessed here.
Separation of Concerns: Small changes are much easier to review. Typically, small PR are merged much faster. For larger contributions, it might make sense to break them up into a series of PR. For example, a PR with a new feature should not contain other commits with only stylistic improvements to another portion of the code.
Feature Commits: The same holds true for the individual PR as well. Every
commit inside the PR should do one thing only. If many changes have been
applied at the same time, git add --patch
can be used to partially stage and
commit changes that belong together.
Commit Messages: Good commit messages help in understanding changes. Consider the following article with best practices for commit messages:
Linear Commit History: Our goal is to maintain a linear commit history
where possible. Use the git rebase
functionality before pushing a PR. Use
git rebase --interactive
to squash bugfix commits.
The following labels can be used for the PR title to indicate its status.
The core-maintainers are busy people. If they take especially long to react, feel free to trigger them by additional comments in the PR thread. Again, small PR are much faster to review.
It is the job of the developer that posts the PR to rebase the PR on the target branch when the two diverge.
The public API is the collection of header files in the /include folder.
Changes to the public API are under especially high scrutiny. Public API changes are best discussed with the core-maintainers early on. Simply to avoid duplicate work when changes to the proposed API become necessary.
You can create a special issue or PR just for the sake of discussing a proposed API change. The actual implementation can follow later on.