.coverity.sh 856 B

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. #
  3. # This sciprt is run by travis-ci and pushes the first commit
  4. # of the day to the coverity scan service
  5. #
  6. COMMITS=`git log coverity_scan --since=today.midnight --oneline | wc -l`
  7. if [[ "$COMMITS" -le "1" ]]; then
  8. #first commit a day - push changes to branch coverity_scan
  9. git clone -b coverity_scan https://$GITAUTH@github.com/acplt/open62541
  10. cd open62541
  11. git fetch origin
  12. git merge origin/master
  13. git config --global user.email "open62541-travis-ci@users.noreply.github.com"
  14. git config --global user.name "Open62541 travis-ci"
  15. git config --global push.default simple
  16. git add *
  17. git commit -am "push to coverity scan by travis-ci"
  18. git push https://$GITAUTH@github.com/acplt/open62541
  19. cd ..
  20. rm -rf open62541
  21. else
  22. echo "Not the first commit of the day - no push to coverity required"
  23. fi