open62541-doc.doc-base-template 639 B

  1. Document: open62541
  2. Title: open62541 Manual
  3. Author: The open62541 Team <>
  4. Abstract: open62541 ( is an open source
  5. and free implementation of OPC UA (OPC Unified Architecture)
  6. written in the common subset of the C99 and C++98 languages.
  7. This manual contains an introduction to the open62541 library
  8. and describes how to use it for server and client applications.
  9. Section: Network/Communication
  10. Format: HTML
  11. Index: /usr/share/doc/open62541/open62541.html/index.html
  12. Files: /usr/share/doc/open62541/open62541.html/*
  13. Format: PDF
  14. Files: /usr/share/doc/open62541/open62541.pdf.gz