.travis.yml 1014 B

  1. language: c
  2. compiler:
  3. - gcc
  4. env:
  5. global:
  6. # The next declaration is the encrypted COVERITY_SCAN_TOKEN, created
  7. # via the "travis encrypt" command using the project repo's public key
  8. - secure: "daDBy/1RrqpWonB1RnRlrKSFUsiG4dOPWwBz/2bnhtiULD0Ghf9yvMpN0Ji2ofXyiPQvmf6LO6pCkKtWjvMgUKNzMl7svooXi5xxwSNcpXphoSzI88wpB9ANjzOC4ZrLzQHteodeVsiYr2j7TGaVenRpZRH5SuZjSzSqLnFR6Og="
  9. addons:
  10. coverity_scan:
  11. project:
  12. name: "acplt/open62541"
  13. description: "Open-source OPC UA"
  14. notification_email:
  15. build_command_prepend: "./autogen.sh && ./configure"
  16. build_command: "make"
  17. branch_pattern: master
  18. before_install:
  19. - sudo apt-get update -qq
  20. - sudo apt-get install -qq build-essential subversion git autoconf libtool texinfo python-lxml valgrind
  21. - svn checkout https://svn.code.sf.net/p/check/code/trunk check-code
  22. - cd check-code
  23. - autoreconf --install
  24. - ./configure
  25. - make
  26. - sudo make install
  27. - sudo ldconfig
  28. - cd ..
  29. script: ./autogen.sh && ./configure && make && make check