.travis.yml 2.2 KB

  1. language: c
  2. compiler:
  3. - gcc
  4. env:
  5. global:
  6. #this is the encrypted GITAUTH
  7. - secure: "nSunY54Wp5HkQCHHbKwlwpbaKyqRVIu/0EnhaoJSwhM1wqerQV/E5d/2JelO9/tZgbungAO7wk/fjutRMVc7d378RTIPwS8vHpvZfEoGhCFsLoTOlqESzsZFBup2H5t1lpQ23jRHDOxlLdJy2lz5U+zd1YnYgDXqdDFjegsIYdo="
  8. # The next declaration is the encrypted COVERITY_SCAN_TOKEN, created
  9. - secure: "ehswgymGXPM3UINhOOnfSByMnrRNTixeT2vEV+z3kXy3WHew/O1yt9GxaYGrUhJPg4+5chAQgjYmezO1x3/CUKFgeHQUmVTFWEzfy1kL1JVjO+ufYyJDnbY+x3OmyNmMYcef2J5MAuUS2C1KFvIxtLsljVK+gpe4LcylkCIF/3Y="
  10. addons:
  11. coverity_scan:
  12. project:
  13. name: acplt/open62541
  14. description: Open-source OPC UA
  15. notification_email: null@plt.rwth-aachen.de
  16. build_command_prepend: ./autogen.sh && ./configure
  17. build_command: make
  18. branch_pattern: coverity_scan
  19. before_install:
  20. - sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/ppa -y
  21. - sudo apt-get update -qq
  22. - sudo apt-get install -qq build-essential subversion git autoconf libtool texinfo
  23. python-lxml graphviz doxygen
  24. - svn checkout https://svn.code.sf.net/p/check/code/trunk check-code
  25. - cd check-code
  26. - autoreconf --install
  27. - ./configure
  28. - make
  29. - sudo make install
  30. - sudo ldconfig
  31. - cd ..
  32. - rm -rf check-code
  33. - sudo pip install cpp-coveralls
  34. script:
  35. - ./autogen.sh
  36. - ./configure
  37. - echo "Production build + checks"
  38. - make && make check && make clean
  39. - echo "Extended debug build + checks + coverage + doxygen"
  40. - ./configure --enable-debug --enable-coverage --enable-doxygen
  41. - make all && make check
  42. after_success:
  43. - git clone --depth=50 -b gh-pages https://$GITAUTH@github.com/acplt/open62541
  44. - rm -rf open62541/doxygen
  45. - cp -r doc/html open62541/doxygen
  46. - cd open62541/doxygen
  47. - git config --global user.email "open62541-travis-ci@users.noreply.github.com"
  48. - git config --global user.name "Open62541 travis-ci"
  49. - git config --global push.default simple
  50. - git add *
  51. - git commit -am "doxygen updated by travis-ci"
  52. - git push https://$GITAUTH@github.com/acplt/open62541
  53. - cd ..
  54. - cd ..
  55. - rm -rf open62541
  56. - ./tools/.coverity.sh
  57. - coveralls -b src --exclude doc --exclude examples --exclude tests --exclude wrappers --exclude src/.libs --exclude src/util/.libs -E '.*\.h'