123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354 |
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- #include "ua_connection.h"
- /**
- * The network layer may receive chopped up messages since TCP is a streaming
- * protocol. Furthermore, the networklayer may operate on ringbuffers or
- * statically assigned memory.
- *
- * If an entire message is received, it is forwarded directly. But the memory
- * needs to be freed with the networklayer-specific mechanism. If a half message
- * is received, we copy it into a local buffer. Then, the stack-specific free
- * needs to be used.
- *
- * @param connection The connection
- * @param message The received message. The content may be overwritten when a
- * previsouly received buffer is completed.
- * @param realloced The Boolean value is set to true if the outgoing message has
- * been reallocated from the network layer.
- * @return Returns UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD or an error code. When an error occurs, the ingoing message
- * and the current buffer in the connection are freed.
- */
- UA_StatusCode
- UA_Connection_completeMessages(UA_Connection *connection, UA_ByteString * UA_RESTRICT message,
- UA_Boolean * UA_RESTRICT realloced);
- void UA_EXPORT UA_Connection_detachSecureChannel(UA_Connection *connection);
- void UA_EXPORT UA_Connection_attachSecureChannel(UA_Connection *connection, UA_SecureChannel *channel);
- /**
- * EndpointURL helper
- */
- /**
- * Split the given endpoint url into hostname and port. Some of the chunks are returned as pointer.
- * @param endpointUrl The endpoint URL to split up
- * @param hostname the target array for hostname. Has to be at least 256 size.
- * @param port if url contains port, it will point to the beginning of port. NULL otherwise. It may also include the path part, thus stop at position of path pointer, if it is not NULL.
- * @param path points to the first occurance of '/' after the port or NULL if no path in url
- * @return UA_STATUSCODE_BADOUTOFRANGE if url too long, UA_STATUSCODE_BADATTRIBUTEIDINVALID if url not starting with 'opc.tcp://', UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD on success
- */
- UA_StatusCode UA_EXPORT UA_EndpointUrl_split_ptr(const char *endpointUrl, char *hostname, const char ** port, const char ** path);
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- } // extern "C"
- #endif