.travis.yml 3.8 KB

  1. language: c
  2. # use new build environment (docker)
  3. sudo: required
  4. env:
  5. global:
  6. # GITAUTH:
  7. - secure: nSunY54Wp5HkQCHHbKwlwpbaKyqRVIu/0EnhaoJSwhM1wqerQV/E5d/2JelO9/tZgbungAO7wk/fjutRMVc7d378RTIPwS8vHpvZfEoGhCFsLoTOlqESzsZFBup2H5t1lpQ23jRHDOxlLdJy2lz5U+zd1YnYgDXqdDFjegsIYdo=
  9. - secure: C7LLWmOCdRYJGiXjFYDHWwBB6XGjs9Hio4kkvDehLRredRgp1UJ73g6Av9L7xrTUide6GiPrSd+RJw7py/twx5qaeIjOWPy+XvtmabDEQBquLjEkvS+LP2EycaMe92kHMo1ItFfRomgj1FyNYPVnUFgdyedGWv+p553ziDbrMas=
  10. dist: trusty
  11. matrix:
  12. fast_finish: true
  13. include:
  14. - os: linux
  15. compiler: gcc
  16. env: ANALYZE=false
  17. - os: linux
  18. compiler: gcc
  19. env: ANALYZE=true
  20. - os: linux
  21. compiler: gcc
  22. env: DOCKER=true
  23. services:
  24. - docker
  25. - os: linux
  26. compiler: clang
  27. env: ANALYZE=false
  28. - os: linux
  29. compiler: clang
  30. env: ANALYZE=true
  31. - os: linux
  32. compiler: clang
  33. env: FUZZER=true
  34. - os: osx
  35. compiler: clang
  36. # disable homebrew auto update which takes a lot of time
  38. # Fixes bug 'shell_session_update: command not found' on coverity_scan branch, https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/6737
  39. osx_image: xcode8.1
  40. cache:
  41. directories:
  42. - $HOME/Library/Caches/Homebrew
  43. addons:
  44. apt:
  45. sources:
  46. # see https://github.com/travis-ci/apt-source-whitelist/blob/master/ubuntu.json
  47. packages:
  48. - binutils-mingw-w64-i686
  49. - build-essential
  50. - check
  51. - cmake
  52. - cppcheck
  53. - gcc-multilib
  54. - g++-mingw-w64-i686
  55. - g++-mingw-w64-x86-64
  56. - g++-multilib
  57. - graphviz
  58. - libsubunit-dev
  59. - libx11-dev
  60. - mingw-w64
  61. - texlive-fonts-recommended
  62. - texlive-latex-extra
  63. - texlive-latex-recommended
  64. - valgrind
  65. - wget
  66. - xutils-dev
  67. - zip
  68. coverity_scan:
  69. project:
  70. name: "open62541/open62541"
  71. description: "Build submitted by Travis"
  72. notification_email: null@plt.rwth-aachen.de
  73. build_command_prepend: "mkdir build && cd build && cmake .."
  74. build_command: "make"
  75. branch_pattern: coverity_scan
  76. cache:
  77. pip: true
  78. apt: true
  79. directories:
  80. - $HOME/install
  81. - $HOME/.cache/pip
  82. # combine all the commands into one single command. See https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/1066
  83. before_install: |
  84. # Exit travis if on coverity_scan branch and not first build
  85. test $TRAVIS_BRANCH != coverity_scan -o ${TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER##*.} = 1 || exit 0
  86. if [ ${TRAVIS_OS_NAME} == "linux" ]; then echo -n | openssl s_client -connect scan.coverity.com:443 | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' | sudo tee -a /etc/ssl/certs/ca-; fi
  87. if [ ${TRAVIS_OS_NAME} == "linux" ]; then sh ./tools/travis/travis_linux_before_install.sh; fi
  88. if [ ${TRAVIS_OS_NAME} == "osx" ]; then sh ./tools/travis/travis_osx_before_install.sh; fi
  89. script: |
  90. if [ ${TRAVIS_OS_NAME} == "linux" ]; then sh ./tools/travis/travis_linux_script.sh; fi
  91. if [ ${TRAVIS_OS_NAME} == "osx" ]; then sh ./tools/travis/travis_osx_script.sh; fi
  92. after_success: |
  93. if [ ${TRAVIS_OS_NAME} == "linux" ]; then sh ./tools/travis/travis_linux_after_success.sh; fi
  94. # Sleep to flush travis output
  95. echo == Build success ==
  96. sleep 5
  97. after_failure: |
  98. # Sleep to flush travis output
  99. echo == Build failed ==
  100. sleep 5
  101. deploy:
  102. provider: releases
  103. api_key:
  104. secure: PKCoA7MBRtHloIbNF4Qj5LQyCafjekfVeFXlMBd9KmC0ynNuef+D7nn38f/jo25/b0Ii7r+hgslkQPezbKyEqo2zcCB8Pn8TWau2hbzKM/dUCPoN90HVaQcRjUi8P2Y+QkouwyPWSujBL35/X5QiAntRotCSbZx4fkyiN8cU95o=
  105. file:
  106. - open62541-win32.zip
  107. - open62541-win64.zip
  108. - open62541-linux32.tar.gz
  109. - open62541-linux64.tar.gz
  110. - open62541-raspberrypi.tar.gz
  111. - open62541.c
  112. - open62541.h
  113. skip_cleanup: true
  114. on:
  115. repo: open62541/open62541
  116. tags: true
  117. condition: $CC = gcc && $ANALYZE = false