123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120 |
- from __future__ import print_function
- import sys
- from collections import OrderedDict
- import time
- import re
- import csv
- from itertools import tee
- if len(sys.argv) != 3:
- print("Usage: python generate_namespace.py <path/to/NodeIds.csv> <outfile w/o extension>", file=sys.stdout)
- exit(0)
- # types that are to be excluded
- exclude_kind = set(["Object","ObjectType","Variable","Method","ReferenceType"])
- exclude_types = set(["Number",
- "Integer", "UInteger", "Enumeration",
- "Image", "ImageBMP", "ImageGIF", "ImageJPG", "ImagePNG",
- "References", "BaseVariableType", "BaseDataVariableType",
- "PropertyType", "DataTypeDescriptionType", "DataTypeDictionaryType", "NamingRuleType",
- "IntegerId","Counter","Duration","NumericRange","Time","Date",
- "UtcTime", "LocaleId","UserTokenType",
- "ApplicationType","ApplicationInstanceCertificate",
- "ServerVendorCapabilityType","ServerStatusType","ServerDiagnosticsSummaryType",
- "SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsArrayType", "SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsType",
- "SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType", "SubscriptionDiagnosticsType",
- "SessionDiagnosticsArrayType", "SessionDiagnosticsVariableType",
- "SessionSecurityDiagnosticsArrayType", "SessionSecurityDiagnosticsType",
- "DataItemType", "AnalogItemType", "DiscreteItemType", "TwoStateDiscreteType",
- "MultiStateDiscreteType", "ProgramDiagnosticType", "StateVariableType", "FiniteStateVariableType",
- "TransitionVariableType", "FiniteTransitionVariableType", "BuildInfoType", "TwoStateVariableType",
- "ConditionVariableType", "MultiStateValueDiscreteType", "OptionSetType", "ArrayItemType",
- "YArrayItemType", "XYArrayItemType", "ImageItemType", "CubeItemType", "NDimensionArrayItemType"
- ])
- def skipKind(name):
- if name in exclude_kind:
- return True
- return False
- def skipType(name):
- if name in exclude_types:
- return True
- return False
- f = open(sys.argv[1])
- rows1, rows2, rows3 = tee(csv.reader(f), 3)
- fh = open(sys.argv[2] + ".h",'w');
- fc = open(sys.argv[2] + ".c",'w');
- print('''/**********************************************************
- * Generated from '''+sys.argv[1]+''' with script '''+sys.argv[0]+'''
- * on node XXX by user XXX at '''+ time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S")+'''
- * do not modify
- **********************************************************/
- #ifndef OPCUA_NAMESPACE_0_H_
- #define OPCUA_NAMESPACE_0_H_
- #include "opcua.h" // definition of UA_VTable and basic UA_Types
- UA_Int32 UA_toIndex(UA_Int32 id);
- extern UA_VTable UA_[];
- enum UA_VTableIndex_enum {''', end='\n', file=fh)
- print('''/* Mapping and vTable of Namespace Zero */
- #include "opcua.h"
- UA_Int32 UA_toIndex(UA_Int32 id) {
- UA_Int32 retval = -1;
- switch (id) { ''', end='\n',file=fc)
- i = 0
- for row in rows1:
- if skipKind(row[2]):
- continue
- if skipType(row[0]):
- continue
- if row[0] == "BaseDataType":
- name = "UA_Variant"
- elif row[0] == "Structure":
- name = "UA_ExtensionObject"
- else:
- name = "UA_" + row[0]
- print("\t"+name.upper()+"="+str(i)+",", file=fh)
- print('\tcase '+row[1]+': retval='+name.upper()+'; break; //'+row[2], file=fc)
- i = i+1
- print('\tUA_NS0_VTABLE_MAX = 0\n};\n', file=fh)
- print('''\t}\n\treturn retval;
- }
- UA_VTable UA_[] = {''', file=fc)
- for row in rows2:
- if skipKind(row[2]):
- continue
- if skipType(row[0]):
- continue
- if row[0] == "BaseDataType":
- name = "UA_Variant"
- elif row[0] == "Structure":
- name = "UA_ExtensionObject"
- else:
- name = "UA_" + row[0]
- print('#define '+name.upper()+'_NS0 (UA_['+name.upper()+'].Id)', file=fh)
- print("\t{" + row[1] + ", (UA_Int32(*)(void const*)) " + name + "_calcSize, (UA_Int32(*)(UA_Byte const*,UA_Int32*,void*)) " + name + "_decode, (UA_Int32(*)(void const*,UA_Int32*,UA_Byte*))" + name + "_encode},",end='\n',file=fc)
- print("\t{0,UA_NULL,UA_NULL,UA_NULL}\n};",file=fc)
- print('#endif /* OPCUA_NAMESPACE_0_H_ */', end='\n', file=fh)
- fh.close()
- fc.close()
- f.close()