@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <memory.h> // memcpy
+#include "opcua.h"
#include "opcua_transportLayer.h"
#include "opcua_secureLayer.h"
#include "UA_stackInternalTypes.h"
@@ -13,16 +14,17 @@
* inits a connection object for secure channel layer
-UA_Int32 SL_initConnectionObject(UA_connection *connection)
- UA_AsymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader_init(&(connection->secureLayer.localAsymAlgSettings));
- UA_ByteString_copy(&UA_ByteString_securityPoliceNone, &(connection->secureLayer.localAsymAlgSettings.securityPolicyUri));
- UA_alloc((void**)&(connection->secureLayer.localNonce.data),sizeof(UA_Byte));
+UA_Int32 SL_initConnectionObject(UA_connection *connection) {
+ UA_AsymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader_init(
+ &(connection->secureLayer.localAsymAlgSettings));
+ UA_ByteString_copy(&UA_ByteString_securityPoliceNone,
+ &(connection->secureLayer.localAsymAlgSettings.securityPolicyUri));
+ UA_alloc((void**)&(connection->secureLayer.localNonce.data),
+ sizeof(UA_Byte));
connection->secureLayer.localNonce.length = 1;
connection->secureLayer.connectionState = connectionState_CLOSED;
@@ -43,8 +45,8 @@ UA_Int32 SL_initConnectionObject(UA_connection *connection)
return UA_NO_ERROR;
-UA_Int32 SL_send(UA_connection* connection, UA_ByteString const * responseMessage, UA_Int32 type)
+UA_Int32 SL_send(UA_connection* connection,
+ UA_ByteString const * responseMessage, UA_Int32 type) {
UA_UInt32 sequenceNumber;
UA_UInt32 requestId;
UA_Int32 pos;
@@ -56,24 +58,24 @@ UA_Int32 SL_send(UA_connection* connection, UA_ByteString const * responseMessag
// FIXME: this is a to dump method to determine asymmetric algorithm setting
UA_Int32 isAsym = (type == 449);
pos = 0;
//sequence header
sequenceNumber = connection->secureLayer.sequenceNumber;
- requestId = connection->secureLayer.requestId;
+ requestId = connection->secureLayer.requestId;
- sizePadding = 0;
+ sizePadding = 0;
sizeSignature = 0;
- ( isAsym ? UA_AsymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader_calcSize(&(connection->secureLayer.localAsymAlgSettings)) : UA_SymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader_calcSize(&(connection->secureLayer.securityToken.tokenId)) )+
- responseMessage->length +
- sizePadding +
- sizeSignature;
+ + (isAsym ?
+ UA_AsymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader_calcSize(
+ &(connection->secureLayer.localAsymAlgSettings)) :
+ UA_SymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader_calcSize(
+ &(connection->secureLayer.securityToken.tokenId)))
+ + responseMessage->length + sizePadding + sizeSignature;
//get memory for response
- UA_alloc((void**)&(responsePacket.data),packetSize);
+ UA_alloc((void**)&(responsePacket.data), packetSize);
responsePacket.length = packetSize;
/*---encode Secure Conversation Message Header ---*/
@@ -91,29 +93,35 @@ UA_Int32 SL_send(UA_connection* connection, UA_ByteString const * responseMessag
pos += 3;
responsePacket.data[3] = 'F';
pos += 1;
- UA_Int32_encode(&packetSize,&pos,responsePacket.data);
- UA_UInt32_encode(&(connection->secureLayer.securityToken.secureChannelId),&pos,responsePacket.data);
+ UA_Int32_encode(&packetSize, &pos, responsePacket.data);
+ UA_UInt32_encode(&(connection->secureLayer.securityToken.secureChannelId),
+ &pos, responsePacket.data);
/*---encode Algorithm Security Header ---*/
- if (isAsym) {
- UA_AsymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader_encode(&(connection->secureLayer.localAsymAlgSettings),&pos,responsePacket.data);
+ if (isAsym) {
+ UA_AsymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader_encode(
+ &(connection->secureLayer.localAsymAlgSettings), &pos,
+ responsePacket.data);
} else {
- UA_SymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader_encode(&(connection->secureLayer.securityToken.tokenId),&pos,responsePacket.data);
+ UA_SymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader_encode(
+ &(connection->secureLayer.securityToken.tokenId), &pos,
+ responsePacket.data);
/*---encode Sequence Header ---*/
- UA_UInt32_encode(&sequenceNumber,&pos,responsePacket.data);
- UA_UInt32_encode(&requestId,&pos,responsePacket.data);
+ UA_UInt32_encode(&sequenceNumber, &pos, responsePacket.data);
+ UA_UInt32_encode(&requestId, &pos, responsePacket.data);
/*---add encoded Message ---*/
- UA_memcpy(&(responsePacket.data[pos]), responseMessage->data, responseMessage->length);
+ UA_memcpy(&(responsePacket.data[pos]), responseMessage->data,
+ responseMessage->length);
/* sign Data*/
/* encrypt Data*/
/* send Data */
- TL_send(connection,&responsePacket);
+ TL_send(connection, &responsePacket);
// responsePackage will be deleted by top-level procedure
return UA_NO_ERROR;
@@ -122,38 +130,27 @@ UA_Int32 SL_send(UA_connection* connection, UA_ByteString const * responseMessag
* opens a secure channel
UA_Int32 SL_openSecureChannel(UA_connection *connection,
- UA_RequestHeader *requestHeader,
- UA_StatusCode serviceResult)
+ UA_RequestHeader *requestHeader, UA_StatusCode serviceResult) {
- UA_ResponseHeader responseHeader;
- UA_ExtensionObject additionalHeader;
- UA_ChannelSecurityToken securityToken;
- UA_ByteString serverNonce;
+ UA_OpenSecureChannelResponse* r;
UA_NodeId responseType;
- //sizes for memory allocation
- // UA_Int32 sizeResponse;
- UA_Int32 sizeRespHeader;
- UA_Int32 sizeResponseType;
- UA_Int32 sizeRespMessage;
- // UA_Int32 sizeSecurityToken;
UA_ByteString response;
- UA_UInt32 serverProtocolVersion;
UA_Int32 pos;
- UA_DiagnosticInfo serviceDiagnostics;
- if(requestHeader->returnDiagnostics != 0)
- {
+ UA_OpenSecureChannelResponse_new(&r);
+ UA_ResponseHeader_new(&(r->responseHeader));
+ UA_ExtensionObject_new(&(r->responseHeader->additionalHeader));
+ UA_DiagnosticInfo_new(&(r->responseHeader->serviceDiagnostics));
+ UA_ChannelSecurityToken_new(&(r->securityToken));
+ if (requestHeader->returnDiagnostics != 0) {
printf("SL_openSecureChannel - diagnostics demanded by the client\n");
- printf("SL_openSecureChannel - retrieving diagnostics not implemented!\n");
+ printf(
+ "SL_openSecureChannel - retrieving diagnostics not implemented!\n");
//TODO fill with demanded information part 4, 7.8 - Table 123
- serviceDiagnostics.encodingMask = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- serviceDiagnostics.encodingMask = 0;
+ r->responseHeader->serviceDiagnostics->encodingMask = 0;
+ } else {
+ r->responseHeader->serviceDiagnostics->encodingMask = 0;
/*--------------type ----------------------*/
@@ -164,103 +161,36 @@ UA_Int32 SL_openSecureChannel(UA_connection *connection,
responseType.namespace = 0;
- /* Res-1) ResponseHeader responseHeader
- * timestamp UtcTime
- * requestHandle IntegerId
- * serviceResult StatusCode
- * serviceDiagnostics DiagnosticInfo
- * stringTable[] String
- * addtionalHeader Extensible Parameter
- */
- //current time
- responseHeader.timestamp = UA_DateTime_now();
- //request Handle which client sent
- responseHeader.requestHandle = requestHeader->requestHandle;
- // StatusCode which informs client about quality of response
- responseHeader.serviceResult = serviceResult;
- //retrieve diagnosticInfo if client demands
- responseHeader.serviceDiagnostics = &serviceDiagnostics;
+ r->responseHeader->timestamp = UA_DateTime_now();
+ r->responseHeader->requestHandle = requestHeader->requestHandle;
+ r->responseHeader->serviceResult = serviceResult;
//text of fields defined in the serviceDiagnostics
- responseHeader.stringTableSize = 0;
- responseHeader.stringTable = NULL;
+ r->responseHeader->stringTableSize = 0;
+ r->responseHeader->stringTable = UA_NULL;
+ r->serverProtocolVersion =
+ connection->transportLayer.localConf.protocolVersion;
- // no additional header
- additionalHeader.encoding = 0;
- additionalHeader.body.data = NULL;
- additionalHeader.body.length = 0;
- additionalHeader.typeId.encodingByte = 0;
- additionalHeader.typeId.namespace = 0;
- additionalHeader.typeId.identifier.numeric = 0;
- responseHeader.additionalHeader = &additionalHeader;
- printf("SL_openSecureChannel - built response header\n");
- //calculate the size
- sizeRespHeader = UA_ResponseHeader_calcSize(&responseHeader);
- printf("SL_openSecureChannel - size response header =%d\n",sizeRespHeader);
- /*--------------responseMessage-------------*/
- /* Res-2) UInt32 ServerProtocolVersion
- * Res-3) SecurityToken channelSecurityToken
- * Res-5) ByteString ServerNonce
- */
- serverProtocolVersion = connection->transportLayer.localConf.protocolVersion;
- securityToken.channelId = connection->secureLayer.securityToken.secureChannelId;
- securityToken.tokenId = connection->secureLayer.securityToken.tokenId;
- securityToken.createdAt = UA_DateTime_now();
- securityToken.revisedLifetime = connection->secureLayer.securityToken.revisedLifetime;
- serverNonce.length = connection->secureLayer.localNonce.length;
- serverNonce.data = connection->secureLayer.localNonce.data;
- // ProtocolVersion + SecurityToken + ServerNonce
- sizeRespMessage = sizeof(UA_UInt32) +
- UA_ChannelSecurityToken_calcSize(&securityToken) +
- UA_ByteString_calcSize(&serverNonce);
- printf("SL_openSecureChannel - size of response message=%d\n",sizeRespMessage);
- //get memory for response
- sizeResponseType = UA_NodeId_calcSize(&responseType);
- printf("SL_openSecureChannel - size response type =%d\n",sizeResponseType);
+ r->securityToken->channelId =
+ connection->secureLayer.securityToken.secureChannelId;
+ r->securityToken->tokenId = connection->secureLayer.securityToken.tokenId;
+ r->securityToken->createdAt = UA_DateTime_now();
+ r->securityToken->revisedLifetime =
+ connection->secureLayer.securityToken.revisedLifetime;
- response.length = sizeResponseType + sizeRespHeader + sizeRespMessage;
+ UA_ByteString_copy(&(connection->secureLayer.localNonce), &(r->serverNonce));
//get memory for response
+ response.length = UA_NodeId_calcSize(&responseType) + UA_OpenSecureChannelResponse_calcSize(r);
UA_alloc((void*)&(response.data), response.length);
pos = 0;
- //encode responseType (NodeId)
- UA_NodeId_printf("SL_openSecureChannel - TypeId =",&responseType);
UA_NodeId_encode(&responseType, &pos, response.data);
+ UA_OpenSecureChannelResponse_encode(r, &pos, response.data);
- //encode header
- printf("SL_openSecureChannel - encoding response header \n");
- UA_ResponseHeader_encode(&responseHeader, &pos, response.data);
- printf("SL_openSecureChannel - response header encoded \n");
- //encode message
- printf("SL_openSecureChannel - serverProtocolVersion = %d \n",serverProtocolVersion);
- UA_UInt32_encode(&serverProtocolVersion, &pos,response.data);
- UA_ChannelSecurityToken_encode(&securityToken,&pos,response.data);
- UA_ByteString_encode(&serverNonce, &pos,response.data);
- printf("SL_openSecureChannel - response.length = %d \n",response.length);
- printf("-----> reserved: %i\n", response.length);
- printf("-----> encoded: %i\n", pos);
- //449 = openSecureChannelResponse
SL_send(connection, &response, 449);
+ UA_OpenSecureChannelResponse_delete(r);
return UA_SUCCESS;
@@ -283,196 +213,238 @@ UA_Int32 SL_processMessage(UA_connection *connection, UA_ByteString message) {
UA_NodeId serviceRequestType;
// Every Message starts with a NodeID which names the serviceRequestType
- UA_NodeId_decode(message.data, &pos,
- &serviceRequestType);
+ UA_NodeId_decode(message.data, &pos, &serviceRequestType);
UA_NodeId_printf("SL_processMessage - serviceRequestType=",
- if (serviceRequestType.encodingByte == UA_NODEIDTYPE_FOURBYTE
- && serviceRequestType.identifier.numeric == 446) {
- /* OpenSecureChannelService, defined in 62541-6 §6.4.4, Table 34.
- * Note that part 6 adds ClientProtocolVersion and ServerProtocolVersion
- * to the definition in part 4 */
- // Req-1) RequestHeader requestHeader
- UA_RequestHeader requestHeader;
- // Req-2) UInt32 ClientProtocolVersion
- UA_UInt32 clientProtocolVersion;
- // Req-3) Enum SecurityTokenRequestType requestType
- UA_Int32 requestType;
- // Req-4) Enum MessageSecurityMode SecurityMode
- UA_Int32 securityMode;
- // Req-5) ByteString ClientNonce
- UA_ByteString clientNonce = {0, NULL};
- // Req-6) Int32 RequestLifetime
- UA_Int32 requestedLifetime;
- UA_ByteString_printx("SL_processMessage - message=", &message);
- // Req-1) RequestHeader requestHeader
- UA_RequestHeader_decode(message.data, &pos, &requestHeader);
- UA_String_printf("SL_processMessage - requestHeader.auditEntryId=",
- &(requestHeader.auditEntryId));
- UA_NodeId_printf(
- "SL_processMessage - requestHeader.authenticationToken=",
- &(requestHeader.authenticationToken));
- // Req-2) UInt32 ClientProtocolVersion
- UA_UInt32_decode(message.data, &pos,
- &clientProtocolVersion);
- printf("SL_processMessage - clientProtocolVersion=%d\n",
- clientProtocolVersion);
- if (clientProtocolVersion
- != connection->transportLayer.remoteConf.protocolVersion) {
- printf("SL_processMessage - error protocol version \n");
- //TODO error protocol version
- //TODO ERROR_Bad_ProtocolVersionUnsupported
+ if (serviceRequestType.namespace == 0) {
+ // FIXME: quick hack to map DataType to Object
+ switch (serviceRequestType.identifier.numeric) {
+ case 452: //
+ serviceRequestType.identifier.numeric =
+ break;
+ case 446: //
+ serviceRequestType.identifier.numeric =
+ break;
+ case 428: //
+ serviceRequestType.identifier.numeric = UA_GETENDPOINTSREQUEST_NS0;
+ break;
+ case 461: //
+ serviceRequestType.identifier.numeric = UA_CREATESESSIONREQUEST_NS0;
+ break;
- // Req-3) SecurityTokenRequestType requestType
- UA_Int32_decode(message.data, &pos, &requestType);
- printf("SL_processMessage - requestType=%d\n", requestType);
- switch (requestType) {
- if (connection->secureLayer.connectionState
- == connectionState_ESTABLISHED) {
- printf("SL_processMessage - multiply security token request");
- //TODO return ERROR
- return UA_ERROR;
- }
+ UA_Int32 namespace_index = UA_toIndex(
+ serviceRequestType.identifier.numeric);
+ if (namespace_index == -1) {
- "SL_processMessage - TODO: create new token for a new SecureChannel\n");
- // SL_createNewToken(connection);
- break;
- if (connection->secureLayer.connectionState
- == connectionState_CLOSED) {
- printf(
- "SL_processMessage - renew token request received, but no secureChannel was established before");
- //TODO return ERROR
- return UA_ERROR;
+ "SL_processMessage - unknown request, namespace=%d, request=%d\n",
+ serviceRequestType.namespace,
+ serviceRequestType.identifier.numeric);
+ retval = UA_ERROR;
+ } else {
+ // decode message
+ void * obj;
+ UA_alloc(&obj, UA_[namespace_index].calcSize(UA_NULL));
+ UA_[namespace_index].decode(message.data, &pos, obj);
+ // FXIME: we need a more clever response/request architecture
+ switch (serviceRequestType.identifier.numeric) {
+ UA_GetEndpointsRequest* p = (UA_GetEndpointsRequest*) obj;
+ UA_NodeId responseType;
+ UA_GetEndpointsResponse* r;
+ UA_String_printx("endpointUrl=", &(p->endpointUrl));
+ UA_GetEndpointsResponse_new(&r);
+ UA_ResponseHeader_new(&(r->responseHeader));
+ r->responseHeader->requestHandle =
+ p->requestHeader->requestHandle;
+ r->responseHeader->serviceResult = SC_Good;
+ r->responseHeader->stringTableSize = 0;
+ r->responseHeader->timestamp = UA_DateTime_now();
+ UA_DiagnosticInfo_new(&(r->responseHeader->serviceDiagnostics));
+ UA_ExtensionObject_new(&(r->responseHeader->additionalHeader));
+ // TODO: Arrays need to be redesigned, this is crap
+ r->endpointsSize = 1;
+ UA_alloc((void**) &(r->endpoints), sizeof(void*));
+ UA_EndpointDescription *epd;
+ UA_EndpointDescription_new(&epd);
+ *(r->endpoints) = epd;
+ // FIXME: this memory gets lost
+ UA_String_copycstring("tcp.opc://localhost:16664/",
+ &(r->endpoints[0]->endpointUrl));
+ // FIXME: this memory gets lost
+ UA_ApplicationDescription_new(&(r->endpoints[0]->server));
+ // FIXME: This should be a feature of the application
+ UA_String_copycstring("http://open62541.info/applications/4711",
+ &(r->endpoints[0]->server->applicationUri));
+ UA_String_copycstring("http://open62541.info/product/release",
+ &(r->endpoints[0]->server->productUri));
+ // FIXME: This should be a feature of the application
+ UA_LocalizedText_copycstring("The open62541 application",
+ &(r->endpoints[0]->server->applicationName));
+ // FIXME: This should be a feature of the application and an enum
+ r->endpoints[0]->server->applicationType = 0; // Server
+ // all the other strings are empty by initialization
+ // Now let's build the response
+ UA_ByteString response;
+ responseType.encodingByte = UA_NODEIDTYPE_FOURBYTE;
+ responseType.namespace = 0;
+ responseType.identifier.numeric = 431; // GetEndpointsResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary
+ response.length = UA_NodeId_calcSize(&responseType)
+ + UA_GetEndpointsResponse_calcSize(r);
+ UA_alloc((void**)&(response.data), response.length);
+ pos = 0;
+ UA_NodeId_encode(&responseType, &pos, response.data);
+ UA_GetEndpointsResponse_encode(r, &pos, response.data);
+ SL_send(connection, &response, 431);
+ UA_ByteString_deleteMembers(&response);
+ UA_GetEndpointsResponse_delete(r);
+ UA_GetEndpointsRequest_delete(p);
+ retval = UA_SUCCESS;
- printf("TODO: create new token for an existing SecureChannel\n");
- break;
- }
+ break;
- // Req-4) MessageSecurityMode SecurityMode
- UA_Int32_decode(message.data, &pos, &securityMode);
- printf("SL_processMessage - securityMode=%d\n", securityMode);
- switch (securityMode) {
- connection->secureLayer.remoteNonce.data = NULL;
- connection->secureLayer.remoteNonce.length = -1;
- printf("SL_processMessage - client demands no security \n");
- break;
- printf("SL_processMessage - client demands signed \n");
- //TODO check if senderCertificate and ReceiverCertificateThumbprint are present
- break;
+ UA_CreateSessionRequest* p = (UA_CreateSessionRequest*) obj;
+ UA_NodeId responseType;
+ UA_CreateSessionResponse* r;
- printf("SL_processMessage - client demands signed & encrypted \n");
- //TODO check if senderCertificate and ReceiverCertificateThumbprint are present
- break;
- }
+ UA_CreateSessionResponse_new(&r);
+ // Header
+ UA_ResponseHeader_new(&(r->responseHeader));
+ r->responseHeader->requestHandle =
+ p->requestHeader->requestHandle;
+ r->responseHeader->serviceResult = SC_Good;
+ r->responseHeader->stringTableSize = 0;
+ r->responseHeader->timestamp = UA_DateTime_now();
+ UA_DiagnosticInfo_new(&(r->responseHeader->serviceDiagnostics));
+ UA_ExtensionObject_new(&(r->responseHeader->additionalHeader));
- // Req-5) ByteString ClientNonce
- UA_ByteString_decode(message.data, &pos,
- &clientNonce);
- UA_ByteString_printf("SL_processMessage - clientNonce=", &clientNonce);
+ // FIXME: create session
- //deleteMembers is important since clientNonce is on stack
- UA_ByteString_deleteMembers(&clientNonce);
+ // Now let's build the response
+ UA_ByteString response;
+ responseType.encodingByte = UA_NODEIDTYPE_FOURBYTE;
+ responseType.namespace = 0;
+ responseType.identifier.numeric = 464; // CreateSessionResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary
- // Req-6) Int32 RequestLifetime
- UA_Int32_decode(message.data, &pos,
- &requestedLifetime);
- printf("SL_processMessage - requestedLifeTime=%d\n", requestedLifetime);
- //TODO process requestedLifetime
+ response.length = UA_NodeId_calcSize(&responseType)
+ + UA_CreateSessionResponse_calcSize(r);
+ UA_alloc((void**)&(response.data), response.length);
+ pos = 0;
- // 62541-4 §7.27 "The requestHandle given by the Client to the request."
- retval = SL_openSecureChannel(connection, &requestHeader, SC_Good);
- UA_RequestHeader_deleteMembers(&requestHeader);
- } else {
- if (serviceRequestType.namespace == 0) {
- // FIXME: quick hack
- switch (serviceRequestType.identifier.numeric) {
- case 428:
- serviceRequestType.identifier.numeric = 426;
+ UA_NodeId_encode(&responseType, &pos, response.data);
+ UA_CreateSessionResponse_encode(r, &pos, response.data);
+ SL_send(connection, &response, responseType.identifier.numeric);
+ UA_ByteString_deleteMembers(&response);
+ UA_CreateSessionResponse_delete(r);
+ UA_CreateSessionRequest_delete(p);
+ retval = UA_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ UA_CloseSecureChannelRequest* p =
+ (UA_CloseSecureChannelRequest*) obj;
+ // 62451 Part 6 Chapter 7.1.4 - The server does not send a CloseSecureChannel response
+ connection->transportLayer.connectionState = connectionState_CLOSE;
+ retval = UA_SUCCESS;
- UA_Int32 namespace_index = UA_toIndex(serviceRequestType.identifier.numeric);
- if (namespace_index == -1) {
- printf("SL_processMessage - unknown request, namespace=%d, request=%d\n", serviceRequestType.namespace, serviceRequestType.identifier.numeric);
- retval = UA_ERROR;
- } else {
- void * obj;
- UA_alloc(&obj,UA_[namespace_index].calcSize(UA_NULL));
- UA_[namespace_index].decode(message.data,&pos,obj);
- // FXIME: we need a more clever response/request architecture
- if (serviceRequestType.identifier.numeric == 426 ) {
- UA_GetEndpointsRequest *p = (UA_GetEndpointsRequest*) obj;
- UA_GetEndpointsResponse *r;
- UA_NodeId responseType;
- UA_String_printx("endpointUrl=",&(p->endpointUrl));
- UA_GetEndpointsResponse_new(&r);
- UA_ResponseHeader_new(&(r->responseHeader));
- r->responseHeader->requestHandle = p->requestHeader->requestHandle;
- r->responseHeader->serviceResult = SC_Good;
- r->responseHeader->stringTableSize = 0;
- r->responseHeader->timestamp = UA_DateTime_now();
- UA_DiagnosticInfo_new(&(r->responseHeader->serviceDiagnostics));
- UA_ExtensionObject_new(&(r->responseHeader->additionalHeader));
- // TODO: Arrays need to be redesigned, this is crap
- r->endpointsSize = 1;
- UA_alloc((void**) &(r->endpoints), sizeof(void*));
- UA_EndpointDescription *epd;
- UA_EndpointDescription_new(&epd);
- *(r->endpoints) = epd;
- // FIXME: this memory gets lost
- UA_String_copycstring("http://localhost:16664/",&(r->endpoints[0]->endpointUrl));
- // FIXME: this memory gets lost
- UA_ApplicationDescription_new(&(r->endpoints[0]->server));
- // FIXME: This should be a feature of the application
- UA_String_copycstring("open62541.com/applications/4711",&(r->endpoints[0]->server->applicationUri));
- UA_String_copycstring("open62541.com/product/release",&(r->endpoints[0]->server->productUri));
- // FIXME: This should be a feature of the application
- UA_LocalizedText_copycstring("The open62541 application",&(r->endpoints[0]->server->applicationName));
- // FIXME: This should be a feature of the application and an enum
- r->endpoints[0]->server->applicationType = 0; // Server
- // all the other strings are empty by initialization
- // Now let's build the response
- UA_ByteString response;
- responseType.encodingByte = UA_NODEIDTYPE_FOURBYTE;
- responseType.namespace = 0;
- responseType.identifier.numeric = 431;
- response.length = UA_NodeId_calcSize(&responseType) + UA_GetEndpointsResponse_calcSize(r);
- UA_alloc((void**)&(response.data), response.length);
- pos = 0;
- UA_NodeId_encode(&responseType, &pos, response.data);
- UA_GetEndpointsResponse_encode(r, &pos, response.data);
- SL_send(connection, &response, 431);
- UA_ByteString_deleteMembers(&response);
- UA_GetEndpointsResponse_delete(r);
- UA_GetEndpointsRequest_delete(p);
- return UA_SUCCESS;
+ break;
+ UA_OpenSecureChannelRequest* p =
+ (UA_OpenSecureChannelRequest*) obj;
+ UA_NodeId responseType;
+ UA_OpenSecureChannelResponse* r;
+ if (p->clientProtocolVersion
+ != connection->transportLayer.remoteConf.protocolVersion) {
+ printf("SL_processMessage - error protocol version \n");
+ //TODO error protocol version
+ //TODO ERROR_Bad_ProtocolVersionUnsupported
+ }
+ switch (p->requestType) {
+ if (connection->secureLayer.connectionState
+ == connectionState_ESTABLISHED) {
+ printf("SL_processMessage - multiply security token request");
+ //TODO return ERROR
+ retval = UA_ERROR;
+ break;
+ }
+ printf(
+ "SL_processMessage - TODO: create new token for a new SecureChannel\n");
+ // SL_createNewToken(connection);
+ break;
+ if (connection->secureLayer.connectionState
+ == connectionState_CLOSED) {
+ printf(
+ "SL_processMessage - renew token request received, but no secureChannel was established before");
+ //TODO return ERROR
+ retval = UA_ERROR;
+ break;
+ }
+ printf(
+ "TODO: create new token for an existing SecureChannel\n");
+ break;
+ switch (p->securityMode) {
+ connection->secureLayer.remoteNonce.data = NULL;
+ connection->secureLayer.remoteNonce.length = -1;
+ printf("SL_processMessage - client demands no security \n");
+ break;
+ printf("SL_processMessage - client demands signed \n");
+ //TODO check if senderCertificate and ReceiverCertificateThumbprint are present
+ break;
+ printf(
+ "SL_processMessage - client demands signed & encrypted \n");
+ //TODO check if senderCertificate and ReceiverCertificateThumbprint are present
+ break;
+ }
+ retval = SL_openSecureChannel(connection, p->requestHeader,
+ SC_Good);
+ UA_OpenSecureChannelRequest_delete(p);
+ }
+ break;
- } else {
- printf("SL_processMessage - unknown request, namespace=%d, request=%d\n", serviceRequestType.namespace, serviceRequestType.identifier.numeric);
- retval = UA_ERROR;
+ } else {
+ printf(
+ "SL_processMessage - unknown request, namespace=%d, request=%d\n",
+ serviceRequestType.namespace,
+ serviceRequestType.identifier.numeric);
+ retval = UA_ERROR;
return retval;
@@ -499,13 +471,15 @@ void SL_receive(UA_connection *connection, UA_ByteString *serviceMessage) {
printf("SL_receive - data received \n");
//packetType = TL_getPacketType(&secureChannelPacket, &pos);
- UA_SecureConversationMessageHeader_decode(secureChannelPacket.data, &pos, &secureConvHeader);
+ UA_SecureConversationMessageHeader_decode(secureChannelPacket.data,
+ &pos, &secureConvHeader);
switch (secureConvHeader.tcpMessageHeader->messageType) {
case UA_MESSAGETYPE_OPN: /* openSecureChannel Message received */
printf("SL_receive - process OPN\n");
- UA_AsymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader_decode(secureChannelPacket.data, &pos, &asymAlgSecHeader);
+ UA_AsymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader_decode(
+ secureChannelPacket.data, &pos, &asymAlgSecHeader);
UA_ByteString_printf("SL_receive - AAS_Header.ReceiverThumbprint=",
UA_ByteString_printf("SL_receive - AAS_Header.SecurityPolicyUri=",
@@ -513,20 +487,20 @@ void SL_receive(UA_connection *connection, UA_ByteString *serviceMessage) {
UA_ByteString_printf("SL_receive - AAS_Header.SenderCertificate=",
if (secureConvHeader.secureChannelId != 0) {
- iTmp = UA_ByteString_compare(
- &(connection->secureLayer.remoteAsymAlgSettings.senderCertificate),
- &(asymAlgSecHeader.senderCertificate));
+ iTmp =
+ UA_ByteString_compare(
+ &(connection->secureLayer.remoteAsymAlgSettings.senderCertificate),
+ &(asymAlgSecHeader.senderCertificate));
if (iTmp != UA_EQUAL) {
printf("SL_receive - UA_ERROR_BadSecureChannelUnknown \n");
//TODO return UA_ERROR_BadSecureChannelUnknown
- }
- else
- {
+ } else {
//TODO invalid securechannelId
- UA_SequenceHeader_decode(secureChannelPacket.data, &pos, &sequenceHeader);
+ UA_SequenceHeader_decode(secureChannelPacket.data, &pos,
+ &sequenceHeader);
printf("SL_receive - SequenceHeader.RequestId=%d\n",
printf("SL_receive - SequenceHeader.SequenceNr=%d\n",
@@ -539,46 +513,45 @@ void SL_receive(UA_connection *connection, UA_ByteString *serviceMessage) {
message.data = &secureChannelPacket.data[pos];
message.length = secureChannelPacket.length - pos;
- UA_ByteString_printx("SL_receive - message=",&message);
+ UA_ByteString_printx("SL_receive - message=", &message);
SL_processMessage(connection, message);
// Clean up
- UA_AsymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader_deleteMembers(&asymAlgSecHeader);
+ UA_AsymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader_deleteMembers(
+ &asymAlgSecHeader);
- case UA_MESSAGETYPE_MSG: /* secure Channel Message received */
- printf("SL_receive - process MSG\n");
// FIXME: check connection state
// if (connection->secureLayer.connectionState
// == connectionState_ESTABLISHED) {
- if (secureConvHeader.secureChannelId
- == connection->secureLayer.securityToken.secureChannelId) {
- UA_SymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader symAlgSecHeader;
- //FIXME: we assume SAS, need to check if AAS or SAS
- UA_SymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader_decode(secureChannelPacket.data, &pos, &symAlgSecHeader);
- // decode sequenceHeader and remember
- UA_SequenceHeader_decode(secureChannelPacket.data, &pos, &sequenceHeader);
- printf("SL_receive - SequenceHeader.RequestId=%d\n",sequenceHeader.requestId);
- printf("SL_receive - SequenceHeader.SequenceNr=%d\n",sequenceHeader.sequenceNumber);
- connection->secureLayer.requestId = sequenceHeader.requestId;
- connection->secureLayer.sequenceNumber = sequenceHeader.sequenceNumber;
- // process message
- message.data = &secureChannelPacket.data[pos];
- message.length = secureChannelPacket.length - pos;
- UA_ByteString_printx("SL_receive - message=",&message);
- SL_processMessage(connection, message);
- } else {
- //TODO generate ERROR_Bad_SecureChannelUnkown
- }
-// } // check connection state
- break;
- case UA_MESSAGETYPE_CLO: /* closeSecureChannel Message received */
- if (SL_check(connection, secureChannelPacket) == UA_NO_ERROR) {
+ if (secureConvHeader.secureChannelId
+ == connection->secureLayer.securityToken.secureChannelId) {
+ UA_SymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader symAlgSecHeader;
+ //FIXME: we assume SAS, need to check if AAS or SAS
+ UA_SymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader_decode(
+ secureChannelPacket.data, &pos, &symAlgSecHeader);
+ // decode sequenceHeader and remember
+ UA_SequenceHeader_decode(secureChannelPacket.data, &pos,
+ &sequenceHeader);
+ printf("SL_receive - SequenceHeader.RequestId=%d\n",
+ sequenceHeader.requestId);
+ printf("SL_receive - SequenceHeader.SequenceNr=%d\n",
+ sequenceHeader.sequenceNumber);
+ connection->secureLayer.requestId = sequenceHeader.requestId;
+ connection->secureLayer.sequenceNumber =
+ sequenceHeader.sequenceNumber;
+ // process message
+ message.data = &secureChannelPacket.data[pos];
+ message.length = secureChannelPacket.length - pos;
+ SL_processMessage(connection, message);
+ } else {
+ //TODO generate ERROR_Bad_SecureChannelUnkown
+// } // check connection state
// Clean up
@@ -588,5 +561,3 @@ void SL_receive(UA_connection *connection, UA_ByteString *serviceMessage) {