Browse Source

changed from formio to webformbuilder

Manuel Gall 3 years ago

+ 0 - 358

@@ -82,331 +82,16 @@ class GetJson < Riddl::Implementation #{{{
 end #}}}
 end #}}}
-class Get < Riddl::Implementation
-  def response
-    if @r[0] == 'test'
-    elsif @r[0] == 'menu'
-    else
-    end
-  end
-class Put < Riddl::Implementation
-  def response
-    Dir.mkdir(File.join('data',@r.last)) rescue nil 
-    File.write(File.join('data',@r.last,'style.url'),@p[0].value)
-    File.write(File.join('data',@r.last,'document.xml'),@p[1].value)
-    File.write(File.join('data',@r.last,'frames.json'),JSON.dump(JSON.parse('{"data":[]}')))
-    File.write(File.join('data',@r.last,'info.json'),JSON.dump(JSON.parse('{"x_amount":' + @p[2].value + ', "y_amount":' + @p[3].value + ', "lang":"' + @p[4].value  + '", "langs":["' + @p[4].value +  '"]}')))
-    File.write(File.join('data',@r.last,'callback'),@h['CPEE_CALLBACK'])
-    @a[0].send('new')
-    nil
-  end
-  #def headers
-  #'CPEE-CALLBACK', 'true')
-  #end
-class NewFrame < Riddl::Implementation
-  def response    
-    path = File.join('data',@r.last,'frames.json')
-    file =
-    data_hash = JSON::parse(file)
-    data_hash["data"].each do | c |
-      if doOverlap(c['lx'], c['ly'], c['rx'], c['ry'], @p[0].value.to_i, @p[1].value.to_i, (@p[0].value.to_i + @p[2].value.to_i - 1), (@p[1].value.to_i + @p[3].value.to_i - 1))
-        data_hash["data"].delete(c)
-      end
-    end
-#    example
-#    myObj = {
-#      "lx":3,
-#      "ly":3,
-#      "rx":3,
-#      "ry":3,
-#      "url": {
-#        "de-at":"",
-#        "en-us":""
-#      }
-#     }
-    urls = JSON::parse(@p[4].value);
-    hash = {lx: @p[0].value.to_i, ly: @p[1].value.to_i, rx: (@p[0].value.to_i + @p[2].value.to_i - 1), ry: (@p[1].value.to_i + @p[3].value.to_i - 1), url: urls};
-    data_hash["data"].push(hash)
-    File.write(path, JSON.dump(data_hash))
-    #only send active url to client
-    infofile = File.join('data',@r.last,'info.json')
-    infojson = JSON::parse(
-    hash["url"] = urls[infojson["lang"]]
-    @a[0].send(JSON.dump(hash))
-    nil
-  end
-class NewFramePut < Riddl::Implementation
-  def response    
-    path = File.join('data',@r.last,'frames.json')
-    file =
-    data_hash = JSON::parse(file)
-    data_hash["data"].each do | c |
-      if doOverlap(c['lx'], c['ly'], c['rx'], c['ry'], @p[0].value.to_i, @p[1].value.to_i, (@p[0].value.to_i + @p[2].value.to_i - 1), (@p[1].value.to_i + @p[3].value.to_i - 1))
-        data_hash["data"].delete(c)
-      end
-    end
-    urls = JSON::parse(@p[4].value);
-    hash = {lx: @p[0].value.to_i, ly: @p[1].value.to_i, rx: (@p[0].value.to_i + @p[2].value.to_i - 1), ry: (@p[1].value.to_i + @p[3].value.to_i - 1), url: urls, callback: @h['CPEE_CALLBACK']};
-    data_hash["data"].push(hash)
-    File.write(path, JSON.dump(data_hash))
-    #only send active url to client
-    infofile = File.join('data',@r.last,'info.json')
-    infojson = JSON::parse(
-    hash["url"] = urls[infojson["lang"]]
-    @a[0].send(JSON.dump(hash))
-    nil
-  end
-  def headers
-'CPEE-CALLBACK', 'true')
-  end
-def doOverlap(l1x, l1y, r1x, r1y, l2x, l2y, r2x, r2y) 
-  if l1x > r2x || l2x > r1x
-      return false;
-  end
-  if l1y > r2y || l2y > r1y
-      return false;
-  end
-  return true; 
-class Delete < Riddl::Implementation
-  def response
-    if cbu ='data',@r.last,'callback'))
-      send = { 'operation' => @p[0].value }
-      case send['operation']
-        when 'result'
-          send['target'] = JSON::parse(@p[1]
-      end
-      cbu += '/' unless cbu[-1] == '/'
-      Typhoeus.put(cbu, body: JSON::generate(send), headers: { 'content-type' => 'application/json'})
-    end
-    File.unlink(File.join('data',@r.last,'callback')) rescue nil
-    File.unlink(File.join('data',@r.last,'style.url')) rescue nil
-    File.unlink(File.join('data',@r.last,'document.xml')) rescue nil
-    File.unlink(File.join('data',@r.last,'info.json')) rescue nil
-    @a[0].send('reset')
-    nil
-  end
-class GetFrames < Riddl::Implementation #{{{
-  def response
-    fname = File.join('data',@r[-2],'frames.json')
-    if File.exists? fname
-      infofile = File.join('data',@r[-2],'info.json')
-      infojson = JSON::parse(
-      #remove not used languages
-      file = JSON::parse(
-      file["data"].each do |child|      
-        child["url"] = child["url"][infojson["lang"]]
-      end
-    else
-      @status = 404
-    end
-  end
-end #}}}
-class GetLangs < Riddl::Implementation #{{{
-  def response
-    fname = File.join('data',@r[-2],'document.xml')
-    if File.exists? fname
-      doc = XML::Smart.open_unprotected(fname)
-      ndoc = XML::Smart.string('<languages/>')
-      doc.find('//@lang').each do |e|
-        ndoc.root.add('language',e.value)
-      end
-    else
-      @status = 404
-    end
-  end
-end #}}}
-class SetLang < Riddl::Implementation #{{{
-  def response
-    fname = File.join('data',@r[-2],'info.json')
-    if File.exists? fname
-      infojson = JSON::parse(
-      infojson["lang"] = @p[0].value
-      #add to langs
-      if !infojson["langs"].include?(@p[0].value)
-        infojson["langs"].push(@p[0].value)
-      end
-      File.write(fname, JSON.dump(infojson))
-      @a[0].send('reset')
-      nil
-    else
-      @status = 404
-    end
-  end
-end #}}}
-class GetStyle < Riddl::Implementation #{{{
-  def response
-    fname = File.join('data',@r[-2],'style.url')
-    if File.exists? fname
-    else
-      @status = 404
-    end
-  end
-end #}}}
-class GetDocument < Riddl::Implementation #{{{
-  def response
-    fname = File.join('data',@r[-3],'document.xml')
-    if File.exists? fname
-      doc = XML::Smart.open_unprotected(fname)
-      val = nil
-      doc.find("//variant[@lang='#{@r[-1]}']").each do |e|
-        val = e.text
-      end
-      if val
-      else
-        @status = 404
-      end
-    else
-      @status = 404
-    end
-  end
-end #}}}
-class GetButton < Riddl::Implementation #{{{
-  def response
-    fname = File.join('data',@r[-3],'document.xml')
-    if File.exists? fname
-      doc = XML::Smart.open_unprotected(fname)
-      val = nil
-      doc.find("//variant[@lang='#{@r[-1]}']").each do |e|
-        val = e.attributes['button']
-      end
-      if val
-      else
-        @status = 404
-      end
-    else
-      @status = 404
-    end
-  end
-end #}}}
-class SSE < Riddl::SSEImplementation #{{{
-  def onopen
-    signals = @a[0]
-    signals.add self
-    send 'started'
-  end
-  def onclose
-    signals = @a[0]
-    signals.remove self
-    nil
-  end
-end #}}}
-class Signaling # {{{
-  def initialize
-    @binding = []
-  end
-  def add(binding)
-    @binding << binding
-  end
-  def remove(binding)
-    @binding.delete(binding)
-  end
-  def length
-    @binding.length
-  end
-  def send(value)
-    @binding.each do |b|
-      b.send(value)
-    end
-  end
-end #}}}
 server =,'/forms.xml'), :host => 'localhost') do |opts|
 server =,'/forms.xml'), :host => 'localhost') do |opts|
   accessible_description true
   accessible_description true
   cross_site_xhr true
   cross_site_xhr true
-  opts[:signals] = {}
-  parallel do
-    loop do
-      opts[:signals].each do |k,v|
-        v.send('keepalive')
-      end
-      sleep 5
-    end
-  end
   on resource do
   on resource do
     run Index if get  
     run Index if get  
     run NewInstance if post  
     run NewInstance if post  
     on resource do |r|
     on resource do |r|
       run DisplayForm if get
       run DisplayForm if get
       on resource 'builder' do
       on resource 'builder' do
         run Builder if get
         run Builder if get
         run SaveForm if post 'form' 
         run SaveForm if post 'form' 
@@ -415,49 +100,6 @@ server =,'/forms.xml'), :host => 'localhost'
       on resource 'json' do
       on resource 'json' do
         run GetJson if get
         run GetJson if get
-      idx = r[:r][0]
-      opts[:signals][idx] ||=
-      run Put, opts[:signals][idx] if put 'input'
-      run NewFrame, opts[:signals][idx] if post 'frame'
-      run NewFramePut, opts[:signals][idx] if put 'frame'
-      run Delete, opts[:signals][idx] if delete 'opa'
-      run Delete, opts[:signals][idx] if delete 'opb'
-      on resource 'sse' do
-        run SSE, opts[:signals][idx] if sse
-      end
-      on resource 'languages' do
-        run GetLangs if get
-        run SetLang, opts[:signals][idx] if post 'lang'
-      end
-      on resource 'style.url' do
-        run GetStyle if get
-      end
-      on resource 'frames.json' do
-        run GetFrames if get
-      end
-      on resource 'buttons' do
-        on resource '[a-zA-Z]{1,8}(-[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,8})*' do
-          run GetButton if get
-        end
-      end
-      on resource 'documents' do
-        on resource '[a-zA-Z]{1,8}(-[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,8})*' do
-          run GetDocument if get
-        end
-      end

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1 +1 @@

+ 50 - 4

@@ -16,12 +16,15 @@
     <script type="text/javascript" src="/js_libs/underscore.min.js"></script>
     <script type="text/javascript" src="/js_libs/underscore.min.js"></script>
     <script type="text/javascript" src="/js_libs/jquery.caret.min.js"></script>
     <script type="text/javascript" src="/js_libs/jquery.caret.min.js"></script>
     <script type="text/javascript" src="/js_libs/jquery.cookie.js"></script>
     <script type="text/javascript" src="/js_libs/jquery.cookie.js"></script>
+    <!---
     <link rel='stylesheet' href='../../css/bootstrap.min.css'>
     <link rel='stylesheet' href='../../css/bootstrap.min.css'>
     <link rel='stylesheet' href='../../css/formio.full.min.css'>
     <link rel='stylesheet' href='../../css/formio.full.min.css'>
     <link rel='stylesheet' href='../../css/forms.css'>
     <link rel='stylesheet' href='../../css/forms.css'>
-    <script src='../../js/formio.full.min.js'></script>
     <script src='../../js/builder.js'></script>
     <script src='../../js/builder.js'></script>
+    -->
+      <script src=""></script>
+    <script src='../../js/form-builder.min.js'></script>
       if (location.href.match(/\/$/) == null) {
       if (location.href.match(/\/$/) == null) {
         location.href = location.href + '/';
         location.href = location.href + '/';
@@ -30,6 +33,7 @@
+  <!--
   <div id="container" style="--grid-rows:3; --grid-cols:3;">    
   <div id="container" style="--grid-rows:3; --grid-cols:3;">    
     <div class="grid-item" style="grid-column: 1 / span 2; grid-row: 1 / span 3" ><div id='builder'></div></div>
     <div class="grid-item" style="grid-column: 1 / span 2; grid-row: 1 / span 3" ><div id='builder'></div></div>
     <div class="grid-item" style="grid-column: 3 / span 1; grid-row: 1 / span 2">
     <div class="grid-item" style="grid-column: 3 / span 1; grid-row: 1 / span 2">
@@ -43,8 +47,50 @@
   <div id='form' style="display: none"></div>
   <div id='form' style="display: none"></div>
+  -->
+  <!-- -->
+  <div id="fb-editor"></div>
+  <script>
+  jQuery(function($) {
+    var options = {
+      onSave: function(evt, formData) {
+          JSON.stringify(formData);
+            $.ajax({
+              type: "POST",
+              url: "",
+              data: JSON.stringify(formData),
+              headers: {"content-id": "form"},
+              contentType: "application/json",
+              success: function(res) {
+                alert("Saved")
+              },
+              error: function (request, status, error) {
+                alert(request.responseText + status + error);
+              }
+            });
+        },
+    };
+    $.ajax({
+      type: "GET",
+      url: "../json",
+      dataType: "json",
+      success: function(json) {
+        options["formData"] = json
+        $(document.getElementById('fb-editor')).formBuilder(options);
+      },
+      error: function (request, status, error) {    
+        $(document.getElementById('fb-editor')).formBuilder(options);
+      }
+    });
+  });
+  </script>

+ 110 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+NATIVE_NAME = English (US)
+addOption = Add Option +
+allFieldsRemoved = All fields were removed.
+allowMultipleFiles = Allow users to upload multiple files
+autocomplete = Autocomplete
+button = Button
+cannotBeEmpty = This field cannot be empty
+checkboxGroup = Checkbox Group
+checkbox = Checkbox
+checkboxes = Checkboxes
+className = Class
+clearAllMessage = Are you sure you want to clear all fields?
+clear = Clear
+close = Close
+content = Content
+copy = Copy To Clipboard
+copyButton = &#43;
+copyButtonTooltip = Copy
+dateField = Date Field
+description = Help Text
+descriptionField = Description
+devMode = Developer Mode
+editNames = Edit Names
+editorTitle = Form Elements
+editXML = Edit XML
+enableOther = Enable &quot;Other&quot;
+enableOtherMsg = Let users enter an unlisted option
+fieldDeleteWarning = false
+fieldVars = Field Variables
+fieldNonEditable = This field cannot be edited.
+fieldRemoveWarning = Are you sure you want to remove this field?
+fileUpload = File Upload
+formUpdated = Form Updated
+getStarted = Drag a field from the right to this area
+header = Header
+hide = Edit
+hidden = Hidden Input
+inline = Inline
+inlineDesc = Display {type} inline
+label = Label
+labelEmpty = Field Label cannot be empty
+limitRole = Limit access to one or more of the following roles:
+mandatory = Mandatory
+maxlength = Max Length
+minOptionMessage = This field requires a minimum of 2 options
+minSelectionRequired = Minimum {min} selections required
+multipleFiles = Multiple Files
+name = Name
+no = No
+noFieldsToClear = There are no fields to clear
+number = Number
+off = Off
+on = On
+option = Option
+optionCount = Option {count}
+options = Options
+optional = optional
+optionLabelPlaceholder = Label
+optionValuePlaceholder = Value
+optionEmpty = Option value required
+other = Other
+paragraph = Paragraph
+placeholder = Placeholder
+placeholders.value = Value
+placeholders.label = Label
+placeholders.text =
+placeholders.textarea = = Enter your email
+placeholders.placeholder =
+placeholders.className = space separated classes
+placeholders.password = Enter your password
+preview = Preview
+radioGroup = Radio Group
+radio = Radio
+removeMessage = Remove Element
+removeOption = Remove Option
+remove = &#215;
+required = Required
+requireValidOption = Only accept a pre-defined Option
+richText = Rich Text Editor
+roles = Access
+rows = Rows
+save = Save
+selectOptions = Options
+select = Select
+selectColor = Select Color
+selectionsMessage = Allow Multiple Selections
+size = Size
+size.xs = Extra Small = Small
+size.m = Default
+size.lg = Large
+style = Style
+styles.btn.default = Default
+styles.btn.danger = Danger = Info
+styles.btn.primary = Primary
+styles.btn.success = Success
+styles.btn.warning = Warning
+subtype = Type
+text = Text Field
+textArea = Text Area
+toggle = Toggle
+warning = Warning!
+value = Value
+viewJSON = [{&hellip;}]
+viewXML = &lt;/&gt;
+yes = Yes

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 1 - 1

+ 71 - 9

@@ -24,20 +24,82 @@
     <!-- custom stuff, play arround  -->
     <!-- custom stuff, play arround  -->
-    <link rel='stylesheet' href='../css/bootstrap.min.css'>
-    <link rel='stylesheet' href='../css/formio.full.min.css'>
-    <link rel='stylesheet' href='../css/forms.css'>
-    <script src='../js/formio.full.min.js'></script>
-    <script src='../js/form_view.js'></script>
+    <script src='../js/form-render.min.js'></script>
       if (location.href.match(/\/$/) == null) {
       if (location.href.match(/\/$/) == null) {
         //location.href = location.href + '/';
         //location.href = location.href + '/';
-  <body>    
-    <div id='builder' style="display: none"></div>
-    <form id='form'></form>
-    <div id='submission'></div>
+  <body>
+  <form id="fb-render">
+  <script>
+function openlink(menuitem){
+  var menu = { name: menuitem };
+  $.ajax({
+    type: "PUT",
+    url:,
+    contentType: "application/json",
+    data: JSON.stringify(menu),
+    success: function (data) {
+    }
+  });
+var formRenderInstance;
+function objectifyForm(formArray) {
+  //serialize data function
+    var returnArray = {};
+    for (var i = 0; i < formArray.length; i++){
+        returnArray[formArray[i]['name']] = formArray[i]['value'];
+    }
+    return returnArray;
+//return json data that should be sent when frames button is pressed
+function buttonPressed(){
+  //does not allow for multi select boxes
+  //getting formdata: */
+  //var myForm = document.getElementById('fb-render');  
+  //return Object.fromEntries(new FormData(myForm));
+  objectifyForm($("#fb-render").serializeArray())
+  return objectifyForm($("#fb-render").serializeArray());
+  //return formRenderInstance.userData;
+jQuery(function($) {
+    $.ajax({
+      type: "GET",
+      url: "./json",
+      dataType: "json",
+      success: function(json) {
+        formRenderInstance = $('#fb-render').formRender({
+          formData: json,
+        });
+        //necesarry as input fields do not have unique names resulting in overriding when the data is serialized
+        $("#fb-render input[type=checkbox]").each(function(){
+ = this.value
+          this.value = "true"
+        });
+      },
+      error: function (request, status, error) {
+      }
+    });
+  </script>

+ 5 - 5

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 var builder;
 var builder;
 function saveForm() {
 function saveForm() {
-  /*
     type: "POST",
     type: "POST",
     url: "",
     url: "",
@@ -17,14 +17,15 @@ function saveForm() {
       alert(request.responseText + status + error);
       alert(request.responseText + status + error);
-  */
+  /*
+  Save HTML
   var formElement = document.getElementById('form');
   var formElement = document.getElementById('form');
   Formio.createForm(formElement, builder.instance.form);
   Formio.createForm(formElement, builder.instance.form);
-  //$("#form").html()
     type: "POST",
     type: "POST",
     url: "",
     url: "",
@@ -38,6 +39,7 @@ function saveForm() {
       alert(request.responseText + status + error);
       alert(request.responseText + status + error);
+  */
@@ -47,8 +49,6 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
   var jsonElement = document.getElementById('json');
   var jsonElement = document.getElementById('json');
   var subJSON = document.getElementById('subjson');
   var subJSON = document.getElementById('subjson');
   var onForm = function(form) {
   var onForm = function(form) {
     form.on('change', function() {
     form.on('change', function() {
       subJSON.innerHTML = '';
       subJSON.innerHTML = '';

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 19 - 0

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 19 - 0

+ 8 - 0

@@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
 var builder;  
 var builder;  
+//return json data that should be sent when frames button is pressed
+function buttonPressed(){
+  console.log("Form data send")
+  return $("#submission").html(); 
 function openlink(menuitem){
 function openlink(menuitem){
   var menu = { name: menuitem };
   var menu = { name: menuitem };