@@ -7,47 +7,119 @@
/** @brief we need a variable global to the module to make it possible for the visitors to access the namespace */
/** @brief we need a variable global to the module to make it possible for the visitors to access the namespace */
static Namespace* theNamespace;
static Namespace* theNamespace;
-/** @brief check if VariableNode is root by searching for parent and checking if this is not a VariableNode */
-_Bool UA_VariableNode_isRoot(const UA_VariableNode* node) {
- UA_Int32 i;
- for (i = 0; i < node->referencesSize; i++ ) {
- UA_Int32 refId = node->references[i].referenceTypeId.identifier.numeric;
- UA_Int32 isInverse = node->references[i].isInverse;
+UA_Int32 UA_Node_getParent(const UA_Node* node, const UA_Node** parent) {
+ UA_Int32 i = 0;
+ DBG(printf("// UA_Node_getParent - node={i=%d}",UA_NodeId_getIdentifier(&(node->nodeId))));
+ // FIXME: the data model is crap! we should have a single memory location which holds the parent NodeId
+ for (; i < node->referencesSize; i++ ) {
+ UA_Int32 refId = UA_NodeId_getIdentifier(&(node->references[i]->referenceTypeId));
+ UA_Int32 isInverse = node->references[i]->isInverse;
if (isInverse && (refId == 47 || refId == 46)) {
if (isInverse && (refId == 47 || refId == 46)) {
- Namespace_Entry_Lock* lock;
- const UA_Node* parent;
+ Namespace_Entry_Lock* lock = UA_NULL;
UA_Int32 retval;
UA_Int32 retval;
- retval = Namespace_get(theNamespace, &(node->references[i].targetId.nodeId),&parent,&lock);
- if (retval != UA_SUCCESS || parent == UA_NULL || parent->nodeClass == UA_NODECLASS_VARIABLE) {
- if (node->nodeId.identifier.numeric == 2007) {
- printf("strange 2007 not included retval=%d,parentId=%d,parent=%p\n, ",retval,node->references[i].targetId.nodeId.identifier.numeric,(void*)parent);
- }
- Namespace_Entry_Lock_release(lock);
- return UA_FALSE;
- }
+ retval = Namespace_get(theNamespace, &(node->references[i].targetId.nodeId),parent,&lock);
+ if (retval == UA_SUCCESS) {
+ DBG(printf(" has parent={i=%d}\n",UA_NodeId_getIdentifier(&((*parent)->nodeId))));
+ } else {
+ DBG(printf(" has non-existing parent={i=%d}\n",UA_NodeId_getIdentifier(&(node->references[i]->targetId.nodeId))));
+ }
+ return retval;
- return UA_TRUE;
+ // there is no parent, we are root
+ DBG(printf(" is root\n"));
+ *parent = UA_NULL;
+ return UA_SUCCESS;
+/** @brief recurse down to root and return root node */
+UA_Int32 UA_Node_getRoot(const UA_Node* node, const UA_Node** root) {
+ UA_Int32 retval = UA_SUCCESS;
+ const UA_Node* parent = UA_NULL;
+ if ( (retval = UA_Node_getParent(node,&parent)) == UA_SUCCESS ) {
+ if (parent != UA_NULL) { // recurse down to root node
+ retval = UA_Node_getRoot(parent,root);
+ } else { // node is root, terminate recursion
+ *root = node;
+ }
+ }
+ return retval;
+/** @brief check if VariableNode needs a memory object. This is the
+ * case if the parent is of type object and the root is type object
+ **/
+_Bool UA_VariableNode_needsObject(const UA_VariableNode* node) {
+ const UA_Node* parent = UA_NULL;
+ if ( UA_Node_getParent((UA_Node*)node,&parent) == UA_SUCCESS ) {
+ if (parent == UA_NULL)
+ return UA_TRUE;
+ if (parent->nodeClass == UA_NODECLASS_OBJECT ) {
+ const UA_Node* root;
+ if (UA_Node_getRoot(parent,&root) == UA_SUCCESS)
+ if (root == UA_NULL || root->nodeClass == UA_NODECLASS_OBJECT )
+ return UA_TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return UA_FALSE;
+/** @brief recurse down to root and get full qualified name */
+UA_Int32 UA_Node_getPath(const UA_Node* node, UA_list_List* list) {
+ UA_Int32 retval = UA_SUCCESS;
+ const UA_Node* parent = UA_NULL;
+ if ( (retval = UA_Node_getParent(node,&parent)) == UA_SUCCESS ) {
+ if (parent != UA_NULL) {
+ // recurse down to root node
+ UA_Int32 retval = UA_Node_getPath(parent,list);
+ // and add our own name when we come back
+ if (retval == UA_SUCCESS) {
+ UA_list_addPayloadToBack(list,(void*)&(node->browseName.name));
+ DBG(printf("// UA_Node_getPath - add id={i=%d},class=%d",UA_NodeId_getIdentifier(&(node->nodeId)),node->nodeClass));
+ DBG(UA_String_printf(",name=",&(node->browseName.name)));
+ }
+ } else {
+ // node is root, terminate recursion by adding own name
+ UA_list_addPayloadToBack(list,(void*)&node->browseName.name);
+ DBG(printf("// UA_Node_getPath - add id={i=%d},class=%d",UA_NodeId_getIdentifier(&(node->nodeId)),node->nodeClass));
+ DBG(UA_String_printf(",name=",&(node->browseName.name)));
+ }
+ }
+ return retval;
/** @brief some macros to lowercase the first character without copying around */
/** @brief some macros to lowercase the first character without copying around */
#define F_cls "%c%.*s"
#define F_cls "%c%.*s"
#define LC_cls(str) tolower((str).data[0]), (str).length-1, &((str).data[1])
#define LC_cls(str) tolower((str).data[0]), (str).length-1, &((str).data[1])
+void listPrintName(void * payload) {
+ UA_ByteString* name = (UA_ByteString*) payload;
+ if (name->length > 0) {
+ printf("_" F_cls, LC_cls(*name));
+ }
-/** @brief declares all the top level objects in the server's application memory
- * FIXME: shall add only top level objects, i.e. those that have no parents
- */
+/** @brief declares all the top level objects in the server's application memory */
void sam_declareAttribute(UA_Node const * node) {
void sam_declareAttribute(UA_Node const * node) {
- if (node->nodeClass == UA_NODECLASS_VARIABLE && UA_VariableNode_isRoot((UA_VariableNode*)node)) {
- UA_VariableNode* vn = (UA_VariableNode*) node;
- printf("\t%s " F_cls "; // i=%d\n", UA_.types[UA_ns0ToVTableIndex(&vn->dataType)].name, LC_cls(node->browseName.name), node->nodeId.identifier.numeric);
+ if (node->nodeClass == UA_NODECLASS_VARIABLE && UA_VariableNode_needsObject((UA_VariableNode*)node)) {
+ UA_list_List list; UA_list_init(&list);
+ UA_Int32 retval = UA_Node_getPath(node,&list);
+ if (retval == UA_SUCCESS) {
+ UA_VariableNode* vn = (UA_VariableNode*) node;
+ printf("\t%s ", UA_.types[UA_ns0ToVTableIndex(vn->typeId)].name);
+ UA_list_iteratePayload(&list,listPrintName);
+ printf("; // i=%d\n", node->nodeId.identifier.numeric);
+ } else {
+ printf("// could not determine path for i=%d\n",node->nodeId.identifier.numeric);
+ }
+ UA_list_destroy(&list,UA_NULL);
/** @brief declares all the buffers for string variables
/** @brief declares all the buffers for string variables
- * FIXME: traverse down to top level objects and create a unique name such as cstr_serverState_buildInfo_version
+ * FIXME: shall traverse down to the root object and create a unique name such as cstr_serverState_buildInfo_version
void sam_declareBuffer(UA_Node const * node) {
void sam_declareBuffer(UA_Node const * node) {
if (node != UA_NULL && node->nodeClass == UA_NODECLASS_VARIABLE) {
if (node != UA_NULL && node->nodeClass == UA_NODECLASS_VARIABLE) {
@@ -188,25 +260,25 @@ pattern p[] = {
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
- /* if (argc != 2) { */
- /* printf("usage: %s filename\n",argv[0]); */
- /* } else { */
- /* Namespace* ns; */
- /* if (Namespace_loadFromFile(&ns,0,"ROOT",argv[1]) != UA_SUCCESS) { */
- /* printf("error loading file {%s}\n", argv[1]); */
- /* } else { */
- /* theNamespace = ns; */
- /* for (pattern* pi = &p[0]; pi->s != UA_NULL || pi->v != UA_NULL; ++pi) { */
- /* if (pi->s) { */
- /* printf("%s",pi->s); */
- /* } */
- /* if (pi->v) { */
- /* Namespace_iterate(ns, pi->v); */
- /* } */
- /* } */
- /* // FIXME: crashes with a seg fault */
- /* // Namespace_delete(ns); */
- /* } */
- /* } */
+ if (argc != 2) {
+ printf("usage: %s filename\n",argv[0]);
+ } else {
+ Namespace* ns;
+ if (Namespace_loadFromFile(&ns,0,"ROOT",argv[1]) != UA_SUCCESS) {
+ printf("error loading file {%s}\n", argv[1]);
+ } else {
+ theNamespace = ns;
+ for (pattern* pi = &p[0]; pi->s != UA_NULL || pi->v != UA_NULL; ++pi) {
+ if (pi->s) {
+ printf("%s",pi->s);
+ }
+ if (pi->v) {
+ Namespace_iterate(ns, pi->v);
+ }
+ }
+ // FIXME: crashes with a seg fault
+ // Namespace_delete(ns);
+ }
+ }
return 0;
return 0;