@@ -1,588 +1,40 @@
- C ECHO client example using sockets
- This is an example client for internal benchmarks. It works, but is not ready
- for serious use. We do not really check any of the returns from the server.
- */
-#include <stdio.h> //printf
-#include <string.h> //strlen
-#include <sys/socket.h> //socket
-#include <arpa/inet.h> //inet_addr
-#include <unistd.h> // for close
-#include <stdlib.h> // pulls in declaration of malloc, free
- #include "ua_transport_generated.h"
- #include "ua_types_encoding_binary.h"
- #include "ua_util.h"
+ #include "ua_types.h"
+ #include "ua_client.h"
#include "open62541.h"
-typedef struct ConnectionInfo {
- UA_Int32 socket;
- UA_UInt32 channelId;
- UA_SequenceHeader sequenceHdr;
- UA_NodeId authenticationToken;
- UA_UInt32 tokenId;
-} ConnectionInfo;
-static UA_Int32 sendHello(UA_Int32 sock, UA_String *endpointURL) {
- UA_TcpMessageHeader messageHeader;
- messageHeader.messageTypeAndFinal = UA_MESSAGETYPEANDFINAL_HELF;
- UA_TcpHelloMessage hello;
- UA_String_copy(endpointURL, &hello.endpointUrl);
- hello.maxChunkCount = 1;
- hello.maxMessageSize = 16777216;
- hello.protocolVersion = 0;
- hello.receiveBufferSize = 65536;
- hello.sendBufferSize = 65536;
- messageHeader.messageSize = UA_TcpHelloMessage_calcSizeBinary((UA_TcpHelloMessage const*) &hello) +
- UA_TcpMessageHeader_calcSizeBinary((UA_TcpMessageHeader const*) &messageHeader);
- UA_ByteString message;
- UA_ByteString_newMembers(&message, messageHeader.messageSize);
- size_t offset = 0;
- UA_TcpMessageHeader_encodeBinary((UA_TcpMessageHeader const*) &messageHeader, &message, &offset);
- UA_TcpHelloMessage_encodeBinary((UA_TcpHelloMessage const*) &hello, &message, &offset);
- UA_Int32 sendret = send(sock, message.data, offset, 0);
- UA_ByteString_deleteMembers(&message);
- free(hello.endpointUrl.data);
- if (sendret < 0)
- return 1;
- return 0;
-static int sendOpenSecureChannel(UA_Int32 sock) {
- UA_TcpMessageHeader msghdr;
- msghdr.messageTypeAndFinal = UA_MESSAGETYPEANDFINAL_OPNF;
- UA_UInt32 secureChannelId = 0;
- UA_String securityPolicy;
- UA_String_copycstring("http://opcfoundation.org/UA/SecurityPolicy#None", &securityPolicy);
- UA_String senderCert;
- senderCert.data = UA_NULL;
- senderCert.length = -1;
- UA_String receiverCertThumb;
- receiverCertThumb.data = UA_NULL;
- receiverCertThumb.length = -1;
- UA_UInt32 sequenceNumber = 51;
- UA_UInt32 requestId = 1;
- UA_NodeId type;
- type.identifier.numeric = 446; // id of opensecurechannelrequest
- type.identifierType = UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC;
- type.namespaceIndex = 0;
- UA_OpenSecureChannelRequest opnSecRq;
- UA_OpenSecureChannelRequest_init(&opnSecRq);
- opnSecRq.requestHeader.timestamp = UA_DateTime_now();
- UA_ByteString_newMembers(&opnSecRq.clientNonce, 1);
- opnSecRq.clientNonce.data[0] = 0;
- opnSecRq.clientProtocolVersion = 0;
- opnSecRq.requestedLifetime = 30000;
- opnSecRq.requestHeader.authenticationToken.identifier.numeric = 10;
- opnSecRq.requestHeader.authenticationToken.identifierType = UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC;
- opnSecRq.requestHeader.authenticationToken.namespaceIndex = 10;
- msghdr.messageSize = 135; // todo: compute the message size from the actual content
- UA_ByteString message;
- UA_ByteString_newMembers(&message, 1000);
- size_t offset = 0;
- UA_TcpMessageHeader_encodeBinary(&msghdr, &message, &offset);
- UA_UInt32_encodeBinary(&secureChannelId, &message, &offset);
- UA_String_encodeBinary(&securityPolicy, &message, &offset);
- UA_String_encodeBinary(&senderCert, &message, &offset);
- UA_String_encodeBinary(&receiverCertThumb, &message, &offset);
- UA_UInt32_encodeBinary(&sequenceNumber, &message, &offset);
- UA_UInt32_encodeBinary(&requestId, &message, &offset);
- UA_NodeId_encodeBinary(&type, &message, &offset);
- UA_OpenSecureChannelRequest_encodeBinary(&opnSecRq, &message, &offset);
- UA_OpenSecureChannelRequest_deleteMembers(&opnSecRq);
- UA_String_deleteMembers(&securityPolicy);
- UA_Int32 sendret = send(sock, message.data, offset, 0);
- UA_ByteString_deleteMembers(&message);
- if (sendret < 0) {
- printf("send opensecurechannel failed");
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-static UA_Int32 sendCreateSession(UA_Int32 sock, UA_UInt32 channelId, UA_UInt32 tokenId, UA_UInt32 sequenceNumber,
- UA_UInt32 requestId, UA_String *endpointUrl) {
- UA_ByteString message;
- UA_ByteString_newMembers(&message, 65536);
- UA_UInt32 tmpChannelId = channelId;
- size_t offset = 0;
- UA_TcpMessageHeader msghdr;
- msghdr.messageTypeAndFinal = UA_MESSAGETYPEANDFINAL_MSGF;
- UA_NodeId type;
- type.identifier.numeric = 461;
- type.identifierType = UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC;
- type.namespaceIndex = 0;
- UA_CreateSessionRequest rq;
- UA_CreateSessionRequest_init(&rq);
- rq.requestHeader.requestHandle = 1;
- rq.requestHeader.timestamp = UA_DateTime_now();
- rq.requestHeader.timeoutHint = 10000;
- rq.requestHeader.authenticationToken.identifier.numeric = 10;
- rq.requestHeader.authenticationToken.identifierType = UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC;
- rq.requestHeader.authenticationToken.namespaceIndex = 10;
- UA_String_copy(endpointUrl, &rq.endpointUrl);
- UA_String_copycstring("mysession", &rq.sessionName);
- UA_String_copycstring("abcd", &rq.clientCertificate);
- UA_ByteString_newMembers(&rq.clientNonce, 1);
- rq.clientNonce.data[0] = 0;
- rq.requestedSessionTimeout = 1200000;
- rq.maxResponseMessageSize = UA_INT32_MAX;
- msghdr.messageSize = 16 + UA_TcpMessageHeader_calcSizeBinary(&msghdr) + UA_NodeId_calcSizeBinary(&type) +
- UA_CreateSessionRequest_calcSizeBinary(&rq);
- UA_TcpMessageHeader_encodeBinary(&msghdr, &message, &offset);
- UA_UInt32_encodeBinary(&tmpChannelId, &message, &offset);
- UA_UInt32_encodeBinary(&tokenId, &message, &offset);
- UA_UInt32_encodeBinary(&sequenceNumber, &message, &offset);
- UA_UInt32_encodeBinary(&requestId, &message, &offset);
- UA_NodeId_encodeBinary(&type, &message, &offset);
- UA_CreateSessionRequest_encodeBinary(&rq, &message, &offset);
- UA_Int32 sendret = send(sock, message.data, offset, 0);
- UA_ByteString_deleteMembers(&message);
- UA_CreateSessionRequest_deleteMembers(&rq);
- if (sendret < 0) {
- printf("send opensecurechannel failed");
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-static UA_Int32 closeSession(ConnectionInfo *connectionInfo) {
- size_t offset = 0;
- UA_ByteString message;
- UA_ByteString_newMembers(&message, 65536);
- UA_CloseSessionRequest rq;
- UA_CloseSessionRequest_init(&rq);
- rq.requestHeader.requestHandle = 1;
- rq.requestHeader.timestamp = UA_DateTime_now();
- rq.requestHeader.timeoutHint = 10000;
- rq.requestHeader.authenticationToken.identifier.numeric = 10;
- rq.requestHeader.authenticationToken.identifierType = UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC;
- rq.requestHeader.authenticationToken.namespaceIndex = 10;
- rq.deleteSubscriptions = UA_TRUE;
- UA_TcpMessageHeader msghdr;
- msghdr.messageTypeAndFinal = UA_MESSAGETYPEANDFINAL_MSGF;
- UA_NodeId type;
- type.identifier.numeric = 473;
- type.identifierType = UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC;
- type.namespaceIndex = 0;
- msghdr.messageSize = 16 + UA_TcpMessageHeader_calcSizeBinary(&msghdr) + UA_NodeId_calcSizeBinary(&type) +
- UA_CloseSessionRequest_calcSizeBinary(&rq);
- UA_TcpMessageHeader_encodeBinary(&msghdr, &message, &offset);
- UA_UInt32_encodeBinary(&connectionInfo->channelId, &message, &offset);
- UA_UInt32_encodeBinary(&connectionInfo->tokenId, &message, &offset);
- UA_UInt32_encodeBinary(&connectionInfo->sequenceHdr.sequenceNumber, &message, &offset);
- UA_UInt32_encodeBinary(&connectionInfo->sequenceHdr.requestId, &message, &offset);
- UA_NodeId_encodeBinary(&type, &message, &offset);
- UA_CloseSessionRequest_encodeBinary(&rq, &message, &offset);
- UA_Int32 sendret = send(connectionInfo->socket, message.data, offset, 0);
- UA_ByteString_deleteMembers(&message);
- UA_CloseSessionRequest_deleteMembers(&rq);
- if(sendret < 0) {
- printf("send closesessionrequest failed");
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-static UA_Int32 closeSecureChannel(ConnectionInfo *connectionInfo) {
- size_t offset = 0;
- UA_ByteString message;
- UA_ByteString_newMembers(&message, 65536);
- UA_CloseSecureChannelRequest rq;
- UA_CloseSecureChannelRequest_init(&rq);
- rq.requestHeader.requestHandle = 1;
- rq.requestHeader.timestamp = UA_DateTime_now();
- rq.requestHeader.timeoutHint = 10000;
- rq.requestHeader.authenticationToken.identifier.numeric = 10;
- rq.requestHeader.authenticationToken.identifierType = UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC;
- rq.requestHeader.authenticationToken.namespaceIndex = 10;
- UA_TcpMessageHeader msghdr;
- msghdr.messageTypeAndFinal = UA_MESSAGETYPEANDFINAL_CLOF;
- msghdr.messageSize = 4 + UA_TcpMessageHeader_calcSizeBinary(&msghdr) +
- UA_CloseSecureChannelRequest_calcSizeBinary(&rq);
- UA_TcpMessageHeader_encodeBinary(&msghdr, &message, &offset);
- UA_UInt32_encodeBinary(&connectionInfo->channelId, &message, &offset);
- UA_CloseSecureChannelRequest_encodeBinary(&rq, &message, &offset);
- UA_Int32 sendret = send(connectionInfo->socket, message.data, offset, 0);
- UA_ByteString_deleteMembers(&message);
- UA_CloseSecureChannelRequest_deleteMembers(&rq);
- if(sendret < 0) {
- printf("send CloseSecureChannelRequest failed");
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-static UA_Int32 sendActivateSession(UA_Int32 sock, UA_UInt32 channelId, UA_UInt32 tokenId, UA_UInt32 sequenceNumber,
- UA_UInt32 requestId, UA_NodeId authenticationToken) {
- UA_ByteString *message = UA_ByteString_new();
- UA_ByteString_newMembers(message, 65536);
- UA_UInt32 tmpChannelId = channelId;
- size_t offset = 0;
- UA_TcpMessageHeader msghdr;
- msghdr.messageTypeAndFinal = UA_MESSAGETYPEANDFINAL_MSGF;
- msghdr.messageSize = 86;
- UA_NodeId type;
- type.identifier.numeric = 467;
- type.identifierType = UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC;
- type.namespaceIndex = 0;
- UA_ActivateSessionRequest rq;
- UA_ActivateSessionRequest_init(&rq);
- rq.requestHeader.requestHandle = 2;
- rq.requestHeader.authenticationToken = authenticationToken;
- rq.requestHeader.timestamp = UA_DateTime_now();
- rq.requestHeader.timeoutHint = 10000;
- msghdr.messageSize = 16 + UA_TcpMessageHeader_calcSizeBinary(&msghdr) + UA_NodeId_calcSizeBinary(&type) +
- UA_ActivateSessionRequest_calcSizeBinary(&rq);
- UA_TcpMessageHeader_encodeBinary(&msghdr, message, &offset);
- UA_UInt32_encodeBinary(&tmpChannelId, message, &offset);
- UA_UInt32_encodeBinary(&tokenId, message, &offset);
- UA_UInt32_encodeBinary(&sequenceNumber, message, &offset);
- UA_UInt32_encodeBinary(&requestId, message, &offset);
- UA_NodeId_encodeBinary(&type, message, &offset);
- UA_ActivateSessionRequest_encodeBinary(&rq, message, &offset);
- UA_Int32 sendret = send(sock, message->data, offset, 0);
- UA_ByteString_delete(message);
- if (sendret < 0) {
- printf("send opensecurechannel failed");
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-static UA_Int64 sendReadRequest(ConnectionInfo *connectionInfo, UA_Int32 nodeIds_size,UA_NodeId* nodeIds){
- /*UA_Int32 sock, UA_UInt32 channelId, UA_UInt32 tokenId, UA_UInt32 sequenceNumber, UA_UInt32 requestId,
- UA_NodeId authenticationToken, UA_Int32 nodeIds_size,UA_NodeId* nodeIds) {
- */
- UA_ByteString *message = UA_ByteString_new();
- UA_ByteString_newMembers(message, 65536);
- UA_UInt32 tmpChannelId = connectionInfo->channelId;
- size_t offset = 0;
- UA_TcpMessageHeader msghdr;
- msghdr.messageTypeAndFinal = UA_MESSAGETYPEANDFINAL_MSGF;
- UA_NodeId type;
- type.identifier.numeric = 631;
- type.identifierType = UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC;
- type.namespaceIndex = 0;
- UA_ReadRequest rq;
- UA_ReadRequest_init(&rq);
- rq.maxAge = 0;
- rq.nodesToRead = UA_Array_new(&UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_READVALUEID], nodeIds_size);
- rq.nodesToReadSize = nodeIds_size;
- for(UA_Int32 i=0;i<nodeIds_size;i++) {
- UA_ReadValueId_init(&(rq.nodesToRead[i]));
- rq.nodesToRead[i].attributeId = 6; //WriteMask
- UA_NodeId_init(&(rq.nodesToRead[i].nodeId));
- rq.nodesToRead[i].nodeId = nodeIds[i];
- UA_QualifiedName_init(&(rq.nodesToRead[0].dataEncoding));
- }
- rq.requestHeader.timeoutHint = 10000;
- rq.requestHeader.timestamp = UA_DateTime_now();
- rq.requestHeader.authenticationToken = connectionInfo->authenticationToken;
- rq.timestampsToReturn = 0x03;
- rq.requestHeader.requestHandle = 1 + connectionInfo->sequenceHdr.requestId;
- msghdr.messageSize = 16 + UA_TcpMessageHeader_calcSizeBinary(&msghdr) + UA_NodeId_calcSizeBinary(&type) +
- UA_ReadRequest_calcSizeBinary(&rq);
- UA_TcpMessageHeader_encodeBinary(&msghdr,message,&offset);
- UA_UInt32_encodeBinary(&tmpChannelId, message, &offset);
- UA_UInt32_encodeBinary(&connectionInfo->tokenId, message, &offset);
- UA_UInt32_encodeBinary(&connectionInfo->sequenceHdr.sequenceNumber, message, &offset);
- UA_UInt32_encodeBinary(&connectionInfo->sequenceHdr.requestId, message, &offset);
- UA_NodeId_encodeBinary(&type,message,&offset);
- UA_ReadRequest_encodeBinary(&rq, message, &offset);
- UA_DateTime tic = UA_DateTime_now();
- UA_Int32 sendret = send(connectionInfo->socket, message->data, offset, 0);
- UA_Array_delete(rq.nodesToRead, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_READVALUEID], nodeIds_size);
- UA_ByteString_delete(message);
- if (sendret < 0) {
- printf("send readrequest failed");
- return 1;
- }
- return tic;
-static int ua_client_connectUA(char* ipaddress,int port, UA_String *endpointUrl, ConnectionInfo *connectionInfo,
- UA_Boolean stateless, UA_Boolean udp) {
- UA_ByteString reply;
- UA_ByteString_newMembers(&reply, 65536);
- int sock;
- struct sockaddr_in server;
- //Create socket
- if(udp==UA_TRUE){
- sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
- }else{
- sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
- }
- if(sock == -1) {
- printf("Could not create socket");
- return 1;
- }
- server.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ipaddress);
- server.sin_family = AF_INET;
- server.sin_port = htons(port);
- if(connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &server, sizeof(server)) < 0) {
- perror("connect failed. Error");
- return 1;
- }
- connectionInfo->socket = sock;
- if(stateless){
- UA_NodeId_init(&connectionInfo->authenticationToken);
- connectionInfo->channelId=0;
- UA_SequenceHeader_init(&connectionInfo->sequenceHdr);
- connectionInfo->tokenId=0;
- return 0;
- }else{
- sendHello(sock, endpointUrl);
- recv(sock, reply.data, reply.length, 0);
- sendOpenSecureChannel(sock);
- recv(sock, reply.data, reply.length, 0);
- size_t recvOffset = 0;
- UA_TcpMessageHeader msghdr;
- UA_TcpMessageHeader_decodeBinary(&reply, &recvOffset, &msghdr);
- UA_AsymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader asymHeader;
- UA_NodeId rspType;
- UA_OpenSecureChannelResponse openSecChannelRsp;
- UA_UInt32_decodeBinary(&reply, &recvOffset, &connectionInfo->channelId);
- UA_AsymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader_decodeBinary(&reply,&recvOffset,&asymHeader);
- UA_AsymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader_deleteMembers(&asymHeader);
- UA_SequenceHeader_decodeBinary(&reply,&recvOffset,&connectionInfo->sequenceHdr);
- UA_NodeId_decodeBinary(&reply,&recvOffset,&rspType);
- UA_OpenSecureChannelResponse_decodeBinary(&reply,&recvOffset,&openSecChannelRsp);
- connectionInfo->tokenId = openSecChannelRsp.securityToken.tokenId;
- sendCreateSession(sock, connectionInfo->channelId, openSecChannelRsp.securityToken.tokenId, 52, 2, endpointUrl);
- recv(sock, reply.data, reply.length, 0);
- UA_NodeId messageType;
- recvOffset = 24;
- UA_NodeId_decodeBinary(&reply,&recvOffset,&messageType);
- UA_CreateSessionResponse createSessionResponse;
- UA_CreateSessionResponse_decodeBinary(&reply,&recvOffset,&createSessionResponse);
- connectionInfo->authenticationToken = createSessionResponse.authenticationToken;
- sendActivateSession(sock, connectionInfo->channelId, connectionInfo->tokenId, 53, 3,
- connectionInfo->authenticationToken);
- recv(sock, reply.data, reply.length, 0);
- UA_OpenSecureChannelResponse_deleteMembers(&openSecChannelRsp);
- UA_String_deleteMembers(&reply);
- UA_CreateSessionResponse_deleteMembers(&createSessionResponse);
- return 0;
- }
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "networklayer_tcp.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- int defaultParams = argc < 8;
- //start parameters
- if(defaultParams) {
- printf("1st parameter: number of nodes to read \n");
- printf("2nd parameter: number of read-tries \n");
- printf("3rd parameter: name of the file to save measurement data \n");
- printf("4th parameter: 1 = read same node, 0 = read different nodes \n");
- printf("5th parameter: ip adress \n");
- printf("6th parameter: port \n");
- printf("7th parameter: 0=stateful, 1=stateless\n");
- printf("8th parameter: 0=tcp, 1=udp (only with stateless calls)\n");
- printf("\nUsing default parameters. \n");
- }
- UA_UInt32 nodesToReadSize;
- UA_UInt32 tries;
- UA_Boolean alwaysSameNode;
- UA_ByteString reply;
- UA_ByteString_newMembers(&reply, 65536);
- UA_Boolean stateless;
- UA_Boolean udp;
- if(defaultParams)
- nodesToReadSize = 1;
- else
- nodesToReadSize = atoi(argv[1]);
- if(defaultParams)
- tries= 2;
- else
- tries = (UA_UInt32) atoi(argv[2]);
- if(defaultParams){
- alwaysSameNode = UA_TRUE;
- }else{
- if(atoi(argv[4]) != 0)
- alwaysSameNode = UA_TRUE;
- else
- alwaysSameNode = UA_FALSE;
- }
- if(defaultParams){
- stateless = UA_FALSE;
- }else{
- if(atoi(argv[7]) != 0)
- stateless = UA_TRUE;
- else
- stateless = UA_FALSE;
- }
- if(defaultParams){
- udp = UA_FALSE;
- }else{
- if(atoi(argv[8]) != 0)
- udp = UA_TRUE;
- else
- udp = UA_FALSE;
- }
- //Connect to remote server
- UA_String endpoint;
- UA_String_copycstring("none",&endpoint);
- ConnectionInfo connectionInfo;
- UA_NodeId *nodesToRead;
- nodesToRead = UA_Array_new(&UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_NODEID], nodesToReadSize);
- for(UA_UInt32 i = 0; i<nodesToReadSize; i++) {
- if(alwaysSameNode)
- nodesToRead[i].identifier.numeric = 2253; //ask always the same node
- else
- nodesToRead[i].identifier.numeric = 19000 +i;
- nodesToRead[i].identifierType = UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC;
- nodesToRead[i].namespaceIndex = 0;
- }
- UA_DateTime tic, toc;
- UA_Double *timeDiffs;
- UA_Int32 received;
- timeDiffs = UA_Array_new(&UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_DOUBLE], tries);
- UA_Double sum = 0;
- for(UA_UInt32 i = 0; i < tries; i++) {
- //if(stateless || (!stateless && i==0)){
- tic = UA_DateTime_now();
- if(defaultParams){
- if(ua_client_connectUA("",atoi("16664"),&endpoint,&connectionInfo,stateless,udp) != 0){
- return 0;
- }
- }else{
- if(ua_client_connectUA(argv[5],atoi(argv[6]),&endpoint,&connectionInfo,stateless,udp) != 0){
- return 0;
- }
- }
- //}
- sendReadRequest(&connectionInfo,nodesToReadSize,nodesToRead);
- received = recv(connectionInfo.socket, reply.data, 2000, 0);
- toc = UA_DateTime_now() - tic;
- timeDiffs[i] = (UA_Double)toc/(UA_Double)1e4;
- sum = sum + timeDiffs[i];
- closeSession(&connectionInfo);
- recv(connectionInfo.socket, reply.data, 2000, 0);
- closeSecureChannel(&connectionInfo);
- //if(stateless || (!stateless && i==tries-1)){
- close(connectionInfo.socket);
- //}
- }
- UA_Double mean = sum / tries;
- printf("mean time for handling request: %16.10f ms \n",mean);
- if(received>0)
- printf("received: %i\n",received); // dummy
- //save to file
- char data[100];
- const char flag = 'a';
- FILE* fHandle = UA_NULL;
- if (defaultParams) {
- fHandle = fopen("client.log", &flag);
- }else{
- fHandle = fopen(argv[3], &flag);
- }
- //header
- UA_Int32 bytesToWrite = sprintf(data, "measurement %s in ms, nodesToRead %d \n", argv[3], nodesToReadSize);
- fwrite(data,1,bytesToWrite,fHandle);
- for(UA_UInt32 i=0;i<tries;i++) {
- bytesToWrite = sprintf(data,"%16.10f \n",timeDiffs[i]);
- fwrite(data,1,bytesToWrite,fHandle);
- }
- fclose(fHandle);
- UA_String_deleteMembers(&reply);
- UA_Array_delete(nodesToRead,&UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_NODEID], nodesToReadSize);
- UA_free(timeDiffs);
- return 0;
+ UA_Client *client = UA_Client_new();
+ UA_ClientNetworkLayer nl = ClientNetworkLayerTCP_new(UA_ConnectionConfig_standard);
+ //if(UA_Client_connect(client, UA_ConnectionConfig_standard, nl, "opc.tcp://localhost:48020") != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD)
+ if(UA_Client_connect(client, UA_ConnectionConfig_standard, nl, "opc.tcp://localhost:16664") != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD)
+ return 0;
+ UA_NodeId node;
+ //node.namespaceIndex = 4;
+ //node.identifierType = UA_NODEIDTYPE_STRING;
+ //UA_String_copycstring("Demo.Static.Scalar.Int32", &node.identifier.string);
+ node.namespaceIndex = 1;
+ node.identifierType = UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC;
+ node.identifier.numeric = 76;
+ UA_ReadRequest read_req;
+ UA_ReadRequest_init(&read_req);
+ read_req.nodesToRead = UA_ReadValueId_new();
+ read_req.nodesToReadSize = 1;
+ read_req.nodesToRead[0].nodeId = node;
+ read_req.nodesToRead[0].attributeId = UA_ATTRIBUTEID_VALUE;
+ UA_ReadResponse read_resp = UA_Client_read(client, &read_req);
+ printf("the answer is: %i\n", *(UA_Int32*)read_resp.results[0].value.dataPtr);
+ UA_ReadRequest_deleteMembers(&read_req);
+ UA_ReadResponse_deleteMembers(&read_resp);
+ UA_Client_disconnect(client);
+ UA_Client_delete(client);